Solutionary Project Proposal

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Dylan Shimomi

Miles Quemuel-Labrador
Matthew Miura
Ruff Times
1. Summary
With the world facing a global pandemic, new problems are constantly emerging. The
economy has taken a massive hit over the past few months which has people not only
struggling to pay their bills, but also struggling to take care of their pets. Struggling to
pay their bills causes little or no money left to spend on pet food which is causing a need
for pet food and other pet necessities. Our plan is to fix this problem by creating a pet
food drive and donating the donations we receive. Dylan Shimomi, Miles Quemuel-
Labrador, and Matthew Miura, will be reaching out to the community using several
different tactics (social media, flyers, posters), requesting donations of either money, pet
food, or any other pet products they would like to donate. We will then drive to pick up
these donations and collect them in order to donate to a humane society or foundation.
We will be able to benefit those who are unable to afford food for their pets. We will
also be able to connect those who are fortunate enough to be able to donate pet food with
those who are not. Most people can make donations but don’t have the time or are too
lazy. We are going to be the people who take that problem out of their situation in order
to make it possible for them to donate without having to do anything.
2. Statement of Need
The issue that is being addressed is the need for pet food. There are people who may not
have the money to spend on food for their pets, especially during a global pandemic.
Because of this many dogs become malnourished and will go hungry for days and weeks
at a time. In some worst-case scenarios these dogs will die of hunger or be left with many
irreversible effects for the rest of their lives. What we have proposed is extremely
necessary because with the aid of us and other people willing to donate many people and
their pets can avoid ever going into these situations. Some of the people that will benefit
from the work we will do: people with low-income incapable of purchasing dog food, the
dogs, and the people that donate the food. We feel that this issue hasn’t been addressed
significantly in the past because it has only revealed itself to become a prevalent problem
in the past year during the pandemic. From what we currently know only some animal
shelters such as the humane society and other pet food companies work in the field that
we are aiming to do good in. The humane society and some of these companies have
been doing things like what we plan to do such as donating dog food to organizations
which then distribute them. We believe that this is not enough, and we can improve this
because through our plan and process we are aiming to: educate the public about this
issue, donate food, and call on our friends and the public to do something to address this
3. Project Activity, Methodology, and Outcome
We chose this approach because we thought it was the most effective and efficient way to
solve the problem. We realized that this is the most direct way to get the donations to the
non-profit or organization we plan on giving it to. There are other approaches to this
problem such as making the dog food. We realized that this would not fit the timeline we
were given and only cause us to rush. We also realized that using the method of creating
our own food wouldn’t work because we have no professional way of keeping this food
for expiring. Receiving donations of bagged dog food that is professionally packaged
and will last a long time would work best. The specific activities include:
 Making an Instagram, Email, and other sources to get our idea out into the community.
 Dylan, miles, matt
 Making posters and flyers to put up and hand out to people
 Miles
 Advertising and Publicizing (handing out posters, posting to social media, etc.)
 Dylan
 Contacting/Coordinating with people who want to donate.
 Dylan and Miles
 Driving to pick ups
 Matthew and Dylan
 Storing and Organizing inventory/Holding money donations
 Dylan or Miles
 Donating all donations to organizations.
 Dylan, Miles, and Matthew
 Making a video
 Dylan, Miles, and Matthew

Task 1: Making Social Media/Email Jan 30th

Task 2: Pitch Video Jan 30th - Feb 3rd
Task 3: Making Posters/Flyers Feb 2nd
Task 4: Advertising/Publicizing Feb 3rd - Feb 7th
Task 5: Talking/Coordinating with people Feb 4th - 21st
who want to donate
Task 6: Meet ups/picking up Feb 4th - 27th
Task 7: Organizing and Sorting Donations Feb 4th - 28th
Task 8: Donating TBD: need to contact organizations.

We hope to be able to contribute to solving the problem and helping people to not have to
worry for a little bit with the dog food they will receive. We hope that this will allow
people to not have to spend their money on pet food and be able to focus on paying their
bills. This will hopefully help to get people on their feet and have a little extra money to
focus on other things.
We are the best to do what we proposed to do because we genuinely care about this
problem. We all have dogs of our own and can imagine what it would be like if we were
unable to feed out pets. We also have the skills in order to get this done. We are
outgoing, creative, artistic, and enthusiastic which is important for this project.

4. Evaluation
Our projects success is important to us, but we know that it isn’t what determines
everything. We are aiming for our work’s success to be show quantitatively through the
amount of dog food that is donated, the amount of people who donate dog food, number
of dogs provided food for, and money raised and donated to charities that help our cause.
To assess our success quantitatively we are going set benchmarks for each of our
categories, that we are going to calculate and predict will help a certain number of dogs.
We will use numbers such as the weight of the dog food collected, and amount of money

5. Dissemination
How we aim to share our work with others is mainly through social media, using our
personal accounts and creating a searate social media account to spread awareness. We
plan on posting on a regular basis of at least one post a week. We also plan to appeal to
the Pathos side of people to show sympathy of hungry dogs whose owners can't afford to
pay for dog food. Another way we can advertise is through posters that we can put
around our neighborhood to help spread the news for donations. I feel many families are
in need, especially because of Covid, which is why it is important we do this. Another
way we can spread the word is by spreading the news. We can get the people talking and
hopefully this will get to someone who needs it. Another tactic we can use is reaching
out to companies and stores. We can send emails or go in person to different pet stores
and ask if they would like to donate or help with our project.

6. Budget and Funding

Product Price
Gas 70$ a tank
Paper 5$ a 500 count
Printing Services 5$ total
Although our project requires little amounts of funds and can be run without an
extravagant amount of money, we do have a plan if we run out of funds. In a scenario
where we have no funds, we would resort to using the donations that we have collected
previously. This would work because since our project is low funded, the cash donated
will run our project even if the amount is minimal. This would also not be extremely
detrimental to our project’s efficiency because from the research that we have done
having a bag of dog food is more valuable than having the cash to buy and if we put the
money to things such as gas and flyers, we are able to travel and collect more bags of
food and get more value rather than just spending it towards dog food.

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