Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7


Course, year & section: BSED MATH – 3A
Lesson Plan No.: 1

I. Objective

At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to the following tasks with at least 80%

a.) Discuss about Circle

b.) Identify a circle and its parts.
c.) Solve the problem involving the parts of a circle

II. Subject Matter

Main Topic: Circle

Sub-topic: Center, radius, diameter chord, central angle and arc.
Reference: Mathematics 7
(Learner Materials) page 230-232
Author: Elizabeth R. Aseron
Materials: Visual Aid, bond paper, ruler, pen or pencil

III. Procedure – Selective Method

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task

A. Preparation Good Morning class! Good Morning Sir!

1. Review

 To conduct Class, before we proceed to our Yes, Sir!

the recap of lesson. Can you still remember
the previous our previous topic?
What was our previous topic? Sir, our previous topic is all
about Angles.

Yes, correct.

What is Angle? Angle is a geometric figure

formed when two line segments
meet a common points.

Very Good.

What are the different angles Sir, Acute Angle, Obtuse angle,
that we have discussed last right angle and Straight angle.

Wow, very good!

What is the measure of an Acute angle is less than 90

acute angle? degree.

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
Yes, correct.

The measurement of an Obtuse Obtuse angle measures between

Angle? 90 degree and 180 degree

Sir, a Right angle measures
How about the Right angle and exactly 90 degree and Straight
Straight Angle? angle measures exactly 180

Yes, correct.
2. Motivation

To arouse the interest of Class let us identify the Sir, the given images are clock,
the students following images. wheel, button and a one-peso

Now, I want you to draw a

point somewhere in the middle
of a sheet of paper. Now, using
a ruler, mark 16 other points
that are having a distance of
5cm from the first point.
Compare your work with your

So, from our activity, who could It is about Circle Sir.

guess our topic for today?

Yes, correct.
B. Presentation We will now proceed to our
main topic which is Circle.

Do you have any idea of what is Sir, circle is a closed curve or

Circle? round shape.

Very Good!

But I have another definition of

a circle.

Please read the paragraph. Circle is a set of all points that

are the same distance from a
fixed point called a center of the

(Teacher explain the meaning

of a circle.)

In this figure, what is the center Sir, the center of the circle is
of the circle? called Circle O.

Yes, correct

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
A segment drawn from any
point of the circle to the center
is called a radius.

In this example, our radius is

from center O to point A.

And another one is chord.

A chord is a segment that

connects to any two points of a

(Teacher show an example)

From the figure shown, what Sir, we have line AD, line BF, line
are the names of the chords of CG and line HE are the chords of
the circle O. a circle O.

Can you identify the longest The longest chord is line BF.
chord from the given?


And that is the next term

related to a circle.

We have diameter, a diameter

is a chord that passes through
the center of a circle.

From the figure shown, line BF

is a diameter of a circle O. it is
the longest chord of a circle
and its twice the length of a
circle radius.

We also have a central angle.

A central angle is an angle

whose vertex is on the circle
center and whose sides
intersects the circle at two

In this figure, what is the

Central Angle of circle P.

Lastly, we have an arc.

Arc is a portion of a circle

determined by a central angle.
Arc AB is an arc of circle P.

C. Comparison I want you to determine

whether the statement is true
or false.

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
1) Two chords always 1. False
have the same length.

2) Two radii always have 2. True

the same length

3) All chords are diameter 3. False

4) All diameter are 4. True


5) A radius is not a chord. 5. True

D. Generalization Let’s have a summarization of

our topic.

What is Circle? It is a set of all points that are

the same distance from a fix

What are the points of a circle? The parts of a circle are center,
radius, diameter chord, central
angle and arc.

E. Application We will have our activity.

You need to identify each of the

following pictures related to
(Teacher will point a picture)

1. ST-chord

The first number is

given already to serve
as your guide. What is
number 2?
2. O 2. Center
3. SN 3. Diameter or chord
4. ON 4. Radius
5. PR 5. Chord

Let’s have a quiz

Direction: Choose the letter of

the correct answer.

1. _____ is a set of all 1. b. Circle

points that are the 2. c. Closed
same distance from 3. b. Diameter
fixed point. 4. b. Radius
5. c. Chord
a. Radius 6. b. Radius
b. Circle 7. d. Central Angle
c. Center 8. d. Arc
d. Chord 9. b. AC,BC,BE,AB and CD
10. d. Both A and C

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
2. A circle is a _______
curve, every point on
which is equidistant
from a given fixed
a. Open
b. Single
c. Closed
d. Double

3. A line segment passing

through the center of
the circle and having its
end position on the
circle is called______.
a. Radius
b. Diameter
c. Center
d. Circumference

4. The diameter divides

the circle into two
equal parts, each part is
a. Semi-circle
b. Radius
c. Angle
d. Diameter

5. A line connects any two

points on a circle is
known as ______.
a. Perimeter
b. Diameter
c. Chord
d. Radius

6. A line from center to

circumference of a
circle is known as___.
a. Diameter
b. Radius
c. Radii
d. Central angle

7. An angle whose vertex

is on the circle center
and whose ideas
intersect the circle at
two points.
a. Midpoint
b. Circumference
c. Radii
d. Central angle

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
8. ___is a portion of a
circle determined by a
central angle.
a. Radii
b. Central angle
c. Angle
d. Arc

9. In the figure shown

below, what are the
chord of a circle?


a. AB, DC and BE
b. AC, BC, BE, AB and CD
c. BE, AC and DC
d. OC, OD, OB and CD

10. In the figure shown

above what is the
diameter of a circle?
a. AB and CD
b. AB and BC
c. DC and BA
d. Both A and C
IV. Homework 1. Using a compass, draw
a circle whose radius is
A. Topic: Circle 5cm the draw the
B. Sub-Topic: following objects. Write
Parts of a “impossible if the
Circle object cannot be
a. One chord measuring
b. One chord measuring
c. One chord measuring
d. Three radii measuring
e. One central angle
measuring 90 degree.
f. One central angle
measuring 135 degree.
g. One are subtended by
an angle that measures
35 degree.

Strategy Teacher’s Task Student’s Task
C. Words to be study Define the following:  Secant is a line that
 Secant contains a chord.
 Tangent
 Point of Tangency  Tangent to a circle is a
 Semi-circle line, a ray or a segment in
 Minor arc the plane of a circle at
 Major arc exactly one point. This
point called point of
 Semi-circle is half of a
 Minor arc is an arc less
than half of a circle.
 Major arc is more than
half of a circle.

D. Guide Question A. Identify each of the

following as related to
the given circle O.




1. ST 1. Secant
2. SN 2. Semi-Circle
3. SR 3. Minor Arc
4. QT 4. Tangent
5. SMP 5. Major Arc

E. Home Activity Draw your own circle and

illustrate the following:

a. Center A
b. Diameter DE
c. Chord QR
d. Radius AC
e. Secant BC
f. Minor Arc BD
g. Tangent OS
F. References  Mathematics 7 and

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