German Army - 716 Infanteriedivision

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The 716th Infantry Division was a static or coastal defense division established in 1941 that lacked battle experience and was primarily engaged in construction and training along the Atlantic Wall in Normandy until D-Day. It was composed of older, less fit soldiers.

The 716th Infantry Division was a static or coastal defense division that lacked battle experience, having avoided combat on the Eastern Front. It was engaged primarily in construction and training. By May 1944 it was understrength and composed of two grenadier regiments, three Ost battalions, an artillery regiment and other support units.

Page 2 describes the composition and equipment of the 716th Infantry Division in May 1944, including its grenadier regiments, Ost battalions, artillery regiment with various guns and howitzers, pioneer battalion, and anti-tank battalion with Marders.

716. Infanteriedivision
(Infantry Division)
In spite of being established for more than three years by 6 On 21 December 1943 the division had 9,343 personnel of
June of 1944, the 716. Infanteriedivision lacked battle expe- all ranks, but by 1 May 1944 it only had 7,771 men due to
rience and throughout that time it had avoided the horrors the transfer of many fit men to the Eastern Front. It was the
of the war on the Eastern Front. Instead it had dedicated division in Normandy with the least personnel.
its time to training and the construction fortifications and
The division consisted of:
strong points along the Atlantic Wall in Normandy.
• Infantry: two Grenadier Regiments (726. and 736.).
716. Infanteriedivision had been organized at the beginning
They were also assigned three Ost-Battalions, who were
of May 1941, and was transferred at the end of that month
poorly armed and trained (439., 441. and 642.).
to the quarters of training in the area in Rouen, France.
During 1941-43 it undertook various training, coastal and • Artillery: 716. Artillerieregiment had captured French
security duties around France. At the end of March 1942 it 15.5cm and Czech 10cm howitzers. Additionally
was transferred to the area of Caen-Carentan in Normandy, they were assigned support from other artillery (155.
where it remained until March 1944. The 90-kilometre-wide Panzerartillerie-regiment, 21. Panzerdivision and 989.
front had been held by the 323. Infanteriedivision, who had Artillerieabtielung from the Korps command).
been transferred to the Eastern Front. • 716. Pionier Bataillon and 716. Panzerjägerabtielung.
From its formation in 1941 until 1 April 1943 the The Panzerjäger Battalion had 10 Marders. In May they had
716. Infanteriedivision was commanded by Generalleutnant a motorised company of eight 7.5cm PaK40 anti-tank guns.
Matterstock. His successor was Generalmajor (later The artillery regiment consisted of the following
Generalleutnant) Wilhelm Richter. In May 1942 the equipment:
division was assigned to the 84th Korps, which came under
the command of the 7th Army. • 1st to 3rd, and 5th to 9th Batteries: Four each of Czech
10cm leFH14/19(t) howiters.
Like other Static divisions along the Atlantic coast, the
• 4th and 10th Batteries: Four each of French 15.5cm
716. Infanteriedivision had little or no mobility and its per-
sonnel, in general, belonged to the lowest category of recruit,
coming from the older age groups or from the Landsturm 642. and 439. Ost-Bataillons constituted the fourth battal-
home defence militia. The only real advantages offered by ions of the 736. and 726. Grenadierregiments, whereas 441.
this type of division was its daily contact between men and was included in the division, but not as an organic part of
officers over a long time and a good knowledge of their area any regiment. However, it seems that it was subordinated to
of operations. 726. Grenadierregiment for tactical purposes.

At first the 716. Infanteriedivision had to cover all the 352. Infanteriedivision and 716. Infanteriedivision troops
sectors from Carentan to the estuary of the Orne. When the could not be taken advantage of by German commanders.
352. Infanterisdivision was deployed to the east of Carentan, Allied air superiority and naval bombardment kept poten-
the two divisions were mixed. 439. Ost-Battailon remained in tial German counterattacks at bay. Cut off in well-arranged
the Isigny sector, the III/726. Grenadierregiment was located positions, the soldiers of division inflicted heavy loses on the
in the area of Grandcamp, and the I/726. Grenadierregiment American troops landing in the five sectors. Despite this all
stayed to the northeast of Bayeux. These three battalions the defensive positions of the beach were captured one after
were tactically subordinated to 352. Infanteriedivision. the other.
On 6 June 1944, elements of 716. Infanteriedivision were On Juno Beach, the density of troops was a little stronger
involved in the fighting on Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword than elsewhere. Especially as the delay between prepara-
beaches. In last three beaches, 716. Infanteriedivision tory bombardments and the actual landings allowed the
provided the sole defensive formation until the arrival of German defenders time to recover. Units of the 3rd Canadian
units of 21. Panzerdivision. Division recorded their losses were similar to the Americans
on Omaha Beach.
The Normandy Invasion However, on Gold Beach the 716. Infanteriedivision didn’t
The 716. Infanteriedivision was one of the principal units to fare so well. The beach yielded to the assault after very little
meet the Allies on 6 June 1944. Indeed, on the dawn of fighting. A more effective preparatory bombardment left the
6 June, the entire division’s compliment of regiments were defenders with almost no time to recover before the beach
engaged: was attacked. As a consequence a breach was opened towards
Omaha Beach: 3 companies in the coastal blockhouses and Bayeux.
1 in support The incident worried the command of 352. Infanteriedivision
Gold Beach: 3 companies in the coastal blockhouses and sufficiently and a counterattack was arranged for the after-
4 in the Korps reserve, plus 4 Russian companies, with noon of 6 June. Kampfgruppe Meyer was diverted from opera-
another 11 companies near Gold Beach tions against the American paratroopers in the Cerisy Forest
to attack the British advancing off Gold Beach. A number
Juno Beach: 3 companies in the coastal blockhouses and of StuG assault guns were lost, but the British advance was
1 company of cyclists in reserve halted and the Germans accounted for a number of British
Sword Beach: 3 companies in the coastal blockhouses Sherman tanks.

On Omaha Beach the strong resistance put up by the To a lesser extent, German resistance appeared ineffective

on Sword Beach, its thinly deployed forces were unable to • 711. Infanteriedivision: 1st and 3rd company of
prevent the junction between the British 3rd Division and the 736. Infanterieregiment I Battalion (5 officers, 39
6th Airborne Division. NCOs and 239 men) and 1st and 3rd batteries of the
Quickly overwhelmed, Generalleutnant Wilhelm Richter 1716. Artillerieregiment;
called on the 21. Panzerdivision, in reserve around Caen, • 346. Infanteriedivision: 642. Ost-Battailon and the
for aid. During mid morning the German command was 716. Pionier Battailon (8 officers, 35 NCOs and 180
especially worried by the British paratroop landings east of men);
the Orne. • 21. Panzerdivision: Kampfgruppes Koch and Roth, and
The support was not forthcoming as an absence of orders remains of the III Battalion of 736. Infanterieregiment
from the high command prevented the 21. Panzerdivision (21 officers, 151 NCOs and 586 men);
from acting. • 352. Infanteriedivision: 439. Ost-Battailon and the III
Finally the Panzers counterattack in the late afternoon Battalion batteries of the 1716. Artillerieregiment (16
between Juno Beach and Sword Beach and reached the sea. officers, 72 NCOs and 316 men).
However, by the end of evening of 6 June, the tanks withdraw The losses of the 716. Infanteriedivision in Normandy are es-
to concentrate around Caen. The 716. Infanteriedivision lost timated at 6300 men. After its evacuations it was once more
its support and started to withdraw in small groups towards put on coastal defensive duties in the south of France.
the south during the night.
After the secondary Allied invasion in southern France the
By the end of the day all elements of the 716. Infanteriedivision 716. Infanteriedivision retreated toward Germany, and was
had been beaten on all beaches. They had taken very high destroyed near Colmar in January 1945.
losses (estimates put it as high as 3,000 men), but had fought
bravely on some fronts. 716. Volksgrenadier Division
As the fighting continued to hold back the Allied invasion The division was reconstituted a second time as the 716.
force, the weakened division was further worn down. On Volksgrenadierdivision in April 1945, and surrendered to the
15 June the decision was made to withdraw it and send it to Americans in May.
the south of France to be placed under the command of the
German 1st Army.
Many units remained attached to other divisions (as of 29

Special Rules
A Festungskompanie uses all the German special rules on Everything Must Fire On the Beaches
pages 241 to 245 of the rulebook and the following addi-
With every possible weapon sited to fire on the beaches,
tional rules.
the few troops held back for the corps reserve are the only
counterattack force available. Being sited well back from the
Fortifications beaches, they are unable to intervene anywhere quickly.
Being static defensive troops manning fixed fortifications,
Use the Armoured Reserves rule on page 269 of the
716. Infanteriedivision is always on the defensive.
The plus side is that they are manning fortifications. As a
result you can field fortifications in any battle.
A Festungskompanie will Always Defend.
A Festungskompnie may purchase D-Day Beach
Fortifications as part of their force making them a Fortified
Company (see page 257 of the rulebook).

Goliath Demolition Carriers

The Goliath demolition carriers are emplaced in small
tunnels on the edge of the beach. The controller must use
them where they are—there is no way of moving them.
Remove the Goliath remote-control demolition carrier from
a team equipped with one if the team moves.

Fortress Company

(Infantry Company)


You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each
box shaded grey.

Festungskompanie HQ
Combat Platoons

Weapons Platoons

Corps and Divisional Support Platoons

Infantry Artillery Armour
Tank-hunter Platoon

StuG Platoon

Festungs Grenadier Festungs Mortar Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon


Platoon Platoon

Infantry Infantry
Grenadier Platoon

Ost Grenadier Platoon

Regimental Support Platoons

Festungs Grenadier

Panzergrenadier Platoon


Infantry Festungs Infantry


Gun Platoon Artillery

Festungs Artillery Battery

Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery

Festungs Grenadier

Platoon Motorised Artillery Battery

Festungs Anti-tank Gun

Platoon Fortifications
D-Day Beach Fortifications



Motivation and Skill
Reluctant Conscript
With more experience building fortifications than training for battle, 726. Grenadierregiment
Confident Trained
and 736. Grenadierregiment from 716. Infanteriedivision are rated as Confident
Trained. Fearless Veteran



Festungskompanie HQ
Company HQ 35 points

• Replace either or both Command SMG teams with
Command Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points
per team.
• Add Mortar Section with two Light Mortar teams
for +30 points, with three Light Mortar teams for
+45 points, with two 8cm GW42 (Stummelwerfer)
mortars for +35 points, or three 8cm GW42
(Stummelwerfer) mortars for +50 points.
Festungskompanie HQ
• Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per team.

A Festungskompanie (pronounced fest-oongs kom-pan-ee), and anti-tank rocket launchers are allocated to the platoon
or Fortress Company, is a Grenadier company assigned to strongpoints. Separated like this, their fire is not intense, but
the beach defences of Normandy. The company mortars immediately available where it is needed.


Festungs Grenadier Platoon

HQ Section with:
3 Grenadier Squads 120 points
2 Grenadier Squads 85 points Command Rifle/MG team

• Replace Command Rifle/MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points.
• Equip one Rifle/MG team with a Goliath remote- Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
controlled demolition carrier as well as its normal
weapons for +30 points.

The Grenadiers defending the D-Day beaches were caught

by surprise, but are still confident of their ability to hold the Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Ami’s and Tommy’s at bay until the Panzers arrived to finish
the job.
Festungs Grenadier Platoon
Although the ones on Omaha Beach were not quite ready
in time for D-Day, the Goliat remote-controlled demoli-
tion carriers emplaced as part of the beach defences could The rules for remote-control demolition carriers are on pages
have caused many casualties amongst the first wave of the 232 to 233 of the rulebook.


Festungs Mortar Platoon

HQ Section with:
3 Mortar Sections 135 points
2 Mortar Sections 95 points
1 Mortar Section 55 points

• Replace Command SMG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points.

Every battalion of 716. Infanteriedivision has a platoon of six

medium mortars for fire support. While medium mortars are
not particularly deadly against dug in troops, their ability to
range in quickly makes them useful against troops storming
across the exposed beaches.
While the company mortars are usually distributed one to
each platoon strongpoint, the battalion mortars operate as a
group, massing their fire on whichever section of the beach Festungs Mortar Platoon
is most heavily threatened at the moment. With an observer
attached to each company defence nest, the mortars’ concen-
trated fire will smash any enemy assault groups forming up
to storm the front-line defences.


Festungs Infantry Gun Platoon

HQ Section with:
2 7.5cm leIG18 50 points
2 15cm sIG33 100 points

• Add horse-drawn limbers at +5 points for the platoon.

The guns are dual purpose weapons providing both anti-tank

capability and a useful high-explosive round for knocking Infanty gun Infanty gun
out machine-gun posts threatening your counterattacks.
Site your guns to give you the capability to bombard the
beach, pinning the enemy. Later, if the enemy overcomes
your defences on the beach the guns can fire directly at tanks
and guns attempting to move forward Festungs Infantry Gun Platoon

Festungs Anti-tank Gun Platoon
HQ Section with:
3 7.5cm PaK40 120 points
2 7.5cm PaK40 80 points
3 5cm PaK38 70 points
2 5cm PaK38 50 points
3 3.7cm PaK36 60 points
2 3.7cm PaK36 40 points

• Add trucks to 7.5cm PaK40 guns at +5 points for the

The 716. Infanteriedivision had available regimental anti-tank

guns and a divisional Panzerjäger Abteilung. The regiments
were backed up by 3.7cm PaK36 and 5cm PaK38 guns,
while the Panzerjäger Abteilung supplied 7.5cm PaK40 heavy
anti-tanks guns.
With so few mobile guns available, the infantry must rely
on the bunker-enclosed anti-tank guns and their own close- Festungs Anti-tank Gun Platoon
combat weapons for self defence. The anti-tank guns defend
in depth to annihilate enemy tank breakthroughs, allowing fire. Instead, place your guns in defilade, out of sight of the
the Grenadiers to counter­attack and re-establish the front enemy until they reach the killing zone. That way they will
line. destroy the enemy at point-blank range. Even if they do not
fire, they will still force the enemy into less advantageous
Select the most dangerous enemy attack routes, then position attack routes.
your anti-tank guns in defilade to cover the route. If you
put your anti-tank guns ‘in the shop window’, the enemy If enemy tanks do not present a threat, the anti-tank guns
will knock them out from long range before the guns can become highly effective infantry guns, using them to knock
out enemy machine-guns and other heavy weapons.

Tank-hunter Platoon
4 Marder I 180 points
3 Marder I 135 points
2 Marder I 90 points
Command Marder I Marder I
The 716. Panzer­jägerabteilung, in addition to its nine 7.5cm
PaK40 guns, was also armed with ten self-propelled 7.5cm
PaK40 guns on converted French chassis. On D-day the Marder I Marder I
tank hunters were positioned near Biéville.

Festungs Artillery Battery
HQ Section with:
4 10cm leFH14/19(t) 160 points
2 10cm leFH14/19(t) 85 points
4 12.2cm FH396(r) 160 points
2 12.2cm FH396(r) 85 points

Your divisional artillery is your heavy firepower. The key is

to site your guns well back in gun pits where they cannot be
harmed by the enemy, and use your fortifications to hold the
enemy in their zone of destruction while the guns pound
them to pieces.
The 10cm leFH14/19(t) howitzer supporting 716.
Infanteriedivision is the gun used by the Italian Army earlier
in the war, where it was known as the 100/17.
Also attached to the division was the 989. Artillerieabteilung
Festungs Artillery Battery
armed with the captured Soviet FH396(r) howtizer. This
battery was stationed near Reviers east of Bayeux.

Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery

HQ Section with:
4 15.5cm sFH414(f) 190 points
2 15.5cm sFH414(f) 100 points

As well as the 10cm howitzers, two battalions were armed

with ex-French 15.5cm sFH414 (f ) (155mm C mle 1917 S)
heavy howitzers.

Festungs Heavy Artillery Battery

Kampfgruppe Meyer SUPPORT PLATOONS

Motivation and Skill

Reluctant Conscript
The troops of Kampfgruppe Meyer were diverted to aid the 716. Infanteriedivision units
Confident Trained
defending Gold beach. StuG Platoons and Grenadier Platoons are rated Confident
Veteran. Fearless Veteran

Kampfgruppe Meyer

StuG Platoon
3 StuG G 285 points
2 StuG G 190 points

1352. StuG Abteilung was the armoured component of

352. Infanteriedivision with ten StuG III assault guns. As
the most mobile component of the division, they form the
core of Kampfgruppe Meyer, the mobile reserve of LXXXIV
Your assault guns will normally be operating in a counter­
attack role. This means that they will be arriving at a critical
point in the battle and their effect has to be decisive.

StuG Platoon

Grenadier Platoon
HQ Section with:
3 Grenadier Squads 180 points
2 Grenadier Squads 130 points

• Replace Command MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points.

As well as their own reserve platoons, the troops in the beach

defences can also expect help from Kampf­gruppe Meyer when
the enemy attacks.

Grenadier Platoon


Motivation and Skill

Reluctant Conscript
The supporting 642. and 441. Ost Bataillon are formed from captured Soviet soldiers
Confident Trained
who prefer serving in the German Army to starving in a prisoner of war camp, giving
them a rating of Reluctant Trained. Fearless Veteran

439. Ost Bataillon

Ost Grenadier Platoon

HQ Section with:
3 Grenadier Squads 90 points
2 Grenadier Squads 65 points

• Replace Command Rifle/MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points.
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
441. Ost Bataillon and 642. Ost Bataillon were part of the
716. Infanteriedivision. They were made up of ex-Soviet
soldiers released from the prisoner of war camps to fight for
their captors. As can be imagined, they were not particu-
larly eager to fight against the western Allies, although some
would have liked the chance to fight against Stalin’s regime Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
on the Eastern Front.
Despite being led by German Non-Commissioned Officers, Ost Grenadier Platoon
the Osttruppen were never trusted by their German com-
manders. As predicted by their leaders, most Ost Bataillon
quickly fell apart once in combat.

21. Panzerdivision SUPPORT PLATOONS

Motivation and Skill

Reluctant Conscript
The 21. Panzerdivision supplied additional support to the 716. Infanteriedivision
Confident Trained
during D-Day. The Panzertruppen of the 21. Panzerdivision are experienced veterans of
the desert war in Afrika. Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platons, Panzergrenadier Platoons and Fearless Veteran
Motorised Artillery Batteries are rated Confident Veteran.
21. Panzerdivision

Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon

HQ Section with:
3 8.8cm PaK43/41 325 points
2 8.8cm PaK43/41 220 points

• Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points
for the platoon.

The 716. Infanteriedivision facing Gold, Juno and Sword 8.8cm PaK43/41 gun 8.8cm PaK43/41 gun
could also call on the support of the heavy anti-tank guns
of the 21. Panzerdivision’s 200. Panzer­jägerabteilung, armed
with the impressive 8.8cm PaK43/41 anti-tank gun. 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
Anti-tank Anti-tank
Gun Section Gun Section

8.8cm PaK43/41 gun 3-ton truck

Gun Section
Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon

Panzergrenadier Platoon
HQ Section with:
3 Panzergrenadier Squads 180 points
2 Panzergrenadier Squads 130 points

• Replace the Command MG team with a Command
Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
• Add 3-ton trucks for +5 points for the platoon.

The II battalion, 192. Panzergrenadier Regiment was also

operating as a reserve force for the beach defences. On
D-Day they were located near Combes-en-Plaine behind
Sword Beach. These motorised Panzergrenadiers of the 21.
Panzerdivision are able to quickly rush where needed in their
3-ton trucks.

Motorised Artillery Battery

HQ Section with:
4 12.2cm FH396(r) 210 points
2 12.2cm FH396(r) 115 points

• Add Kfz 15 field car, Kfz 68 radio truck, and 3-ton
trucks for +5 points for the battery.

The division also had support from the motorised artillery

of the 21. Panzerdivision. They were armed with captured
Soviet 12.2cm FH396(r) howitzers (122mm obr 1938).
12.2cm FH396(r) gun 12.2cm FH396(r) gun
The I battalion, 155. Panzerartillerie Regiment was located
around Cazelle, Colomby-sur-Thaon and Cambes-en-Plaine
on D-Day and some batteries move up during the day to fire
on the beaches and advancing British coming off Sword beach
and to support the hard pressed 716. Infanteriedivision.
12.2cm FH396(r) gun 12.2cm FH396(r) gun

D-Day Beach Fortifications
If you choose to take D-Day Fortifications, you must field one fortification option from each box
shaded black and may field a fortification option from each box shaded grey.
See the Fortification Deployment rules on page 262 of the rulebook.
Gun Positions

Machine-gun Positions

Infantry Positions

Obstacles, Trenches and Gun Pits

ANTI-TANK Machine-guns Strongpoint Anti-tank



Anti-tank Pillbox HMG Pillbox Grenadier Strongpoint Anti-tank Obstacle

HMG Nest
ANTI-TANK Strongpoint Mines




Anti-tank Pillbox Grenadier Strongpoint Minefield


Flak Nest HMG Pillbox

Strongpoint Barbed Wire

HMG Nest

Machine-guns Barbed Wire


Grenadier Strongpoint Entanglements

5cm KwK Nest Strongpoint Trenches


HMG Nest




ANTI-TANK Grenadier Strongpoint Trench Lines


HMG Nest

5cm KwK Nest



Gun Pits
A Festungskompanie with D-Day Beach Fortifications
becomes a Fortified Company and follows the Deploying Artillery
Fortifications rules on page 262 of the rulebook.

Static Rocket Launcher



Gun Pits


Bunker Unteroffizier
R-35 Turret 25 points Unteroffizier
APX Turret 45 points

Options Turret Trench Line

• Add Minefield for +50 points.
• Add Trench Line for +5 points. Barbed Wire Entanglement Minefield
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points. Bunker
Given the limited resources available to the planners of
Fortress Europa, they used whatever material was available. The German fortifications in Normandy used R-35 turrets
While the French tanks captured in 1940 might be old and while those in Brittany used Somua or Char B-1 turrets.
no longer battleworthy, their turrets were still useful as beach The small turrets were easy to conceal and often took their
defences for the Wiederstandneste. Mounted in concrete they would-be attackers completely off guard.
are excellent multi-purpose machine-gun bunkers.


Anti-tank Pillbox
Bunker Leutnant
8.8cm PaK43 Pillbox 250 points Leutnant
7.5 (or 7.62cm) FK Pillbox 80 points
5cm PaK38 Pillbox 80 points
Anti-tank Pillbox Trench Line
• Add Minefield for +50 points.
Barbed Wire Entanglement Minefield
• Add Trench Line for +5 points.
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points.
Heavy Anti-tank Pillbox
A typical beach defence would have a defence position at each In between the two big 8.8cm guns, the other exits off the
end of the beach with an 8.8cm PaK43 pillbox facing along beach were guarded by a smaller 7.5cm or 7.62cm FK pillbox,
the beach protected by a 5cm PaK38 pillbox facing back often with a 5cm PaK38 pillbox to protect it as well.
towards it. Both guns were protected from naval gunfire by
enfilade walls and any tank moving up the beach to engage
one gun would be hit in the rear by the other.

HMG Pillbox
Bunker Unteroffizier
HMG Pillbox 80 points Unteroffizier

• Add Trench Line for +5 points. HMG Pillbox Trench Line
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points.
Barbed Wire Entanglement
HMG Pillbox


5cm KwK Nest

Bunker Feldwebel
5cm KwK Nest 30 points Feldwebel

• Add Minefield for +50 points.
5cm KwK Nest Trench Line
• Add Trench Line for +5 points.
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points.
Barbed Wire Entanglement Minefield
5cm KwK Nest

Flak Nest
Bunker Feldwebel
2cm FlaK38 Nest 25 points Feldwebel

• Add Minefield for +50 points. 2cm FlaK38 Nest Trench Line
• Add Trench Line for +5 points.
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points. Barbed Wire Entanglement Minefield

Flak Nest

HMG Nest
Bunker Unteroffizier
HMG Nest 40 points Unteroffizier

• Add Trench Line for +5 points. HMG Nest Trench Line

• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points.

Barbed Wire Entanglement
HMG Nest

Infantry Positions

Grenadier Strongpoint
Strongpoint Fortification
Strongpoint 10 points Fortification

• Add Trench Line for +5 points. Trench Line Trench Line Trench Line

A Platoon with a Grenadier Strongpoint attached is a Grenadier Strongpoint
Fortified Platoon, see page 262 of the rulebook.
A Grenadier Strongpoint can be attached to any Platoon
entirely made up of Infantry teams and /or Man-packed Gun
teams in a company with D-Day Beach Fortifications.

Static Rocket Launcher Battery
Bunker Leutnant
4 28cm sWG41 Nest 160 points Leutnant
3 28cm sWG41 Nest 120 points
2 28cm sWG41 Nest 80 points 28cm sWG41 28cm sWG41 28cm sWG41 28cm sWG41
1 28cm sWG41 Nest 40 points Nest Nest Nest Nest

Barbed Wire Entanglement Trench Line
• Add Trench Line for +5 points.
• Add Barbed Wire Entanglement for +10 points.
Static Rocket Launcher Battery
Static Rocket Launcher Static rocket launchers are Nests and not part of any platoon.
An entire heavy rocket battery was emplaced behind Omaha They may use any Command team as a Spotter, provided that
Beach, sited to fire on the troops as they landed. the Command team has not moved since the start of the game.
As none of these teams are trained artillery observers, they receive
28cm sWG41 rocket launchers use the Stuka zu Fuss special rule the same +1 penalty to range in as a Company Command
(page 245 of the rulebook), but have only four rockets instead of team.
six. As a result, they only have four attempts to range in. Treat
them as Trained troops when rolling To Hit after ranging in.
Once fired, the entire team is removed from the game.

Obstacles, Trenches and Gun Pits

Anti-tank Obstacle
Fortification Fortification
2 Anti-tank Obstacles 200 points Fortification
1 Anti-tank Obstacle 100 points
Anti-tank Obstacle Anti-tank Obstacle
Anti-tank Obstacles are Area Defences, see page 262 of the Obstacle
rulebook. Anti-tank Obstacle

Fortification Fortification
2 Minefields 100 points Fortification
1 Minefield 50 points
Minefield Minefield
Minefields are Area Defences, see page 262 of the rulebook. Mines

Barbed Wire Entanglements
Fortification Fortification
6 Barbed Wire Entanglements 60 points Fortification
4 Barbed Wire Entanglements 40 points
2 Barbed Wire Entanglements 20 points Barbed Wire Barbed Wire Barbed Wire
Entanglement Entanglement Entanglement

Barbed Wire Entanglements are Area Defences, see page Barbed Wire Barbed Wire Barbed Wire
Entanglement Entanglement Entanglement
262 of the rulebook.
Barbed Wire Entanglements

Trench Lines
Fortification Fortification
6 Trench Lines 30 points Fortification
3 Trench Lines 15 points

Trench Line Trench Line Trench Line

Trench Lines from the Trench Line option are Area Defences,
see page 262 of the rulebook.
Trench Line Trench Line Trench Line

Trench Lines

Gun Position
Fortification Fortification
6 Gun Pits 30 points Fortification
4 Gun Pits 20 points
2 Gun Pits 10 points Gun Pit Gun Pit Gun Pit

• Add up to two Trench Lines for +5 points each. Gun Pit Gun Pit Gun Pit

A Platoon with a Gun Position attached is a Fortified

Trench Line Trench Line
Platoon, see page 262 of the rulebook.
Gun Pits
Gun Position
A Gun Position can be attached to any Platoon con-
taining Gun teams in a company with D-Day Beach

Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Assault Guns
StuG G Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.

Marder I Slow Tank 0 0 0 AA MG, Overloaded.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.

Vehicle Machine-guns
Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.

Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
MG42 HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
8cm GW42 (Stummelwerfer) mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 2 3+ Minimum range 8”/20cm, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 32”/80cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment
8cm GW34 mortar Man-packed 24”/60cm 2 2 3+ Minimum range 8”/20cm, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 40”/100cm - 2 6 Smoke bombardment.
7.5cm leIG18 gun Light 16”/40cm 2 9 3+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 48”/120cm - 3 6
15cm sIG33 gun Heavy 16”/40cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 56”/140cm - 4 2+
3.7cm PaK36 gun Light 24”/60cm 3 6 4+ Gun shield.
Firing Stielgranate 8”/20cm 1 12 5+
5cm PaK38 gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 9 4+ Gun shield.
7.5cm PaK40 gun Medium 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Gun shield.
8.8cm PaK43/41 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Gun shield.
10cm leFH14/19(t) howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
12.2cm FH396(r) howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 8 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 80”/200cm - 4 3+
15.5cm sFH414(f ) howitzer Immobile 16”/40cm 1 10 1+ Bunker buster, Gun shield.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 5 2+

Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Rifle team 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG team 16”/40cm 2 2 6
MG team 16”/40cm 3 2 6
SMG team 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Light Mortar team 16”/40cm 1 1 4+ Can fire over friendly troops.
Flame-thrower team 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flame-thrower.
Staff team 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.

Additional Training and Equipment

Panzerfaust 4”/10cm 1 12 5+ Tank Assault 6, Cannot shoot in the Shooting Step if moved in the
Movement Step.
Panzerknacker teams are rated as Tank Assault 5. Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 4.

Bunkers and Pillboxes
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
8.8cm PaK43 Pillbox Immobile 40”/100cm 2 16 3+
7.5cm (or 7.62cm) FK Pillbox Immobile 24”/60cm 2 10 3+
5cm PaK38 Pillbox Immobile 24”/60cm 3 9 4+
5cm KwK Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 3 7 4+
2cm FlaK38 Nest Immobile 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, ROF 2 when pinned
HMG Pillbox or Nest Immobile 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down.
28cm sWG41 Nest Immobile 40”/100cm - 3 1+ Static Rocket Launcher.

Turret Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower
R-35 Turret Immobile 3 3 1 Turret Bunker MG.
3.7cm KwK18 (f ) gun 16”/40cm 2 4 4+
APX Turret Immobile 5 4 1 Turret Bunker MG.
4.7cm KwK35 (f ) gun 24”/60cm 2 6 4+

Turret Bunker Machine-guns

Turret Bunker MG 16”/40cm 4 2 6 Cannot shoot if main gun fires.

Transport Teams
Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Horch Kfz 15 car Jeep - - -
Opel Blitz 3-ton truck Wheeled - - -
Opel Kfz 68 radio truck Wheeled - - -
Horse-drawn wagon Wagon - - -

Sd Kfz 10, Sd Kfz 11, or Sd Kfz 7 half-track Half-tracked - - -
Horse-drawn limber Wagon - - -


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