Lead-In 1.1.: Unit 4. Buying A Computer

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1.1. Look at the pictures. What different ways of getting/buying a computer
do they represent? Which one would you prefer and why?

https://cutt.ly/yQvgAj1 https://cutt.ly/kQvhPmQ

https://cutt.ly/XQvkwli https://cutt.ly/JQvkU6M

1.2. Which of the following words and phrases would you associate with each
of the forms above? Give reasons for your choice. Talk about the pros and
cons of each of the forms
 limited choice
 efficient
 intrusive
 conducted online
 subtleties of buying
 straightforward
 a wide variety of products
 convenience 
 saves time and effort.
 lower prices
 lack of significant discounts
 frauds
 instant gratification.
 sales pressure
 high satisfaction 
 no privacy

2.1 What are the important specifications to consider when purchasing a
computer? Make a list

2.2. Follow the link/use QR code and watch the video. Look at the names of
brands in the box and answer the following question:
What is the best computer brand to buy according to the survey?
Link QR code


2.3. Watch the video again and fill in the gaps with a suitable word or a short
1. Our survey shows that when shopping one of the first things people consider is
2. ________ has proven to be the most reliable brand computer on the market for
3. In our survey, only _______ percent of Macs needed repair or had a serious
4. PCs range from ____to ____%
5. For web surfing, email and word processing, go for a model with Intel’s Cerelon
or Pentium, or_____________.
6. Another option for the simple task is a ____________, which runs on a
simplified operating systems and relies on the Cloud to store your data and run
7. If you edit a lot of photos, look for the ___________ or AMD A6 or A8
8. You need to choose, which suits your needs better, the high capacity of a hard
drive or ____________.
9. If you’re a gamer or you’re editing video and need storage for all your media, go
for an Intel Core i7 or _______.
10. Another trend is ___________. They performed well in our test and weight.

2.4. Make a summary in 5 sentences. Do you agree/disagree with the

information mentioned in the video? Why/Why not?

3.1. Look at the pictures. Match these pictures to different types of computers
supercomputer, mainframe, minicomputer, workstation, PDA, laptop,
desktop PC, tablet PC
1. Supercomputer/Mainframe 2. Minicomputer (PDP-7)

3. Mainframe/Supercomputer 4. Workstation

5. Laptop
6. PDA

7. Desktop PC 8. Tablet PC
3.2. Read the text and check your answers
A. Supercomputer
Supercomputer is the fastest type of computer. Supercomputers are very
expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense
amounts of mathematical calculations. Weather forecasting, animated graphics,
fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration
require a supercomputer.
B. Mainframe
Mainframe is a very large and expensive computer capable of supporting
hundreds, or even thousands, of connected users simultaneously. In some ways,
mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because they support more
simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single program faster
than a mainframe.
C. Minicomputer
Minicomputer is a midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie
between workstations and mainframes. But in general, a minicomputer is a
multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users
simultaneously. Microcomputer The term microcomputer is generally synonymous
with a personal computer (PC), or a computer that depends on a microprocessor.
Microcomputers are designed to be used by individuals, whether in the form of
PCs, workstations or notebook computers. A microcomputer contains a central
processing unit (CPU) on a microchip (the microprocessor), a memory system
(typically read-only memory (ROM) and random-access memory (RAM)), a bus
system and I/O ports, typically housed in a motherboard.

D. Workstation
Workstation is a computer intended for individual use that is faster and more
capable than a personal computer. It's intended for business or professional use
(rather than home or recreational use). Workstations and applications designed for
them are used by small engineering companies, architects, graphic designers, and
any organization, department, or individual that requires a faster microprocessor, a
large amount of random-access memory, and special features such as high-speed
graphics adapters.
PDA is short for personal digital assistant, is a handheld device that
combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. A typical
PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web browser and personal
organizer. PDAs may also be referred to as a palmtop, hand-held computer or
pocket computer. Unlike portable computers, most PDAs began as pen-based,
using a stylus rather than a keyboard for input. This means that they also
incorporated 24 handwriting recognition features. Some PDAs can also react to
voice input by using voice recognition technologies. PDAs are available in either a
stylus or keyboard version. Apple Computer, which introduced the Newton
MessagePad in 1993, was one of the first companies to offer PDAs. As technology
changed the world of mobile devices, the PDA has become obsolete as devices
like touch-screen smartphones and tablets grow in popularity.

F. Laptops
Laptops can have a fairly wide variety of component options, but they are
more limited than desktops. To get a more powerful laptop (higher speed, better
graphics, more storage space, etc.), the price can be considerably higher, ranging
up to $1000 or more, depending on the brand. These days, the average laptop has
at least 4 GB RAM, and this would be the minimum to look for in a usual
laptop. There’re 2 main sorts of graphics cars, dedicated and integrated. One of the
limiting factors of any machine is its battery life.
Laptops are portable due to their compact size. They were designed to be
taken from place to place, carried in a backpack or laptop carrying case. They are
great for on-the-go use.
G. Desktop PCs
Desktop is a physical computer unit that consists of a monitor, CPU, key-
board and a mouse. It is a graphical user work space on a software operating
There is a wide variety of component options available for desktops,
allowing for a large range of prices, but the starting point is relatively cheap.
Desktops can start as low as $600 and still be a pretty powerful system.
Desktops are large and have a separate monitor. It is designed for regular
use at one location. It requires a main power supply so that it cannot be portable.
While it's possible to take a desktop from place to place, it's cumbersome and not
the choice for portability. They are designed to be used in a single location and not
moved around much, if at all.
H. Tablet PCs
Tablet or Tablet Computer is a device generally operated with a mobile
operating system. It has a touchscreen display and there is a rechargeable battery
inbuilt in it. It is basically a thin and flat device. It does not have a physical
keyboard with it. The lasting time of the battery in a tablet is more as compared
to the battery life of the laptop. It is light weighted and is portable easily. The
components of tablets are not removable. The range of screen size in tablets is
limited. Tablets are more portable than laptops because they are easier to carry
owing to their lesser weight and thickness.
Retrieved from https://cutt.ly/1Qz77Jb

3.3. Find the appropriate information to complete the table. Read the text
again if necessary
Size Weight Specifications Distinct Price
(технічні features
характеристики (відмінні
) риси)
Supercomputer very very is required for can execute a very
large heavy immense amounts single program expensive
of mathematical faster than a
calculations mainframe
Mainframe very very support plenty of capable of very
large heavy simultaneous supporting expensive
programs thousands of
Minicomputer midsized heavy capable of In size and expensive
supporting from 4 power,
to about 200 users minicomputers
simultaneously. lie between
Macrocomputer same as
Microcomputer depends light to CPU are designed to comparably
on the heavy (mircroprocessor), be used by cheap
type RAM and ROM, individuals
PDA handheld very combines pen-based, cheap
device light computing, voice
telephone/fax, recognition
Internet and technologies
Laptop compact light at least 4 GB designed to be more
RAM, dedicated taken from expensive
and integrated place to place than
GPU, battery life, carried in a desktops
other same as backpack (1000
microcomputer bucks)
Desktop PC large heavy consists of a designed to be the starting
monitor, keyboard used in a point is
a mouse, other single location relatively
same as and not moved cheap (600
microcomputer around much bucks)
Tablet PC flat light has a touchscreen Tablets are cheap
display and there more portable
is a rechargeable than laptops
battery inbuilt in it

3.4. Find the information in the text. Which of the devices …?

1) is capable of supporting 300-3000 users simultaneously? Mainframe
2) is intended for business or professional use? Workstation
3) can function as a cellular phone? PDA
4) is used for animated graphics? Supercomputer
5) incorporates handwriting recognition features? PDA
6) is used by small engineering companies? Workstation
7) is capable of supporting 15-150 users simultaneously? Minicomputer
8) is employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of
mathematical calculations? Supercomputer
9) has come out of use because of new technologies? PDA
10) reacts to voice input by using voice recognition technologies? PDA
11) is referred to as a hand-held computer? PDA
12) is used by graphic designers? Workstation
13) is used for nuclear energy research? Supercomputer
14) is used by architects? Workstation
15) is the fastest type of computers? Supercomputer (executing a single program)
16) has a touch screen display which generally operates on mobile operating
systems? Tablet PC
17) has a non-portable computer system that is large enough to be necessarily put
on desk? Desktop PC
18) generally, weighs from 1 KG to 3KGs and is powered by a rechargeable
battery? Laptop
19) is all in one package? Laptop
20) is like a mobile which is about 2 times larger? Tablet PC

4.1. Match the words/ phrases from the text with their definitions:
Term Definition
1. to be employed for a. to contain
2. to require b. very busy
3. simultaneously c. to need for a particular purpose
4. to house in d. to use something for a particular purpose
5. recreational use e. connected with ways of enjoying yourself 
6. obsolete f. large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or
7. cumbersome g. it includes the other thing
8. on-the-go h. noticeably; substantially
9. incorporated i. at the same time
10. considerably j. no longer produced or used; out of date

4.2. If the word in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it is incorrect, replace it
with one of the words from the other sentences within this exercise
1. The Internet is really a vast console of computers, all connected
2. Since we got resource, we’ve been watching music videos online.
3. Early computer games seem quite nuclear compared to today’s
4. It seems to me that primitive power is far cleaner than oil.
5. These ancient tools have been crafted with an enormous amount of
6. The next generation of games technique will have better graphics.
7. There’s a network in computing called ‘beta testing’, which means
you test something to see if it works properly before it becomes
8. The latest breakthrough will mean cheaper, faster internet access for
9. The computer has finished analyzing all the broadband.
10 The sea is great natural data but we need the right technology to use
. it.
Retrieved from: Malcolm Mann/ Steve Taylore-Knowles (2012). Destination. Grammar and
Vocabulary. (3rd ed.). Great Britain: Macmillan.

4.3. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box:
click complex download electronics file
manual offline online programmer upload


Some people think “geek” is a negative term for someone who spends all
their time on computers. Well, we at Compulearn think it’s a positive thing! If
you’re interested in becoming a computer 1) _______, if you enjoy reading the 2)
_______, to find out what’s really going on inside consumer 3) _______, like the
latest iPhone, then we want to hear from you.
Our six-week course covers everything from 4) _______, music 5) _______,
from the Internet to writing your own games. You’ll learn how to 6) _______, your
own website to the Internet and how to solve 7) _______ problems in the latest
programming languages. Go 8) _______ now and visit us on the net. 9) _______
on ‘Opportunities’ and start your future now.
(If for any reason our website is 10) _______ or you are unable to connect to
the Internet, call us on 0800-Compulearn).
Retrieved from: Malcolm Mann/ Steve Taylore-Knowles (2012). Destination. Grammar and
Vocabulary. (3rd ed.). Great Britain: Macmillan.

4.4. Here are some words and phrases connected with computers. Fill in the
gaps in the sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary

computer nerd app thumbnail icon screensaver trackpad techie footprint

1. There are some good pictures of the Olympic Games on that sports website.
You can look at _________ pictures and then click on them to see the full-size
2. My younger brother’s a real _________ . He never goes out, and all he ever
thinks about is computers, computers, computers.
3. I’m a bit of a _________ really; I love getting the latest mobile phone or digital
4. I’ve downloaded a great new gaming _________ onto my phone.
5. His _________ on his laptop is a cool picture of the night sky.
6. This new printer’s got a smaller _________ than the one I had before, which is
good, as my desk is not very big.
7. Just click on that _________ there to open the program.
8. I don’t really like this _________ on my laptop; I’d prefer a proper mouse.
Retrieved from: Michael McCarthy/ Felicity O’Dell (2017). English Vocabulary in Use (3rd ed.). United Kingdom:
Cambridge University Press.

5.1. Word formation. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the space
We often think of ourselves as living in the time of 1)_______
(CONTINUE) technological change and development. We tend to believe that we
are unique in history in dealing with a constantly 2)________(EVOLVE) world of
gadgets, devices and innovations. However, the end of the nineteenth century and
the start of the twentieth was also a time that saw many 3)_______(REVOLT)
People had needed to show 4)__________(FLEXIBLE) throughout the
nineteenth century, as the effect of the Industrial Revolution meant constantly
making 5) _______(ADJUST) to deal with changing working conditions. Towards
the end of the century, though, people had to become more
6)__________(ADAPT) than ever before.The typewriter (1873), the telephone
(1876), the electric light bulb (1879) and other 7)___________(INFLUENCE)
developments gave people the 8)________(CAPABLE) to live and work in ways
their grandparents could not have imagined. Over the next 30 years, little remained
9) ______(ALTER) as the camera, the cinema, the phonograph, the plane and radio
all had an 10)________(ELECTRIC) effect on people and society. 
Retrieved from: Malcolm Mann/ Steve Taylore-Knowles (2012). Destination. Grammar and
Vocabulary. (3rd ed.). Great Britain: Macmillan.
5.2. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of the word.
1. The weather’s been so _______ (CHANGE) today that I don’t know what to
1. changeable b) changing c) changed d) change
2. Bonnie showed a lot of _______ (MATURE) in the way she handled the
problem with Olivia.
1. immature b) maturity c) maturational d) maturable
3. The flats were built in the 1960s, but they were all _____ (MODERN) in the
1. modernized b) moderationist c) antimodern d) moderation
4. Jack got in a lot of trouble for ______ (PERSIST) breaking school rules.
1. persistent b) persisting c) nonpersistent d) persistently
5. I don’t think I’d have the _____ (ENDURE) to finish a marathon!
1. Endured b) endurance c) enduring d) unendured
6. I feel a lot better since I decided to stop eating _______ (PROCESS) food.
1. processed b) processing c) procedure d) proceeding
7. Can we _____ (ARRANGE) the lesson for the next Wednesday?
1. arranged b) arrange c) rearrange d) arrangeable
8. We need to rely more on wave power, wind power and other ____ (NEW)
sources of energy.
1. newest b) newness c) renewable d) newer
9. I gradually lost touch with Ricardo after his _____ (CONVERT) to Islam.
1. conversion b) converted c) converting d) convective
10. I’m scanning my gran’s photo onto my computer because they’d be ______
(PLACE) if anything happened to them.
1. placed b) irreplaceable c) replacing d) placeable
Retrieved from: Malcolm Mann/ Steve Taylore-Knowles (2012). Destination. Grammar and
Vocabulary. (3rd ed.). Great Britain: Macmillan.

5.3. Work in pairs and do the quiz:

a) Choose the correct verbs in the sentences below and answer the questions.
b) Suggest other examples to go under each heading.


Present Simple and Present Used to

Continuous 6. Look at the example sentences below
1. Which sentence below describes and choose the correct options in the rule.
something which is generally true?
2. Which describes a temporary My aunt and uncle used to own a car.
situation? I used to spend hours staring at the
a) I’m a programmer and I do/am
doing a lot of work for an IT Used to describes
company. a) habits
b) At the moment, I’m getting up/get b) states
up at about 5 a.m. c) single actions
in the
d) past
e) present
Past Simple and Past Continuous Present Perfect and Past Simple
3. Which verb form in the sentence Match the examples to the descriptions
below describes a single action in the below.
4. Which describes an action in 7. I’ve known Emma for six months.
progress at that time? 8. Kathy and I were really good friends for
a couple of years.
I a) met/was meeting Kathy when we 9. My cousin and his wife have had a baby.
b) were both working/ both worked for 10. We moved in about 1999.
the awful boss.
a) something that continued for some time
in the past
b) something that started in the past and
continues to the present
c) something that happened in the past and
is important now. We don’t know
exactly when it happened.
d) something that happened at a finished
time in the past.
State and Action Verbs Past Perfect
5. Choose the correct verbs in the 11. Look at the sentences below. Choose
sentences below. Why isn’t the other the correct verbs in the sentences below.
verb possible? 12. Which action in italics happened first?

a) I don’t remember/’m not a) The house where I had been born/ was
remembering its name. born was quite small.
b) My uncle set up/ was setting up a b) My parents bought/ had bought it from
company when I was a child. an old man.

Retrieved from: Sarah Cunningham/ Peter Moor (2019). Cutting edge (3rd ed.). England: Pearson.
(Original work published 2013).

6.1. Translate the following passage into Ukrainian, pay attention to the words
and phrases in bold
Acer Aspire 5 A515-56-36UT Slim Laptop | 15.6" Full HD Display | 11th Gen
Intel Core i3-1115G4 Processor | 4GB DDR4 | 128GB NVMe SSD | WiFi 6 |
Amazon Alexa | Windows 10 Home

About this item

 Powerful Productivity: 11th Generation Intel Core i3-1115G4
processor delivers unmatched speed and intelligence, enabling impressive
creating, productivity, and gaming experiences. With Turbo Boost Technology, get
up to 4.1GHz for your high-demand applications
 Visibly Stunning: Experience sharp details and crisp colors on the
15.6" Full HD display with 82.58% screen-to-body, 16:9 aspect ratio and narrow
 Ergonomic Typing: Ergonomically-designed hinge lifts the
keyboard for comfortable typing, improved cooling, and a better sound
 Internal Specifications: 4GB DDR4 on-board memory (1 slot
available); 128GB NVMe solid-state drive storage (1 hard drive bay available) to
store your files and media
 Acer's Purified. Voice technology, features enhanced digital signal
processing to cancel out background noise, improve speech accuracy and far-
field pickup, which not only makes calls clearer, but makes talking to Alexa easier
than before.
 Using Alexa on your PC is as easy as asking a question. Just ask and
Alexa can check your calendar, create lists, play music, answer questions, read the
news and more.
 Secure Operating System: Windows 10 Home (S mode) comes with
advanced security features built right in, like protections against phishing and
malicious software so you don't have to think twice when navigating to a new
webpage or downloading an app
 Ports For All Your Accessories: USB 3.2 Type-C, 2 USB 3.2 Gen 1
(1 Power-off Charging), USB 2.0, HDMI 2.0 with HDCP support,
headphone/speaker/line-out jack, Ethernet (RJ-45), DC-in for AC adapter
 The Right Fit: 14.32" W x 9.39" D x 0.7" H; 4.19 lbs; One-Year
International Travelers Limited Warranty (ITW); Up to 8.5 hours of battery life
 What's In the Box: Acer Aspire Laptop, AC Adapter, Power
Retrieved from: https://cutt.ly/3QvWIYJ

6.2. Translate the following sentences into English

1. Потужна продуктивність: Процесор Intel Core i3-1115G4 11-го покоління
забезпечує неперевершену швидкість та дані, продуктивність та ігровий
2. Голосова технологія має покращену обробку цифрового сигналу для
усунення фонового шуму, покращення точності мовлення та прийому
сигналів у далеких полях, що не тільки робить дзвінки чіткішими, але й
робить спілкування з Alexa простішим, ніж раніше.
3. Однорічна міжнародна обмежена гарантія для мандрівників забезпечує
до 8,5 годин автономної роботи.
4. Ергономічно розроблена петля всередині клавіатури розміщена для
комфортного набору тексту, покращеного охолодження та кращого
5. Подивіться на чіткі деталі та контрасні кольори на 15,6-дюймовому
дисплеї Full HD; співвідношення сторін 16:9 та вузькі рамки.

7.1. Present some tips on how to choose the right computer. Consider the type
of a computer and specs. What specifications should you take into
consideration and what computer to buy if you’re looking for a computer:
- for traveling;
- for programming;
- for gaming;
- for home;
- for graphic design;
- for a kid;
- for grandparents.

7.2. Work in pairs. One of you wants to buy a computer (decide what type: a
PC, a tablet PC, a laptop / the purpose of buying: gaming, everyday use, travel,
education, business), the other is a shop assistant

7.3. Use the prompts/functional language and link to the site below where you
can find different models to role play the conversation


Greet the customer and offer help Explain what are you looking for
 Show the customer two possible models  Ask for some technical
  specifications (specs)
Give technical specs (describe the processor, RAM,  
storage capacity, etc). Compare two different models Ask about any further technical
Give the information required. Compare the two  
models. Ask the price
 Answer, and mention any other details that might Decide which computer to buy or
persuade the customer to buy the computer leave the shop

Some models can be found here:

Link QR code


Functional language in a computer shop:

 Good morning! Do you need any help?
 The battery life is pretty solid.
 Both computers are very fast and reliable.
 The MacBook is more practical if you travel a lot. 
 If that doesn’t fall in line with your budget, you should take a look at ….
 Overall, if you’re looking for one of the best gaming monitors for under
$600, …. is it?
 We are looking for...
 How much do they cost? How much is it?
 What is the storage capacity of the hard drive?
 Despite the sturdier material, …...maintains a reasonably portable weight
for 15-inches, at 3.97 pounds.
 The screen size is roomy enough for real multi-window work.

8.1. Write an essay on the topic: “How to choose the right computer for your
needs” (120 words). See APPENDIX 2

8.2. Write an email to your friend suggesting which laptop to buy for
studying and why. Use the notes below (120 words). See APPENDIX 1

HP Chromebook 14 ASUS ROG Strix G17 Acer Aspire 5 A515-46-

Laptop, Intel Celeron (2021) Gaming Laptop, R14K Slim Laptop | 15.6"
N4000 Processor, 4 GB 17.3” 300Hz IPS Type Full HD IPS | AMD
RAM, 32 GB eMMC, FHD, NVIDIA GeForce Ryzen 3 3350U Quad-
14” HD Display, RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen Core Mobile Processor |
Chrome, Lightweight 9 5900HX, 16GB DDR4, 4GB DDR4 | 128GB
Computer with Webcam 1TB PCIe NVMe SSD, NVMe SSD | WiFi 6 |
and Dual Mics, Home, RGB Keyboard, Backlit KB | Amazon
School, Music, Movies Windows 10, G713QR- Alexa | Windows 10
(14a-na0021nr, 2021) ES96 Home (S mode)
https://cutt.ly/JQnbJwp https://cutt.ly/ZQnb8d9 https://cutt.ly/WQnnoYB

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