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Prepared by: Monique Philips B. Totanes

S.Y. 2018-2019
TOPIC/LESSON NAME 2. Conformity and deviance
a. Social control (gossip, social ostracism, laws
and punishments)
b. Forms of deviance (ritualism, retreatism,
rebellion, and innovation)
3. Human dignity, rights, and the common good
CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. cultural, social, and political institutions as sets

of norms and patterns of behavior that relate to
major social interests
2. assess the rules of social interaction to
maintain stability of everyday life and the role of
innovation in response to problems and
3. recognize the value of human rights and
promote the common good

Investigate how a person’s actions and attitudes
towards rules and rights affect the stability of a
1. Identifies the social goals and the socially
acceptable means of achieving these goals
2. advocate inclusive citizenship
3. promote protection of human dignity, rights,
and the common good

1. Evaluate actions towards social goals
2. Practice inclusive citizenship
3. Portray the right way in protecting the common
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:

Understand the human rights and suggest ways

on how people should enact the rights and abide
rules in protecting those
TIME ALLOTMENT 210 minutes
SOURCES Contreras, Antonio et.al. Understanding Culture,
Society and Politics (2016)
MATERIALS Books, newspapers, markers

INTRODUCTION (10 MINUTES): Introduce the learning objectives and recap the
previous discussion
MOTIVATION (20 MINUTES): Picture Analysis
PRACTICE (30 MINUTES): Identification
ENRICHMENT (30 MINUTES): Panel Discussion
EVALUATION (30 MINUTES): Community Proposal

Present the specific learning outcomes and recap the previous discussion.
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
Understand the human rights and suggest ways on how people should enact the rights
and abide rules in protecting those

Present pictures that shows peace and conflict.
Sample situations:
1. Marawi siege
2. Abortion
3. The tri-people
4. Peace talks
5. NPA’s
Ask the students:
1. What creates conflict?
2. What ensures peace?
Peace and conflict is dependent on how people act or behave to laws, rules, and
agreements and uphold human rights. It is a matter of how people conform and deviate
in the society.
Activity 1: Let’s investigate!
Step 1: Let the learners look for articles on issues and/or peace agreements in the
Step 2: Let the learners share in class their gathered data and look for a partner with a
related topic. Let them create the possible causes and effects of the situation.
Step 3: Let the learners explore their community and study whether the people are
aware and are experiencing the same problem or situation in their chosen article.

The status quo of the society is dependent on the attitude of the people towards the
rights and laws. Conformity is an act to obey certain orders and rules while deviance
refers to a process of disobeying the norms and standards in a society. A person who
conforms sets his/her attention towards achieving the common good while deviance is
caused by self-interest. To achieve common good is to be aware of the rights of the
people which are stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If a person bears
in mind that we all have equal rights then it is hard for them to do something to shaken
the stability of the society. However, people who deviate could either be aware of the
rights but neglects it or are not aware at all. The orders and rules that a society has is
dependent on the rights that we have but the success of the enactment of the laws is
dependent on the awareness of the people.

1. Why do we have to conform to the standards of the society?
2. Why do deviant people exist?
3. How important is it for a person to understand the human rights?
Let the learners present their outputs in class and each finding should be critiqued

Let the learners make a proposal on how to solve the issues/maintain order in the cases
that they chose in the previous activities.

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