Natural Penis Enlargement Volume 2

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Natural Penis Enlargement:

New Methods of Avoiding and Curing

Impotence, Premature Ejaculation, and Erectile
Dysfunction Safely and Inexpensively.

New ... No Pumps, No Pills and No Gadgets!

Vol. II
Published by
Platinum Millennium Publishing
PO Box 1733
Bridgeport, CT 06601-1733

Natural Penis Enlargement:

New Methods of Avoiding and Curing Impotence, Premature
Ejaculation, and Erectile Dysfunction Safely and Inexpensively.

New ... No Pumps, No Pills and No Gadgets! Vol. II

© 2006 by Platinum Millennium. All Rights Reserved

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system without permission in writing from the publisher except by a
reviewer who may quote brief passages to be included in a review.

ISBN 0976902222

Cover Design: Platinum Millennium Cover Designs


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Platinum Millennium Publishing

PO Box 1733
Bridgeport, CT 06601-1733
Natural Penis Enlargement:
New Methods of Avoiding and Curing
Impotence, Premature Ejaculation, and Erectile
Dysfunction Safely and Inexpensively.

New ... No Pumps, No Pills and No Gadgets!

Vol. II

Natural Penis Enlargement is meant for informational purposes and is not

intended as medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. The techniques
discussed in this manual have worked wonders for many men (including the
author!). But everyone is an individual and what has worked for others may not
be appropriate for you. If you are interested in enlarging your penis, please
consult with a licensed physician and/or sex therapist before undertaking and of
the suggestions made within this text. All penis enlargement techniques should
be done under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist.

No one associated with the publication of Natural Penis Enlargement shall

be liable for any loss, damage, injury or ailment caused or alleged to be caused,
directly or indirectly by the information or lack of information, or use or misuse
of the methods or techniques described in this manual.

TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................V

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1

YOUR PENIS............................................................................................................ 3

THE TRIAD .............................................................................................................. 8

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT ................................................................................. 9

LOVE FOODS - GOING UP ................................................................................. 11

LOVE FOODS - GOING DOWN ......................................................................... 13

RX FOR SEX .......................................................................................................... 15

MEDICINE MAN ................................................................................................... 17

TOP TEN HERBS .................................................................................................. 20

WE RECOMMEND ............................................................................................... 22

CHARGING UP YOUR BATTERIES ................................................................ 24

ADVANCED MEN DON’T … .............................................................................. 26

WALK THE WALK AND TALK THE TALK .................................................. 29

MAKING IT STRONGER AND HARDER........................................................ 31

SQUEEZE PLAY.................................................................................................... 32

ALL NIGHT LONG ............................................................................................... 35

SEXERCISE GUIDE.............................................................................................. 36

“I’LL KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT” ..................................................................... 37

STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE ......................................................................... 40

DOING THE OLD IN-OUT .................................................................................. 42

WHEN TO SAY WHEN ........................................................................................ 44

PRACTICE SCENARIOS ..................................................................................... 46

GET BUSY .............................................................................................................. 49

THE SQUEEZE PLAY .......................................................................................... 50

PUMP IT UP – THE PG PUMP ............................................................................ 52

DON”T FORGET TO BE PC................................................................................ 54

WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?........................................................................... 56

FOCUS ON YOUR BODY..................................................................................... 57

FOCUS ON HER .................................................................................................... 58

ABS OF STEEL ...................................................................................................... 60

WHO’S ON TOP .................................................................................................... 62

NOW IT CAN BE YOURS! ................................................................................... 63

THRUSTING TECHNIQUES 101 AND 9-IN-1 ................................................. 65

TEASE AND PLEASE ........................................................................................... 68

SLIDE AND GLIDE ............................................................................................... 70

OH BABY, NOBODY DOES IT LIKE YOU!..................................................... 72

WHAT JACK WRANGLER TAUGHT DIRK DIGGLER................................ 75

MMM MMM GOOD.............................................................................................. 77

OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE LARGER THAN... ............................................. 79

MAKING IT BIG – YES YOU CAN! .................................................................. 80

UPSIDE AND DOWN ............................................................................................ 83

LET’S DO IT! ......................................................................................................... 85

NEW DIMENSIONS .............................................................................................. 87

DON’T BE SCARED – GET PREPARED! ........................................................ 91

TAKE MATTERS INTO YOUR OWN HANDS................................................ 93

THE STRETCH TECHNIQUE ............................................................................ 97

THE WISDOM OF TAO ....................................................................................... 98

MECHANICAL MARVELS ............................................................................... 101

THE VACUUM PUMPING TECHNIQUE: ..................................................... 110

GET WITH THE PROGRAM ............................................................................ 115

BELIEVE THAT YOU’LL ACHIEVE ............................................................. 118

NAME IT TO CLAIM IT .................................................................................... 120

SEE IT AND YOU’LL BELIEVE IT................................................................. 122

BEFORE WE SAY GOOD-BYE......................................................................... 123


NATURAL MAN ONLINE RESOURCE SHEET ........................................... 131


Greetings! Welcome to the World of Natural Penis Enlargement.

Get ready to learn about your penis – what it likes and what it
doesn’t. What’s good for it and what isn’t, and how to make it harder,
longer and thicker. And, best of all:



Discover how to banish the words “premature ejaculation” from

your vocabulary forever. Get the best of ancient wisdom and cutting-
edge sexual techniques and knowledge. Be the master of your domain
AND the master of your penis – with the sexual prowess of a porno star!


There is one catch, however. Like anything else, mastering a

complex subject takes work, dedication and consistency. You can’t walk
into a gym in the morning and walk out with abs of steel in the

afternoon. And you certainly can’t walk into a martial arts studio and
attain black belt status without committing yourself mind, body and soul
to the learning process.

The same focus and dedication are needed to achieve your Penis
Enlargement Goals. You can make tremendous gains in size, staying
power and technique, but it will require an effort. If you want to find
success, you’ll need to commit to practicing the techniques discussed in
this manual on a regular basis.

But here’s the good news: It doesn’t matter how old you are,
how experienced you are, or even how fit you are to find success with
this program.

If you religiously follow the program in this book,

soon enough you will have a “black belt” in sexual skill,
with a longer, thicker, stronger penis that will wow your

The martial arts analogy is quite apt, since many of skills shown
here are modeled after the techniques of the ancient Taoists (pronounced
Dao-ists) called sexual Kung Fu.

As part of your training you’ll be stretching the tendons and

ligaments just like they do in martial arts. And, just like a bodybuilder,
you’ll be exercising your muscles to make them BIGGER, STRONGER


A Basic Anatomy Lesson

If you are like most men, your preoccupation with a female

partner (and how her body works) has overshadowed any knowledge of
your own anatomy. Many men will gladly look all over the place for a
woman’s G-Spot or clitoris, but ask him where his PC muscle is, or what
function his prostate serves in the search for a Male Multiple Orgasm
(MMO), and he’ll answer with a blank stare.

This section will briefly explain how your penis works in

conjunction with the rest of your body. Understanding its basic workings
is crucial if you want to increase the volume of your ejaculate, get a
higher sperm count or stay harder, longer. Without this basic knowledge
about how this system gets revved up from start to finish, you’ll
essentially be operating a loaded gun without a clue as to how it actually
works and what makes it “go off”.


A human penis is larger than any other primates’, yet it is

dramatically different than the males of many other species, such as
whales, bears or bats, in that it does not require a bone to strengthen his
erection. The human penis is an amazing feat of biological engineering,
having evolved over centuries to hold three inflatable tubes of tissue: two
larger cavernous bodies (called the corpora cavernosa) on the navel-side
upper portion of the penis, with one, thinner spongy body (called the
corpus spongiosum) that runs along the middle-bottom of the penis.


The spongy body that runs along the bottom of the penis also
holds the urethra, which connects a man’s bladder to the outside world.
Both at the very tip of the penis and at the base, this spongy body
becomes wider: at the base it forms the root of the penis, whereas at the
tip it becomes the helmet (or glans). Where the base of the penis meets
the spongy body is a thick membrane surrounded by a muscle that allows
for the rhythmic contractions during ejaculation.


The two cavernous bodies that run along the length of the penis have
their tips hidden in the glans, but at the base of the penis they flare
outwards, each connecting to a bone in the pelvis. A muscle surrounds
both of the cavernous bodies after they leave the penis, which along with
the bone attachment, allows stable and upright penile contact during
masturbation and intercourse. When a man ejaculates, these muscles also
come into play.

Inside each cavernous body are several smaller, cavernous spaces.

An artery runs through the center of each body, with separate branches
(similar to a tree) supplying blood flow. During normal, everyday use, the
spaces are filled with small puddles of blood. Once the arteries dilate,
however, the blood increases dramatically in the cavernous bodies,
creating larger lakes of blood, causing rapid rigidity.


Contrary to popular belief, an erection is not caused by will;

instead, it is a complex mélange of hormones, emotional and physical
responses that all work together to achieve a common goal. Testosterone
is important in the process, but not essential, since castrated males are
able to become erect (although it is a rare occurrence). Almost every
man, even those determined impotent, will have approximately fifteen
erections, thirty minutes apart, while asleep.

To get an erection, the arteries at the base of the penis are

triggered by parasympathetic nerves, forcing them to dilate and flush
with blood. This fills the expandable cavernous bodies with blood,
effectively damming the outlet veins so that blood cannot drain out and
back into the body, and so that urine cannot flow into the urethra.


The most important hormone when it comes to male sexual

function is testosterone. In men, almost all (ninety-five percent) of it is
secreted by the testicles, with the remainder coming from the adrenal
glands. A fully-grown male will secrete, on average, 4-10mg of
testosterone per day, while women secrete small fractions of this as well
in their ovaries and adrenal glands.

Testosterone is a powerful hormone and is responsible for all the
• Growth of the larynx, penis, testes, scrotum, seminal vesicles,
rugged folds in the scrotal skin, and prostate gland;
• Deepening of a man’s voice at puberty;
• Secretion of prostate fluids;
• Maintenance of muscle bulkiness;
• The creation and retention of a male’s sex drive; and
• Stimulation of sperm production.

Once broken down in the prostate gland and hair into dihydro-
testosterone, its potency doubles and is responsible for:
• Growth of facial, armpit and body hair;
• Male-pattern baldness;
• Excessive acne production; and
• Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate.


Mind, Body and Penis

Many men refer to their penis as a separate entity from the rest of
their bodies: giving their sexual appendange a proper name (like Fred), or
blaming “him” for all sexual advances are very common. In order to
have a healthier viewpoint of the entire sexual system, you’ll need to put
aside this archaic way of thinking and speaking to increase your chances
at wowing your sexual partners.

However, if this is an idea that I want you to adopt, you must

also then realize the following: if the rest of your body is in poor health,
expect your penis to be the same.

If you are under great stress, deprived of quality rest, are

suffering from an illness or are malnourished due to a nutritionally
deficient diet, you may lack the penile performance you desire.

But all is not lost! In the next few pages we will cover the
nutritional and supplemental basics that specifically enhance sexual
performance, increase blood flow and will make you feel absolutely
fantastic – no matter what shape you are in.


The High Octane Sexual Diet

In order to be sexually healthy, eating a well-balanced diet that
includes lots of fresh fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, pears, grapes,
oranges) and vegetables (especially leafy greens like spinach, broccoli,
kale, etc.) as well as a good balance of protein and quality carbohydrates
is essential.

The Zone Diet (also known as the 30/40/30 Diet) has been
recently embraced as an ideal nutritional balance. The basics of the diet
state that the calories you take in are 30% from “good” fats (such as
avocados and nuts), 40% from high quality protein (such as chicken or
fish), and 30% from complex carbohydrates (usually in the form of non-
starchy vegetables, like spinach).

Don’t like to eat your veggies? How about downing them instead
in the form of a power drink, instead? However, try and avoid canned

juices, as the processing robs fruits and vegetables of their essential
nutrients and deprives you of the penis-enhancing power you seek.

High-quality protein is essential for healthy bones, hair, skin,

teeth, and ligaments - basically it is one of the building blocks of life.
Good choices include fish, chicken, beans or lentils and egg whites. Red
meat, which is an excellent source of protein AND cholesterol, should be
limited to 1-4 serving a month however. If you really need your red meat
fix, try game meats such as ostrich, or buffalo for variety.

What’s so bad about cholesterol?

If your cholesterol is high, blood flow within your arteries is
constricted because of plaque (bad fat) buildup. And if there’s one thing
that you need to get a rock-hard erection with staying power, it’s blood

Another great tip to ensure you are eating well is to avoid pre-
packaged, processed or other pre-prepared foods. As a general rule, the
less an item has changed from its original state, the better it is for your
health and longevity.


The following “love foods” will keep you in feeling great all over
your body. Some are probably already familiar to you:

• Oysters – Rockefeller or otherwise

• Wild Oats – Why do you think people are so eager to sow
• Peanuts – are rich in a substance that affects the blood
vessels and has a positive effect on achieving and keeping
an erection. Try eating 8-12 ounces before an evening of
passion. Caution: Peanuts are loaded with fat and are
NOT heart-friendly.

Some “love foods” may be completely unfamiliar:

• Protein – Eggs are a great quick source, just watch your


• Whey – Bo Peep may have been downing some curds, but

she was way into the whey.

• Wheat Germ – Ask any athlete about the restorative

effects of this little wonder-worker.

And yet others may come as a complete surprise:

• Garlic – Try the unscented pills

• Black Pepper – helps the body absorb certain nutrients

and foods which help increase your libido.

• Pumpkin Seeds: Great for prostate health and hormone


If you’ve been giving your sweetheart a box of chocolates for

Valentine’s Day and getting a hot night of lovemaking in return, you may
be surprised to know it’s not gratitude…it’s hormones. Chocolate,
everyone’s favorite aphrodisiac, stimulates the production of specific
hormones that give your endorphin levels a kick. The result: Eating
chocolate mimics the same sensations as falling in love.


(And NOT in a good way)

So. You’re eating a well-balanced diet and loading up on the
foods above that give your sexual prowess a boost now, right? Well,
even if you follow those guidelines to a tee, you can still undo all that
good work in a matter of minutes. Even the most Ready Freddy won’t
be able to overcome the downsides of:

• Alcohol – Avoid excess. What’s the point of getting loose to

make the pass when you can’t follow through? Too much
booze and your body can’t get ready for action, let alone
deliver it.

• Preservatives and Food Additives - Sodium Benzoate,

Sodium Nitrate, and Sodium Ethoborate (as well as
hydrolyzed animal and vegetable proteins) are excitotoxins
that stimulate the neurons in the brain until they die.

• Products containing sugar-free sweeteners (like
Nutrasweet and Aspartame). Diet sodas, sugar-free baked
goods, etc. all rev up your body for calories that aren’t
coming. The result? Your digestion won’t be the only thing
drooping, with your brain chemistry in an uproar and your mood a

• White bread, cake, cookies – Empty carbohydrate calories

will literally drag you down. They leech your Vitamin B
reserves and drain your energy.

• Grapefruit – Although it’s great for curbing the appetite and

getting your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C,
grapefruit causes testosterone to break down. It also
interferes with the absorption of many a medicine and
supplement, so stick with orange, carrot or apple instead.

• Soy products – What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the
gander. Although women derive tremendous benefits from
soy, the estrogen it contains has a negative effect in men.

Avoid aluminum (which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease) and fluoride
(a by-product of aluminum that is used as a rat poison). Aluminum
cookware and cans, and the fluoride in toothpaste are also hidden culprits.


Vitamins and Minerals

As hard as we try, sometimes it is difficult to get all the nutrients
required simply from food. Fortunately, there are a wide range of general
use vitamin and mineral supplements to fill in the nutritional blanks.

Make sure that your daily multivitamin supplement includes all of the

Vitamin A or Betacarotene: Although it can be fatal in large

doses, getting your daily recommended allowance of Vitamin A is much
easier, and safer, if it’s in the form of Betacarotene. This vitamin is
essential to sperm growth and ‘wiggling’ strength, and should always be
taken with Vitamins C and E for the best erection-enhancing benefits..

Vitamin C: Try to have at least 250mg a day, the minimum

amount researchers have found that reduces free radical damage to
sperm. This is the equivalent of four large oranges or kiwi fruit.
Improvements in sperm movement, viability and count seem all to
increase (especially in smokers) within a week of taking the vitamin.
Vitamin E: Under a doctor’s supervision, high dosages of
Vitamin E (up to 600mg a day) have been shown to treat subfertility in
men. Since Vitamin E requires Vitamin C to be activated, it is essential
the two are taken at the same time. For men without fertility issues,
100mg a day in supplement form should be more than adequate.

Zinc: Sperm is extremely high in zinc (you expel up to 5mg each

time you ejaculate), which has lead researchers to believe the mineral is
essential to strong sperm health. Zinc also protects sperm (and other
body fluids) from free radical damage. Try to get at least 15mg a day in
zinc from your diet on a daily basis.


Sexual Performance Nutraceuticals

Some supplements are geared specifically towards sexual
performance. And although it might be tempting to mega-dose “too
much of a good thing” does come into play. Never take more than the
recommended dosage, and discuss all of your medications and
supplements with your doctor before taking any of our suggestions here.

(For erections of steel and increased volume of ejaculate)
500-1000mg in the daytime and 1000-1500mg about an hour or two
before sex are optimum intake amounts for this amino acid. If you plan
to take L-Arginine on an extended basis however, I suggest taking no
more than 1500-2000mg a day. If you get any cold sores or blisters,
discontinue use and start taking 500mg of L-Lysine instead.

Do not take L-Arginine during a herpes break out or when cold sores are
present, as it will only make them worse.

Bee Pollen
(For sexual energy, more frequent erections and increased
Available at most pharmacies and health food stores, Bee Polen is
mentioned in almost every religious text of the Ancient World and has
been revered for centuries by the people of Egyptian, Greek, Roman,
Chinese, Middle Eastern, Slavic and Native American cultures. Bee
Pollen is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, all of
which promote sexual health.

There are many different ways to take Bee Pollen, such as tablets,
capsules, and the freeze-dried or raw form. If possible, try to get the
raw or freeze dried forms; you should find these in the refrigerated
section at your local health food store.

Bee Pollen as it is a powerful substance. Begin with a small dose and

build up to a teaspoonful to allow your body time to adjust to its
properties and to prevent any adverse reactions.

Do not take Bee Pollen if you are allergic to bees or bee products.

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For any Tom, Dick or Harry

(not to mention any Hairy Tom or Dick)

Herbs are nature’s medicine. And, like any medicine, they may
have different effects on different people. Be sure to talk with your
doctor, nutritionist or a qualified herbologist before taking any of the
supplements or herbs that we’ve listed here.

When injesting anything new – prescription, over-the-counter, or

health store supplement -- start off slowly to make sure you don’t have
an adverse reaction.

• Damiana: Increases your sex drive and your ability to control

your ejaculate. Some people believe a Damiana user will become
more attractive to the opposite sex.

• Epimedium: More commonly known as Horny Goat Weed,

Epimedium is considered a potent aphrodisiac

• Muira Puama Extract:: Increases your sex drive, as well as
giving you harder and more frequent erections.

• Saw Palmetto Berries Extract: Good for prostate health.

• Schizandra: Believed to increase the volume of sexual fluids,

Schizandra will increase sexual endurance and staying power, as
well as strengthen the whole body. A bonus of Schizandra is
that it beautifies the skin.

• Tribulus Terrestris: Used by Bulgarian weightlifters and athletes

for years to increase testosterone production, TT will increase
your energy, stamina and libido (sex drive). Find TT in health
food stores in the bodybuilding section.

• Honeymooners Tea: This tea is for replenishing spent sexual


• Maca Root: This radish and turnip-related root vegetable that

grows at the top of the Andes Mountains in Peru is frequently
compared to Viagra. However, unlike Viagra, Maca does not
increase blood flow or circulation. Rather, it acts as a hormone
balancer, increasing libido, sexual stamina and energy reserves
and improving semen quality.


Natural Penis Enlargement Formula

Based on our own experiences, we’ve found a formulation of

herbs and supplements that we feel are most beneficial for sexual energy,
staying power, harder erections and greater volume of ejaculate.

Take a high-quality multiple vitamin and mineral supplement on a
daily basis. Some specialized Men’s Formula Multivitamins may offer a
combination of the Next Level supplements, so read all labels carefully
before purchase, and again before ingestion.

Make sure your multivitamin includes a daily amount of:

Vitamin A or Betacarotene: no more than10, 000 IU
Vitamin C: 500mg
Vitamin E: 100mg
Zinc: 15mg

If it doesn’t, grab another supplement that does, or make a point

of eating foods high in those elements and nutrients every day, instead.

Augment your baseline vitamins and minerals with the following

which may be taken in tablet, capsule or liquid form:

• L-Arginine: 500mg on the days you don’t have sex, or 1000-

1500 mg 1-2 hours before you plan on having sex. Do not take if
you have herpes or cold sores.

• Bee Pollen: Work up to one teaspoon a day.

• Avina Sativa (Wild Oats): Follow the instructions on the bottle.

• Muira Puama Extract: Follow the instructions on the bottle.

• Schizandra Follow the instructions on the bottle.

• Saw Palmetto Berries Extract Follow the instructions on the



Your Power Source

To work hard (or play hard) plenty of rest is required. Plus, if
you want to be a sexual athlete – a sexual SUPERSTAR – you’ll need to
re-charge your batteries, and often, so that when you need ‘em, they are
ready to fire on all pistons.

The Ancient Taoists believe that a man should retain his ejaculate
when he has an orgasm so as not to lose energy. However these sexual
masters also believed that men should have sex often - without ejaculating
- in order to cultivate energy for well-being and rejuvenation.

Many professional athletes abstain from sex before a competition

so that they are at their peak, energy-wise; this may lend some
creditability to the Taoist theory. Several Eastern philosophies also
espouse this same tactic.


You can have sex all day and sleep all night OR
you can have sex all night and sleep all day
BUT you can’t do both.

You’re not Superman -- you can’t work all day, fight traffic, go to
the gym and then screw like a bunny all night – and expect to get up the
next day and do the whole thing all over again. Okay, you may get away
with it for a few days or a few weeks, but before you can say “mind-
shattering orgasm,” you’ll be paying the price for your excess with ill-
health, decreased energy, and lowered immunity.

The Taoist may have the answer to this problem (which we’ll
explore together later). But for now, you just have to accept the fact that
you are a mere mortal who needs adequate rest and sleep in order to have
great sex and great, long lasting erections.

Another Taoist theory is that you can tell a great deal about your
health and well being by your penis -- the harder you are, the healthier
you are…and the more energy you have.


Hazards To Avoid

Separate from the well-known and documented issues related

to illegal substance use, drugs such as Ecstasy, Cocaine and Heroin
also affect your ability to get hard, stay hard, and create voluminous
amounts of ejaculate.

Some prescription drugs and antibiotics may also cause

erectile and ejaculation difficulties. If you are taking prescription drugs
and you feel that they are negatively impacting your sexual health, consult
with your doctor, and a nutritionist and/or herbalist.

Steroids are extremely damaging to your sexual performance in

addition to the liver, kidneys and heart damage they exole. Steroids affect
your reproductive system and may cause your testicles to shrink and your
testosterone production to decrease significantly.

Smoking cigarettes, of course, is bad for your lungs, but what
you may not know is what it does to your sexual performance. When you
smoke, you decrease the blood and oxygen supply in your arteries. The
result: your sexual performance declines and the firmness of your
erection decreases. Male smokers also sport 17% lower sperm counts
than non-smokers, have reduced sperm motility (meaning, smoking slows
down their sperms’ swimming speed) and a much higher percentage of
abnormal sperm (little guys with two tails, two heads, or missing parts). If
you are looking for increased sperm production, better spurting strength
and swimmers who can get the job done, kick the smoking habit as fast
as you can.

Alcohol has shown to be the culprit in many a man’s fertility

issues. In fact, several studies have now proven that more than 50% of
subfertile men will regain normal sperm counts within three months of
abstention from alcohol. Alcohol dampens testosterone levels and
increases oestrogen levels in the liver, which leads to lowered sperm
count and sex drive. Although some studies have also shown that a glass
of red wine every night can help with cardiovascular health (a major issue
with some men in attaining long and strong erections) talk to your
Doctor or medical professional, first, before taking such a drastic step.

Believe it or not, excessive exercise can also lower sperm count.

A recent study determined that men who over-trained (even if only for
one week), had 43% decreased sperm counts right afterwards, with
continual decreases over three month’s time (again, even if they only had
overtrained for one week). Testosterone also dropped by 36%.

Finally, oestrogen, a female sex hormone, also significantly
contributes to lowered sperm counts. Soy products, low-fiber diets, a
high proportion of body fat to muscle, petroleum products, exhaust
fumes and cow’s milk from hormonally-treated animals are all
contributors and should be avoided by all Advanced Men.


Natural Penis Enlargement Lifestyle

If you want to be A Natural Man with an Advanced Penis
(bigger, harder, and better), you have to live like A Natural Man.

ƒ Eat like A Natural Man

ƒ Renew and Restore like A Natural Man
ƒ Exercise Like A Natural Man
ƒ Make Love Like A Bunny!
This isn’t a bodybuilding manual or exercise guide, but if you’re
not already active, now is the time to start. Join a gym, get involved in a
weight-training program, invest in at-home exercise equipment, join a
team sport, or start to jog or walk to increase your cardiovascular health.

Natural Man Motto:

Self-discipline is GREAT for self-confidence.

Not only will you feel better when you start working out, you’ll
look better, AND be more attractive to the opposite sex.

If the thought of organized exercise programs makes you head
for the hills, think “sports” instead of “workouts.” Try martial arts
classes, kayaking, mountain climbing, even ballroom dancing!

Is there a certain sport or activity you’ve always wanted to try, but

never had the time to before? Yoga for flexibility (and the chance to meet
more women than you ever imagined possible)? Hockey or football for
the machismo benefits? Soccer or ultimate Frisbee for the high-level

Take a look around your local grocery store, coffee shop or

sports store for team advertisements; many times players drop out mid-
season and teams need to replenish their talent. You’ll meet lots of
people, and perhaps even a woman to try out your newfound skills on!


Natural Penis Enlargement and His Penis

First, we need to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for
your orgasms and ejaculation -- the Pubococcygeus muscle, also known
as the PC muscle. But before you can strengthen the PC muscle, you
first need to know where it is.

The best way to find it is while urinating. Try to stop the flow of
urine mid-stream; when the flow stops, you have found (and used) your
PC muscle.

Now flex it a few times just to make sure. It may feel a bit
unusual at first, and that’s okay. Keep on practicing until you feel you’ve
got it down pat.

As with any muscle, your PC will atrophy without use. If you

haven’t already been doing a regular workout, chances are you could
probably use some strengthening and toning.


Making It As Strong As Steel

Here are some great ways to get your PC muscle in shape. As
with all exercise, start small and work your way up gradually. Just like any
other muscle in your body, you can pull this one, too!

Quick Squeeze
Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can and hold it for 2
seconds. Then completely relax the muscle. That constitutes one
repetition, or “rep”. When doing multiples squeezes, wait 1 second
between reps.

Slow Squeeze
Squeeze your PC Muscle slowly, but as tightly as you can. Hold it
for 15 seconds. Then release the muscle slowly for one repetition. Wait
for 5 seconds between reps.

Super Squeeze
Squeeze your PC Muscle as tight as you can slowly and hold it for
a minimum of 60 seconds before releasing. That is one rep. Wait 60
seconds between reps.

Daily Program:
Quick Squeeze: 20 reps. (work up to 100 reps.)
Slow Squeeze: 10 reps. (work up to 25 reps.)
Super Squeeze: 1 reps. (work up to 10 reps.)

As with any exercise program, start slowly and build your PC

muscles up over time. Try for about 2 to 3 weeks of gradual
improvements to prevent excessive soreness and urinary infections. Yes,
that’s right: if you do the PC muscle squeeze too often while urinating,
you are opening yourself up for an uncomfortable urinary infection. If
this occurs, make sure to drink lots of cranberry juice until your pee is no
longer cloudy. If it doesn’t clear up on it’s own in a couple of days, make
sure to contact your medical professional for further assistance at that

After being on this program for 4 to 8 weeks you should have a

very strong PC muscle.

Why the PC is a VIP

A strong PC muscle is important for more intense orgasms,
stronger and more powerful ejaculations, and the ability to become a
multi-orgasmic male. (We’ll talk more about THAT later, too).

PC muscle exercise also promotes good prostate health, by

massaging the prostate gland with the contractions of the PC muscle.

By Christian Gudnason
Written: October 10, 2005
Loveland, Colorado

Dear Friend,
If you are frustrated by not being able to last as long as
you want during love making, then this will be the most important
letter you ever read. Here is why...

I am Christian Gudnason creator of The Ejaculation Master.

In this letter I'm going to share with you how I developed a

powerful cure for premature ejaculation, how I've helped
hundreds of men to gain their desired lasting power, and how I
can also help you without ever meeting you face to face.

I'll tell you about my own problem with premature ejaculation and
how I fixed it. I'll also share the stories of some of my clients
(name have been changed) and their recovery.

And finally I'm going to show you how you can also...

• Gain total control over your ejaculation,

• Make passionate love for hours on end
• Give your girl the orgasm of a life time.
• ... to put it simply becoming your honey's dream lover !

To learn all this and more, please visit:


What Lionel Ritchie REALLY Meant

A penis, no matter how big or hard, is of very little use to anyone

if you have no control over it. Premature ejaculation is an embarrassing
situation that can impact anyone’s self-esteem, personal image and the
ability to use the techniques explained in this text.

This section will explain some useful techniques to help end this
problem forever so you can get back to your regularly scheduled
programming: great sex!


Each exercise in this manual should be repeated until you’ve

accomplished its goal to your own satisfaction.

Some Notes Before We Begin:

o Most exercises will take anywhere from 30-45 minutes.

o Perform all exercises alone (unless otherwise indicated) and

without any added stimulation. Leave the videos, movies and
websites alone this time.

o Pay careful attention to every nuance and subtle feeling that

you experience during the exercise. Make a note of anything
new, exciting or unusual.

o Start with a limp penis in most of the exercises. We promise

that you’ll end with a VERY satisfying orgasm. (Just wait!)


“Practice makes perfect…and practice is FUN”


Identifying Your Point of No Return

Before you can control your ejaculation, you need to be able to

recognize your own, individualized signposts that announce it. We call it
the “Point of No Return” (PoNR).

Exercise #1: Finding your PoNR and Excitement Scale.

Note: This exercise will be used and referred to frequently

throughout this text. Consider it your foundation for sexual health. Make
sure to master it before moving on to the more complex steps of this

Start with a limp penis and begin stroking until you are hard.
Notice all of the feelings you are experiencing along the way to your

As you become aroused, assign a numerical value (from 1-10) to

you level of excitement: Let 1 represent a completely flaccid state, 5 a
semi-hard penis, and 10, PoNR.
Try to stay at each level for 2-3 minutes before increasing your
strokes and moving to the next level. As you progress along this series of
exercises, try and hold each level for longer, where possible. Don’t feel
bad if you can only do it for a couple of seconds; the point here is to
slowly build up your tolerance and PoNR level skill over time.

Play close attention to the actions that move you to the next
level: the speed of your stroking, the tightness of your grip, what you are
thinking about, etc.

It’s important to move slowly to each higher level as to not get

carried away and pass your PoNR before finding it. (In other words,
don’t cum yet!)

When you get to a level about 9-9.5, you’ll want to pay careful
attention to what you are experiencing. You may start to feel the semen
moving from the testicles and collecting in prostate gland at the base of
the penis.

Here’s your first challenge: If possible, stop and take a deep

breath. Feel everything. Are you breathing faster than normal? Are you
flushed? How hard is your penis? What thoughts or images go through
your mind at this point?

If you can’t stop what you are doing and take a deep breath
without ejaculating, then you have passed your PoNR. Give yourself

another day or so, and try again. See if this time, you can stop a bit earlier
in the process to determine exactly where your PoNR is this time around.
Continue in this fashion until you can isolate it completely.

When you can’t stand it anymore, and once you’ve documented

(either on paper or in your head) all of your PoNR details – here’s the
fun part -- let yourself ejaculate and enjoy it!


Now that you have identified your PoNR and can identify when
you are racing to the precipice of your orgasm, the only thing left is to
learn how to stay slow and steady so you can cum out a winner.

Delaying Your Orgasm

In this next section, we’ll discuss the techniques that will enable
you to delay and/or prevent your orgasm and prolong lovemaking
for as long as you desire.

Some of the techniques will work better for you than others.
Many can and should be used in conjunction with each other. Play
around with each idea and situation so you can easily recognize what
works best for you.

We will start with the simplest leading to the more advanced with
each technique building on the previous lesson.

If only high school had been this much fun!

Is premature ejaculation ruining your sex life?

• Do you find it difficult to last for a long time during

• Do you typically reach orgasm before your partner?
• Are you embarrassed by your inability to control
• Do you wish you could feel more confident in your
love-making abilities?
• Is your partner dissatisfied with your sexual
performance and stamina?

Who else would like to learn how to...

• Make love for hours (literally)

• Achieve the most intense and satisfying orgasms possible
• Be the best lover your partner has ever had
• Enjoy multiple orgasms without losing your erection
• Regain the sexual vitality of your youth
• Discover sexual positions that will give you even greater
• Improve your sexual self-confidence and love-making
• Never be embarrassed by premature ejaculation again
• ... and much more!

To get started today just visit:



Birds do it. Bees do it. And when Natural Penis Enlargement

does it, combined with other delaying techniques, he gets a powerful
measure of control over his orgasm.

What is it? Breathing.


Do you think you know the right way to breathe? After all, you’ve
been breathing all your life. You were BORN breathing. Well let’s see
for ourselves just how you breathe, and if you are breathing properly.

Put your hand on your abdomen and take a deep breath.

Can you feel your abdomen fill with air?
Can you feel your abdomen expand outward?
Do your shoulders stay in place as you breathe?

If you didn’t answer YES to all those questions, it’s time to practice
Control your breathing and you control your orgasm. When you’ve
reached around 7.5 or 8 on the PoNR Excitement Scale, take a slow deep
breath. Hold it for a few seconds until the urge to ejaculate subsides.
Continue slow deep breathing until your level on the PoNR Excitement
Scale drops a few points.

Don’t hold your breath too long. You don’t want to get dizzy or pass

This technique may or may not work for you, depending on how
close to your PoNR you are. But remember, it is VERY POWERFUL
when used in combination with all of the other techniques explained in
this text.


Just Say STOP

Think you’re about to blow your wad?

Then stop. That’s it. Just stop and take a deep breath.

When you feel that you’re getting too close to your PoNR, take a
deep breath. Wait 20-60 seconds before you resume any form of
stimulation. Once you feel that your arousal has dropped a few points on
your Excitement Scale, you can resume stimulation.

Sensitivity Training
If your lover is screaming “Don’t stop! I’m about to come,” do
not use this technique - even if you want to last past her orgasm.

The key to this technique lies in the word “stop.” You have to
stop completely. Do not worry about looking silly (for a moment) or
(briefly) depriving your lover of pleasure. With a little finesse (plus the
increased level of self-awareness you’re developing about your PoNR),
you’ll be able to apply this technique easily, without it creating any
problems. If anything, keeping things cool for just a second can increase
the tension and pleasure in both of you.

Need a little help with finesse as well? No problem! We’ve got

you covered in two key areas. Read on!


Your lover is delivering a toe-curling blowjob, but you haven’t had
intercourse and you can feel your PoNR is just around the corner.

Natural Man Option 1:

“Oh Baby, that feels amazing, but I don’t want to cum before we
have sex. Can you stop for a few seconds?” She’ll feel great that
she’s doing a good job and be more than happy to give it a rest
since it means she’ll get hers, too.

Natural Man Option 2:

“Oh God, you’re incredible. I’ve got to kiss you.” Your woman
will certainly enjoy a deep, passionate kiss and certainly won’t
notice that YOU are taking a break. When you’ve had enough of
a breather, you can gently guide her back to what she was doing,
or you can change to another sexual act instead.

Time out
Need a little more time? After kissing her mouth, consider her
throat, or her belly. Of course, you could stop receiving, and
start giving instead for an even longer break in direct stimulation.

You are having intercourse and your PoNR is looming.

Natural Man Option 1

“It feels so good to be inside you, but I don’t want to come yet.”
Pull out – SLOWLY – and take a deep breath. Some men can
regain their composure by simply stopping their thrusting action
without having to pull out. But beware: your lover may continue
to move (especially is she’s on top) and she may push you over
your PoNR.

Natural Man Option 2

Stop, take a deep breath and change positions – pick one that she
particularly enjoys. This will only work if you have been in one
position for awhile.

Natural Man Option 3

Pull out, take a deep breath, tell her how pretty her pussy is or
how much you love her pussy. Go down and kiss her or her
pussy a few times, while you take a break…believe me – she
won’t mind the change of pace.

Natural Man Option 3
Pull out, take deep breath, slide the shaft of your penis over her
clitoris with a thrusting motion, and rub her clitoris with the head
of your penis and/or playfully slap and tease her pussy with your
penis, while you say something like “You like being naughty don’t
you, I love your naughty little pussy!” or some other verbiage that
you come up with. Get creative!


Hands-On Practice:
Breathing and Stop Techniques

Start by working towards your PoNR. When you get to a six or a

seven, apply the following technique:

ƒ Stop
ƒ Take your hand off of your penis
ƒ Take a deep breath and hold for a few seconds
ƒ Slowly let the breath out and relax as your PoNR
Excitement Level drops a few points on the scale

Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens.

Start stimulating yourself again and repeat the above technique at

each higher level, but do not let yourself orgasm.

See how close you can get each time. Once you’ve had your fill –
you know what to do.


The Best Friend of “Stop and Breathe”

The Squeeze is just what it sounds like -- you squeeze your penis
with your hand to interrupt your progression towards an orgasm. When
feel like you are getting near your PoNR, perform The Squeeze in
combination with the previous Breathe and Stop methods.

When you feel close to your PoNR, stop, pull out, take a deep
breath and squeeze your penis for a second or two.

Apply The Squeeze with your first two fingers and the thumb just
below the head of the penis. Note that this is a flat grip; the fingers and
thumb do not meet.

After your PoNR Excitement Level drops a few points, you may
continue whatever it was you were doing: masturbating, receiving oral
sex, or having intercourse..

The Alternative Squeeze

Another variation of The Squeeze is to strongly grip your penis at

the base instead of just below the head after you pull out. This can be
done in the same manner described above or by gripping the penis in a
circular fashion with the thumb and index finger.

Try both squeeze techniques out and see which works best for
you. You may find that you can use The Alternate Squeeze at the base of
your penis without needing to pull out at all.


The Ancient Taoist Technique

The PG Pump is an ancient Taoist technique for delaying

ejaculation. It can be used during masturbation, oral sex or intercourse.

To use the PG Pump, you must first find your external prostate
point. It is located around the perineum between your scrotum and anus,
but closer to your anus (Figure 1).

The PG Pump technique can be applied with or without pulling
out, however, you’ll get better results if you pullout.


You should be standing or kneeling to do this exercise.

Start by stimulating yourself until highly aroused. When you’ve

reached a level of 8 more (but before your PoNR), reach around behind
your butt and in between your legs. Then, with your first two or three

fingers (do what feels comfortable), press up on the area above your
scrotum and just below your anus.

By Jove You’ve Got It!

When you find the right spot you will feel an unmistakably
pleasurable sensation. Notice the head of your penis throb and expand
as you press this magical point. Press it a few times slowly and gently.


The PC Pump

The PC Pump is an internal and more powerful version of the

PG Pump. As with the PG Pump, the PC Pump can be applied with or
without pulling out.

By using your fingers to press on your external prostate point and

pump your prostate gland, you are using the PC muscle to achieve the
same effect.

With the PC Pump and the PG Pump, you are essentially

interrupting the ejaculatory process and restarting it.

To do the PC Pump properly, you must first have a very strong

PC muscle. If your PC is “out of shape”, you should start training and
strengthening it with the exercises outlined earlier in this book. Once
you’ve got a couple of weeks of PC muscle training under your belt, you
should feel comfortable applying the PC Pump technique.

Also, it should be noted that you’ll need to continue Natural
Penis Enlargement Exercise Program indefinitely to maintain a strong PC

Hands-On Practice – The PC Pump Technique

Manually excite yourself until you get to a PoNR level of a 6 or 7.

Then, apply the technique as follows:

Stop, flex your PC hard for 2-3 seconds, and release. This is considered
one repetition. Take a deep breath as you do the first pump and hold for
a few seconds, then slowly let the breath out and relax as your
Excitement Level drops a few points on the scale. You may also
experience a decrease in your erection. Resume stimulation. Pump your
PC Muscle 3-5 times.

You can also play around a bit with the timing of your pumps. At
each heightened level, try less or more pumps to see how you react. Make
sure to go through all of the levels (6, 7, 8 and 9) before allowing yourself
a blissful release.


Focusing Away from Your Orgasm

Some techniques are more mental than physical, and since the
mind is the greatest sex organ, the following procedures are very
powerful when combined with the more physically oriented ones
mentioned above.

These techniques work by taking your mind away from your

orgasm and to other sensations, while at the same time keeping you fully
present in the sexual experience.

Simply change your focus and goal from having an orgasm and
ejaculation to enjoying and taking in the whole sexual experience:
the smell of her hair…. the feel of her skin, the way she tastes, etc.

By focusing on what you’re doing rather than where you’re going

to end up, you can make the entire sexual experience enjoyable – all night


Hands-on Practice: Focus on Your Body

In this exercise, we will work towards changing your focus of

physical sensation, taking the attention off of your genitals and placing
them on another part of your body.

To start, being with your PoNR Level technique, achieving a 6 or

a 7. Then:

• Shift your attention from what you are feeling in your genitals to
what the rest of your body is feeling.

• Feel what your hands are feeling, feel what your skin is feeling.

• If possible stop, take a deep breath and feel everything.

Continue this process for levels 7, 8 and 9. Fight the impulse to

have a final orgasm. Just let your sexual feelings slowly subside.


Many times what drives you past your personal PoNR is not just
something you’re feeling, but rather something you’re seeing or hearing.

Maybe you can go all night without a problem UNLESS you

lover starts to moan. Hearing how excited she is sends you up the PoNR
elevator like a rocket. Or, maybe your trigger point is your lover’s
beautiful nipples getting hard as you pump inside her, or the way her ass-
cheeks part when you’re doing it doggie-style.

The points is to identify what it is that drives you past your

PoNR point, and then learn to take your mind off of it so you can regain
some control.

Natural Man Insight

The wrong negative thought can have TOO MUCH
impact. Can you imagine thinking of MOM at the
wrong time? You want to delay your orgasm, not end
any possibility of it for the night.

If you feel that being “detached” with your mind somewhere else
may help you, change your focus to anything pleasant that is non-sexual
in nature.

But why shift your focus so far from the heat of the moment?
Wouldn’t it be better to merely take your mind off of the physical
sensations you’re feeling?

If this is a concern for you, instead try to change your focus

towards how much you love or care about the person you are sharing the
sexual experience with, how beautiful she looks, or how amazing the act
of intercourse with this person is. Open yourself up to the whole
shebang: the ambiance, the mood, the feel the sheets against your groin,
the smell of her skin, etc.

Shifting your focus to anything that is present - EXCEPT the

stimulus that drives you to the PoNR and beyond – and you’ll find it
much easier to control your PoNR point, thus delaying your orgasm and
increasing both of your pleasure.


For Heavy Metal Sex

The Abdominal Flex is a very simple technique applied during

intercourse to delay ejaculation. Basically, flexing your abdominal muscles
like you are trying to show someone how great your abs look is the
technique in a nutshell. You can do this off and on during intercourse at
about a level 5-7 on the Excitement Scale. This diverts your focus off of
your penis and your partner and on to your abs. It also brings the blood
from the genital area to your abdominal area instead.

Therefore, this sensation interrupts your pleasure process and

helps to slow down the rate at which you are climbing the levels on the
Excitement Scale.

You can also try this technique instead with the buttocks muscles
and or a clenched fist and flexed arms and the effect will be the same.
However, I personally find the abdominal muscles to work the best. Plus,
a great side effect is beautifully toned abs!

Hands-On Practice – The Abdominal Flex

Repeat until you can confidently and successfully apply the

technique to delay your ejaculation and prolong sexual stimulation
without a partner, and then try it with a partner to see how you fare.

You will want to take about 20-30 minutes to do this exercise.

Do this exercise without any added stimulation (no pornographic

material unless absolutely necessary). Pay attention to every nuance and
subtle feeling possible. Remove any distractions as well (ringing phones,
lights, etc.)

To start, stimulate yourself until you reach a PoNR of 5. Then:

• Stop, flex your abdominal muscles hard for about 30-60 seconds
and direct your focus on to your abs as you continue to stimulate
yourself. Then, release the muscle contraction. Notice how this
affects your excitement level and your focus.
• Start stimulating yourself again and repeat the same technique at
levels 7, 8 and 9.
• Try alternating the use of your buttocks at one level, then your
abs at another level, and your arms and legs at yet another. Try
and experiment as much as you like to see what works best for



Having intercourse in certain positions will assist in having a

prolonged coital session. In addition to the techniques already described,
changing up your positioning will enhance you and your partner’s sexual
experience, add variety, and increase the chances of you achieving
orgasm only when you want to.

Some male-female sex positions that (a) help get your female
partner more excited (so that perhaps you’ll find your release together),
and (b) decrease the sensation for you to prolong your orgasm, are:

• Woman On Top
• Spooning , with the man behind the woman
• The Crab, with the woman in a crab-like position over the
man’s genitals, her legs by his shoulders and her hands by
his knees.

Feel free to experiment with your lover to discover which

positions are most likely to bring you to your PoNR the slowest, and
the fastest.


Male Multiple Orgasm

Male Multiple Orgasm (MMO) is the ability to experience all

orgasmic sensations without actually ejaculating. Having an MMO
therefore allows you to maintain an erection, orgasm repeatedly and
control your ejaculation (in keeping with Taoist principles).

The first prerequisite is a very strong PC muscle, so if you haven’t

developed your PC muscle yet, forget about MMO until you do. If you
haven’t already, read the PC section before continuing further.

Secondly, you’ll need to have mastered the PC Pump

Technique. You should be able to stop yourself from coming at the 9
and higher levels. If you haven’t achieved that “score” yet, keep
practicing until you do, and leave the MMO for another day.

Once you’ve mastered both of these techniques, to the next step

is to stretch the duration of the sensations that you feel when you are
applying the PC Pump Technique sensations to achieve multiple

A Technique for Experiencing MMO

When you get to a level of about 6, apply the PC Pump

Technique. Stop, flex your PC muscle for several seconds, then release.

Take a deep breath. Hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly
exhale. Relax as your Excitement Level drops a few points on the scale.
Your erection may decrease a bit as well.

Pay very close attention to what you are feeling as this happens.
Start stimulating yourself again and repeat the above technique at levels 7,
8, 9, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8.

Try it at 9.9 and right before your PoNR, flex your PC muscle
hard, for as long as you can. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few
seconds. Open your eyes, and keep them open. Think of bringing the
feeling up and throughout your whole body.

Now if you did all of the steps as described, you should have had
a MMO without ejaculating. You should also still have an erection (or
partial erection) and be able to resume direct stimulation immediately.

If that’s not what happened, keep practicing. This is definitely a

situation where practice makes perfect. Soon enough, you will be a
multi-orgasmic man.

101 and 9-in-1

Taoist Techniques

The Ancient Taoists developed an extensive array of thrusting

techniques for intercourse. They believed that the man should vary his
thrusting speed, depth and angle in order to fully stimulate his lover and
himself during a prolonged lovemaking session.

Taoists also believed in extended sexual intercourse and are

famous for the term “1000 loving thrusts”.

Taoists gave appealing names to the different levels of depth (by

inches) that the penis has entered the vagina. From Lute String
(describing a 1” penetration) to North Pole (describing a penetration of
8”), you’ll want to share every term (and every inch!) with your lover:

• Lute String (1-inch penetration)
• Water Chestnut Teeth
• Little Stream
• Black Pearl
• Valley’s Proper
• Deep Chamber
• Inner Door
• North Pole (8-inch penetration)


The 9-in-1 is a thrusting sequence in which you will end by
simply thrusting 9 times shallowly (1-4 inches) and 1 time deeply (3-5
inches), but not so deep as to hit her cervix or cause pain.

Example of one set

Shallow Deep
1 9
2 8
3 7
4 6
5 5
6 5
7 3
8 2
9 1

You’ll repeat the sequence over and over again, varying the speed
of the thrusts. It is said that this sequence will stimulate a woman to all
nine levels of ecstasy.


The Ancient Taoists also described nine different types of thrusts

in the elaborately ornate language of their times:

• Thrust to the left and to the right to stimulate both sides of

the vaginal walls;
• Thrust up and down rather than in and out. To do this, move
your whole body up and down in the missionary position.
• Teasingly pull out and push back in;
• Alternate between using deep thrusts and shallow teasing
• Make deep and shallow strokes in steady succession;
• Push in slowly;
• Thrust swiftly;
• Poise at the opening, then strike swiftly and stay inside for a
few moments; and
• Rise and then plunge low.


Thrust to the left, thrust to the right
Thrust and make her come all night!


The Tease and Please consists of teasing your partner with your
penis until she is begging you to put it in her. Since you’re an
accommodating kind of guy, you’ll enter her, but SLOWLY…once inch
at a time…until you tease her to a massive, multiple orgasm.

The Tease & Please Technique

After your partner has become highly aroused from foreplay,
gently rub her clitoris with the head of your penis. Every once in a
while, tease the opening with the head of your penis. After a few minutes
of this, her desire will be simmering. She’ll ask you to enter her, but
don’t do it. Right now she is simmering with desire…you want her
boiling with passion. Turn up the heat and keep on teasing.

Talk to her. Tell her how beautiful her pussy is. Ask her if she
wants YOU inside her or if it’s just your COCK that she’s after. Even
women who are normally fairly demure may enjoy some bold, erotic talk.

Ask her how badly she wants it as you keep teasing her. After a
few more minutes of this she will be on the edge of her seat and ready to

When she really can’t stand it any longer, start rubbing the
opening of her vaginal canal with the head of your penis for about a
minute. Then, slide only the head in and very slowly thrust in and out,
using only the head of your penis. She’ll be begging for you to put it in

Slide it in one more inch, then thrust slowly in and out, but
only at this same depth. Keep on talking to her throughout the process,
telling her how amazing she is and how you feel about her. Ask her if she
likes your cock inside her. Tell her how much you like fucking her and
how good her pussy feels.

After a couple more minutes, slide your penis in just one more
inch , then thrust slowly in and out at this same depth. Repeat until you
are almost at your full length, but don’t put it all the way in until she
starts giving you the telltale signs she’s about to orgasm.

Once she starts her petit mort, you may start thrusting more
vigorously, or you can move on to the next technique: the Slide and


This technique relies on the friction zone. You’ll be

stimulating your partner’s clitoris with the friction and pressure from
your upper pubic region (the area right above your pubic bone).

I recommend starting with the Tease and Please until you are
almost all the way in and then switch over to this technique right at the
point of orgasm.

How To: The Slide and Glide

In the missionary position, make sure your partner’s clitoris and
upper vaginal area is well-lubricated with her own juices, your saliva, or

Ask your lover to spread her vaginal lips with her hands.
When she does this, put your penis in up to the base and rest the Friction
Zone on her clitoris.

Put your weight on her body, reach down and grab her ass and
spread her butt cheeks apart.

Now start sliding up and down on her. That’s right, up and
down, not in and out. Your penis should remain in completely inside her
all the way to the base, right at your pubic bone as you move. To do this
you may need to grab her shoulders or the edge of the bed with both
hands and push off with your toes as well.

As you do all of this, make sure that the greatest friction between
your bodies is where the Friction Zone and her clitoris meet.

This might all sound really complicated but it is actually very easy,
and after a few minutes you and she will be gliding back and forth on a
sweet layer of sweat.

Continue until she has at least one orgasm. Keep moving and try
not to break the friction even as she’s cumming.


Advanced Techniques for A Natural Man

If you follow the techniques above, you’re going to be a good

lover. But why settle for good when GREAT is so much better? That’s
why we’ve got some advanced techniques for you to try.

Too many men just thrust in and out over and over again, or
worse just put it in and pound away with no attention paid to the person
below them. While many women do like to be pounded on occasion or
after they have warmed up with an orgasm or two, the same thing over
and over again can get pretty monotonous. There’s nothing worse than
boring sex – except maybe NO sex which is what a boring lover

Why not vary the techniques that you use – including the types,
depth, speed, and angles of your thrusts, as well as the positions that you
are thrusting in. Just don’t get carried away and start wildly changing
positions every couple of minutes. If your partner really enjoys the one
you are in and is getting the stimulation that she needs for an orgasm, go
with the flow.

To be an Advanced Lover, you have to learn to read your lover’s

responses, adapt your technique, and still take the lead. You need to
learn what she desires and what she detests as well as the erogenous
zones that turn her on and the ones that turn her off. The best sex
comes with time and knowledge. That’s why sex should get better the
longer you’re with someone…not worse.

Don’t Just Do It Right – Do It Better!

• Always tease a bit and make sure that your lover is fully aroused
and lubricated before penetration.

• Thrust at different angles in the same position to stimulate all

the walls of the vagina. Try riding high and low, as well as left
and right in the same position to stimulate all of her vaginal
walls. You can also play with depth as well, since some women
find pressure on their cervix very pleasurable.

• Try different positions, since variety is the spice of life.

• Thrust at different speeds, fast, slow, and medium.

• Thrust hard, soft and teasingly.

• Once in a while pull out and re-enter.

• Try thrust in a winding circular motion going in and coming


• Put your penis all the way in and slide up and down, left and
right, and in circles (clockwise and counter-clockwise) without
moving your penis in and out.
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How to Come Like a Porn Star

Have you ever watched a porn star’s “money shot” where he

cums, and cums, and cums seemingly forever? Wish you could shoot like
that? You can! I’m going to give you some insight on how you can do
that too! Having said that, individual results will vary. Plus, some porn
stars augment their ejaculate with props, so don’t expect miracles.

You’ll need a very strong PC Muscle in order to propel your

ejaculate as far as possible, so don’t even think about it until you’ve
developed your PC muscle as outlined earlier in this manual.

The thickness and volume of your ejaculate are other determining

factors in your ability to ejaculate like a porn star. The thinner your
ejaculate is in consistency and the greater in volume it has, the farther it
will shoot when you cum.

Your staying power is also a factor in the way in which you
ejaculate. The longer you last before cumming and the more times that
you get close to the edge but hold back will increase the quality and
quantity and strength of your ejaculation.

So if you only last 3 minutes, don’t expect to come like a porn

star! The delay techniques in this book and Natural Penis Enlargement
Formula will also help you to increase your staying power.

Save it for a Rainy Day

Another big factor for the Big Cum is your frequency of
ejaculation. Most male porn stars don’t ejaculate everyday several times a
day, contrary to what many people believe. Your first ejaculation of the
day will be greater in volume than your 2nd or 3rd.

If you really want to shoot a load, don’t ejaculate for 2-3 days.
Then when you do, you’ll have and increased volume of ejaculate.

To get the maximum enjoyment and distance in your

ejaculations, you should be at the peak of stimulation when you come.
That means fast strokes with a tight grip if you’re masturbating or fast
and forceful thrusts if you are having intercourse. Don’t hold back
mentally or physically at the point of ejaculation. Let go completely.


Make Your Flavor One She’ll Savor

After some effort, you’ve got it to where your semen-output

would make a porn star envious. Now let’s talk about how to improve
the flavor of your ejaculate.

Many women don’t like to have a man cum in their month or to

swallow his ejaculate for a lot of reasons. But the #1 factor is that many
men have a bad, bitter or thick ejaculate that makes them gag.

Your diet will affect the flavor and consistency of your ejaculate.
Alcohol gives semen a bitter taste. If you eat a lot of red meat, your taste
will be stronger and the consistency thicker as well.

Several women have told me that vegetarians have the thinnest,

best-tasting and mildest ejaculate. You don’t have to give up steak,
McDonalds and other red meat forever however. Just eat a diet that is
low in red meat, and consists mostly of fish, chicken, fresh fruits and
vegetables to feel better, improve the flavor of your ejaculate and make it
thinner in consistency.
Another trick you can do to improve your flavor is to drink 1-2
glasses of pineapple juice every day or at least once or twice a week.
This will make your cum less acidic and more mild tasting.

Smokers also have stronger-tasting ejaculate, to the point of

where some women have commented that swallowing a smoker tastes
like licking the bottom of an astray. High doses of Vitamin C (1,000mg a
day) will help, but not completely. Note however that 1,000mg of
Vitamin C or more a day can lead to diarrhea in some people.

And of course, consistently using Natural Penis Enlargement

Formula described earlier will also help to thin out the consistency of
your ejaculate.


Making “Little Willie” Look Like “Big Bill”

One thing you can do immediately to make the most of what you
have is to make you penis look bigger.

Another trick from the Porn Industry

If you shave off all of the hair on your scrotum down to the base
of your penis both on the top and the bottom, and then trim the rest of
your pubic hair , your penis will look about an inch longer.

This will also make you feel cleaner, and since many women
prefer to go down on a man that’s had a good “mow” down below, you’ll
only be helping your case for more frequent blow-jobs.


The Penis You (and She) Always Wanted

We all ask the question. “Does size matter?” The answer: Hell

If you’re TOO BIG, oftentimes a woman won’t have sex with

you! There are some women that only like big cocks and there are some
that don’t like big cocks. You may be surprised to know that there
actually seem to be more of the latter than the former.

According to the famous East Indian love text the Kama Sutra,
both men and women come in three sizes, essentially: Small, Medium and
Large. And the most important ingredient for sexual harmony is that they
fit well together. A small man and a large woman is not a good match, as
they will not get the stimulation they desire from one another. And, by
the same token, a big man and a small woman is not desirable because
intercourse may be too painful for her. .

Your Eyes Are Bigger Than Your Mouth
Visually, an enormous penis is exciting to many women, but
when it comes to actually having Bob’s “Big Boy” inside of them -- most
women are more comfortable with medium to large cocks. In fact, some
women confess that they’re a little afraid of the “big monsters.”.

Also, you have to realize that a woman’s interpretation of

medium and big is different than yours. Most women think big is 6-7”
long and about 5” around while most men up those numbers by about

Women also seem to favor girth over length -- a thicker penis will
stimulate a woman more by stretching her vaginal walls and creating
friction where it counts the most. Men seem to be mostly preoccupied
with length, where women find it counts the least.

Let me say that being A Natural Man does not have much to do
with penis size. You can have a big cock and be a lousy lover, or you can
have a 4” “Wee Willie” be an Advanced Lover that women can’t wait to
jump into bed with. What makes a great lover is the feeling and passion
that you channel through great sexual technique.

An Advanced Lover is more than his penis. He knows how to

use his eyes, his voice, his words, his tongue, and his whole body as well
as his penis. If he just happen to have a big cock, so much the better –
just one more tool in the sexual tool chest.

How would you like to...
• Never again be hanged up about your penis size
• Never again doubt your ability as a lover
• Never again feel like you're less than other men
• Never again be embarrassed when seen naked

Would you like to learn how to...

• Pick up gorgeous chicks that prefer small penis - discover from
interviews with real women how you use your small penis as an
advantage to get drop dead beauties in your sack.
• Start radiating from self-confident within 10 days and use it as a
magnet to attract girls and get what ever you want.
• Beat the penis enlargement propaganda - and find out about
scams, the big companies run, which can seriously and
permanently damage your penis.
• Make your penis look 3 inch bigger - so nobody ever knows
how small your penis really is. And you never again have to be
embarrassed by taking your cloths off in public showers or
• Get your chick burning with desire - 84% women complain
about their partner failing to warm them up, you get the coldest
ice bitch steaming before even taking her cloths off.
• Have her shaking with her FIRST orgasm - 50% women fake
orgasm. Learn to bring ANY woman to a screaming orgasm
before even putting your penis inside of her. She'll worship you!

Find all this and more at:


The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Having a

Big Dick

Before I go on to the enlargement techniques, I would like to

point out the advantages and disadvantages of having a larger penis.

The Advantages of Having a Larger Penis

• Increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

• A visual turn-on
• Looks good in the locker room.
• Looks good in your pants.
• May stimulate your lover’s vagina more.

The Disadvantages of Having a Larger Penis

• Some women may not want to have intercourse with an 8” dick

• If your penis is very long, it can hit the woman’s cervix and cause
• You won’t be able to thrust freely because of injury concerns.
• Some women’s vaginas may not be able to take all 8”, so part of
you will be left “out in the cold.”
• If you penis is very long you will rarely get deep throated.
• If you penis is extra-thick, it will be hard for most women to put
your penis in their mouth.
• A large penis is more likely to get scraped by the teeth of a
woman who doesn’t know how to give a good blow job.
• If you’re a fan of anal sex, the bigger you are, the less chance you
will have of getting a woman to “accommodate” you desire.
• If intercourse is difficult for your partner because of your size,
you may have sex less often.

So, going from 4” to 6” (instead of 9”) isn’t such a bad idea after
all, is it? Well then…let’s do it.


Making Your Penis Bigger

You may have asked the question, “Can I make my penis

bigger?” and depending on who you asked, you might have gotten back a
blank stare, a vague response, or a flat, cold “No!” Maybe someone
looking to profit from people in need told you “Yes” and then took
advantage of you with false claims and bogus products.

There are mail order companies that sell creams that claim to
enlarge your penis. Others advertise, “Add three inches to your penis
overnight with a prosthetic enlargement device”. They make a financial
killing form people who don’t know that the word “prosthetic” means
artificial replacement and are too embarrassed to complain to the
authorities (Postmaster General, Police Department) that the Penis
Enlargement Product they bought is a fake. And who can blame them?

Like I said in the Introduction of this book, you can enlarge you
penis if you are willing to do the proper exercises on a regular basis for
an extended period of time. Are you willing to make this commitment so
you can make significant gains in the girth and length of your penis?
The minimum amount of time that you should consider is six
months, however you will start to see gains well before that ( again,
individual results will vary). It’s like any other personal development or
skill that you learn: if you want a Black Belt in the martial arts, it may take
you 2-8 years depending on the style, and if you want to get muscle and
look like a body builder it may take you 2-10 years.

If you want to have the penis you always dreamed of having and
see results along the way, it may take anywhere from 3 months to 2 years
to complete the process.

So, in all of the above cases you can either bitch-and-moan about
how long it will take, give up and quit…OR you can make a commitment
to your goal and do a little work towards it every day.

And before you know it, the journey that started with one step
(or one squeeze technique) will be underway and you’ll enjoy seeing
results as you move towards your ultimate goal. .

Because no two people are alike and you may have special
needs, all penis enlargement techniques should be done
under the supervision of a licensed Physician or Urologist.


Adding Girth and Length

You’ll be glad to hear that there are all kinds of techniques to add
both girth and length to your penis. Some of them you might appeal to
you and others might not. It all depends on your body and your goals.

The Full Measure of a Man

Before we go any further, go get a tape measure (the floppy kind
used in health clubs and by tailors, you can easily find them in sewing
supply stores) and a ruler.

o Step One – Inch Worm

Measure your penis first in the flaccid (soft) state by putting the
ruler on above your penis flat against your pubic bone or the base
of your penis. Record the measurement. Then take the tape
measure and wrap it around your penis and record that

o Step Two - Fun time!
Stimulate yourself until you are rock hard. (Here you are trying
to measure a raging hard-on for accuracy, so do what you need to
do to get one). Now, repeat the measurement process as
described above.

o Step Three – Record-Keeping

At the back of the book, you’ll find your 18-month Growth Chart, a
simple place for you to record your progress throughout this
program. Record these figures under “Month 1” and put down
today’s date.

You can check as often as you like during the program, but
I recommend that you only record on the sheet every
month. As with weight loss, progress can be slow and day-
to-day measurements will fluctuate which can be extremely

Now that you have YOUR measurements let’s see how you
measure up to the average:

• Average – 5-7” in length with a 4 ¾” – 5 ½” Circumference

• Supersize- 9” and over with a circumference over 6 ½”
• Small - less than 5” with a circumference less than 4 ¾”

Now that you know how big you are and what’s average, you
need to decide how big it is that you would REALISTICALLY like to be.

If you are 4” in length, don’t dream about a 10” tool. It’s

impossible; a goal of 6” is much more reasonable – and plenty of tool for

the job. Go for a 2” increase from where you are now. If you want
more later, you can continue at that time.

Same thing goes for girth. (And, by the way, any circumference
over 6.5 is HUGE; less than 1% of the population is this big).

Did you know that using some simple exercises and
techniques, it is possible to enlarge your penis. All you
need are a few minutes a day, and the results last for a
lifetime. It sounds impossible, but it really works! These
techniques are completely natural - no pumps, pills,
gadgets or surgery. All you need are your hands, and a bit
of spare time!

We don't leave you in the dark about what the exercises are, or
how to do them properly. We take you from beginning to end,
adding up to four inches in length and girth. We also have a full
staff to assist you at every stage of the process, and we offer a free
consultation service that is usually valued at up to $100, in order
to help you design a custom workout plan based on your needs.

Remember, your penis is like any other part of your body, in that
it requires exercise to remain healthy and strong. Admittedly, the
penis is not a muscle, but with our techniques, you can still
increase the size, adding up to four inches guaranteed. What we
provide is not the same worthless guide offered by other sites -
our work is copyrighted, because it works. The same principles
are at work, but our techniques are guaranteed to provide results.

Our guarantee to you is that you will get a thicker and longer
penis. Our methods and techniques are constantly being updated
as our full-time staff continues to research and develop new

To get started on your penis enlargement system visit:


Hot Compresses (Warm Water Soaking)

So, ready to get going?

There are many methods and techniques of penis enlargement,

some focus on lengthening the penis, others focus on thickening the
penis, and some do a little of both.

Obviously, we’re not going to cover every available technique out

there, but we will focus on the ones that are the most common and have
proven to be the most effective and beneficial.

Warming Up
This is not really a technique, but more of a preparation for the
other techniques. By “warming your willie” you’ll help expand the blood
vessels in your penis and increase the flow of oxygen-fresh blood.

Any of the following methods lays down a perfect foundation for
the work to come:

ƒ Wrap your penis in a washcloth soaked with warm water

ƒ Get in the bathtub and run warm water over your penis
by putting your penis under the faucet
ƒ Soak in a warm bath

Test the water first with your hand, so you don’t burn
the “goods.”

“Warm up” for 5-15 minutes.

After these step your penis will have a pink hue and be slightly
swollen. (Good!)


Manual Techniques for Enlarging Your Penis

The Jelq Technique (Milking the Penis)

The Jelq Technique is an ancient method of penis enlargement
from the Middle East. Traditionally, it was passed on from father to son
when the child reached adolescence.

In wealthy families when the boy grew older he might be sent to

a “Mehbil”, a gym or health club where a highly trained attendant would
perform the Jelq technique on the boy on a daily basis. As a result of
these daily treatments his penis grew to dimensions that it would not
have attained had he not had the technique applied.

Good news! This technique also works on the fully developed

adult penis as well and you can learn to do it right NOW.

You should do these 5-7 days a week for 30 minute each time. It
feels great, so it’s not a hardship.
o Start with flaccid penis; put some oil or lubricant on your hands
and penis.

o Grip your penis with an overhand grip with your thumb and
index finger.

o Squeeze gently and milk your penis down to the head, stretching
your penis as you go.

WARNING: You should use a moderate grip only.

If you squeeze too hard you could cause bruising and or
rupturing of superficial blood vessels on and near the surface of
your penis. If after doing the technique you see any red blotches
or dots, your grip was too tight and you ruptured some superficial
blood vessels. Wait until they heal (24-48 hours) before applying
this or any other enlargement technique.

o When you get to the head start the movement over with the
other hand.

o Do the technique over and over again for 30 minutes,

alternating each hand as you go.

If you start to get hard or feel the urge to ejaculate, stop and wait
until it passes and your erection subsides a bit.

Do not allow yourself to completely lose your erection. This
exercise must be done with a semi-hard penis to be effective.

Slip, Sliding Away

Make sure that you have more than enough lubricant on your
hands and penis. I recommend Albolene liquefying cleanser, which
can be found in the cosmetic section on most drug stores. This product
has been used in the porn industry for years.

More Corpora Cavernosa

When you employ the Jelq Technique, what you are doing is
forcing more blood into the corpora cavernosa (remember, this is the
spongy tissue of the penis). Over time they will stretch and grow to allow
more and more blood to fill the area, and henceforth your penis will

The technique also over time stretches the tissues of the penis as
well as the suspensory ligament, which will help to lengthen the penis.

The Jelq Technique and the Stretch Technique that follows

below have worked for millions of men, but it may take up 6 months
before you see any noticeable difference.

Most men will give up after 4 – 6 weeks. Don’t be one of them!

Everything you need to know about pleasing
your woman!

Our medically approved enhancement program can

actually Lengthen, Expand and Enlarge YOUR Penis.

Take a moment to imagine the feeling you will get after

being in the Sexual-Enhancement Program for a few
weeks: Whenever you enter a public changing room, you
will be proud and confident to stand tall, while other men
can only look on in envy. Or just imagine the satisfaction
in undressing in front of your partner when they see the
Longer, Harder and more Manly Penis, which they know
will give them the true pleasure and satisfaction that they

As you drive your penis deep inside your lover, they will be unable
to believe the way in which you are dominating them. The
resulting feeling will be that of the best sex that either of you have
ever experienced. And after this, they simply won’t be able to
keep their hands off you.

With the Sexual-Enhancement Program you will be able to stay

like a rock and last longer then you ever thought possible. You
need not worry about losing your erection or reaching orgasm too
fast; with our patented enhancement program you are in total

To read more about the Sexual-Enhancement Program visit:


No rocket science here. The Stretch Technique is exactly what

it sounds like. By stretching the penis 6-12 times daily, you help
lengthen the suspensor ligaments and tissues of the penis. This in turn
will help elongate the penis over time.

To be ready for this exercise, your penis should be flaccid or

slightly semi-hard.

o Grip the head of your penis with your thumb and first three
fingers, with an over hand grip. The middle finger should wrap
around just below the head of the penis.
o Gently and slowly stretch your penis as far as it will go without
any pain or discomfort. Hold for 15-30 seconds.
o Repeat several times each session.

Practice this technique several times a day -- after urination, in

the bath, in the shower, before bed or any other occasion that you have
access to you penis.


Re-Shape Your Penis

The next couple of exercises are ancient Taoist techniques for

giving the penis a more pleasing mushroom shape and to produce
“nuclear” erections. Both of these techniques are practiced with your
penis in an erect state.

Technique #1: To RE-SHAPE the Penis

This first technique is designed to give the penis more of a
mushroom shape and make the head larger which is said to heighten
pleasure for the female partner during intercourse.

o Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection.

o Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip.
o Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to
bruise your penis).
o Slide your hand up to the head, as if forcing blood into it,
similar to a milking motion. You should see the head expand
and darken. Hold for a few seconds, then release.
o Repeat step 4 for 2-3 minutes.
Note: If you like the shape of your penis already, this is strictly

Technique #2: To STRENGTHEN the Penis/Produce HARDER

This technique will put some “muscle” and steel in your hard-on

o Stimulate your penis until you have a very firm erection.

o Grip the shaft of your penis with an underhand grip.
o Squeeze firmly (but not hard enough to cause pain or to
bruise your penis). Hold for a few seconds, then release.
o Repeat step 3 for 2-3 minutes.

Looking for even more information about natural
penis enlargement techniques?

The Advanced Man's favorite resource on this topic is a

book by Alan Ritz:

Scientifically Guaranteed Male Multiple Orgasms &

Ultimate Sex: Restart Natural Penis Enlargement, Eliminate
Forever Premature Ejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction,
Impotence And Enjoy Daily Orgasms

Definitely check this book out for alternative methods:


Enlargement Techniques that Require


Hyperemiation or Vacuum Pumping

Vacuum pumps. You’ve seen ‘em -- in the back of a men’s
magazine or prominently displayed on a sex shop wall. Maybe you asked
yourself,”I wonder if it really works?” Perhaps you even bought one and
tried it. I know I have.

The main drawback is the lack of information and instruction

that comes with the pump itself. And one of the problems is that if you
use the pump in the wrong way you could actually injure yourself!

Vacuum pumps do work for some men, if used correctly and

diligently over time. I know of many people (including myself) who have
used Hyperemiation and vacuum pumping to increase the thickness and
length of their penises with good results.

An increase in thickness results much more rapidly than in
length. Girth is what most women say they prefer (as opposed to men
who seem obsessed with length), so if you’re interested in a knockwurst
instead of a hot-dog, then this is the technique that I would apply first.

The Marketplace
There are a lot of vacuum pumps on the market today, both
electric and manual. They range in quality from worthless to wonderful,
and in price from $20 to $300. A pump I’d rate as “good” usually runs
about $75, but if that’s out of your budget, you can certainly try a less
expensive alternative.

Whatever the price, you should get one that has hand pump with
a pressure release valve on it that will allow you to release the vacuum at

Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)

Some models on the market have a hole on the clear plastic
chamber that you cover with you finger for the vacuum to work. In my
experience, it’s almost impossible to pump and cover the hole at the
same time.

Also you don’t want a pump with a chamber that is too large for
you. The chamber should be ¼ inch to ½ inch bigger around than your
erect penis, but not big enough for the chamber to cover or go over your

Mini Science Lesson:
What you apply the vacuum to your penis, the outer skin
expands outward toward the walls of the cylinder and the deeper
spongy tissue of the penis (the Corpora Cavernosa and the Corpus
Spongeosum) expands and fills with blood and lymph fluid as they
are being stretched by the vacuum pressure. As the process is done
over and over again for several months the spongy caverns expand
to a new larger size to accommodate the blood and lymph. That is
how the penis becomes larger.

Samples of products currently on the market:

The following are a few products that's currently rated as the
'most popular' on the market as of this book's publishing date. For
updated listings please check on a regular basis.

Penis Enlargement Equipment:

Penis Enlargement Extender

• Non-surgical method to increase penis size
• Medical-quality components
• Detailed, easy to understand instructions
• Upgradeable to longer lengths
• Compact and lightweight

Additional Description:
The Male Extender is the ONLY clinically tested penis
enlargement device available in the world that offers safe, reliable
and predictable results, period. Lots of groups make all kinds of
promises about penis enlargement that simply are not true.

The Male Extender has been tested by doctors and

clinicians: Those studies show our device is guaranteed to make
your penis bigger and deliver reliable results for as long as you
use the extender. Other groups push pills, patches, creams and
other devices. Don't be fooled - these items are a waste of time
and money. The Male Extender was developed by doctors in
Europe and is available now in the U.S. at a fraction of the cost.

The Male Extender is a proven effective method of

enhancing your penis without the use of surgery. However, our
device is so well regarded in terms of safety and effectiveness that
many surgeons now recommend it to their patients who have
undergone penis enlargement procedures -- as a way to make sure
the surgical gains are permanent, while also allowing the patient
to add even greater length and girth, safely and reliably, through
continued use of the extender. We know how serious you are
about getting your penis to be the size you desire.

The Male Extender is flexible enough to fit your needs.

You control your extension plan: the total amount of hours the
Male Extender is worn, combined with the amount of traction,
determines the result. The Male Extender can be used any time of
the day or night for various intervals: it's totally up to you. We
believe you'll agree this is the ideal male enhancement and penis
enlargement tool on the market today.

For further information on the Enlargement Extender, visit:

Dr. Joel Kaplan's Penis Enlargement Pumping Kit

• Complete Penis Pumping Kit with hand pump, lube, 9"
Tall x 2" Wide Cylinder, Erection Band
• Durable Hand Pump
• You can upgrade to new size cylinders
• Sample lube included
• Penis band to help with your penis pumping included

Additional Description:
Medical Vacuum Pump System: The Penis Cylinder
contains a state-of-the-art air valve which allows quick release
from the pump while maintaining pressure within the cylinder.

The cylinder is tapered for comfort and a flared base doesn't
require a gasket for a perfect fit. The cylinder is made from ultra-
clear polished acrylic.

The hose is industrial-grade with a quick release air valve.

The easily readable pressure gauge lets you measure consistent
pressure. The grip is comfortable with a quick safety release
nearby. Daily workout schedule and detailed instructions for
maximum enlargement. Additional larger cylinder designed for
the enlargement of the scrotum as well as the penis.

Dr. Joel Kaplan is a graduate from the University of

Chicago and Saybrook Institute in San Francisco, where he
received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology and human sexuality.
Dr. Kaplan has also been awarded Diplomat status with the
American Board of Sexology in Washington DC and is a
registered sex researcher and certified sex therapist.

He is currently in private practice and has been a pioneer

in the usage of vacuum pump therapy for penis enlargement and
sexual dysfunction. When the first air tight vacuum pump
cylinder is placed around your penis, blood rushes into the
muscle portion of your penis.

The muscle tissue expands to the maximum, breaks

down, and then rebuilds into larger and stronger muscles, similar
to body-building. Box Set Includes: -Hand Pump with Gauge -9"

x 2" Cylinder -Erection Band -Sample Lube Pillow -Everything
you need to start pumping!

For further information on the Enlargement Pumping Kit, visit:

Penis Enlargement Pills:

Rigimax Male Specific Sexual Enhancer and Penis

Enlargement Pill

• Stays erect longer
• Stronger, fuller, longer-lasting erections
• No Prescription Required.
• Take the first step in changing your performance.

Additional Description
RIGIMAX is 100% Pharmaceutical grade Corpustestrolic
formulated to intensify male arousal, boost stamina, heighten
sensation and actually enhance your anatomical function for
greater sexual performance. This unique formula is now available
without a prescription with no doctor visit required.

For more information about the Rigimax pill, please visit:


What You Need

• A quality Vacuum Pump with a pressure release valve.

• Pumper’s Lube or some other water-based lubricant
• A tape measure.
• A towel to clean up any spilled lube and to wipe off afterward.

What To Do

• Move to a comfortable position, preferably sitting up or at a 45-

degree angle.
• Generously lubricate the base and opening of the pump where
you insert your penis.
• Lubricate you penis with a water-based lubricant and stimulate
your penis until your penis is either semi-erect or hard. Measure it
with the tape measure, circumferences described earlier.

• Insert your penis all the way into the clear chamber and close
the pressure valve.
• Now this is where 90% of all men screw up. You want to create
only a moderate vacuum. If you over pump and create too
strong of a vacuum you could burst blood vessels or cause lymph
blisters on your penis.

WARNING: Moderate Pressure Only

Do not use too great a vacuum or you could burst blood vessels. If
you feel any pain immediately decrease or completely release the
vacuum pressure. You do not want to injure your penis! It’s better
to be small than broken – MUCH better!

You might be asking, “How do I know what a moderate vacuum

is?” To figure that start pumping slowly until your penis stretches and
expands to its limit – where it feels uncomfortable and will not stretch
much farther. If your semi-hard when you do this, you will see your
penis stretch, however if you are rock hard you might not even see it

When you have found your limit, release some of the pressure
from the release valve, until you are at a pressure that is comfortable, yet
you still feel a stretch.

• Keep a continuous a vacuum on for 30-45 min.

• Next, release the pressure completely and remove your penis
from the chamber to examine it

• Your penis should look swollen and thicker. If there is not any
noticeable gain in size or a slightly swollen appearance you have
not pumped long enough.
• Massage your penis and area around the base gently for a minute.
You may either stop or keep pumping for another 30 minute
session at this time. (I recommend for the first month you take it
easy and just do 30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week). After that
you might want to pump for 45-60 minutes. I have heard of men
pumping for up to 3 hours, but have personally have never gone
over one hour.

The key with pumps seems to be a balance of vacuum pressure

and time -- the longer the better with a moderate pump.

The greater the vacuum pressure, the greater the risk of injury
and blisters. You have to find the right balance for you -- adequate
pressure for a set amount of time (30 minutes - 2 hours) that will give
you the greatest gain without any injury. If you do plan to go over and
hour, be sure to take a 3-5 minute break every 30 minutes to allow fresh
blood to enter into the penis.

Tip: I have found that the Vacuum Pumping Technique is more

effective if the penis is erect during the session. While you will not be able to
maintain an erection through the whole session, I believe that you should
start that way, and try to maintain it for as long as possible. Use a magazine
or porn video to keep you going.

If you use the supplement L-Arginine an hour or so before the
session, you’ll stay hard much longer.

Tip: I’ve also have had good results using the maximum SAFE and
COMFORTABLE pressure for 30-45 minutes while sustaining an erection.
(Your penis shouldn’t hurt or burn; if it does the pressure is too great). The
pump seems to work on the deeper tissues of the penis more when you have
an erection, as opposed to working on only the external skin without an

Repeat this technique on a daily basis 5-7 days a week if possible.

Also I find that it is good to take a week off every 3 months to let the
tissues fully recuperate.

Side Effects
In some cases, a side effect of pumping and over pumping is that
the opening of the penis gets deformed or changes shape a bit and when
urinating, or urine will come out in a spray instead of a stream. If this
happens, stop pumping for 24-48 hours and see if it goes back to normal.

If things go back to normal and you want to continue to pump,

use a lower vacuum pressure. If you’re still experiencing the same odd
side effect you need to determine if you want to continue with the
technique altogether. But as I said before, this problem is generally a
result from pumping too often or over-pumping with too much vacuum

After your pumping session, examine your penis and see if there
are any tiny red dots or red blotches. If you only see tiny red dots, you
are using too great vacuum pressure and have broken tiny superficial
blood vessels in your penis, which is for the most part harmless, but over
time could give the penis dark hue over the affected area.

If you find any larger red blotches, you should discontinue use of
the Hyperemiation treatments and any other techniques until they
completely heal.

If there is any severe pain, don’t delay -- seek medical attention

immediately. And for heavens sakes – don’t let embarrassment keep you
from getting the help you may need!


A Tried-and-True Regimen

The following regimen has worked for many, including me. If

you follow the program faithfully as described 5-7 days a week, you
should expect to gain about an inch both in length and circumference
over 6-12 months.

Individual results will vary depending on how committed to the

program you are, your body structure, and how regularly you “practice.”

You’ll also benefit from taking the supplements discussed earlier

in the manual for producing harder erections and increasing your
testosterone level. Remember:

If you are not as hard as you can get

you are not as big as you can get.

Natural Penis Enlargement Program for Penis Success
This program contains three parts, two of which can be done at
different times of the day or all at the same sitting. All exercises should
be done daily, 5-7 days per week.

• Apply hot compresses for 5-15 minutes, (the closer to 15 the
• Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes.

• Apply hot compresses for 5-15 minutes,
• Do the Hyperemiation treatments for 30-60 minutes with a 1-2
minute break at 30 minutes. During the break, massage your
penis and the base where the cylinder attaches to your body to
allow fresh blood to enter the penis.

PART B (Alternate)
• Do the hot compresses for 5-15 minutes
• Do the Jelq Technique for 30 minutes.
• Do the Hyperemiation treatments (as described above)

• Do the Taoist Techniques #1 and #2, upon rising in the morning
on your morning erection, or any other time you have a strong

• Do the Stretch Technique whenever you urinate or any time that
you are nude and your penis is flaccid. (10-12 times a day


A Winning Attitude Makes A BIG Difference

Your attitude and belief regarding the techniques presented in

this manual are just as important as the actual techniques themselves. I
am not saying that if you don’t believe in them that they won’t work at
all. But the results won’t be as great as if you didn’t believe in them.

This is the same principal that applies to patients in hospitals who

technically should respond to the medicine given and should recover
completely, but don’t because they give up or don’t believe that the
treatment will work. On the other hand, there are those who are given
up on and make full recoveries, even despite the odds!

The same thought process applies here. If you use these

techniques with the attitude, “It won’t work for me. I’ll never be able to
last all night long!” – That will be your reality.

I’m going to share with you the key to success in anything:

“What ever it is you want, you have to feel as though you

already have it!”

Read it Again.

“What ever it is you want, you have to feel as though you

already have it!”

If you want a big cock tomorrow, you have to feel as though your
cock is already big today. Looking down – literally and figuratively – on
the size of your penis isn’t going to help you. You have to let yourself
feel that that you have a great big cock!

How can you expect great success when you are planning for
failure! The attitude you need to have is that it WILL work!

Say it and believe it:

“I have a BIG COCK!” and “I can last ALL NIGHT


You convinced me!



“I have a big cock.” Say it until you FEEL IT -- in your gut, in

your spirit, in your soul, and then you will feel it in your body. This is
called an affirmation.

For many years, people have tried using affirmation with little or
no results. Why? Because they were doing them incorrectly – simply
SAYING the words without FEELING their impact.

Some times when you say a positive affirmation, another part of

your mind gives a negative response which prevents the affirmation from
working for you. You need to acknowledge the negative response and
then do the affirmation again. Keep at it until the negative response is
silenced and the only voice you hear is your affirmation and your intent
to create the desired result.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Doing Affirmations Correctly

(See it, believe it, achieve it)

• Define what it is that you want.

• Have the intent to create it in your life.

• Say the affirmation out loud with the feeling and

intent of creating it.

• If you hear any mental noise or negative talk or

response, give it a voice and say it out loud. Get it out

if your system, make it bigger than life, really

exaggerate it! When you are at the peak of

exaggeration, immediately go back to step 3 again.

• When you can state your affirmation without hearing

any mental noise, other negative response and feel as

though it is true, then you know they are working and

your life is bound for a change.


Visualize Your Way to Success

You should also visualize your goal.

See yourself in your mind’s eye, having the size penis that you
desire. See how big it is when you urinate…when you zip up your
jeans…when you penetrate your lover and she tells you how much she
likes your size.

Don’t think of it as something that is going to happen but as

something that has already happened or that always was.

What all of these mental techniques and exercises are doing is

opening you up to new possibilities. In fact, you’re actually opening your
neural pathways to give you the best results possible.



All of us at Natural Man and hope that you

will benefit from the knowledge contained in this book.

Let us hear from you:

• Success Stories
• Suggestions for Improving our Manual
• Techniques We’ve Missed
• Variations on Our Techniques
• New Techniques that You’ve Discovered

Please send all comments to:

[email protected]

Copyright 2006 © Platinum Millennium. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication document or the text on this page or in this

electronic file may be reproduced or transmitted in any way form or by mean
electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, e-mail, newsgroup
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1st MONTH _________________________ (date)

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

2nd MONTH - ________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

3rd MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

4th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

5th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

6th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

7th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

8th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect


Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

10th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

11th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

12th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

13th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

14th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

15th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

16th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

17th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

18th MONTH - _________________________

Length: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect

Girth: _____ Flaccid _____ Erect


Below are some online resources that we have collected for your
convenience. We will maintain an updated list of programs and resources
on your special buyer's website at, please check back often
for the latest breakthroughs for Natural Penis Enlargement.

The Premature Ejaculation Master
You don't have to humiliate your self with dangerous desensitize creams,
useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. To make
passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think.
Anybody can do it no matter how bad you may be. But it has to be done
right or your lasting problem may rapidly grow WORSE instead of
better. Based on my past experience, I am so utterly convinced that the
plan will work for you that I am willing to back it up with a 100%,
noquestionsasked, mydogateit, moneyback guarantee.

Small Penis Size, No Big Deal!

Never again be hanged up about your penis size. Never again doubt your
ability as a lover. Never again feel like you're less than other men. Never
again be embarrassed when seen naked

Boost Your Sexual Stamina And End Premature Ejaculation! Give Me 7
Days And I'll Show You How To Last Up To 10 Times Longer In Bed
Eliminating Premature Ejaculation Forever GUARANTEED!

Sexual Mastery
Why Some Men Are Sexually Skilled And Confident...And How You Can
Be Too..." You (and your wife's) days of living in quiet sexual desperation
are over...

Orgasm Mastery
Natural Premature Ejaculation Control Techniques to Stop Premature
Ejaculation! Stop premature ejaculation using simple exercises and
techniques! 100% Natural Premature Ejaculation system

Penis Enlargement Programs
Did you know that using some simple exercises and techniques, it is
possible to enlarge your penis. All you need are a few minutes a day, and
the results last for a lifetime. It sounds impossible, but it really works!

These techniques are completely natural no pumps, pills, gadgets or

Sexual Enhancement Organization
With NO Painful Hard To Use Pumps and NO Hard and Tough
Exercises, NO painful Hanging Weights, and NO Dangerous Surgery.
There couldn't be an easier way to get that Enhanced Penis you have
always wanted. You can be assured that your satisfaction will be long-
lasting and permanent like the LASTING results of your enlarged
PENIS! Thanks to the Sexual Enhancement Program!

Natural Penis Enlargement
Scientifically Guaranteed Male Multiple Orgasms & Ultimate Sex: Restart
Natural Penis Enlargement, Eliminate Forever Premature Ejaculation,
Erectile Dysfunction

Penis Enlargement Products
A list of penis enlargement products and services available for you offline
and online

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