Differentiate The Following Categories of Human Rights (5 PTS) - Economic

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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel GEEL 002

Second Sem., A/Y 2019-2020 Peace Education


Name: IAN B. BALCUEVA Course &Year TED 1 SE

Date: MAY 12, 2020 Score____________ = __________

Read and answer the following questions briefly.

1. Differentiate the following categories of human rights (5 pts).

A. Economic - The economic rights are listed in Articles 22 to 26 UDHR, and further
developed and set out as binding treaty norms in the ICESCR. This right provides the
conditions necessary for prosperity and well-being. Economic rights refer, for example, to
the right to property, the right to work, which one freely chooses or accepts, the right to a
fair wage, a reasonable limitation of working hours, and trade union rights.

B. Social - Social rights are those rights necessary for an adequate standard of living,
including rights to health; shelter, food, social care, and the right to education

C. Cultural - The UDHR lists cultural rights in Articles 27 and 28: the right to participate
freely in the cultural life of the community, the right to share in scientific advancement and
the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific,
literary or artistic production of which one is the author

D. Civil – It is a further set of ‘physical integrity rights’ which concern the right to life, liberty
and security of the person, and which offer protection from physical violence against the
person torture and inhuman treatment, arbitrary arrest, detention, exile, slavery and
servitude, interference with one’s privacy and right of ownership, restriction of one’s
freedom of movement, and the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The difference
between ‘basic rights’ and ‘physical integrity rights’ lies in the fact that the former include
economic and social rights.

E. Political - , political rights are those set out in Articles 19 to 21 UDHR and also codified in
the ICCPR. They include freedom of expression, freedom of association and assembly, the
right to take part in the government of one’s country and the right to vote and stand for
election at genuine periodic elections held by secret ballot.
Universidad de Sta. Isabel GEEL 002
Second Sem., A/Y 2019-2020 Peace Education

2. Provide one example of human right under each category (5 pts).

A. Economic - The right to rest in work for gaining or charging energy to secure also the
health capacity of the workers.

B. Social - The right to education especially the poor families in the country because
many of the students cannot continue their studies because of the lack of money or facilities.

C. Cultural - All humans have the right to participate in the cultural life such as religious
activities and etc.

D. Civil - Everyone have the right to secure life from a physical or non-physical violence
such as providing some health care services from the government

E. Political - The freedom of expression of all the countrymen to express their

political ideologies and opinions as citizens.

3. Cite a situation wherein each of the following categories of human rights are
violated (5 pts).

A. Economic - Failure to prevent or secure employers from discriminating in recruitment

such as based on sex, race and political ideology or opinion.
B. Social -Discrimination in access to work, medical care, and education such as cutting
out poor individuals at work, poor facilities in other public hospitals and the lack of scholarships
for the poor students.

C. Cultural - Discrimination of other cultural activities such as having lots of wives as

Muslims culture.
D. Civil - In times of this crisis, Philippine citizens are seeking or waiting for the mass
testing and it should be a whole nations test but none of this are as followed. The rights to life or
the security of the life of the whole nations are threatened simply because we are fighting for the
unseen enemy.
E. Political - The right to vote and to choose a good leader in the Philippines is not
followed because of the dirty work of some political individuals such as threatening people and
buying votes for them get their positions.

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