New Distribution of Silky Anteater

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New distribution records of the silky anteater Cyclopes didactylus (Pilosa,

Cyclopedidae) in coastal northeastern Brazil

Article · December 2010


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2 authors, including:

Flávia Miranda
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz


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Systematics, biogeography and conservation of Silky anteaters, genus Cyclopes (Mammalia: Xenarthra) View project

Survey of ixodidae ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) on wild animals in Central Amazon. View project

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Mastozoología Neotropical, 17(2):381-384, Mendoza, 2010 ISSN 0327-9383
©SAREM, 2010 Versión on-line ISSN 1666-0536


OF THE SILKY ANTEATER Cyclopes didactylus

Flávia Miranda1 and Mariella Superina2

Projeto Tamanduá and Wildlife Conservation Society, Alameda João de Barros 420, 07600-000
Mairiporã–SP, Brazil [Correspondence: <[email protected]>]. 2 IMBECU, CCT CONICET –
Mendoza, Casilla de Correos 855, 5500 Mendoza, Argentina

ABSTRACT: The silky anteater Cyclopes didactylus is one of the least studied xenarthrans.
Its range extends from tropical Mexico south into Central and South America. The aim of
this study was to determine the range of a historically isolated population of C. didactylus in
coastal northeastern Brazil. Data on sightings, donations, and confiscations of C.
didactylus were obtained from regional offices of the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente
e Recursos Renováveis (IBAMA). The silky anteater’s area of distribution in the northeast-
ern Atlantic forest seems to be larger than previously reported and includes the states of
Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, and Alagoas.

RESUMEN: Nuevos registros de distribución del serafín del platanar Cyclopes

didactylus (Pilosa, Cyclopedidae) en el nordeste costero de Brasil. Cyclopes didactylus
es uno de los xenartros menos estudiados. Su distribución abarca zonas tropicales de
México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la exten-
sión de una población de C. didactylus aislada históricamente en la costa noreste de
Brasil. Se obtuvo información sobre avistamientos, donaciones y decomisos de C. didactylus
de las oficinas regionales del Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Renováveis
(IBAMA). El área de distribución del serafín del platanar en la selva atlántica nordestina
parece ser más amplia de lo conocido e incluye los estados de Rio Grande do Norte,
Paraíba, Pernambuco y Alagoas.

Key words. Atlantic Forest. Pygmy anteater. Xenarthra

Palabras clave. Selva atlántica. Serafín del platanar. Xenarthra

The silky anteater Cyclopes didactylus (Fig. 1) affected by rapid deforestation and habitat loss
is a small, poorly known xenarthran. With a all over its range, the species is currently listed
body weight of approximately 300 grams, a as Least Concern (LC) by the International
body length of 35 cm and a tail length of 20 Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN,
cm, it is the smallest extant anteater. Its 2008).
exclusively arboreal and nocturnal habits may The silky anteater’s type locality, originally
explain why it is one of the least studied described as “Habitat in America australi”, was
xenarthrans. Although its wild populations are limited by Thomas (1911) to Surinam. Its range

Recibido 26 mayo 2010. Aceptado 8 agosto 2010. Editor asociado: A Abba

382 Mastozoología Neotropical, 17(2):381-384, Mendoza, 2010 F Miranda y M Superina

forest. The IUCN/SSC Anteater, Sloth and

Armadillo Specialist Group lists Pernambuco
as the only state in coastal northeastern Brazil
where silky anteaters occur (Fonseca and
Aguiar, 2004). However, according to Wetzel
(1985), their distribution in northeastern Brazil
ranges from the coast of Pernambuco to
Alagoas. Gardner (2007) mentions museum
specimens from Paraíba, Pernambuco and
Alagoas. Because all specimens listed by
Wetzel (1985) and Gardner (2007) are over
50—and some even more than 100—years old,
we considered it necessary to verify the
presence of C. didactylus in coastal
northeastern Brazil and update its area of
distribution. A questionnaire aiming at
obtaining data on sightings, donations, and
confiscations of silky anteaters over the past
five years was sent by fax or email to the
regional offices of the Instituto Brasileiro do
Meio Ambiente e Recursos Renováveis
(IBAMA) of the states of Ceará, Rio Grande
Fig. 1. Male silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus) from do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas,
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Photograph by Flávia Mi- Sergipe, and Bahia. All offices responded to
randa. the survey. In addition, personal or telephone
interviews were performed with state officers
extends from tropical Mexico south into Cen- of IBAMA.
tral and South America. It is absent from El Analysis of the collected information
Salvador (Fonseca and Aguiar, 2004). In Cos- revealed that the current area of distribution
ta Rica, it seems to be restricted to Cartago of C. didactylus in coastal northeastern Brazil
province (Cabrera, 1957). Within South varies from the range described in the scientific
America, its distribution west of the Andes is literature (Fig. 2). Silky anteaters have been
limited to Ecuador, Colombia, and possibly reported from Rio Grande do Norte, where
northwestern Peru (Wetzel, 1985). East of the some specimens were received by IBAMA in
Andes, it can be found in the forests of the the Natal area (5° 50’ S, 35° 10’ W). Several
Orinoco and Amazon basins. According to specimens have been confiscated by or
Wetzel (1985), its distribution ranges as far voluntarily handed over to the authorities in
south as southeastern Bolivia, while Fonseca Paraíba (7° 10’ S, 35° 00’ W); most of these
and Aguiar (2004) mention that the animals were directed to IBAMA and João
southernmost record is in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Pessoa Zoo. Reports were also obtained of
The silky anteater’s low metabolic rate, low silky anteaters that have been voluntarily
body temperature (around 33 °C), and reduced handed over to the authorities in the Atlantic
ability to thermoregulate limit its distribution forest of Pernambuco; the individuals
to forests below 1500 m (McNab, 1985). The originated from different areas, such as Recife
Andes therefore represent a significant barrier (8° 00’ S, 34° 50’ W) and Igarassú (7° 50’ S,
between northern and southern populations. 34° 50’ W). IBAMA Alagoas receives an
Sporadic sightings in northeastern Brazil important number of silky anteaters due to the
(Fonseca et al., 1996) suggest the existence of large area of this state and its conservation
an isolated population in the coastal Atlantic areas. The main sites of origin informed by
RANGE EXTENSION OF Cyclopes didactylus 383

consequence, the coastal northeastern

population may be sufficiently differentiated
at the genetic level to represent a separate
Evolutionary Significant Unit (ESU sensu
Moritz, 1994).
Once abundant, the Atlantic forest of
northeastern Brazil currently represents one of
the most degraded areas of the biome.
Deforestation for sugar cane and soybean
monocultures has decimated and fragmented
suitable habitat for innumerable species, some
of which are threatened with extinction
(Tabarelli et al., 2006). The current area of
the coastal Atlantic forest fragments in the
range states of C. didactylus amounts to
approximately 3000 km 2 (Campanili and
Prochnow, 2006), which represents no more
than 5% of its original extent (Galindo-Leal
Fig. 2. Distribution of the silky anteater (Cyclopes
didactylus) in coastal northeastern Brazil. Hatched area:
and De Gusmão Câmara, 2003). Genetic
range according to IUCN (2008). Dotted area: range analyses are in progress to evaluate whether
according to this study. Numbers indicate distribution the population described here is indeed a
records reported in this study. 1. Natal; 2. João Pessoa; separate ESU (Miranda et al., 2009). If so,
3. Recife; 4. Igarassú; 5. Boca da Mata; 6. Marechal
Deodoro; 7. Murici; 8. Maceió.
and in view that deforestation of its natural
habitat has not halted, it is probable that these
silky anteaters should be classified as
endangered and require special protection to
the authorities were Boca da Mata (9° 40’ S, ensure their long-term survival.
36° 15’ W), Marechal Deodoro (9° 50’ S, 35°
50’ W), Murici (9° 25’ S, 35° 60’ W), and the Acknowledgements. We thank the authorities at IBAMA
capital city Maceió (9° 40' S, 35° 45' W). No for their collaboration, especially Antônio Leite (IBAMA
silky anteater was received by IBAMA Ceará RN) and Dr. Julio Cesar Antunes Botelho (IBAMA AL),
as well as Sergio Maia Vaz. We also wish to thank our
over the past years, and no individuals have colleagues Paula Lara, Vanessa Primante, Louise
been reported from the states of Bahia and Maranhão, Polly-Ana Celina, and Roberto Veloso for
Sergipe. The number of C. didactylus received their help. Financial support was provided by the Wildlife
per year by IBAMA, averaged over all Conservation Society and the IUCN Edentate
Conservation Fund.
northeastern states, was two individuals/year.
These animals were usually released in Atlantic
forest patches. LITERATURE CITED
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