Lesson Plan Present Simple

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Lesson plan

Date: 11th of April 2019

Teacher: Drăgan Ionela Lia
School: Școala Gimnazială „Dr. Ion Sîrbu” Eftimie Murgu
Grade: 5th A
Textbook: Limba modernă 1 – Limba engleză: clasa a V-a/ Clare Kennedy, Chiara
Soldi, Cristina Rusu, Diana Todoran, București, editura Art, 2018.
Topic: Negative and interrogative form of present simple tense
Language skills: speaking and writing
Classroom organization: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, pairs
Aids: textbook, notebooks, handouts
Aims: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able:
- To produce sentences in the present simple negative and interrogative;
- To transform present simple sentences in the third person singular;
- To use negative and interrogative forms in dialogues.
- To give short answers.

Stage Activity Timing

1. Lead-in Teacher greets the students and asks them how they 9’
are feeling. She checks the absents and the homework,
correcting the mistakes.
Students have to write down as many mornings routines
as they can in two minutes. They can make notes (not
full sentences) to help them while they are speaking.
After that, each student speaks about his/her morning

2. Elicitation Teacher asks students when they use present simple 3’

and how it is formed.

3.Presentatio Teacher announces students that today they are 13’

n learning about negative and interrogative forms (with
short answers) of the present simple. Teacher writes the
title on the board and students in their notebooks.
Teacher explains and writes the rules on the board,
students do the same in their notebooks: when we use
the negative form we join do and does (the verb TO DO)
with not. In the third person singular negative, we do not
add –s to the base form of the verb: Sarah doesn’t live in
Italy. The negative form is formed by subject + do/does +
not + base form of the verb. For the interrogative form,
we use also TO DO. It is formed by Do/Does + subject +
base form of the verb?. Short answers are formed by
Yes/No + subject + do/does or don’t/doesn’t. for the third
person singular interrogative, we do not add –s to the
base form of the verb: Does it start at 10?.

4. Practice Students receive a handout with two exercises. On the 22’

first one, they have to fill in the gaps with don’t or
doesn’t. The second one is about unscramble the words
to make questions (Anexa 1).
Students have to work in pairs the game named Make
me say: “No, I don’t”. A student asks the partner “Do
you…” questions and get one point for “No, I don’t”
answers but no points for “Yes, I do” answers. Win the
person which earns the most points. They have three
minutes to write down the questions. After that, each pair
will speak loudly and will receive the points.
Students open their books at page 89 and take a look at
exercise 4. They have to fill in the gaps with do, does,
don’t or doesn’t. They will solve the exercise on the
board and teacher supervise and correct them if it’s
necessary (Anexa 2).

5. Homework As homework, students take the exercise 2 from page 88 3’

(Anexa 2). Teacher explains the exercise.
Anexa 1

1. Fill in the gaps with don’t or doesn’t:

1. My maths class __________ begin at 10:45.

2. Jo __________ meet her friend after school.
3. My friends __________ like rap music.
4. I __________ get up at 7 o’clock on Sundays.
5. We __________ go to school on Saturdays.
6. Our dog __________ sleep in my bedroom.
7. Dan __________ watch films in his bedroom.

2. Unscramble the words to make questions:

1. shopping/Do/ go/ on Sundays/ you/?

2. the cat/ Does/ on the sofa/ sleep/?
3. to school/ by bus/ Do/ come/ the students/ ?
4. your best friend/ live/ near/ Do/ you/ ?
5. play/ football/ Do/ the girls/ ?
6. Do/ lunch/ we/ at 1 o’ clock/ have/ ?
7. they/ go/ on Saturdays/ Do/ bowling/ ?
Anexa 2

1. Fill in the gaps with do/ does/ don’t or doesn/t:

1. _______ you like pizza?

Yes, I ___________.
2. _______ your parents watch TV every day?
No, ____________.
3. _______ school start at 10 o’ clock?
No, ____________.
4. _______ your friends often go to the park?
Yes, ____________.
5. _______ you have breakfast at 6:30?
No, I ____________
6. _______ you and your best friend go skateboarding?
No, _____________.
7. _______ you and your family visit your grandparents on Sundays?
Yes, ____________.
8. _______ you go to bed late on Saturdays?
Yes, I ____________.
9. _______ your mum play computer games?
No, ____________.

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