Field Project Formats
Field Project Formats
Savitribai Phule Pune University is committed to prepare students for the jobs of the future,
which will require a combination of technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity
and to achieve this industrial internship plays crucial role. Field Project is a 04-credit course
and it is evaluated based on successful completion of the student’s submission of the project
with required documents. The project report prepared by the student will be known as the
output of field Project. Field Project carries 04 credits, and carries 100 marks, divided into
two parameters
Internal Evaluation (30 Marks) External Evaluation (Marks 70)
As the field Project is based on the self-study done by the candidate and evaluated for 100
marks altogether, 04 credits will be awarded to a successful candidate in this subject. The
project shall be evaluated by two examiners one internal and one external (Subject Expert
from Outside College). A Viva voce must be conducted by the panel consisting of Internal
Examiner and External Examiner.
A Field Project Report is an end result of practical experiences, research, and analysis,
reflecting the depth and breadth of the student's engagement during fieldwork. This
comprehensive document serves as a testament to the student's ability to apply academic
knowledge to real-world challenges within the field of commerce.
Structural Guidelines:
Cover Page:
Include the title of the report, student's name, university, and the date of submission.
Express gratitude to individuals, organizations, and the Field Project Guide who contributed
to the success of the project.
Table of Contents:
Present a clear and organized list of the report's sections and subsections with
corresponding page numbers.
Introduce the project, its context, and the significance of the chosen topic. State the objectives
and outline the structure of the report.
Organizational Profile:
Provide a detailed overview of the organization where the fieldwork was conducted. Include
information about its structure, mission, and industry context.
Literature Review:
Review relevant literature and theoretical frameworks related to the field of study. Discuss
how existing knowledge informs the project and its goals.
Research Methodology:
Describe the research design, data collection methods, and tools used during fieldwork.
Explain the rationale behind methodological choices.
Propose actionable recommendations based on the analysis and discussions. Provide
justifications for each recommendation.
Summarize key findings, insights, and the overall impact of the field project. Restate the
significance of the work undertaken.
Provide a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the report using a standardized citation
1. Font and Spacing: Use a readable font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) with standard
size 12 and one and half line spacing.
2. Headings and Subheadings: Clearly distinguish headings and subheadings to enhance
3. Page Numbers: Number all pages sequentially, including the cover page.
4. Graphics and Visuals: Incorporate visuals strategically to enhance understanding but
avoid overloading the report.
Table of Contents
Title Page No
Title Cover Page (Ref-Specimen-1) NA
Acknowledgement I
Declaration by the Candidate (Ref- Specimen-2) II
Certificate of the Project Guide (Ref- Specimen-3) III
Company Certificate (Ref- Specimen-4) IV
Project completion Certificate (by the college) (Ref- Specimen-5) V
Plagiarism Report VI
Table of Content VII
List of Table (Ref- Specimen-6) VIII
List of Figures (Ref- Specimen-7) IX
Abstract or Executive Summary
Chapter No-1-Introduction 1
Chapter No-2 Organizational Profile
Chapter No-3 Problem Statement or challenges addressed
Chapter No-4 Objectives and Scope
Chapter No-5 Literature Review
Chapter No-6 Research Methodology
Title Page:-
write here the title of the project
in the subject (Specialization)
- was prepared by
Class M.COM –I (SEM- ) Roll No---------under my guidance and supervision for
the academic year-----------. This project report is based on original study/field work carried
out by him/her. Material/Notes obtained from sources has been duly acknowledged in the
This project is submitted to Savitribai Phule Pune University in partial fulfillment of
requirement of Master of Commerce for the academic year _.
So on
The first number indicates the chapter number; the second number following the dot
indicates the number of the table in that chapter.
The first number indicates the chapter number, the second number following the do indicates
the number of the table in that chapter