Please Follow The Instructions Carefully
Please Follow The Instructions Carefully
Please Follow The Instructions Carefully
B. Below is the scenario A. Indicate how the researcher should proceed in this case; that is,
determine the following, giving reasons:
a. Type of research question (exploratory, descriptive, or causal).
b. The extent of researcher interference.
c. The study setting.
d. The research strategy.
e. The time horizon for the study.
f. The unit of analysis.
Scenario A
A specific department within an organization has a high turnover rate; employees of this
department have a shorter average tenure than those of other departments in the company.
Skilled workers are leaving and the worker population contains a high percentage of
novice workers. Ms Joyce Lynn has no idea what is going on and wants to know more
about what is happening.
A. How has the advancement in technology helped data gathering via interviewing?
B. Field notes are often regarded as being simultaneously data and data analysis.
C. Explain the principles of measurement, stating how these are important in
questionnaire design, citing examples not in the book
Q No.3 (Mark: 5+3+3+4)
A. Operationalize the following:
a. customer loyalty;
b. price consciousness.
B. Whenever possible, it is advisable to use instruments that have already been
developed and repeatedly used in published studies, rather than developing our own
instruments for our studies. Do you agree? Discuss the reasons for your answer.
C. “The SERVQUAL-scale is formative in nature.” Comment on this statement. Explain
why it does not make sense to assess the inter item consistency of this scale.
D. Nonprobability sampling designs ought to be preferred to probability sampling
designs in some cases. Explain with an example.
A. The MANQUAL-scale is formative in nature.” Comment on this statement. Explain why
it does not make sense to assess the inter item consistency of this scale.