R.M.D. Engineering College Department of Management Studies: Guidelines For Undertaking Final Semester Project Work

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December 2, 2010


● The main focus of the Project should be on the chosen area of Specialization such as General Management /
Human Resource Management / Marketing Management / Financial Management for MBA.

● The project work may be carried out by identifying research / application problem in any one of the business /
manufacturing / service organizations that suits the chosen area of the specialization.

● The project work commences on December 20, 2010 and should be completed no later than April 21, 2011.

● The candidates are directed to submit their project confirmation letters from respective organizations to
project coordinator on or before December 31, 2010.
● Candidates have to prepare a brief synopsis of the proposed project in the prescribed format given in Annexure
I and submit the same to the department project coordinator on or before January 08, 2011.

● The candidate is expected to execute original work. If at any point of time it is noticed that the work is not
original, the project will be summarily rejected.

● The report should not contain any downloaded materials directly.

● Nowhere in your report should you use ‘I’, ‘We’, ‘My’, ‘Our’. The report should be written in passive voice.
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● The project report completed in all respects should be submitted in the specified format on or before May 07,

Project Coordinator HOD/MBA

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Major Types of Project

The project to be undertaken may be of various types:

Exploratory type
The candidate to explore the possible causes of a phenomena or status

Descriptive – to support or disprove existing facts with quantitative data

Survey type
includes designing questionnaire for collection of data through field study, collecting data from target respondents,
processing and analyzing the data and arriving at conclusions
Experimental study
Conduct of experiments to find the cause and effect relations between experimental variables and dependent
e.g. Impact of training programme on performance, impact of advertisements on sales
Desk research based on secondary data
Making use of published data, analyzing and interpreting such data and arriving at meaningful conclusions.

Problem identification

By referring to relevant literature or discussing with industry experts – a problem may be formulated in the chosen area of
Specialization and the same can be fine tuned by drawing input from the Project Guide.
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Time Schedule
A tentative time schedule is given in Annexure II to structure your progress
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Progress for First Review

For the First Review, the candidate is required to present the following details:

Problem identified and confirmed

Background Study

Need for the project

Objectives and scope of the project

Review of Literature

Proposed Methodology

Type of Project

Target respondents

Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations

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Proposed Sampling Methods

Proposed Analysis (Statistical Tools) and Interpretation methodologies

Deliverables – Expected Conclusions

A report incorporating all the above details should be submitted at the time of First Review.

The evaluation by the project guide and the Project Monitoring Committee is based on the above points. The evaluation form for
First Review by the Project Guide and Project Monitoring Committee is given in Annexure III.
Progress for Second Review
Any Suggestions/extensions suggested by the Project Monitoring Committee at the First Review should be incorporated and project
modified accordingly before the Second Review.

For the Second Review, the candidate is required to present the following details:

Work completed so far

Questionnaire designed or interview schedule (if applicable)

Report of Pilot Study

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Summary of Literature review

Data captured so far with all details including scope, sample size, assumptions, constraints, limitations etc.

Further work to be done

Deviation if any and justification

Attendance details regarding meeting (in person or by e-mail with guide) – attested by the guide

Confirmation of tools for Analysis

A report incorporating all the above details should be submitted at the time of Second Review.

The evaluation by the project guide and the Project Monitoring Committee is based on the above points. The evaluation
form for Second Review by the Project Guide and Project Monitoring Committee is given in Annexure IV.
Preparation of Project Report
Each candidate is expected to submit four copies of Project Report
The following should be the contents of the report:

Title Sheet
Bonafide Certificate
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Organization Certificate
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
A general arrangement is given below. The same may be modified to suit the study on the advice of the guide.
Review of Literature
Research Methodology
Data Analysis
Summary and Conclusion
Copy of Questionnaire / Interview Schedule
Any Other
■ Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the reference where they are cited.

■ Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and placed directly underneath in the very
same page which refers to the material they annotate.

Prepared by Approved by
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Project Coordinator HOD / MBA

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Annexure - I

1. Name of the Candidate :

2. Examination Registration Number :

3. Area of specialization :

4. Topic and Problem Identified for :

the study (about 15-20 lines)
(attach a separate sheet)

5. Organization Details:
a. Name & address :
(with pin code)

b. Phone & e-mail :

(with STD code)

c. Organization guide :
(with official designation)

6. Proposed Methodology:
a. Type of data :

b. Tools for Data Collections :

c. Frame work of data analysis :

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d. Expected Deliverables :

e. Any other :
(attach a separate sheet)

7. Time Schedule :
(attach a separate sheet)


Address for Communication: (With Phone Numbers: Mobile & Residence and E-mail)
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e - II
e of
S. No. Time Frame Activities
December 20, 2010 - Identification of Topic & work out details ( By
January 07, 2011 candidate)
2. December 31, 2010 Submission of Confirmation letter
3. January 08, 2011 Submission of Project Proposal ( Annexure I)
4. February 05, 2011 First Review
5. March 05, 2011 Second Review
6. April 02, 2011 Third Review
7. April 20, 2011 Submission of Draft project report (1 copy)
8. April 30, 2011 Final Review
9. May 07, 2011 Submission of Final project report (4 copies)
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Annexure – III
Evaluation Form – First Review
S. No. Reg. No. Topic of Project Background Review of Proposed Frequency of Presentation TOTAL Remarks
Study, Need, Literature Methodology meeting with (20) (100)
Objectives and (20) defined (20) guide and guide
Scope (20) marks (20)

Date: Guide Name & Project Coordinator HOD/MBA Principal

Annexure – IV
Evaluation Form – Second Review
S. No. Reg. No. Topic of Project Work Depth of Data Frequency of Presentation TOTAL Remarks
completed Study, Interpretation, meeting with (20) (100)
so far analysis Suggestions guide and guide
(20) (20) and marks (20)
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Date: Guide Name & Project Coordinator HOD/MBA Principal


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