Site of The First Mass

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Site of the First Mass  The Butuan tradition was taken for

granted since misstatements in the

According to Antonio Pigaffeta: passages are numerous if compared to
the account of Pigafetta.
 The site of the first mass was on the
island “Mazaua” (Limasawa, Southern Shift of Opinion from Masao to Limaswaa
Leyte)  Emma Blair and James Alexander Roberston
 Easter Sunday , March 31, 1521  Father Pablo Pastells S.J
 Two native chieftains: Rajah of Mazaua  The rediscovery of Pigaffeta’s account
and Butuan and Albo’s log book are the reasons of
 After the mass, a wooden cross was the shift of opinion.
planted on the hill upon its summit  Trinidad Pardo de Tavera and Jayme de
Masao (Butuan) (Agusan del Norte)
Limasawa Evidences
 The Butuan Tradition  Francsico Albo’s Log book
 Butuan claims rests upon a tradition - the contramaaestre in Magellan flagship
that was almost unanimous and unbroken Trinidad
for three centuries, namely the 17th,  Evidences of Pigaffeta
18th, and 19th century. a) Pigaffeta’s testimony regarding the
 The date given in the First Mass was route;
April 8, 1521 b) The evidence of Pigaffeta’s map;
 A monument was erected in 1872 as to c) The Two native king;
strengthen the tradition d) The seven days at “Mazaua”;
 “To the Immortal Magellan: the People e) An argument from omission
of Butuan with their parish Priest and  Ferdinad Magellan anchored off the
the Spaniards residents therein, to eastern shore of a small island called
commemorate his arrival and the “Mazaua”. There they stayed a week, during
celebration of the First Mass on this which on Easter Sunday the celebrated
site on the April 8, 1521. Erected in Mass and planted the cross on the summit
1872, under the District Governor Jose of the highest hill.
Ma. Carvallo”  The island of Mazaua lies at a latitude of
 17 Century nine and two-thirds degrees North.
 Father Francisco Colins S.J (Labor  It is located on the south of Leyte, and its
Evangelica) latitude correspond to the position and
“On Easter Day, in the territory of Butuan, latitude of the island of Limasawa, whose
the First Mass ever offered in these parts southern top lies at 9 degrees and 54
was celebrated and a cross planted.” minutes North.
 Father Francisco Combes S.J (Historia  From the island of Mazaua, the expedition
de Mindanao y Jolo) sailed northwestwards through the Canigao
“Magellan landed at Butuan and there channel between Bohol and Leyte, then
planted cross in a solemn ceremony.” northwards parallel to eastern coast of this
 Comparison of both accounts (Colin and latter island, then they sailed westwards to
Combes) the Camotes Group and from there
 18th Century southwestwards to Cebu.
 One passage in Colin which seems to  No point in that itinerary did the expedition
have been misunderstood, and misled of Magellan go to Butuan. The survivors of
some later writers. the expedition did go to Mindanao later, but
 Fray Juan de la Concepcion, one of the after Magellan’s death.
major historians who made the error  Pilots of the Legazpi Expedition understood
related to Colin. that Mazaua was an island near Leyte and
 19th Century Panaon; Butuan was on the island of
 Fray Joaquin Martinez de Zeñiga Mindanao. The two were different places
(Historia de Filipinas) and in no wise identical

Cavite Munity 1872 - an open rebellion against the proper

 Mutiny
Spanish version of Cavite Mutiny of 1872 native soldiers and laborers who reacted to
 Jose Montero y Vidal the harsh policy of the new governor-
 His account anchored on the thesis that the general, Rafael de Izquierdo, who
fateful event of the 2oth of January 1872 whimsically terminated the old-time
happens due to the concerted effort of privileges such as exempting them from
disgruntled native soldiers and laborers of paying annual tribute and from rendering
Cavite arsenal who willfully revolted to forced labor or polo. As accounted, it is
overthrow the Spanish rule, and thus, guilty made clear that the mutiny is blown-up by
of rebellion and sedition. By such acts, the the Spanish officials and friars into a
execution of prominent critics of the revolt as a way for Filipinos to gain
Spaniards and friars by the Spanish independence from Spanish monarchy.
officials are justified, and the sentence of  GOMBURZA
life imprisonment and deportation of some  Fr. Mariano Gomez
natives critical of their incongruous rule is  Fr. Jose Burgos
unquestionably legit if not morally blurred.  Fr. Jacinto Zamora
The account of Jose Montero y Vidal was  On 17 February 1872, they were
even made credibly possible by no less than executed due to the false accusations
Rafael de Izquierdo, the governor-general of treason and sedition, taking a
of the time when the revolt of 1872 supposed active role in the Cavite
happened. Mutiny. They were later on sentenced
to death by garrote in a military court
Filipino version at Bagumbayan field.
 Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera  Martyr
 For him, the so-called Cavite Mutiny is a - a person who is killed because of their
mere incident of mutiny orchestrated by religious or other beliefs
The Great debate: The Rizal Retraction doubt that every word on the document of
( Ricardo P. Gracia) retraction was written by Jose Rizal,
except for the signatures of the other
 Retraction witnesses. The whole document was found
- a public statement made about an earlier to be written by Rizal in his normal
statement that withdraws,cancels,refutes,or handwriting.
reverses the original statement or ceases and
desists from publishing the original statement. Rizal Most Contested and Incontestable
 Main issues concerning the Retraction (Jesús Ma. Cavanna)
- Rizal retracted his masonic affiliation
- Rizal wrote and signed the retraction Dr. Jose Rizal Beyond the Grave: A
- Rizal’s marriage to Josephine Bracken Vindication of the Martyr of Bagumabayan
after signing the retraction (Ricardo Roque Pascaul)

 Father Jose Vilaclara  Martyr

- the only surviving priest in Ateneo who - a person who is killed because of their
once a professor of Rizal religious or other beliefs

 Fr. Manuel A. Garcia came across a bundle  Forgery

of document “Masonerian” and Prof. H. - the crime of falsely making or copying a
Otlet Beyer; there is not the slightest document in order to deceive people
CRY OF PUGAD LAWIN / BALINTAWAK  Pio Valenzuela’s Controversial “Cry of Pugad
 Cedula  (August 23, 1896)
- the signed of slavery of the Filipinos  This controversial version of the “Cry of
during the Spanish regime as what the the Pugad Lawin” has been authorized by no
Katipuneros teared and destroyed upon. other than Dr. Pio Valenzuela, who happened
to be the eyewitness himself of the event.
 Indios In his first version, he told that the prime
- The indigenous peoples of the Philippines staging point of the Cry was in Balintawak
on Wednesday of August 26, 1896. He held
this account when the happenings or events
are still vivid in his memory. On the other
hand, later in his life and with a fading
memory, he wrote his Memoirs of the
Revolution without consulting the written
documents of the Philippine revolution and
claimed that the “Cry” took place at Pugad
Lawin on August 23, 1896.

 Gregoria de Jesus’ Version of the First

 (August 25, 1896)
 This version was written by no other than
the “Lakambini of the Katipunan” and wife
of Andres Bonifacio, Gregoria de Jesus.
She has been a participant of this event
and became the keeper of the secret
documents of the Katipunan. After the
Revolution in August 1896, she lived with
her parents in Caloocan then fled to Manila
when she was told that Spanish authorities
wanted to arrest her. Eventually, she joined
her husband in the mountains and shared
adversities with him. In her account, the
First “Cry” happened near Caloocan on
August 25, 1896.

 Santiago Alvarez’s The “Cry of Bahay Toro”

 (August 24, 1896)
 This version of the “Cry” was written by
Santiago Alvarez, a well-known
Katipunerofrom Cavite and a son of
Mariano Alvarez. Santiago is a relative
of Gregoria de Jesus, who happened to
be the wide of Andres Bonifacio. Unlike
the author of the first version
mentioned (Valenzuela), Santiago
Alvarez is not an eyewitness of this
event. As a result, this version of him is
not given of equal value as compared
with the other versions for authors of
other accounts are actually part of the
historic event.

 Guillermo Masangkay’s The “Cry of

 (August 26, 1896)
 This version is written by the Katipunan
General Guillermo Masangkay. He is an
eyewitness of the historic event and a
childhood friend of Bonifacio.
According to him, the first rally of the
Philippine Revolution happened on
August 26, 1896 at Balintawak.
Correspondingly, the date and site
presented were accepted by the
preliminary years of American

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