Me Lab 7

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A. Objectives:  To be able to;

1. Familiarize with the basic terms and parts of a Refrigeration system

2. Show diagrams and identified parts of the Refrigeration system.

B. Theory

Discuss the following:

1 Basic Operation of Refrigeration System

The refrigeration system must have 4 parts. A condenser, an evaporator,

compressor and an expansion device. Starting with the compressor, refrigerant gas is
compressed to a higher pressure.  After passing through the compressor, it passes to the
condenser.  The high pressure gas transfers its heat to the surrounding air and
condenses.  It then passes through the expansion device, which is a restriction
separating the high side from the low side.
After passing through the expansion device, the pressure is reduced because the
compressor is removing gas from the end of the evaporator.  This lowers the boiling
temperature of the refrigerant.  The lower temperature absorbs heat from the air passing
over the evaporator and boils the liquid to a gas. The gas then passes into the
compressor and the cycle repeats.

2 Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

The Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle involves four components: compressor,

condenser, expansion valve/throttle valve and evaporator.
It is a compression process, whose aim is to raise the refrigerant pressure, as it flows
from an evaporator. The high-pressure refrigerant flows through a condenser/heat
exchanger before attaining the initial low pressure and going back to the evaporator. A
more detailed explanation of the steps is as explained below.


The refrigerant (for example R-717) enters the compressor at low temperature
and low pressure. It is in a gaseous state. Here, compression takes place to raise the
temperature and refrigerant pressure. The refrigerant leaves the compressor and enters
to the condenser. Since this process requires work, an electric motor may be used.
Compressors themselves can be scroll, screw, centrifugal or reciprocating types.

The condenser is essentially a heat exchanger. Heat is transferred from the
refrigerant to a flow of water. This water goes to a cooling tower for cooling in the case of
water-cooled condensation. Note that seawater and air-cooling methods may also play
this role. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser, it is in a constant pressure.

One cannot afford to ignore condenser safety and performance. Specifically,

pressure control is paramount for safety and efficiency reasons.  There are several
pressure-controlling devices to take care of this requirement


When the refrigerant enters the throttling valve, it expands and releases
pressure. Consequently, the temperature drops at this stage. Because of these changes,
the refrigerant leaves the throttle valve as a liquid vapor mixture, typically in proportions
of around 75 % and 25 % respectively.

Throttling valves play two crucial roles in the vapor compression cycle. First, they
maintain a pressure differential between low- and high-pressure sides. Second, they
control the amount of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator.


At this stage of the Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle, the refrigerant is at a

lower temperature than its surroundings. Therefore, it evaporates and absorbs latent heat
of vaporization. Heat extraction from the refrigerant happens at low pressure and
temperature. Compressor suction effect helps maintain the low pressure.

There are different evaporator versions in the market, but the major
classifications are liquid cooling and air cooling, depending whether they cool liquid or air

3 Basic Refrigeration System Component

Compressor is the most important component, which is usually called the main
engine in refrigeration system. The refrigerant steam is increased from low pressure to
high pressure and the continuous flow and transportation of the steam is achieved by
the work of the compressor.
Condenser condenses the high-pressure refrigerant steam from the compressor
into liquid. During condensation, the heat released by refrigerant steam is taken away
by other cooling medium. According to the different types of cooling medium,
condenser can be classified into four main categories.

1) The water cooling type: in this type of condenser, refrigerant heat is taken
away by cooling water. Cooling water can be used for one time or for recycling. The
water cooled condenser can be divided into vertical shell and tube type, horizontal shell
and tube type and bushing type according to its different structural types.
2) The air cooling type: in this type of condenser, refrigerant releases heat by air.
Air can be natural convection or forced flow by fans. These condensers are used for
freon refrigeration units, which is normally applied in the areas where there is insufficient
water supply.
3) The water air cooling type: in this type of condenser, the refrigerant is cooled
by water and air at the same time, but mainly depends on the evaporation of the cooling
water on the surface of the heat transfer tube. A large amount of heat is absorbed from
the side of the refrigerant as the latent heat of water vaporization. The effect of the air is
mainly to accelerate the evaporation of water. So this type of condenser has very little
water consumption. For the air drying areas with insufficient water supply, this condenser
is the best choice.
(4) The evaporation – condensation type: in this type of condenser, the cold
effect produced by the evaporation of the refrigerant in another refrigeration system is
used to cool the refrigerant steam on the other side of the heat transfer wall and promote
the condensation and liquefaction of the latter.

4 Operation of Refrigeration Systems Operating Temperature of Vapor Compression

For a refrigeration cycle that has a hot reservoir at around room temperature (or

a bit higher) and a cold reservoir that is desired to be at around 34°F, the boiling point of
the refrigerant needs to be fairly low. Thus, various fluids have been identified as
practical refrigerants.

5 Efficiency of refrigeration Systems

Refrigeration efficiency is measured in terms of the Coefficient

of Performance (COP) - the ratio of cooling energy supplied to the amount of electrical
energy used. It varies according to: System type and design, for example, refrigerant gas
and compressor type.

6 Refrigeration System Efficiency

Refrigeration efficiency is measured in terms of the Coefficient

of Performance (COP) - the ratio of cooling energy supplied to the amount of electrical
energy used. It varies according to: System type and design, for example, refrigerant gas
and compressor type.

7 Coefficient of Performance for Refrigeration

The coefficient of performance or COP (sometimes CP or CoP) of a heat

pump, refrigerator or air conditioning system is a ratio of useful heating or cooling
provided to work required. Higher COPs equate to lower operating costs.

8 Energy Efficiency Ratio for Refrigeration

The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of an HVAC cooling device is the ratio of

output cooling energy (in BTU) to input electrical energy (in watts) at a given operating
point. EER is normally calculated with a 95 °F outside temperature and an inside (return
air) temperature of 80 °F and 50% relative humidity.
Cagayan de Oro City




Plate No. 7

December 8, 2020 Criteria for Rating (100 pts.)

DATE DUE: Criteria Actual

December 12, 2020
 Promptness (20 pts.)
 Neatness (10 pts.)
Olario Vincent Rey Y.
 Computations/Answers/
Data Analysis and Sketches
(40 pts.)
 Conclusion and
Dr. Rogelio C. Golez, Jr
n (30 pts.)

Remarks: Total Score



School Year: 2020 - 2021

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