Week 4 Media Information Letiracy
Week 4 Media Information Letiracy
Week 4 Media Information Letiracy
1. There are alot of aspects indicate new media impact on traditional media especially in news
service, so i ask if any one can help me in some points such as: how to measure new media
effect on news service in old media and citizen role in new media era.
2. Well of course we rely on the mass media. It is has extremely important role in our lives and
connects us to the outside world. It has a great influence on society in every area imaginable. It
brings to us information, and knowledge, and can prove a great tool to educate all people
everywhere. It increases our awareness in every area possible, including politics, business,
provisions, healthcare, sport, travel, economics, demographics and the like.I mentioned above
that it has great influence on society, and in fact that this aspect can be looked on as a con as
well as a pro, as certain media has certain political influence and leanings so they can perhaps
use this to try to persuade others to come around to their specific point of view.It the same way,
it is common for certain media to use techniques of manipulation of the news, this may be by
way of religions, politics, over sensationalism in one way or other in order to promote
themselves to their own ends, i.e. with regard to newspapers to sell more papers, with regard to
on-line news to get more hits etc.On the whole I believe the media gives us a great service of
connection and world inclusiveness, but I also believe we have to remember that old adage and
bear it in mind
3. Philippine media continues to be diverse, with television and radio still being the most popular
media platform for getting information. However, the rise of the Internet and social media has
made a difference in information sharing where users can simultaneously be producers and
consumers of information. Social media has been used to discredit traditional media and has
been used to proliferate disinformation for political propaganda.
4. Mediamorphosis refers to the transformation of communication media, usually brought about
by the complex interplay of perceived needs, competitive and political pressures, and social and
technological innovations. Grusin, remediation is a defining characteristic of new
digital media because digital media is constantly remediating its predecessors (television, radio,
print journalism and other forms of old media). Remediation can be complete or visible. A film
based on a book is remediating the printed story.
5. Theory seeks to explain the uses to which people put mass communication. Sometimes it is far
more useful and meaningful to study the uses as opposed to the effects. This tenets recognizes
the active role of the audience within the process of mass communication. Theory seeks to
explain learning from the mass media.