Cagayan National High School

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Cagayan National High School

Chapter 1


Fandom is a way of life. Much like daily activities

such as eating, walking, watching television, reading

books and the like, fandom is a habitual activity for a

fan. Sandvoss described fandom as the “regular,

emotionally involved consumption of a given popular

narrative or text.” A simple appreciation of a media text

may result to repeated and regular consumption. This

active consumption is the main subject of this research


This chapter presents the Background of the Study,

Statement of the Problem, Research Objectives, Scope and

Limitation, Significance of the Study and Definition of


A. Background of the Study

Today’s generation is being influenced by

various cultures. In the Philippines, students were

influenced by Korean culture through watching Korean

dramas and listening to K-pop music. Korean popular

music videos or K-pop refers to a music genre

originating in South Korea, characterized by a wide

variety of audiovisual elements. K-pop have

contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean

wave, known as Hallyu ( Wherein the

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term hallyu literally means the wave of the South

Korean entertainment and culture. Due to the birth

of technology, many of the fans of K-pop group are

now capable of sending electronic mail and/or visit

their idols on shoots and productions in which they

can express their admiration for a popular music and

videos of Kpop. Specially, internet, mobile phone

and other media has been widely used all over the

globe, which gives the audience a wide avenue to

express their thoughts. Because of the different

media used by celebrities and broadcast programs

which are now accessible by the fans, which can be

seen throughout the globe.

The penetration of Korean popular music and

videos from the mainstream and the openness of the

Filipino to the foreign media give birth the Korean

Wave in the country. Korean wave or Hallyu is the

rapid spread of Korean media in Asia. Here in the

Philippines, Filipinos were drawn to Korean dramas.

Last June 2009, had introduced the Korean music

video (MVs) in MYX music Channel here in the

Philippines. Since then, Kpop has become a primary

show in the program of the said channel, which give

birth fandom, which were created by the Filipino

teenage fans. In later months, Korean music had

entered MYX’s music charts and stayed in their top

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for weeks. In addition, music companies had

distributed Korean albums all over the country, and

some of these are the best sellers in very music

stores here in the Philippines.

With these being verbalized, this study

attempts to determine and understand the consumption

of Filipino students with the Korean popular music

and video or K-pop and their level of addiction

towards it to assess if K-pop greatly affects their

academic performance.

B. Statement of the Problem

In general the researchers would like to know the

reasons why students consume Kpop and does consuming Kpop

affects their academic performance.

Specifically this study tries to seek answers to the

following questions:

1) What are the reasons of the respondents listening or

watching K-pop when they are grouped according to

the following variables:

1.1) Sex

1.2) Strand

1.2.1. Accountancy, Business and


1.2.2. General Academic Strand

1.2.3. Humanities and Social Science

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1.2.4. Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics

2) What are the reasons behind the consumption of the

Filipino teens to K-pop?

3) What are the different modes of consumption of the

students to K-pop music and videos?

4) Is there a relationship between the consumption of

K-pop and the Academic Performance of Cagayan

National High School Senior High School students?

C. Research Objectives

In general, the researchers will like to know

the relationship between the number of hours does

the senior high school students of Cagayan National

High School watch or listen into Korean popular

music and videos with their academic performance.

Also, to understand what are the reasons why they

watch or consume K-pop music videos.

Specifically, this study aimed to:

a) To understand why students consumed K-pop

music and videos.

b) Determine if K-pop music videos aid students

in their learning.

c) To determine the different consumption of


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d) To assess if the level of addiction of the

students towards K-pop and their academic

performance has a significant relationship.

D. Scope and Limitation

The study focusses on the investigation of

relationship between the number of hours spend in

watching K-pop of the students of Academic Track of

Cagayan National High School with their academic

performance regardless their gender and socio-

economic status. The researchers employed survey

method to collect data and responses of students to

better understand the consumption of Kpop.

In this study, it shall be understood that Kpop

does not refers to the music per se, but also the

videos wherein Kpop idols where in it including

official music videos and other television shows

featuring Kpop artists.

In addition, the researcher focused on

understanding the consumption of the fans by

determining their level of addiction towards

watching K-pop in the survey questionnaires.

Moreover, the term “fandom” in this study shall

be understood as the emotionally involved

consumption of media texts, as opposed to the

gathering of people with the same interest for an

artist or media content.

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Furthermore, the study does not employ the

results to every Filipino teenage Kpop fans, but

rather isolate cases and attempt to unravel the

students where this study shall be undertaken,

Cagayan National High School Senior High School,

shall be the locale of the study.

E. Significance of the Study

The results of this study would benefit the


To the parents, they may be able to understand

their children’s fascination for such foreign media


To the Filipino teenage K-pop fans, they may

gain understanding of their fandom, and their

consumption of K-pop media affects their decision

and participation into activities.

To students to become critical to the media

content that they are watching. Therefore, that

local media will have a good feedback through their

active participation, which can create a healthy

relationship between media and society.

To the future researchers, they may benefit

from this study because this will encourage them to

continue on the investigation of other factor that

may affect the students’ performances. Also to be

able to find an alternative ways on testing

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correlational strategy in finding relationship

between academic performance and the number of hours

spend by the students in watching or listening to K-


To broadcast networks and producers this study

may serve as a basis to create strategies targeting

Kpop fans as potential audience. The local media may

also use the findings to recognize the factors that

attract Filipino fans to Kpop content and use these

strategies to improve local media content.

Lastly, to create a better relationship between

Korean national residing here in the Philippines and

to the Filipinos, fostering an open society as it

promotes intercultural relativism, which opens

critical minds of Filipino to foreign cultures.

F. Definition of Terms

Active Consumption is consuming Kpop texts

repeatedly and in a regular basis.

Academic Performance is the general average of a

student last First Semester.

Consumption is an act of using/utilizing Kpop media


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Fan is a person with an intense enthusiasm or

attachment to Korean popular music, videos and


K-pop is a Korean popular music, popular to the

youths here in the Philippines.

Media Content – other music, video clips, and music

videos that is related to Kpop or Kpop artists.

Unravel to better understand the consumption of

Filipino students

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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

As stated in the objectives of this study, the

researchers reviewed related literature studies that are

significant to the following concepts: relationship of

academic performance and k-pop consumption, fandom, k-pop

domination, and the Korean Wave in Asia and the

Philippines. There was a considerable amount of studies

found especially regarding the media consumption of fans

and the proliferation of Korean media content in Asia.

This chapter was organized based on the researchers'

grouping of general to specific topics, delimiting in the

main topic of the study. The subsections are presented in

this order: a)Cultural Proximity Theory b)Fandom

c)Hallyu: Korean Wave d)Korean Popular music e) Media

content f)Related Studies

A. Related Literature


Taking noteworthy of Pacis, J. (2012) the word

fan connotes a negative meaning in an everyday

discourse. Which points out that this kind of

connotation has been present ever since the term was

first coined. In a contemporary media studies, fans

is seen as an epitome of an active audience that

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consumes selectively according to its needs and

actively produces its own meanings out of the media

texts it consumes.

Furthermore, fan productivity can go beyond the

production of meaning at a personal level that can

create new bodies of cultural text. This practice

can also be a form of empowerment, which provides

the fans to create a venue to express what they are

thinking or what they feel. The sense of empowerment

achieved through playing an instrument and

reproducing sounds of a favorite record is a common

starting point for young musicians.

According to anonymous author in her blog, K-

pop and K-drama represent hybridized modes of

cultural production that was emerged from Korea in

the 1990s. Actually, the K-pop fandoms were centered

in Korea and in East Asia, but because of the

different technological advances such Twitter and

most especially Youtube, fandom has grown to more

locations that are international. In addition, a

continuous communication between the producers and

the audiences is why they call it as a unique

strength of the k-drama because k-drama fans

participate in the creation through feedback.

By the help of the Internet, non-Korean fans is

Southeast Asia including the Philippines can get a

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daily dose of Korean music, dramas and the like. In

which they created fans club to show their adoration

to their different idols. They interact not only

through their blogs and networking sites but also

through a regular meeting.

One of the fans club here in the Philippines is

Cassiopeia Philippines which support the Korean boy-

band TVXQ’s that has 800 members. One of the members

of the said that they establish the Cassiopeia

Philippines because of the growing number of the fan

here in the Philippines.

Hallyu: Korean Wave

The rise in popularity of Korean pop culture

(specifically music, TV dramas, and films) is known

as Hallyu or the Korean Wave. The Hallyu phenomenon

is present and alive not only in the Philippines,

but also in other parts of Asia (the Korean Wave is

said to first hit Japan), North and Latin America,

and even in some parts of Europe.

The phenomenon has sparked the interest of

several media and culture scholars all over the

world. Most of the studies done about the Korean

Wave, however, focus on the role of the Internet as

the medium and the globalization aspect of the

trend, rather than on the massive fan base that has

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emerged due to the phenomenon. Doobo Shim (2006)

says that Hallyu was the result of Korea‘s struggle

to protect their culture from the threat of foreign

influences at the time when their market was opened

to foreign pop cultures (particularly the Japanese)

for the first time.

Furthermore, Dator and Seo (2004), quoting

sociologist Habib Khondker, suggest that the Korean

Wave may also be seen as a form of pan-Asianism, a

―region-wide reassertion of Asian identity (p. 33).

Mark James Russel (2008), however, contests the very

idea of a Korean Wave. According to him, there is

nothing Korean about the spreading of Korean pop

culture abroad—it is merely a product of

globalization, and Korea just happened to be one of

the first to adopt the trend. Xiaochang Li (2009)

offers an overview of how technology and new media

affects the audienceship and fandom of East Asian

dramas. With none other than Henry Jenkins as the

thesis adviser, Li offers a description of how

online activity and consumption play important roles

in the creation and expansion of fandoms based on

Korean dramas.

Since the turn of 21st Century, many people

became more interested in South Korea’s culture,

fashion and most especially in their drama series and

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music. Because of these increasing interest, Hallyu

or also known as Korean Wave begun to rise. K-pop

became more popular these days especially among

youth. The followers of the K-pop are still

increasing in numbers because of their music. Their

music is not only includes the it genre but also

other genre like R&B, hip-hop, rock electronic,

ballad, dance pop and metal. Kpop music is famous not

only because of their music but also with the fusion

of music and with the dance movements. In addition,

subculture fans has a big impact in creating a new

production and spreading the k-pop culture. It is

with the help of the advancement of technology and

one of the advantages of technology is that people

around the world have a chance to talk or interact or

communicate with other subculture fans through social

media like Facebook, Twitter and the like.

Taking note of Shim, D. (2006), the Southeast

Asian market provides consumptions about media

globalization. The culture of the Korean media made

popularity in most of the Eastern and Southeastern

people, the Korean media industries made an argument

regarding the dominance of US about the globalization

that is not entirely justified. Entertainment made

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popularity and give birth to the world’s new TV

drama; K-drama.

As noted by Santamaria, C. (2012), hallyu refers

to the wave of the South Korean entertainment and

culture. This hallyu reached the Philippines back in

the year 2003. In which k-pop is becoming popular

among the Filipino youths, because of the advancement

of the technologies like the internet and crowd

sourcing according to a marketing consultant

interviewed by Santamaria, Katherin Choy. Miss Choy

stressed during her interviewed by Santamaria that

Korean cultural products in general are “not a fad

anymore”. K-pop in particular, must be considered as

a musical genre on its own, especially now that it is

“infiltrating the global scene” beyond Asia.

Furthermore, the fans are able to share their

fan art, get information about their idols and their

idols were capable of communicating with their fans

because of the Internet.

As mentioned by Salonga, R. (2013), Hallyu has

a big impact globally. Everyone had copied

everything about the Korean people even their

culture. From kimchi to K-pop and their fashion and

saying “Annyeonghaseyo.”

Korean Popular Music

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Nowadays, Korean boybands and girl groups

are influential to the music industry. They

influence most of the Filipino youths these days

with those Funky hairstyles, fashionable clothes,

trendy shoes, coal eyeliners and the like. Next to

the Canadian Pop Icons heartthrob, Justin Bieber.

Some people play those K-pop hits using their

cellphones, MP4, PSP and many other electronic

devices that can play a music in which people listen

to it even though they do not really know the

content of the song that they are playing. In which,

teens nowadays are looking, talking and moves like

what they are seeing in Korean pop-stars ( Gianne,

L., 2010).

Media Content

Evolution of programs being broadcast in

Philippine television Korean popular music is the

most recent including Korean drama. Because of the

continuing importation of foreign shows by the

country's biggest networks, the researcher had

reason to believe that the Filipinos have very

positive response to these foreign products,

including Korean popular music. This is the reason

why this current study looked into three types of

foreign material that created a huge impact on the

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Filipino audience in recent years. Which includes

Spanish-language soap operas, Japanese animated

series, and Asian dramas.

In the year 1996, a Mexican telenovelas

pioneered by the drama Marimar created a huge impact

on the television programming in the Philippines.

According to Oting, who conducted focus interviews

of TV network programmers, and Marimar viewers, in

order to find out what contributed to Marimar's

impact on the programming of Philippine television.

He found out that Marimar's main appeal to the

audience included her “beauty, good facial

expression, and sex appeal”. On the other hand, the

male lead Sergio's appeal came from his “macho

appeal, handsome face, and nice eyes”. Oting's

findings proved that somehow, the physical

appearance and characteristics of the actors in the

text contribute to the liking and appreciation of

the viewers.

Another study conducted Peralta was a textual

analysis of Marimar, and found out that, primary

texts included the narrative of a “poor-oppressed

girl,” “rags-to-riches lady” and “the avenger”.

Likewise, Parra did an audience analysis of the

Filipino viewers' reading and usage of Spanish-

language soap operas and the results of Parra's

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research echoed the findings of both Oting and

Peralta. Employing interviews and group discussions,

Parra found out that the leading factors that

contributed to the Filipinos’ appreciation of

Marimar included the values in the story and the

beauty of the characters.

Aside from this, Oting found out that viewers

preferred Marimar than the local soaps because they

thought local contents were “baduy, trying hard,

corny” proving the preference of the audience for

foreign content. In addition, Marimar is well

budgeted and well conceptualized as opposed to

local-soaps' low budget and shallow content. Based

on Oting's study, it is clear that Marimar viewers

found the show more relatable and more sophisticated

compared to local content. On the other hand,

Peralta concluded that the Filipino readers were

“eager consumers” of media content when they were

given the chance to interpret it, supporting Parra's

use of Uses and Gratifications theory to prove that

Filipinos continually watched Spanish soap operas

because these dramas gratified their need for


Aside from the rise of Spanish soaps in the

country, animated series from Japan also made way

into the programming of Philippine television.

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According to Ong’s documentary, anime gained

popularity in the country after Voltes V aired in

the late 1970s. GMA 7 created a regular anime

programming line up to cater to the demand for anime

shows. Abellar did an audience study on the

children's perception of animes. In partial

ethnography of children from Marikina, Abellar found

out that children used animes to satisfy their

entertainment, escapist, social integration and

cognitive needs. Therefore, children utilized the

media for their own needs, which supports the Uses

and Gratifications approach Ong and Parra used.

In relation to this, Guiao and Kiocho also

studied the anime program, Samurai X, and determined

the characteristics of the main lead Renou Kenshin

that made him popular among Filipino viewers. The

humaneness of Kenshin, his well-developed character,

and the storyline were just three of the main

reasons why Filipinos loved Kenshin and Samurai X.

It also encouraged the fans' curiosity, creativity

and imagination as they learned Japanese culture and

improved their writing skills - another form of

gratification also presented in the studies of Ong

and Abellar and Parra.

In Brabante and Lastimoso's thesis, they cited

promotional tools that proved to be very effective

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means to introduce a new show and sustain the

audience's clamor for it. These techniques created a

very active audience, one that did not merely watch

and absorb the media content, but rather actively

consumed media content.

In fact, Tumambing said that, “posters of F4

and Barbie Hsu, and MG and F4 stuff (playing cards,

t-shirts, pirated CDs, bags, and other items)

increased in the market and were everywhere”.

Catindig, Galang and Galias’ study aimed to

determine the politics and economics in the

promotion and consumption of Meteor Garden. Most of

their respondents were attracted to the F4 members

because of their physical attributes and talent.

This was similar to Marimar viewers' inclination to

the good looks of the show's characters, proving

that sometimes, viewer consumption is partly based

on the physical appearance of the show’s artists.

Spanish-language soap operas, Japanese animated

series, and Asian dramas were all very well received

in the country. Most of the studies analyzed the

audience and found out that their reason for the

consumption of these products included the

attractive physical appearance of the actors, the

good values presented in the content, and the high-

quality production of the TV shows. The researchers

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believed that the same elements were present in

Korean popular music and this presence was the

reason why many Filipino teens became very much

attracted to Kpop music, videos and artists.

B. Related Studies

This research done by Kim, E. M. (2007) an

attempted to understand the explosive consumption of

South Korean cultural exports in Asia, and its

reproduction in South Korea. The more commonly

available explanations about the success of Hallyu.

In which cannot adequately explain why Hallyu has

taken Asia by storm. While popular cultures from

other Asian nations have not, include the following:

(1) cultural proximity; (2) common historical and

cultural legacy; (3) common 20th century experience

of rapid industrialization in the region; (4) rapid

increase in intra-regional trade, investment,

tourism, etc.; and (5) the development of the

information technology (IT) industry and other

modern industries in South Korea.

Another research done by Alanzalon, S. K.

(2011), looked into the popularity of Korean popular

(Kpop) music among the Filipino teens aged 15-19

years. The study used the combined assumptions of

Straubhaar’s Cultural Proximity Theory, Ball-Rokeach

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and De Fleur’s Media Dependency Theory, and Blumler

and Katz’s Uses and Gratifications Theory that

answers to the question “Why do the Filipino teens

consume Korean popular music and videos?” The

researcher conducted both traditional and online

surveys among 270 Filipino teenage Kpop fans, and

focus interviews to six (6) Filipino fans of the

Korean groups Girls’ Generation, Super Junior,

Shinee, SS501 and U-Kiss. The researcher determined

the variables of consumption of Kpop content,

cultural offerings present in Kpop content, and

needs of the fans satisfied by Kpop content. The

study found out that Filipino teens are highly

exposed to Korean popular music, and consumed these

media texts everyday by utilizing various media,

most specifically the Internet. The Filipino fans

are also attracted to the cultural offerings of Kpop

content, especially the visual elements including

the physical appearance of the artists (face,

fashion, hairstyle) and visual aspects of the music

videos (choreography, sets). It was found out that

consuming Kpop content gratified the entertainment

need of the fans through its appealing visual

elements and high-quality content (songs,

choreography, and talented artists).

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This study entitled “Popping The K-Pop Bubble:

A Study On The World Of K-Pop Fandom As A

Subculture” by Pacis J.J.C. is about the Korean pop

(K-pop) music fan culture in the Philippines. It

describes how the culture developed, and how the

fans interact with one another in the fan community.

It elaborates on the nuances of the K-pop fan

community and aims to answer the primary research

question, How is power exercised and negotiated in

the interactive and productive practices of Filipino

K-pop fans? Through the methods of document analysis

and auto-ethnography of the interactions and

relations of K-pop fans, that were analyzed using

Subcultural Theories of Henry Jenkins, John Fiske,

and Sarah Thornton, on participative fan culture.

The researcher was able to come up with three

primary conclusions: 1.) that the K-pop fan

community is a subculture rich with politics and

relations of power; 2.) that media play a

significant role in the preservation of this

subculture; and that 3.) The Korean government is

actively involved in the development of K-pop

fandom. The study is expected to foster a deeper

understanding of local fan culture and the

relationship to the discourse of globalization. Its

major implications are on how media texts can be

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tools for the creation of new communities and the

development of subcultures.

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Chapter 3


In this chapter, the research design and locale of

the study were discussed, along with the research

instrument, data gathering and data analysis.

I. Research Design

To better understand K-pop fandom, this

research shall conduct a correlational research

design and a descriptive research design. To assess

the relationship of K-pop fandom and the academic

performance of the students of Senior High School in

Cagayan National High School as measured by their

General Weighted Average(GWA) during the first

semester of the school year 2017-2018.

II. Locale of the Study

This research will be done at Cagayan National

High School, located at the Taft Street, Bagay Road,

Tuguegarao City. This school offers Senior High

School program that started last school year 2016-


III. Research Instrument

The researchers shall conduct survey or float

questionnaire, which is subdivided into three (3)

parts; Frequency and Ways, Cultural Offerings, and

Needs. Among the students of Senior High School of

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Cagayan National High School in order to collect

data, which cater to answer to the statement of the

problem stated in Chapter 1 of this endeavor. A

total of three hundred (300) students shall be the

respondent of the questionnaire.

Strand Number
Accountancy, Business and Management 49
General Academic 97
Humanities and Social Sciences 37
Science, Technology, Engineering and
Total 300
Table 1. The number of Students per Strand

IV. Data Gathering Procedure

Data from the questionnaire shall be gathered

through a systematic random sampling, by getting the

fifth element of every row and name in the class

record of their class.

V. Data Analysis

The study shall utilize Chi-Square to determine

the relationship between Academic performance of

Grade 12 Senior High School students of Cagayan

National High School and their level of addiction

towards Kdrama together with their respective

profile variables and the number of hours of reading

their notes at home. X2 critical approach shall be

used to draw statistical inference at 0.05 level of


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Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

In this chapter, the results and discussion of data

from the quantitative (survey) methods are presented. Two

(2) variables were determined in the instruments: the

consumption of Kpop content and Academic performance,

which is being determined by their First Semestral

Average(GWA) this school year 2017-2018.

I. Profile of Respondents

There are three hundred (300) respondents

participated in the survey. They were all students of

Cagayan National High School and enrolled in the

Academic Track present in the same institution

mainly, Science Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics, General Academic Strand, General

Academic Strand and Accountancy, Business and


a. Age

As shown in Table 1, 17-year old fans had the

highest representation in the survey respondents, as

they comprised 42% of the total sample. Meanwhile,

those 18 years of age comprised 27%. While the rest

were aged 16 (22.67%), 19 (5%), 15 (2.67%),

20(0.33%), 21 (0.33%) and 22 (0.33%).

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The age of 17 led the percentage equivalence of

the survey. However, it can be observed that the

other ages (18, 16, 19, 15, 20, 21 and 22) were also

well represented in the survey sample.


15 8 2.67
16 68 22.67
17 125 42
18 81 27
19 15 5
20 1 .33
21 1 .33
22 1 .33
TOTAL 0 100
Table 1. Age of the respondents.

b. Gender

Table 2 shows that an overwhelming majority

(73.33%) of the respondents were females, while the

remaining 26.67% were males. It is evident from the

survey results that the female Kpop fans outnumbered

the male fans by a huge margin. In fact, the results

show that more than three-fifth of all the

respondents were females.

Gender Number Percentage (%)

Male 80 26.67
Female 220 73.33
TOTAL 300 100
Table 2. Gender of the respondents.

II. Chi-Square Results

a. Gender

Unraveling the Consumption of Cagayan National High School Senior High School
Students to Kpop music videos 28
Cagayan National High School

Table 3 shows the Chi-square result of gender and

the consumption of the respondent. Based on table 3,

gender affects the consumption of the students towards

Korean popular music and videos. A Chi-Square value of

16.87 had gained a statistical significance than that of

9.49 Chi square critical value.

Value df Value
Chi-Square 16.871*s 4 9.49
N of Valid Cases 300
*significant @ 0.05.
Table 3. Chi square result of Sex and Level of
addiction towards Korean popular music and videos.
b. Academic Performance

Table 5, shows the chi square results of

academic performance and the consumption of Kpop of

the respondents. The table below shows that the

consumption of Kpop does not affects the academic

performance of the students. The Chi square

calculated is 17.472 is less than the Chi square

critical value.

Value f Critical value
Pearson Chi- 1
17.742*ns 21.02
Square 2
N of Valid Cases 300
*ns- not significant @ 0.05 level of confidence

Table 6. Shows the Chi square results of consumption of

Kpop towards academic performance.
Chapter 5

Unraveling the Consumption of Cagayan National High School Senior High School
Students to Kpop music videos 29
Cagayan National High School

Conclusion and Recommendation

This study attempted to understand the Filipino

teens as active consumers of Korean popular music and

videos. To achieve this objective, the researcher

employed both quantitative method. A survey on 300

teenage Kpop fans provided a quantified overview on the

Filipino teen respondents’ patterns of consumption, as

well as their reasons for consuming Korean music and

videos, followed by appropriate recommendations for

future researchers and related studies.


The research found out that the consumption of

Cagayan National High School Senior High School students

towards Korean popular music and videos does greatly

affects their sexuality, as seen in their answers in

questionnaire Kpop only contributes to their stress

relieve whenever stress is arising as seen and observed

by the researchers during the data gathering procedure.

Although, the consumption of Korean popular music or Kpop

does not affects their academic performance.

The researchers therefore conclude that there is no

significant relationship between academic performance and

the consumption of Kpop

Unraveling the Consumption of Cagayan National High School Senior High School
Students to Kpop music videos 30
Cagayan National High School


First, the researcher would like to recommend to the

students that they should focus their attention towards

their Academic performance rather than an object than can

decrease their performance in class.

Second, the conduct of a Focus group interview to

have a very effective method in understanding the

audience, and the greater number of interviews would

provide greater amount and quality of data. Aside from

this, focus group discussions could also be an effective

method in order to elicit group views among the Filipino

audience, especially since Kpop fandom in the Philippines

appear to be a “bandwagon” phenomenon among the Filipino

youth. A gender study is also recommended, as this study

revealed that female fans outnumbered male Kpop fans. The

difference between the fan-ship of males and females may

also be researched.

Third, a study on the a comparative analysis between

Kpop content and Filipino music content can also shed

light on which of the two media texts is more preferred

by the Filipino audience and the reasons for their

preference. The results of such studies would be

beneficial for the improvement of the local media


Unraveling the Consumption of Cagayan National High School Senior High School
Students to Kpop music videos 31
Cagayan National High School

Fourth, the researchers would like recommend to the

future researchers to investigate different factors that

can affect Academic performance of the students. In

addition, to tackle the cognitive and behavioral effects

of foreign media content, such as Korean drama, on the

Filipino fan most especially to the students. Also, to

have a in-depth correlational study regarding academic

performance and Kpop basing their satisfaction of the

foreign media.

Lastly, a more complex study regarding on the

relationship between the level of addiction towards Kpop

and Academic performance. Also, a more elaborative way in

unraveling the consumption of Kpop.

Unraveling the Consumption of Cagayan National High School Senior High School
Students to Kpop music videos 32

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