Relays Terminology

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(1) Contact arrangement (6) Max. switching voltage (8) Min. switching current
Denotes the contact switching combinations The maximum open circuit voltage which The minimum value of current that can
available on a relay and are defined in terms can safely be switched by the contacts.AC be reliably switched by the contacts.
of number of poles, number of throws (single and DC voltage maximums will differ in m- (9) Contact resistace
or double), normal position (open or close), ost cases. The electrical resistance of closed co-
and the sequence to make and break. (7) Max. switching current ntacts measured at their associated t-
Fundamental contact arrangements are give The maximum current which can safely be erminals.
in Table 1. switched by the contacts. AC and DC curr-
(2) Contact type ent maximums may differ.
The one structure of contact forming the co-
ntact parts, Single contact and Bifurcated c- Table 1 Fundamental contact arrangement
ontact are offered.
(3) Contact material Form Description Symbol Performance
The contacts are fastened to the movable le- Make The combination in which the contacts are open
af spring and stationary terminal to ensure e- (NO) in normal or unoperated position.
lectrical contact. Usually they are made of Break The combination in which the contacts are closed
B in the unoperated position.
materials that mainly consist of silver becau- (NC)
se of its high electrical and thermal conducti- Transfer The combination in which Form B (NC) contact
vity. For small-current loads, the gold-plated (BBM) open before Form A(NO) contacts close.
or the gold-overlay silver contacts are gener- Continuous The combination in which Form A (NO) contact
ally used. D (BBM) close before Form B (NC) contacts open.
(4) Contacting
The typical power, voltage or current, which
1. Abbreviations used to define the nature EX.:
a relay can turn on and off under specified c-
of the contacts are as follows: SPST NO:1 Make (1 Form A or 1a)
onditions of load, ambient temperature and
NO:Nomally open M:Make BBM:Break before Make SPST NC:1 Break (1 Form B or 1b)
humidity. Usually, the contact rating refers to
NC:Nomally closed B:Break MBB:Make before Break SPDT:1 Transfer (1 Form C or 1c)
resistive load.
2. Double switching combinations are call- DPDT:2 Transfer (2 Form C or 2c)
(5) Max. switching power
ed 2 Form A (2A) or 2 Form C (2C) 4PDT:4 Transfer (4 Form C or 4c)
The upper limit of power which can be switc-
3. The following abbreviations are used o-
hed by the contacts. This value will be lower
than the product of the maximum voltage an-
SP: Single pole ST: Single throw
d the maximum current. Care should be tak-
DP: Double pole DT: Double throw
en not to be exceed this value.

(1) Nominal voltage (5) Drop-out (Reset) voltage (8) Operating function
A single value of voltage intended to be app- When the coil voltage on an operate relay ・Single side stable type:
lied to the coill. is decreased gradually, the relay will rele- Relay which turns on when the coil is
(2) Nominal Power ase at a certain voltage. This voltage is c- energized and turns off when de-ener-
The value of power used by the coil at nom- alled the Drop-out voltage. The Drop-out gized.
inal voltage. For DC coils, expressed in Wat- voltage is called the Reset voltage, when ・1 Coil latching type:
ts. the reverse voltage is increased on the co- Relay with a latching construction that
Nominal power= il of operate relay, the voltage which the r- can maintain the on or off state with a
V: Nominal voltage elay will release. pulse input. With one coil, the relay is
R: Coil Resistance(at 20°C) (6) Operating power set or reset by applying signals of opp-
(3) Coil resistance The value of power used by the coil at Pic- osite polarities.
The resistance of the coil for temperature c- k-up voltage. ・2 Coil latching type:
onditions listed in the catalog. (Usually at (7) Max. continuous voltage Relay with a latching construction co-
20°C/68°F) The maximum value of voltage that can be mposed of 2 coils, set coil and reset c-
(4) Pick-up (Set) voltage applied continuously to the coil without ca- oil.
When the coil voltage is increased gradually using damage. The relay is set or reset by alternately
from 0V, the relay will operate at a certain v- applying pulse signals of the same pol-
oltage. This voltage is called the Pick-up vol- arity.
tage. The Pick-up voltage in the catalog sho-
ws the maximum value. In case of latching r-
elay, the Pick-up voltage is called the Set V-
This datasheet is for customers' reference. All the specifications are subject to change without notice.


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