Me Lab 8

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A. Objectives:  To be able to;

1. Familiarize the basic Refrigeration equations
2. Compute the Coefficient of Performance of the Refrigeration system, refrigeration
System Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Ratio for Refrigeration.
COP = Useful Cooling Capacity/Compressor power 
        = Refrigerating Effect / Work of Compression
        = m (h -h ) / (h -h )   ----- Refer to figure 1 and figure 2
4 1 2 1

          Where: m = mass flow rate, kg/s

2  h = enthalpy at discharge line, kJ/kg
1  h = enthalpy at suction line, kJ/kg
3  h = h = enthalpy at liquid line, kJ/kg

Vapor Compression Pressure- Enthalpy Diagram

Pressure Enthalpy Chart

FIG. 3. Pressure-Enthalpy Chart Showing Properties of Refrigerant

Coefficient of Performance, COP

The COP is a measure of the amount of power input to a system compared to the
amount of power output by that system:[2]

The COP is therefore a measurement of efficiency; the higher the number, the more
efficient the system is. The COP is dimensionless because the input power and output
power are measured in Watt. The COP is also an instantaneous measurement in that
the units are power which can be measured at one point in time.
Consider a simple electric heater. All of the electricity that is input to the unit is
converted to heat. There is no waste and the power output (in heat) equals the power
input (in electricity), so the COP is one. The COP can be used to describe any system,
not just heating and cooling.
An air conditioning system uses power to move heat from one place to another place.
When cooling, the air conditioning system is moving heat from the space being cooled
(usually a room), to somewhere it is unwanted (usually outside). A heat pump uses the
same principles, but it is moving heat from outside (the cold side) to the space being
heated inside (the living space).
The maximum theoretical COP for an air conditioning system is expressed by Carnot’s
theorem, reduced to the following equation:

Where TC is the cold temperature and TH is the hot temperature. For space cooling, the
cold temperature is inside the space; for space heating, the cold temperature is outside.
All temperatures are expressed in Kelvin. To convert from °C to Kelvin, add 273.15. To
convert from °F to °C, subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9.
As you can see from equation 2, as the difference between the hot temperature and the
cold temperature increases, the COP becomes lower, and vice versa. This means that
an air conditioning system is more efficient when the room temperature is closer to the
outside temperature and will use more power when there is a larger difference in these
As an example, consider the maximum theoretical efficiency of an air conditioning
system that is cooling a room to 23°C (73.4°F). If the outside air temperature is 32°C
(89.6°F), the theoretical maximum efficiency is:

Typical COP values for air conditioning and heat pump systems are in the range 2 to 4,
or about a tenth of the theoretical maximum. However, this helps to explain where the
power is used in such a system. Consider the heat pump application shown in figure 1.

The heat pump takes power from the environment and uses electrical power to move
that power to the inside space. More power is put into the house than used in electricity.
3 The COP of this system is 4 (power into the house ÷ power consumed). Observe that
the electrical power consumed goes into the building. In practice some is expended as
heat outside the building, so the actual COP will be slightly less than 4.
An air conditioner operates in the same way, but it is removing power from the space.
Consider the figure above in reverse where 1 kW is used to move 3 kW of power from
the space. The air conditioner puts 4 kW of power into the environment and this power
must be dissipated by the condenser. The air conditioning unit is using more power than
is being consumed in electricity. However, in this case, all the power used to operate
the air conditioning unit is dissipated outside and has no effect on the power removed
from the space. Hence, the COP is equal to 3.


Energy Efficiency Factor (EEF)
Energy Efficiency Factor (EEF) - The quotient of the total storage volume in liters
(adjusted according to PNS 396 Part 2: 2013) divided by the energy consumption in
kilowatt-hour per 24 hour
Fluids that are used as medium of heat transfer. They change form from gas phase to
liquid and back to gas in a refrigeration cycle. Two types of refrigerant used in old
conventional refrigeration systems are hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
Refrigerants with no Phase Down

 HFC (R-32, 125, 134a, 143a, 152a, 404a, 407c, 410a, 507c)
 Air-conditioning (134a, 407c, 410a, M50)
 Refrigeration (404a, 507c, M50)
 Blends (e.g. 404a is a liquid blend of 125/143/134a & 407c is a liquid
blend of R32/125/134a)
 Hydrocarbon Blends (M30, M50, M60)
 M30 (R290/R600a Blend)
 M50 (R290/R170 Blend)
Energy Efficiency Ratio, EER
The EER is the ratio of output cooling energy (in BTU) to electrical input energy (in

The units are therefore BTU/W/h or more formally BTU.W-1.h-1.

The bizarre units of measurement originated in the US to measure the efficiency of an
air conditioning system in a steady state. The units are therefore not dimensionless and
EER can be measured only over time. Typically, with the system stable, one can
measure the energy used over an hour period. One measures the amount of cooling the
system has performed during that time.
Many writers erroneously consider the EER to be a ratio of power, not energy:

The units are the same, but now we are dividing the power of the air conditioning unit (in
BTU/h) by the power to operate it (in Watt). Although incorrect, this view does have the
advantage of allowing us to easily estimate the power used for a certain size of air
conditioning unit.
As an example, consider an air conditioning unit that is five tons and has an EER of
11.6. 4 If we want to find out how much power is used we rewrite equation 5:

Where the multiplication by 12,000 converts tons of air conditioning to BTU/h. The EER
can be specified only at a specific delta temperature (between inside and outside the
space being cooled), because as we see from equation 2, the efficiency changes with
this delta temperature. The EER is usually specified under the conditions shown in table

To convert EER to COP, we need to accommodate for the units used. We convert the
BTU energy and the electrical input energy to a common energy unit, namely Joule. 5
One BTU equals 1055 J. One Wh equals 3600 Ws or 3600 J. So:


1. What is the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator that operates with Carnot

efficiency between temperatures of -3  C and 27  C?
o o

TC 273.15+(−3)
COP= = =9.12
T H −T C ( 273.15+27 ) −[ 273.15+ (−3 ) ]

2. A refrigerator has a coefficient of performance equal to 5.  If the refrigerator

absorbs 120 J of thermal energy from a cold reservoir in each cycle, find
(a) the work done in each cycle and
(b) the thermal energy expelled to the hot reservoir. 

Q 120 J
W ¿= = =60 J
B. Q R=Q C +W ¿ =120 J +60 J =180 J

3.  Refrigerator has COP of 3. How much work must be supplied to the refrigerator
in order to remove 200 J of heat from its interion?
QC 200 J
W ¿= = =66.7 J

4. A heat pump used to warm a home must employ a cycle that produces a working
fluid at temperatures greater than typical indoor temperature so that heat transfer
to the inside can take place. Similarly, it must produce a working fluid at
temperatures that are colder than the outdoor temperature so that heat transfer
occurs from outside. Its hot and cold reservoir temperatures therefore cannot be
too close, placing a limit on its COP . (See Figure 5.) What is the best coefficient

of performance possible for such a heat pump, if it has a hot reservoir

temperature of 45.0ºC and a cold reservoir temperature of −15.0ºC?

TC 273.15+(−15) 258.15
COP= = = =4.30
T H −T C ( 273.15+45 )−[273.15+ (−15 )] 318.15−258.15
Cagayan de Oro City




Plate No. 8

December 10, 2020 Criteria for Rating (100 pts.)

DATE DUE: Criteria Actual

December 12, 2020
 Promptness (20 pts.)
 Neatness (10 pts.)
Vincent Rey Olario
 Computations/Answers/
Data Analysis and Sketches
SUBMITT (40 pts.)
ED TO:  Conclusion and
Dr. Rogelio C. Golez, Jr n (30 pts.)

Total Score



School Year: 2020 - 2021

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