Department of Education Bureau of Learning Delivery Teaching and Learning Division

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Department of Education

Bureau of Learning Delivery Teaching and

Learning Division

Grade Levels: Grade 11/12

Semester: First

UCSP11/12HSOIIIc-30; UCSP11/12HSOIId-31

Good Day!
How are you?
I hope you are all in Good health.

I‟m your teacher Raffy and this will be our 9th Week of Quarter 2
module of your subject UCSP.

Our Objectives in this module are:

At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
 Examine the concept, characteristics, and forms
of the stratification systems.
 Suggest ways to address local and global

“Social inequality reflects innate differences between individuals for example their
varying abilities and efforts. Someone may be endowed with exceptional intelligence or
talent or may have worked very hard to achieve their wealth and status. Inequalities exist in
all types of human society. Even in the simplest cultures, where variations in wealth or
property are virtually non-existent, there are inequalities between individuals, men and
women, the young and old. A person may have a higher status than others, because of
particular prowess at hunting, for instance, or because he or she believed to have special
access to the ancestral spirits. To describe inequalities, sociologist speaks of social

“Why are some groups in a society more wealthy or powerful than others? How
unequal are modern societies? How much chance has someone from a lowly
background of reaching the top of the economic ladder? Why does poverty
persist in affluent countries?”

“It is because the study of social inequalities is one of the most

important areas of sociology, and the material resources to which people
have access determine a great deal about their lives.”

Very good!
Are these laws in our country that compels parents to send their children to
school for education? What are these? Suppose parents violate these laws, what
punishment do they receive? Write your answer on your notebook.

ESSAY: Answer the following questions.

1. How is society stratified?

2. How does social inequality develop in society?
3. How does inequality exist among states?
4. How can social inequality be addressed?
5. Identify a situation where inequality exists between (a) groups of
people and (b) two countries. Propose ways to address these


Social Stratification can be defined as structures inequalities

between different groupings of people. It is useful to think of
stratification as rather like the geological layering of rock in the
Earth‟s surface. Societies can be seen as consisting of „strata‟ in a
hierarchy, with the more favored at the top and the less privileged
nearer the bottom.

Four Basic Systems of Stratification:

1.Slavery- is an extreme form of inequality in which some individuals are

literally owned by others as their property. The legal conditions if save
ownership have varied considerably between different societies.
2.Caste- is associated above all with the cultures of the Indian
subcontinent. The term „caste‟ itself is not an Indian one, coming
from the Portuguese casta, meaning „race‟ or „pure stock‟. Indians
themselves have no single term for describing the caste system as a
whole, but a variety of words referring to different aspects of it.
The two main ones being varna and jati. The varna
consists of four categories, each ranked differently in terms
of social honor. Below these four groupings are the
„untouchables‟, those in the lowest position of all. Brahmins
represents the most elevated condition of purity. The jati are the
locally defined group within which the caste ranks organized.

3.Estates-were part of European Feudalism, but also existed in

many other traditional civilizations. The feudal estates
considered of strata with differing obligations and rights
towards each other, some of these differences being
established by law. In Europe, the highest estate was composed
of the Aristocracy and gentry. The Clergy formed another
estate, having lower status but possessing various distinctive
privileges. The third estate were the commoners, serfs, free
peasants, merchants, and artisans.

4.Class- is a large-scale groupings of people who share

common economic resources, which strongly influence the type
of lifestyle they are able to lead.

Class systems differ in many respects from slavery, castes

or estates. Classes are not established by legal or religious
provisions; membership is not based on inherited position as
specified either legally or by custom. Class systems are typically
more fluid than the other types of stratification and boundaries
between classes are never clear-cut. There are no formal
restrictions on intermarriage between people from different

Do you have an idea of how many classes that exist

in western societies?

The major classes that exist in Western societies are:

1. Upper Class- (the wealthy, employers

and industrialist, plus top executives- those who own
directly control productive resources).
2. Middle Class-(which includes most
white-collar workers and professionals).
3. Working Class-(those in blue-collar or manual jobs).
4. Peasants- (people engaged in traditional types of
agricultural production).

Very Good!
Why social inequality is considered as the heart of sociology?

Society is composed of different individuals who possess

different characteristics and are born in different circumstances.
Thus, they have different attributes, as well as different levels of
power, wealth, and prestige. These could have adverse effects
on the equality of members of a society. And since, sociology is
the study about people, thus, inequalities exist in all types of
human society. Even in the simplest cultures, where variations in
wealth or property are virtually non-existent, there are
inequalities between individuals, men and women, the young
and old.

Very Good!


What values or moral lesson we can get

from our class discussion?

Some traits are difficult to alter and change. While others can be
changed as one progresses toward adult life, and earn the ability to
make decisions and choices. The manner by which one can have
the ability to be in control of one‟s life to achieve social desirables
like wealth, power, and prestige the circumstances within which one
is born. Thus, the lesson, I‟ve learned from our discussion is to respect
the value of human life and uphold the value of human dignity.

Very Good!
Define the following concepts in one or two sentences.

Social Inequality Caste System Estates Middle class Peasants

Class System Slavery Upper class Working class Social

I have learned that ________________


I have realized that ________________


I will apply _____________


Write an argument essay that explains the nature of social inequality (class,
gender ethnic) in the Philippines. Discuss the current state of social inequality in the
Philippines. Do you think social inequality can be addressed by the Philippine
government? Can you suggest ways on how to reduce the social disparity and
discrimination in the Philippines?


Online: – July

31, 2020


Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics, Phoenix Publishing House, Contreras, 2016.

Sociology Third Edition, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 108 Cowley Road Oxford OX4 1JF, UK, Anthony
Giddens, 1997,p. 240-243

Prepared by:

Teacher II
Division of Negros Occidental
Region VI
Answer Sheet/ Activity Sheet
Subject Teacher: ___________________________________________Date:_________________

Name of Student: ________________________________________________________________

Grade level: ________________________Section:______________Specialization:_____________


Module Week: 9 Quarter: 2 ______semester

Contact Number: ________________

Printed Name &Signature of the Parent/Guardian

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