TLE Q1W3&4 Computer.

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Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas City

Self-Learning Kit in ICT 9

(1st Quarter | Week 3-4 | Lesson 2)

Prepared by:


Computer Hardware
Information Servicing
and om
Good day learners, to start this module let’s have a short prayer. put


Dear Lord,
Help me to be the best student I can be. Dear Lord,
Help to study well and to study often, I pray that you will keep them in your care.
especially when I don't feel like studying at all. Send your Spirit to open their minds
God our Father,
We come to you in our need
To ask your protection against the 2019 N-Corona Virus,
That has claimed lives
And has affected many.

We pray for your grace

For the people tasked with studying the nature and cause
Of this virus and its disease
And of stemming the tide of its transmission.
Guide the hands and minds of medical experts
That they may minister to the sick
With competence and compassion,
And of those governments and private agencies
That must find cure and solution to this epidemic.
We pray for those afflicted
May they be restored to health soon.
Grant us the grace
To work for the good of all
And to help those in need.
Grant this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever. Amen.

Mary Help of all Christians, pray for us.

St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
St. Rock, pray for us.
St. Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.
St. Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

The SLK’s is designed for online learning and can also be used for blended
learning and remote learning modalities

The LM is also designed such that it encourages independent and self-

regulated learning among the students and develops their 21st century
skills. It is written in such a way that the teacher is communicating directly
to the learner

The SLK’s are developed by teachers of Colegio de la Purisima

Concepcion with the help of the PEAC Learning Repository Module and
other online educational resources. This Self-learning Kit is is aligned with
the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum of the Department of Education.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand

names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their
respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and
seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright
owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

As you go along with this module you will meet the members of the
Computer Specialists

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

OBEJECTIVE will be the one to help you
SPECIALIST in all your Pre-test in
will be responsible in all these modules
your objectives, learning
tips and expected skills in
these modules
will be helping you in your
discussion proper.
will be the one to help you in
your Activity and Key


SPECIALIST will be giving you activities
will be your guide in some related to your daily life.
of Inquiry Lab Reports and
Enrichment Activities

SPECIALIST will measure your
will be your guide in some understanding in this module.
of Inquiry Lab Reports and
Enrichment Activities

CONNECT SPECIALIST will give you the references and
will help you connect to Online links being use in this module.


The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners should be able to:

of:  The learners shall be able to perform
1. The learners demonstrate andand Communicationscomputer
operations based on a given
Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing
understanding of concepts and tasks
underlying principles in performing

The learners must know how to:

 LO 1.Plan and prepare for installation

o 1.1 Observe OHS policies and procedures in planning for installation activity in
accordance with requirements
o 1.2 Familiarize oneself with computer peripheral/ devices/systems in accordance
with established procedures correct operation and safety
o 1.3 Consult appropriate/ technical personnel to ensure that work is coordinated with
others who are involved in the activity
o 1.4 Determine the location of the devices/systems to be used
o 1.5 Obtain materials necessary to complete the work in accordance with
established procedures
o 1.6 Check the materials received against job requirements


To do well in this module, you need to
To achieve what is expected of you... remember and do the following:
 Allocate sufficient study time.  Identify and remember the key terms in
 Briefly revisit the prerequisite material. each lesson. Take note of the examples
(Be familiar with the basic rules of given.
algebra.)  Read and study carefully the resources
 Attempt every guided exercise and most and online links.
of the other exercises.  Answer all questions and exercises as
 Practice. best as you can.
 To follow the links just press Ctrl and click  Take down notes as you go along.
the link or just simply copy the link and
paste in the browser.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing


Computers have become a useful part of our everyday lives. The types of
computers we use at home or at work are referred to by varied names such as PCs,
microcomputers, workstations, laptops and desktops. These computers are most
popularly referred to as “personal computers” or PCs, the most common type of
computer in the world. Today, an average person uses computer-based assistance
several times each day and it becomes an integral part of our lives. So it is very
important to be aware of and understand them.

Reminder! Just follow the instructions given in this module. Now let us start
exploring new things in this module.

In this module, there will be three (3) major topics that you will encounter: (1)
plan and prepare for installation; (2) install hardware and software components and

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

operating systems; and (3) conduct test on the installed computer system. The three
major topics contain sub-topics that discuss the details on installing computer
systems and networks


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 Familiarize oneself with computer peripheral/ devices/systems in accordance
with established procedures correct operation and safety


You will be challenged to dig deeper into your prior knowledge and
previous experiences about computer hardware servicing.
Direction: List five (5) hardware and software you are familiar with. Write your answer
on the bubbles provided below:
For the Pre-Assessment Questions, you may refer to the Worksheets provided


Construction of the 27-ton, 680-square-foot computer began in July 1943 and was
announced to the public on Feb. 14, 1946. It was built to calculate ballistic trajectories
for the Army during World War II, a time- and labor-intensive process that had
previously been performed by teams of mathematicians working with mechanical
calculators. To know more about this Follow this link
 - ENIAC: The First
For the Video Viewing Guide Questions, you may refer to the Worksheets provided


Awesome! You are brilliant, this time let’s start now our discussion


A computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Thanks to the computer
technology, we were able to achieve storage and processing of huge amounts of data;

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

we could rest our brains by employing computer memory capacities for storing
information. Due to computers, we have been able to speed up daily work, carry out
critical transactions and achieve accuracy and precision in work. Computers of the
earlier years were of the size of a large room and were required to consume huge
amounts of electric power. However, with the advancing technology, computers have
shrunk to the size of a small watch. Depending on the processing power and size of
computers, they have been classified under various types. Let us look at the
classification of computers.

Different Types of Computers

Based on the operational principle of computers, they are categorized as analog, digital
and hybrid computers.

Analog Computers: These are almost extinct today. These are different from a digital
computer because an analog computer can perform several mathematical operations
simultaneously. It uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and utilizes
mechanical or electrical energy.

Figure1. Different Types of Computer

Digital Computers: They use digital circuits and are designed to operate on two states,
namely bits 0 and 1. They are analogous to states ON and OFF. Data on these
computers is represented as a series of 0s and 1s. Digital computers are suitable for
complex computation and have higher processing speeds. They are programmable.
Digital computers are either general purpose computers or special purpose ones.
Special purpose computers, as their name suggests, are designed for specific types of
data processing while general purpose computers are meant for general use.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

Hybrid Computers: These computers are a combination of both digital and analog
computers. In this type of computers, the digital segments perform process control by
conversion of analog signals to digital ones.

To learn more about Types of Computer. Follow this links
 – Types of Computer
To follow the links just press Ctrl and click the link or just simply copy the link and paste in the browser.

The following are the classification of the different types of computers based on their
sizes and functionalities:

Mainframe Computers: Large organizations use mainframes for highly critical

applications such as bulk data processing and ERP. Most of the mainframe computers
have the capacities to host multiple operating systems and operate as a number of
virtual machines and can substitute for several small servers.

Minicomputers: In terms of size and processing capacity, minicomputers lie in between

mainframes and microcomputers. Minicomputers are also called mid-range systems or
workstations. The term began to be popularly used in the 1960s to refer to relatively
smaller third generation computers.

Servers: They are computers designed to provide services to client machines in a

computer network. They have larger storage capacities and powerful processors.
Running on them are programs that serve client requests and allocate resources like
memory and time to client machines. Usually they are very large in size, as they have
large processors and many hard drives. They are designed to be fail-safe and resistant
to crash.

Supercomputers: The highly calculation-intensive tasks can be effectively performed

by means of supercomputers. Quantum physics, mechanics, weather forecasting,
molecular theory are best studied by means of supercomputers. Their ability of parallel
processing and their well-designed memory hierarchy give the supercomputers, large
transaction processing powers.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

Figure2. Classification of Computer

Microcomputers: A computer with a microprocessor and its central processing unit it is

known as a microcomputer. They do not occupy space as much as mainframes do.
When supplemented with a keyboard and a mouse, microcomputers can be called
personal computers. A monitor, a keyboard and other similar input output devices,
computer memory in the form of RAM and a power supply unit come packaged in a
microcomputer. These computers can fit on desks or tables and prove to be the best
choice for single-user tasks.

Personal computers come in different forms such as desktops, laptops and personal
digital assistants (refer to Figure 3). Let us look at each of these types of computers.

Desktops: A desktop is intended to be used on a single location. The spare parts of a

desktop computer are readily available at relatively lower costs. Power consumption is
not as critical as that in laptops. Desktops are widely popular for daily use in the
workplace and households.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

Laptops: Similar in operation to desktops, laptop computers are miniaturized and
optimized for mobile use. Laptops run on a single battery or an external adapter that
charges the computer batteries.

Figure3. Types of Personal Computer

Netbooks: They fall in the category of laptops, but are inexpensive and relatively
smaller in size. They had a smaller feature set and lesser capacities in comparison to
regular laptops, at the time they came into the market.

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): It is a handheld computer and popularly known

as a palmtop. It has a touch screen and a memory card for storage of data. PDAs can
also be used as portable audio players, web browsers and smart phones. Most of them
can access the Internet by means of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi communication.

Tablet Computers: Tablets are mobile computers that are very handy to use. They use
the touch screen technology. Tablets come with an onscreen keyboard or use a stylus
or a digital pen. Apple's iPod redefined the class of tablet computers.
Wearable Computers: A record-setting step in the evolution of computers was the
creation of wearable computers. These computers can be worn on the body and are
often used in the study of behavior modeling and human health. Military and health
professionals have incorporated wearable computers into their daily routine, as a part of

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

such studies. When the users' hands and sensory organs are engaged in other
activities, wearable computers are of great help in tracking human actions. Wearable
computers do not have to be turned on and off and remain in operation without user


To learn more about Classification of computer. Follow this links

 – Classification of
To follow the links just press Ctrl and click the link or just simply copy the link and paste in the browser.

Here is a picture which tells about the history of computers from mid twentieth century.
Study the picture and answer the following questions.
For the history Questions, you may refer to the Worksheets provided


Select one of the following set of URLs and read the information on the website.
o Write
WORK four (4)
IT questions that test the knowledge of information you have
just read here.
o If you already have four (4) questions try to send your four (4) questions to
your selected classmate and make them answer that questions it.
o If your classmate already have a questions from your other classmate.
You are not allowed already to give another question to his/her.
o Each one you must have two (4) questions from your classmate.
For the Webpage Reading questions, you may refer to the Worksheets provided

Great Response, Now lets’ continue our discussion…

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

Computer can be classified into FOUR broadly categories:
(1). On the basis of Generation.
(2). On the basis of Size,
(3). On the basis of Data Processed and
(4). On the basis of Purpose.
To classify computer on technological development that transformed the way
computers operate, resulting in more powerful, increasingly smaller, cheaper, more
efficient and reliable devices is refer to as ‘Classification On The Basis Of Generation’.
As shown in the above diagram, there are five basic classifications on the basis of
generation and they will all be explored today.
The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums
for memory,

vaccum tube magnetic drum

First generation computers relied on

machine language, the lowest-level
programming language understood by
computers, to perform operations, and
they could only solve one problem at a
time. punched cards and paper tape
were used for Input , and output was
displayed on printouts.

punched card
Problems :
First generation computers were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. They were
very expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, the vacuum
tubes generated a great deal of heat causing many problems in temperature regulation
and climate control, the tubes also burnt out frequently, which was often the cause of
malfunctions. People operating the computer can not respond to any problem encounter
during the operation since the programming was relied on machine language.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

The second generation of computers used Transistors to replaced vacuum
tubes . The transistor was far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to
become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-
efficient and more reliable than their first-
generation predecessors. Computer of this
generation still generated a great deal of heat
that subjected the computer to damage, but it
was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube
and they still relied on punched cards for input
and printouts for output.
Assembly languages was invoke during second
generation, which allowed programmers to
specify instructions in words. Second generation computers used magnetic core
technology, the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory as against
magnetic drum of first generation computer.


Integrated circuit development was the hallmark of the third generation of
computers. there was drastically increased in the speed and efficiency of computers
due to reduction in transistors which was placed on silicon chips (semiconductors),
Users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors as
against punched cards and printouts, These
were interfaced with an operating system,
which allowed the device to run multi
process concurrently at one time with a
central program that monitored the memory.
Computers for the first time became
accessible to many because they were
smaller and cheaper than their

Integrated circut


Fourth generation of computers brought
microprocessor , which makes it possible to build thousands
of integrated circuits onto a single silicon chip. What in the
first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm
of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located
all the components of the computer - from the central
processing unit and memory to input/output controls - on a
single chip.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

The current technological trend in computing devices are based on Quantum
computation, molecular, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, are still in
development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are
already being used today. Artificial Intelligence, quantum computation and molecular
and nanotechnology will change the view and function of computers in years to come.
Developing computing device that respond to natural language input and are capable of
learning and self organization.


To learn more about timeline of computer. Follow this links

 - History of computers - A
 - History of
Computers (part 2) - A Timeline
To follow the links just press Ctrl and click the link or just simply copy the link and paste in the browser.

Amazing, you already know how the computers evolved from time to time. This
time let’s check if you already understand the timeline of the computer. You may ask a
help from your parents to do this activity. Write all your observation and answers in the


Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

Make a timeline chart about the evolution of computers. You can draw the images or
you may research it, cut and paste on the worksheet. Don’t forget to right the name of
the computer and the year it was invented. You may refer to the image on the
worksheet for a sample format of a timeline, you may also change the style and format
of your timeline; just show your creativity in this activity. You may also reproduce
another sheet of paper if it’s not enough.
For the Application, you may refer to the Worksheets provided

Now were done with our discussion, this time let’s check if you really understand our

For the Assessment, you may refer to the Worksheets provided

Different Types of Computers

 Based on the operational principle of computers, they are categorized as analog,
digital and hybrid computers.
 Analog Computers: These are almost extinct today.
 Digital Computers: They use digital circuits and are designed to operate on two
states, namely bits 0 and
 Hybrid Computers: These computers are a combination of both digital and
analog computers
Classification of Computers
 Mainframe Computers: Large organizations use mainframes for highly critical
applications such as bulk data processing and ERP.
 Minicomputers: In terms of size and processing capacity, minicomputers lie in
between mainframes and microcomputers.
 Servers: They are computers designed to provide services to client machines in
a computer network.
 Supercomputers: The highly calculation-intensive tasks can be effectively
performed by means of supercomputers.
 Microcomputers: A computer with a microprocessor and its central processing
unit it is known as a microcomputer.
Personal computers
 Desktops: A desktop is intended to be used on a single location.

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

 Laptops: Similar in operation to desktops, laptop computers are miniaturized and
optimized for mobile use.
 Netbooks: They fall in the category of laptops, but are inexpensive and relatively
smaller in size.
 Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): It is a handheld computer and popularly
known as a palmtop
 Tablet Computers: Tablets are mobile computers that are very handy to use.
 Wearable Computers: A record-setting step in the evolution of computers was
the creation of wearable computers.
Computer can be classified into FOUR broadly categories:
(1). On the basis of Generation.
(2). On the basis of Size,
(3). On the basis of Data Processed and
(4). On the basis of Purpose.


Learning Materials
• Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 9 Learner’s Material-
First Edition, 2013 - Owen M. Milambiling, Cesar T. Arriola, Dante B.
Bermas,Ronaldo V. Ramilo, Rosalie P. Lujero, Diana Marie B. Dagli, Dr.
Virgilio O. Guevarra, and Maria Angelica G. Mates
Video/Images Links
 - ENIAC: The First
 – Classification of
 - History of computers - A
 - History of Computers
(part 2) - A Timeline

Information and Communications Technology | Computer Hardware Servicing

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