Lesson Plan Quantifiers

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Systems lesson – Quantifiers

Main Aims

For students to have the opportunity to revise and clarify the meanings of a set of quantifiers (a little, a lot of, any, enough,
much, plenty of, some, quite a few, only a few, very few, too much/many) through sorting and comparing activities in the
context of food.

Secondary Aims

For students to have the opportunity of speaking practice, specifically negotiating outcomes.
For students to revise countable and uncountable nouns, specifically food lexis
For students to have practice of listening for detail

Stage Name & Stage

Aims Time/Int Procedural Detail

Warmer 5 minutes
 To activate T-Ss ‘What do you normally eat everyday? Is it healthy?’
schemata S-S Ss discuss in pairs

Lead in to grammar 10 minutes

point T-Ss ‘Now, you’re going to listen to a food expert talking about food. Before you listen,
 To introduce the use the words in the box to fill in the gaps in the text.’ Handout 1
aim of the lesson S Ss complete the gap fill
of the students S-S Ss compare answers to begin exchanging ideas about target language
 To test Ss existing T-Ss Ss listen to and check answers
knowledge of
quantifiers in

Analysis of target 10-15

language minutes

 To check/explore T-Ss ‘Fill in the table with countable and uncountable nouns from the text.’ Handout 2
the meaning of S Ss complete the table
target language S-S Allow time for Ss to check their answers before class feedback
 To highlight the T-Ss Ss write their answers on the whiteboard and T checks
implications when T-Ss ‘Now fill in this table with the quantifiers from the box.’
choosing S Ss complete the table
quantifiers S-S Allow time for Ss to check their answers before class feedback
T-Ss Ss write their answers on the whiteboard and T checks

T-Ss ‘Read the sentences and decide, what are the differences in meaning between
each two or three sentences?’
S Ss read for a minute.
S-S ‘Now discuss your ideas with your partner.’

Give ‘answer sheet’ for Ss to read.

S Ss read the explanation sheet - allow time for Ss to take in explanations.
T-Ss Concept check only a few and quite a few with ‘words I know in Vietnamese’.
Concept check enough, plenty, too much/many with ‘school bus’.
Concept check some and any with types of ‘sports’.

Controlled practice 10 minutes

 To test Ss T-Ss ‘Read the text, decide which quantifiers to use. If you can use both, what is the
understanding of difference in meaning?’
target language S Ss complete the exercise.
through a further S-S Ss check answers.
opportunity to T-Ss Sit down with the group and discuss the possibilities.
contrast meaning
 To give Ss practice
at deciding on the
correct quantifier
to be used in

Drilling 5 minutes
 To demonstrate T-Ss Write only a few drinks on the board and stick up three glasses.
and practise the Elicit the intrusion and weak a and write it on the board.
use of weak forms Wipe off the writing but leave the picture.
and connected Drill only a few drinks highlighting connected speech and the weak a
speech in target
language Stick up five glasses and drill quite a few drinks
 To reinforce the Stick up six glasses and drill a number of drinks
notions of amount Stick up ten glasses and drill a lot of drinks
through images Stick up a picture of a person and ten glasses and drill plenty of drinks

Whilst drilling refer back to the previous images to repeatedly drill the other
quantifiers and speed up. This increases the need for the weak forms and connected
speech to be used and makes the activity fun.

Controlled speaking 5 minutes Ss work in pairs.

practice (Time T-Ss Demonstrate the activity to the Ss.
permitting) ‘Put the cards face down in the middle of the sheet.’
 For Ss to practise ‘Turn over the cards and use them to make true sentences. Keep the card.’
deciding on and ‘If you think your partner’s sentence isn’t correct, ask them questions.’
saying the ‘If you can’t make a sentence put the card back to the bottom.’
quantifiers in a ‘Try to use as many cards as possible.’
controlled manner S-S Ss practice speaking using the prompts.

Freer practice 10-15

 To provide the minutes
opportunity for Ss T-Ss Put Ss into groups of three or four
to produce the ‘You are going to plan a party.’
target language in ‘I will give you a card. You are the person on the card.’
a meaningful ‘You must decide what you need for the party and how much money you want to
context spend.’
Ss-Ss Ss negotiate what they will need for the party
T-Ss Sit the group in a circle and feedback to the group what they have decided

Homework Announce and handout homework to check tomorrow.
 To provide further
controlled practice
to contrast

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