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The Influence of Kpop to the Academic Performance of Grade 10 students of Sto. Domingo National
Trade School

















"Music can change the world because it can change people" -Bono

Music is now a part of many people's lives and some even say that life is meaningless without it. In
our generation, many people are dependent to music. It is evident that mood changes according on
what genre of music they were listening to and these genre include; pop, jazz, rock, slow rock, RNB,
hiphop, or rap and many more. Kpop fits in our generation particularly in the 21st generation which has
already accepted the Korean civilization. Kpop generation is caused by globalization through the use of
internet. That is why most of us people are updated in the happening in our world. And like many other
organization in the internet, organizations' regarding Kpop is one of them. Facebook, Twitter and many
other are social networking cites where group of people in favor of Kpop are present. They are free to
express their feelings in these sites. "Kpop music taught me to work hard and help me to reach my goal"
(A K-pop fan from the internet, 2013). This proves that kpop fans serve music as their motivation in life .
Now Kpop music is now viral in the Philippines. It captures the attention of many people, especially on
teenagers. Kpop is originated in korea.

The researcher has been a fan of kpop music since 7th grade. Until now, the researcher is still a fan.
The researcher listens to kpop songs whenever the researcher is on a bad mood, bored or just wants to
relax and escapes the reality somehow. People around the researcher think that kpop would just bring
distractions especially on the researcher’s study. But the researcher ignored what other people say that
she even joined a fandom. Fandom is a way of life. It is like our daily activities such as eating, walking,
watching, sleeping, reading books and the like; fandom is a habitual activity for a fan. There are
emotions given by the listeners of Kpop music such as adoration, love, idolization and extreme feeling of
fondness. This makes them so attached to the Kpop stars they admire. So we want to know on how it
affects the academic performance of students.

Since the initiation of media, there has been an influx of ways and opportunities for fans to express
their admiration for a popular narrative. Some Kpop fans here in SDNTS send fan letters through e-mail,
and now especially with the dawn of new media such as the internet and cell phone, the audience and
the fans have a faster possibility to express their thoughts. Through different media, celebrities and
broadcast programs are now more accessible for the Grade 10 students. It is the same way that even
fans from one country can access media content from another country. But Grade 10 fans of Kpop are
not able to visit their favourite Korean stars so they satisfy themselves with the linked picture, videos,
and activities of their idols.

Here in SDNTS, GRADE 10 FANS were only drawn to Korean dramas. However they saw the debut of
Korean music videos (MVs) in the Filipino screen. Since then, Kpop as a media content, has become a
staple in the programming of different channels, and created a fandom especially among the grade 10
fans. Fans from our school bought merchandise, posters and even lightsticks of their bias group. From
observation, it is clear that kpop fans in Grade 10 join social groups to mingle with people with the same
interest. It is interesting to understand the Kpop wave among Grade 10.


Anchoring on the objectives of this study, the researcher reviewed related studies that are
significant to the following concepts: reasons for the fans' active media consumption; Some student as
active fans; popular foreign media content in the Philippines; and the Korean Wave in Asia and the

There was a considerable amount of studies found especially regarding the media consumption of
fans and the proliferation of Korean media content in Asia. Most of the related literatures were
unpublished theses and books found at the College of Mass Communication's library in the University of
the Philippines, Diliman. Online journals and scholarly articles were retrieved from online sources such
as Sage Publications, and All Academic Inc.

Theoritrical/ Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored of these theories:

• Cultural Proximity Theory

which suggest that media production from culturally affiliated countries have greater

reception than those from more culturally distance countries.

Statement of the problem

This study is entitled " How Kpop Affects The Academic Performance Of Grade 10 Students Of Sto.
Domingo National Trade School" it aims to gather information, answer and solution of these following
problem that includes in the study:

Scope and Limit of the Study

This study focuses on the impact of Kpop to the academic life of Grade 10 students, regardless of
gender and socio-economic status. Using the methods of survey and focus interviews, the study
described the processes of the fans’ consumption of Kpop music. In addition, the researcher focuses on
understanding the consumption of the fans by describing the cultural contributions of Kpop in the
survey questionnaires. It did not attempt to look into other reasons such as economical, psychological
and sociological reasons, but only focused on the four different cultural offerings (language, visuals,
cultural capitals, story) and the fulfilment of the four types of needs (information, personal identity,
social interaction, entertainment).

Significance of the Study

The main reason for the researcher’s interest in undertaking a study about Kpop was the
researcher’s own fascination for it. Although guided by the researcher’s own reasons for consuming
Kpop, the researcher wanted to objectively look at the trend. The researcher strongly believes that
through this study, the Grade 10 student kpop fans may add understanding of their fandom, and how
their utilization of Kpop music content affects their decisions and participation in many activities in their
lives. The study could persuade fans to be critical of the music’s direct effects on their daily decisions.

The findings of this study could fortify and contribute to the studies on the pleasure of students
of foreign media content. This study also encourages the audience to become decisive and
approachable to the music content presented to them. This way, they can contribute to the betterment
of the local music through their vigorous involvement in the feedback process, thus creating a healthy
affiliation between the media and the society.

• Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the impact of Kpop in the life of students in Sto. Domingo National Trade School
that experience idolizing and influence by Kpop.

This study focused primarily on the Kpop fandom among the Grade 10,

regardless of gender and socio-economic status. Using the methods of survey and focus

interviews, the study described the processes of the fans’ consumption of Kpop media. It also
determined the cultural aspects present in Kpop that Students could relate with, and how the content
gratified the needs of the fans. In this study, it shall be understood that Kpop not only refers to the
music per se, but also the videos with Kpop idols and group in it including official music videos and other
television shows featuring Kpop artists. In South Korea, Kpop artists frequently appearing talk, variety,
and reality shows. These television shows were included in the media text that served as the basis of the
Kpop audience’s response. Only the television shows featuring Korean artists Girls’ Generation, Super
Junior, Shinee, SS501 and U-Kiss were included in the study.

In addition, the researcher focused on understanding the consumption of the fans by

describing the cultural offerings of Kpop in the survey questionnaires, as well as the different ways of
how Kpop gratified the needs of the fans. It did not attempt to look into other reasons such as other
economical, psychological and sociological reasons, but only focused on the four different cultural
offerings (language, visuals, cultural capitals, story) and the gratification of the four types of needs
(information, personal identity, social interaction, entertainment). The term “fandom” in this study shall
be understood as the emotionally-involved consumption of media texts, as opposed to the gathering of
people with the same interest for an artist or media content.

Definition of Terms

The following terms shall be understood in context with the study. The researcher

provided this section in order to inculcate the meaning of various terms in relation with the current
research endeavor. Active Consumption – consuming Kpop texts repeatedly and in a regular basis.
Consumption – the act of using/utilizing Kpop media content.

Convention – a big scale gathering of fans with the same interest, most of the time filled with activities
relating to the object of fandom.

Cultural offerings – facets of the Cultural Proximity Theory used in this study to describe the content of
foreign media texts.

Entertainment company – the agency that manages the assets, schedules, and production of materials
of the Kpop artists (e.g.: YG Entertainment, SM Entertainment,JYP Entertainment , BigHit

Fan – a person with an intense enthusiasm or attachment to Korean popular music, videos and artists.

Fan Club – an organized fandom established by a group of Kpop fans who share the same interest for a
certain subject of their attention and enthusiasm.

Idol – a singer trained by an entertainment company marketed as an idol for the general public (e.g.:
Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, Shinee, SS501, U-Kiss, BTS, EXO).

Korean Popular Music (Kpop) – a genre of pop music that originated from South Korea and performed
by Korean idol singers and groups.

Kpop Music Video (MV) – the official music video of a Kpop song originally performed by a Kpop artist
and produced by their official Korean entertainment companies.

Kpop Video Clips – clips containing Kpop artists or their music; maybe videos from television shows.



The researcher used descriptive research for this study. The research designs and methods, along
with data gathering are discussed.

Research Design and Methods

In understanding the phenomenon of Kpop consumption among Grade 10 students, the researcher
chose quantitative paradigms. One type of surveys (traditional) were employed in order to get a
quantitative overview of the frequency, ways and reasons of the fans’ consumption. The researcher also
utilized focus interviews on Grade 10 students who are Kpop fans in order to isolate the phenomenon
and the units of analysis. Since the researcher studied cases bounded by time and activity, it was more
apt to use cross-sectional approach of data construction, analysis, and interpretation.


The researcher will conduct a survey among the grade 10 students who are Kpop fans in order to
collect quantified data regarding their patterns of consuming Korean music. The survey sampling was
purposive in order to specifically target the population of Kpop fans.

Focus Interview

The researcher will choose Kpop fans with varying degrees of fandom as units of analysis. The
researcher chose focus interviews because this method made possible richer, more in-depth discussion
between the researcher and the Kpop fans.

Research Locale

The location of the study is at Sto. Domingo National Trade School


The researcher will interview the grade 10 students of Sto. Domingo National Trade School.

Data Gathering

The researcher will also conduct the traditional survey among Grade 10 students at the SDNTS.
The researcher will record the focus interviews using a video camera. These recordings helped in the
transcription of data which was used as the main source of the discussion and analysis of findings.


In order to analyze the data, the following statistical treatment was used. The data gathered was
subjected to appropriate statistical tools give as follows:

Problem number 1: In order to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age and
gender, frequency and percentage is used.

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