German Army - Fallschirmpionierkompanie

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The document outlines the organization and capabilities of a German Fallschirmpionierkompanie (parachute engineer company) during World War 2.

The company consists of pioneer platoons, headquarters units, machine gun sections, and support from artillery, anti-aircraft, tank, and motorized units.

The Fallschirmpionier troops are Germany's elite parachute combat engineers. They are highly trained and considered fearless veterans. While originally intended for glider operations, they now serve wherever infantry or paratroop support is needed.

Parachute Engineer Company

(Infantry Company)


You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each box
shaded grey.

kompanie HQ

Division Support Platoons

Combat Platoons

Infantry Armour
Panzer Platoon

Heavy Tank Platoon


Radio-control Tank Platoon


Armour Fallschirmjäger

Tank-hunter Platoon
Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank Gun

Fallschirmpionier Platoon

Assault Gun Platoon

Infantry Tank-hunter Platoon

Anti-tank Gun Platoon


Fallschirmjäger Platoon

Allied Platoons


Panzergrenadier Platoon
Heer Platoons in your force

are Allies and follow the Grenadier Platoon
Allies rules on page 70 of
the rulebook. Artillery
Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battery 5
Fallschirmjäger Heavy Mortar


Artillery Battery

Motorised Artillery Battery


Rocket Launcher Battery

Armoured Rocket

Launcher Battery

Anti-aircraft Fallschirmjäger

Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon


Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon

Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun



Air Support


Motivation and Skill Reluctant Conscript
All Fallschirmjäger are volunteers and from them the Fallschirmpionier are hand picked.
Confident Trained
They are put through rigorous selection examinations and specialised training before they win
their wings. A Fallschirmpionierkompanie is rated as Fearless Veteran. Fearless Veteran

Fallschirmpionierkompanie HQ HAUPTmann
Company HQ 55 points
Company Command 2iC Command
SMG team SMG team
Company HQ
• Replace Command SMG teams with Command
Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points per team or Oberjäger
Command Panzerfaust SMG teams for +10 points
per team. MG42 HMG MG42 HMG
• Add a Machine-gun Section of up to two MG42 Machine-gun Section
HMG for +35 points per team.
Fallschirmpionierkompanie HQ
• Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per

The Fallschirmjäger are Germany’s elite para­troops and the While most of the Fallschirmpionier are trained for glider
Fallschirmpionier troops are their specialist combat engineer- assault operations, they have not conducted large-scale glider
ing branch. They fall under the operational control of the operations in three years. Instead they fight as elite combat
army, but are part of the Luftwaffe or air force. As such they engineering infantry wherever the army or the Fallschirmjäger
wear air force uniforms and rank insignia, and of course, need assistance.
consider themselves far better than the army!

Combat Platoons

Fallschirmpionier Platoon Leutnant

HQ Section with:
3 Pioneer Squads 345 points Command Pioneer Pioneer Supply truck
Rifle/MG team
2 Pioneer Squads 240 points
1 Pioneer Squad 135 points HQ Section

Option Oberjäger Oberjäger

• Add a Pioneer Supply truck for +25 points.
Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
You may replace up to one Pioneer Rifle/MG team per
Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of
the game before deployment. Pioneer Pioneer
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
The Fallschirmpionier have a history as long and illustrious Pioneer Squad Pioneer Squad
as the Fallschirmjäger. Their role is both field engineering, Oberjäger
laying and clearing minefields and other defences, and
leading attacks as assault engineers.
Pioneer Pioneer Pioneer
Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
Pioneer Squad

Fallschirmpionier Platoon

FallschirmPionierkompanie Support Platoons

Fallschirmjäger Tank-hunter Platoon Leutnant

4 Marder II 295 points
3 Marder II 220 points
Command tank-hunter
2 Marder II 145 points
HQ Section

4 StuG G 430 points Feldwebel Oberjäger

3 StuG G 320 points
2 StuG G 210 points
Option Tank-hunter Tank-hunter
• Replace one or all StuG G assault guns with StuH42 Tank-hunter Tank-hunter
assault guns at no cost. Oberjäger

The Fallschirmjäger in Italy were well-supported with

anti-tank assets having a full anti-tank battalion equipped Tank-hunter
with Marder tanks in the division. In Normandy, the
Fallschirmjäger were not so well equipped, but the StuG
assault guns of II Fallschirmkorps filled the gap. Fallschirmjäger Tank-hunter Platoon

Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank Gun Leutnant

Platoon Leutnant

Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
HQ Section with:
HQ Section
4 3.7cm PaK36 115 points
3 3.7cm PaK36 90 points Oberjäger Oberjäger
2 3.7cm PaK36 65 points
• All 3.7cm PaK36 guns are equipped with Stiel­granate
ammunition at no cost. Anti-tank gun Kfz 70 truck Anti-tank gun Kfz 70 truck

4 5cm PaK38 140 points

3 5cm PaK38 100 points Anti-tank gun Kfz 70 truck Anti-tank gun Kfz 70 truck
2 5cm PaK38 75 points Anti-tank Anti-tank
gun Section gun Section
4 7.5cm PaK40 240 points Fallschirmjäger Anti-tank gun Platoon
3 7.5cm PaK40 180 points
Beefing up your anti-tank support with larger anti-tank
2 7.5cm PaK40 120 points
weapons provides an additional punch to your defence.
Option While Fallschirm­jäger had few tank-hunters, they could
• Add Kfz 15 field car and either Kfz 70 trucks in pla- always rely on their regimental and divisional anti-tank gun
toons equipped with 3.7cm PaK36 or 5cm PaK38, platoons to support them in a pinch.
or 3-ton trucks in platoons equipped with 7.5cm
PaK40 guns for +5 points for the platoon.

Fallschirmjäger Platoon

HQ Section with:
3 Fallschirmjäger Squads 265 points Rifle/MG team
2 Fallschirmjäger Squads 185 points HQ Section
Oberjäger Oberjäger
• Replace Command Rifle/MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

The Fallschirmjäger platoon provides the manpower to hold

off the staunchest assaults. These platoons were made larger Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
than normal rifle platoons to allow for expected parachut- Fallschirmjäger Fallschirmjäger
Squad Squad
ing casualties on landing. This added manpower gives them
greater resilience in prolonged ground operations, helping Oberjäger
them retain their reputation for holding at all costs.
The esprit de corps of the Fallschirmjäger together with their Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
extra team per squad make them the toughest and most feared Fallschirmjäger Squad
German light infantry, capable of truly heroic operations. Fallschirmjäger Platoon

Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battery HAUPTMANN

HQ Section with:
4 7.5cm GebG36 175 points Command Kfz 15 field car Staff team Kfz 68 radio
SMG team truck
2 7.5cm GebG36 95 points HQ Section
4 10.5cm LG40 245 points
2 10.5cm LG40 130 points LEUTNANT LEUTNANT

4 10.5cm leFH18 230 points

2 10.5cm leFH18 120 points Observer Rifle team Observer Rifle team

Gun Gun
• Add Kfz 15 field car, Kfz 68 radio truck and 3-ton
trucks for +5 points for the battery.
3-ton truck 3-ton truck
The flexibility of the Parachute light artillery battery is show-
cased with the ability to use two different types of artillery
Gun Gun
pieces. They have both a conventional 7.5cm mountain gun
and the newly-developed 10.5cm recoilless gun. Both offer
solid artillery support without the hindrance of immobile
3-ton truck 3-ton truck
guns. Before each operation the Fallschirm­jäger commander
may select the most appropriate weapon for the current GUN SECTION GUN SECTION
mission. Fallschirmjäger Artillery Battery
With the end of airborne operations, many Fallschirm­jäger
units replaced their light 7.5cm guns with heavier 10.5cm You may replace all 10.5cm LG40 recoilless guns with
leFH18 howitzers. This increased their range and effective- 10.5cm leFH18 howitzers at the start of any game before
ness in providing artillery support for their light infantry. deployment.
Many units still retained their light 10.5cm recoilless guns
for any airborne operations that might eventuate.
Artillery support can be critical in defending important pos-
itions. Providing smoke and targeting enemy troops at the
proper moment can render their attacks useless and provide
the cover needed to unleash a devastating counterattack with
anti-tank and infantry assets.

Fallschirmjäger Heavy Mortar Leutnant
Platoon Leutnant

Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
HQ Section with:
HQ Section
4 10.5cm NbW35 165 points
2 10.5cm NbW35 85 points
Oberjäger Oberjäger
• Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points Observer Rifle team Observer Rifle team
for the platoon.
• Replace 10.5cm NbW35 mortars with 12cm sGW43
10.5cm NbW35 3-ton truck 10.5cm NbW35 3-ton truck
mortars for +10 points per Mortar Section. mortar mortar

The Fallschirmjäger recognised the need for heavier fire

support early, however the only weapons they were able 10.5cm NbW35 3-ton truck 10.5cm NbW35 3-ton truck
mortar mortar
to secure were old 10.5cm NbW35 Nebelwerfer chemical
Mortar Section Mortar Section
mortars that had been made redundant by the new rocket
launchers issued to the chemical troops. Fallschirmjäger Heavy Mortar Platoon

Fallschirmjäger Anti-aircraft Gun Leutnant

Platoon Leutnant

Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
HQ Section with:
3 Anti-aircraft Sections 80 points HQ Section

Options Oberjäger Oberjäger

• Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points
for the platoon. 2cm FlaK38 gun 2cm FlaK38 gun
• Mount 2cm FlaK38 guns on 3-ton trucks as Portees
at no cost.
3-ton truck 3-ton truck
As part of the Luftwaffe, the Fallschirmjäger have always been Anti-aircraft Anti-aircraft
aware of the need for protection from enemy air attack. The Section Section
lightweight 2cm FlaK38 gun is easy to move and hide while Oberjäger
its good rate of fire provides adequate protection without the
need for heavy anti-aircraft support.
2cm FlaK38 gun 3-ton truck
This platoon can also provide additional fire support
against attacking infantry tipping the scales in favour of the Anti-aircraft Section
defender. Fallschirmjäger Anti-aircraft gun Platoon


Heer Support

Divisional Support
Motivation and Skill
As well as troops from their own divisions, the Fallschirmpionier troops were also Motivation Skill
supported by the German Heer (Army) troops. Heer Support Platoons are rated as Confident Veteran
Confident Veteran.

Panzer Platoon Leutnant

5 Panzer IV H 450 points
4 Panzer IV H 360 points
3 Panzer IV H 270 points Command tank
HQ tank
5 StuG G or StuG IV 475 points
4 StuG G or StuG IV 380 points Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
3 StuG G or StuG IV 285 points

Panzer IV tanks and StuG assault guns were often called on to

support Infanteriedivision troops in the anti-tank role while Tank Tank
the Panther tanks were held back with the Panzerdivision
troops ready to counterattack.
Tank Tank
Panzer Section Panzer Section
Panzer Platoon

Heavy Tank Platoon Leutnant

LEUTNANT Unteroffizier
4 Tiger I E 860 points
3 Tiger I E 645 points
2 Tiger I E 430 points Command Tiger Tiger
1 Tiger I E 215 points

Remember to roll for your Tiger Ace Skills before each

game. Tiger Tiger
HQ Section HEAVY TANK Section


Radio-Control Tank Platoon Leutnant
HQ Section with:
3 Radio-control Tank Sections 460 points Command StuG G Borgward BIV
2 Radio-control Tank Sections 345 points HQ Section
1 Radio-control Tank Section 230 points
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Replace all StuG G assault guns with Tiger I E tanks
for +120 points per tank.
StuG G StuG G
No gun in existence can deliver half a ton of explosives
with the unerring accuracy of a Borgward BIV demolition Borgward BIV Borgward BIV
carrier. Radio-control Radio-control
Radio-control Tank Platoons equipped with Tiger tanks do Unteroffizier
not have Tiger Ace skills.

StuG G Borgward BIV

Radio-control Tank Section

Radio-control Tank Platoon

Assault Gun Platoon Leutnant

4 StuG G or StuG IV 380 points
3 StuG G or StuG IV 285 points
2 StuG G or StuG IV 190 points Command Assault Gun
• Replace one or all StuG G assault guns with StuH42 HQ Section
assault guns at no cost.
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
4 Brummbär 280 points
3 Brummbär 210 points
2 Brummbär 140 points
Assault Gun Assault Gun

As production capacity is stretched to the limit, assault guns ASSAULT GUN ASSAULT GUN
of all types assume an increasingly important role, taking the
place of expensive tanks. Most infantry attacks can count on Unteroffizier
the support of an assault gun unit and almost every division
has some assault guns in their anti-tank battalion.
Assault Gun

Assault gun Platoon

Tank Hunter Platoon

Divisional Support
LEUTNANT Unteroffizier
4 Marder II 260 points
3 Marder II 195 points
2 Marder II 130 points Command Tank-hunter Tank-hunter

4 Marder III H 260 points

3 Marder III H 195 points Tank-hunter Tank-hunter
2 Marder III H 130 points HQ Section TANK HUNTER Section

4 Marder III M 255 points
3 Marder III M 190 points The life of a tank-hunter is one of fire and movement if he is
2 Marder III M 125 points to survive in the world of heavy and fast tanks. Being able to
get off the first shot, on target, becomes your main concern.
4 Hornisse 465 points
Self-propelled anti-tank guns are an inexpensive way to
3 Hornisse 350 points
get high calibre guns into the front lines. More mobile
2 Hornisse 235 points
than normal anti-tank platoons, the tank-hunters can
outmanoeuvre or ambush the enemy to bring devastating
4 Jagdpanther 940 points
fire upon advancing enemy armoured formations.
3 Jagdpanther 705 points
2 Jagdpanther 470 points The heavier tank-hunters mount the overlong 8.8cm PaK43,
a weapon more than capable of knocking out any heavy tank
4 Elefant 1200 points at any distance.
3 Elefant 900 points
Though tank-hunters can contribute immensely to your
2 Elefant 600 points
defence, to keep them in the field, be wary of their two
biggest handicaps. Lighter tank-hunters have thin armour so
they must avoid direct confrontation with armoured tanks.
Heavy tank-hunters have the armour to stand toe to toe with
tanks but lack the protection to ward off assaulting infantry.

Anti-tank Gun Platoon Leutnant

HQ Section with:
4 7.5cm PaK40 205 points Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
3 7.5cm PaK40 155 points HQ Section
2 7.5cm PaK40 105 points
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
4 7.62cm PaK36(r) 165 points
3 7.62cm PaK36(r) 125 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun
2 7.62cm PaK36(r) 85 points

4 8.8cm PaK43/41 405 points 3-ton truck 3-ton truck

3 8.8cm PaK43/41 305 points
2 8.8cm PaK43/41 205 points Anti-tank gun Anti-tank gun

4 8.8cm PaK43 420 points

3 8.8cm PaK43 315 points 3-ton truck 3-ton truck
2 8.8cm PaK43 210 points Anti-tank Anti-tank
gun Section gun Section
Anti-tank gun Platoon
• Add Kfz 15 field car and 3-ton trucks for +5 points
for the platoon. When emplaced in a position where they are protected by
• Replace all 3-ton trucks with RSO tractors at no cost infantry, the large guns of an anti-tank platoon become an
or Sd Kfz 7 or 11 half-tracks for +5 points for the instant strongpoint around which to orchestrate your battle
platoon. plan.

Panzergrenadier Platoon Leutnant or oberfeldwebel
Leutnant or Oberfeldwebel
HQ Section with
3 Panzergrenadier Squads 185 points Command MG team Kfz 15 field car
2 Panzergrenadier Squads 135 points HQ Section

Options Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

• Replace the Command MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or a
MG team MG team MG team MG team
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points.
• Remove Kfz 15 field car and replace all Kfz 70 trucks
with 3-ton trucks at no cost.
Kfz 70 truck Kfz 70 truck
Panzergrenadier Panzergrenadier
Do not attempt to fight from your trucks. They should be used Squad Squad
to move your troops up to the fighting zone. Dismount under
cover and send them to the rear before assaulting on foot.
While the Panzer divisions have individual trucks for each
Panzergrenadier section and a car for the platoon leader, MG team MG team Kfz 70 truck
Panzergrenadier divisions have fewer bigger trucks with the Panzergrenadier Squad
leader riding with the troops.
Panzergrenadier platoon

Grenadier Platoon Leutnant

HQ Section with:
3 Grenadier Squads 155 points Rifle/MG team
2 Grenadier Squads 110 points HQ Section
Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
• Replace Command Rifle/MG team with a Command
Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points or with a
Command Panzerfaust SMG team for +10 points. Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team

The Grenadiers of an Infanteriedivision work alongside

Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
their Pioneers providing extra firepower and mopping up
Grenadier Squad Grenadier Squad
after the pioneers have taken out the main enemy defensive
positions. Unteroffizier

The Grenadiers are often called forward to defend the

entrenched positions recently stormed and cleared by Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG team
the Pioneers. With their extra MG-42 machine-guns the Grenadier Squad
Grenadiers are better equipped to hold a position against Grenadier Platoon
enemy counterattacks.

Artillery Battery

Divisional Support
HQ Section with:
Command Staff team Horse-drawn
4 10.5cm leFH18 210 points SMG team wagon
2 10.5cm leFH18 115 points HQ Section
4 15cm sFH18 310 points
2 15cm sFH18 160 points LEUTNANT LEUTNANT

Options Observer Rifle team Observer Rifle team

• Add horse-drawn wagon and limbers for +5 points
for the battery.
• Replace all horse-drawn wagon and limbers with Howitzer Howitzer
3-ton trucks or RSO tractors at no cost.
Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
The 10.5cm leFH18 is the standard artillery piece of the
German army. It has a heavy shell making its bombardments
quite destructive. If necessary, it can defend itself against tanks
Howitzer Howitzer
with specialist anti-tank ammunition. Overall it is an excellent
gun. Its biggest weakness is its lack of mobility after the huge
losses of horses and motor vehicles in the winter battles. Horse-drawn limber Horse-drawn limber
Artillery Batteries equipped with 15cm sFH18 howitzers may
not be placed in Ambush within 16”/40cm of enemy teams. Artillery Battery

You must purchase all of the guns from one Gun Section before
adding any extra teams from the second Gun Section.

Motorised Artillery Battery

HQ Section with:
4 10.5cm leFH18 210 points
2 10.5cm leFH18 115 points
HQ Section with:
4 15cm sFH18 310 points
2 15cm sFH18 160 points
• Add Kfz 15 field car, Kfz 68 radio truck and Sd Kfz 11
Howitzer Howitzer
half-tracks for +5 points for the battery.
• Replace all Kübelwagen jeeps with Sd Kfz 250 half-
tracks for +5 points per half-track.
• Replace any or all Observer Rifle teams and their
Kübelwagen with Observer Panzer II OP tanks for
Howitzer Howitzer
+10 points per tank.
The mainstay of artillery support for German infantry in the
field, motorised 10.5cm leFH18 howitzers provide the of-
fensive and defensive fire support needed to accomplish any
required mission. Motorised Artillery Battery
A four-gun battery provides a good balance between cost and
effectiveness. The 10.5cm gun delivers a high volume of fire Observer Panzer II OP tanks cannot launch assaults.
that delivers the capability to destroy the toughest targets.
Motorised Artillery Batteries equipped with 15cm sFH18
You must purchase all of the guns from one Gun Section before howitzers may not be placed in Ambush within 16”/40cm
adding any extra teams from the second Gun Section. of enemy teams.

Rocket Launcher Battery
HQ Section with: 5cm PaK38 gun
6 15cm NW41 200 points
4 15cm NW41 145 points
3 15cm NW41 105 points Kfz 70 truck
2 15cm NW41 75 points
HQ Section with:
6 21cm NW42 240 points
4 21cm NW42 175 points
3 21cm NW42 125 points
2 21cm NW42 90 points
Options Rocket launcher Rocket launcher
• Add Kfz 15 field car and Sd Kfz 11 half-tracks for
+5 points for the battery.
• Add an Anti-tank Section for +30 points.
• Replace 5cm PaK38 gun and Kfz 70 truck with
7.5cm PaK40 gun and Sd Kfz 11 half-track for Rocket launcher Rocket launcher
+25 points.

An economical way to deliver massive support in either of-

fensive or defensive operations, the NW41 or NW42 rocket
launcher batteries deliver crushing firepower at a moment’s Rocket launcher Rocket launcher

You must purchase all of the rocket launchers from one

Launcher Section before adding any extra teams from the
second Launcher Section.
Rocket Launcher Battery

Armoured Rocket Launcher Battery

Divisional Support
HQ Section with: 5cm PaK38 gun
8 Panzerwerfer 42 365 points
6 Panzerwerfer 42 305 points
4 Panzerwerfer 42 210 points
3 Panzerwerfer 42 165 points
• Model Panzerwerfer 42 rocket launchers with 5 or
more crew and count each rocket launcher as two
weapons when firing a bombardment for +5 points
per rocket launcher.
• Add Anti-tank Section for +30 points. Panzerwerfer 42 Panzerwerfer 42
• Replace 5cm PaK38 gun with 7.5cm PaK40 gun for
+20 points.
Panzerwerfer 42 Panzerwerfer 42
Mobile rocket launchers address the main vulnerability
of the near stationary NW41 rocket launcher. They can
provide the same devastating support while allowing you
Panzerwerfer 42 Panzerwerfer 42
to move them rapidly away from immediate counterbattery
fire. This survivability provides you the means to provide
continuous support without the fear of immediate enemy
retaliation. Panzerwerfer 42 Panzerwerfer 42

Devastating Bombardment
Armoured Rocket Launcher Battery
Like the Soviet Katyusha rocket launchers, Panzerwerfer
42 rocket launchers are ready to signal the beginning of You must purchase all of the Panzerwerfer 42 from one
the offensive. Very little can withstand the fury of a full Launcher Section before adding any extra teams from the
Panzerwerfer battery! second Launcher Section.
See Bigger and Smaller Batteries on page 131 and Rocket
Launchers on page 138 of the rulebook. Armoured Rocket Launcher Batteries use the Armoured
Rocket Launcher special rule on page 245 of the rulebook.

Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon Leutnant
3 Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) 90 points
2 Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) 60 points
Command Anti-aircraft half-track
3 Armoured Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) 120 points HQ Section
2 Armoured Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) 80 points
3 Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) 120 points Unteroffizier Unteroffizier
2 Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) 80 points
3 Armoured Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) 150 points
2 Armoured Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) 100 points Anti-aircraft half-track Anti-aircraft half-track
3 Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 140 points AA section AA section
2 Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 95 points Anti-aircraft GUN Platoon
3 Armoured Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 165 points
2 Armoured Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) 110 points

Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon

HQ Section with:
Command SMG team Kfz 15 field car
2 Anti-aircraft Sections 165 points
1 Anti-aircraft Section 85 points
• Model 8.8cm FlaK36 guns with eight or more crew
and increase their ROF to 3 for +10 points per gun.

The Allies have learned to respect this weapon and will often
go out of their way to avoid it. When well positioned these
weapons can halt an attack as it starts.
AA section AA section
HEAVY Anti-aircraft GUN Platoon

Air Support LEUTNANT

Limited Air Support
Ju 87D Stuka 135 points
Ju 87G Stuka 135 points
Hs 129B 155 points
Sporadic Air support Flight
Ju 87D Stuka 100 points
Ju 87G Stuka 100 points Flight
Hs 129B 115 points


Tank Teams
Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Panzer IV H Standard Tank 6 3 1 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm KwK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+
Tiger I E Slow Tank 9 8 2 Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Protected ammo, Wide tracks.
8.8cm KwK36 gun 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Slow traverse.

Assault Guns
StuG G Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
StuH42 Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
10.5cm StuH42 gun 32”/80cm 2 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Hull mounted, Smoke.
StuG IV Standard Tank 7 3 1 Hull MG, Protected ammo, Schürzen.
7.5cm StuK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Hull mounted.
Brummbär Slow Tank 9 5 1 Hull MG, Overloaded, Schürzen.
15cm StuH43 gun 16”/40cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Hull mounted.

Marder II Standard Tank 1 0 0 AA MG.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
Marder III H Standard Tank 1 0 0 Hull MG.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
Marder III M Standard Tank 0 0 0 AA MG.
7.5cm PaK40 gun 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Hull mounted.
Hornisse Standard Tank 1 1 0 AA MG, Protected ammo.
8.8cm PaK43 gun 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Hull mounted.
Jagdpanther Standard Tank 10 5 1 Hull MG.
8.8cm PaK43 gun 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Hull mounted.
Elefant Slow Tank 15 8 2 Hull MG, Overloaded, Unreliable.
8.8cm PaK43 gun 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Hull mounted.

Artillery (SP)
Panzerwerfer 42 (Maultier) Half-tracked 0 0 0 AA MG, Armoured rocket launcher.
15cm RW42 rocket launcher 64”/160cm - 3 4+ Rocket launcher, Smoke bombardment.

Vehicle Machine-guns
Vehicle MG 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 1 if other weapons fire.

Name Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

Anti-aircraft (SP)
Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) Half-tracked - - -
2cm FlaK38 gun 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield.
Armoured Sd Kfz 10/5 (2cm) Half-tracked 0 0 0
2cm FlaK38 gun 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft.
Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) Half-tracked - - -
2cm FlaK38 (V) gun 16”/40cm 6 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield.
Armoured Sd Kfz 7/1 (Quad 2cm) Half-tracked 0 0 0
2cm FlaK38 (V) gun 16”/40cm 6 5 5+ Anti-aircraft.
Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) Half-tracked - - -
3.7cm FlaK43 gun 24”/60cm 4 6 4+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield.
Sd Kfz 7/2 (3.7cm) Half-tracked 0 0 0
3.7cm FlaK43 gun 24”/60cm 4 6 4+ Anti-aircraft.

Gun Teams
Weapon Mobility Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
MG42 HMG Man-packed 24”/60cm 6 2 6 ROF 3 when pinned down or moving.
7.5cm LG40 recoilless gun Man-packed 16”/40cm 2 9 3+ Recoilless.
10.5cm NbW35 mortar Man-packed 40”/100cm - 3 4+ Smoke bombardment.
12cm sGW43 mortar Light 56”/140cm - 3 3+
2cm FlaK38 gun Light 16”/40cm 4 5 5+ Anti-aircraft, Gun shield, Turntable.
3.7cm PaK36 gun Light 24”/60cm 3 6 4+ Gun shield.
Firing Stielgranate 8”/20cm 1 12 5+
5cm PaK38 gun Medium 24”/60cm 3 9 4+ Gun shield.
7.5cm PaK40 gun Medium 32”/80cm 2 12 3+ Gun shield.
7.62cm PaK36(r) gun Heavy 32”/80cm 2 11 3+ Gun shield.
8.8cm FlaK36 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 13 3+ Gun shield, Heavy anti-aircraft, Turntable.
8.8cm PaK43/41 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Gun shield.
8.8cm PaK43 gun Immobile 40”/100cm 2 16 3+ Gun shield, Turntable.
7.5cm GebG36 gun Heavy 16”/40cm 2 9 3+ Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 3 6 Smoke bombardment.
10.5cm LG40 recoilless gun Light 16”/40cm 1 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Recoilless, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 64”/160cm - 4 4+
10.5cm leFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 10 2+ Breakthrough gun, Gun shield, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 72”/180cm - 4 4+ Smoke bombardment.
15cm sFH18 howitzer Immobile 24”/60cm 1 13 1+ Bunker buster, Smoke.
Firing bombardments 80”/200cm - 5 2+ Smoke bombardment.
15cm NW41 rocket launcher Light 64”/160cm - 3 4+ Rocket launcher, Smoke bombardment.
21cm NW42 rocket launcher Light 72”/180cm - 3 3+ Rocket launcher.

Aircraft Weapon To Hit Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Ju 87D Stuka Bombs 4+ 5 1+
Ju 87G Stuka Cannon 3+ 11 4+
Hs 129B Cannon 2+ 9 4+ Flying Tank.


Infantry Teams
Team Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes
Rifle team 16”/40cm 1 2 6
Rifle/MG team 16”/40cm 2 2 6
MG team 16”/40cm 3 2 6 ROF 2 when pinned down.
SMG team 4”/10cm 3 1 6 Full ROF when moving.
Flame-thrower team 4”/10cm 2 - 6 Flame-thrower.
Staff team 16”/40cm 1 2 6 Moves as a Heavy Gun team.

Additional Training and Equipment

Panzerknacker teams are rated as Tank Assault 5. Pioneer teams are rated as Tank Assault 4.
Panzerfaust 4”/10cm 1 12 5+ Tank Assault 6, Cannot shoot in the Shooting Step if moved in the
Movement Step.

Transport Teams
Vehicle Mobility Front Side Top Equipment and Notes
Weapon Range ROF Anti-tank Firepower

BMW motorcycle & sidecar or Kübelwagen jeep Jeep - - - Optional Passenger-fired hull MG.
Horch Kfz 15 car Jeep - - -
Horch, Krupp, or Steyr Kfz 70 truck Wheeled - - -
Opel Blitz 3-ton truck Wheeled - - -
Opel Maultier Half-tracked - - -
Opel Kfz 68 radio truck Wheeled - - -
RSO Slow Tank - - -
Horse-drawn wagon Wagon - - -

Sd Kfz 10, Sd Kfz 11, or Sd Kfz 7 half-track Half-tracked - - -
Horse-drawn limber Wagon - - -

Armoured Personnel Carriers

Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track Half-tracked 1 0 0 Hull MG, Passenger-fired AA MG.
Sd Kfz 251/10 (3.7cm) half-track Half-tracked 1 0 0 Passenger-fired AA MG.
3.7cm PaK36 16”/40cm 2 6 4+ Hull mounted.


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