Installation & Maintenance Manual Auto Switch (Reed Switch Type) Series D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 D-A90V/D-A93V/D-A96V

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ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS Safety Instructions (continued) Design and selection (continued) Operating Environment (continued)
7) Ensure sufficient clearance for maintenance. 6) Do not use in an environment where there is excessive impact
When designing an application, be sure to allow sufficient clearance for shock.
Installation & Maintenance Manual 1. The compatibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of maintenance and inspection. 2
When excessive impact (300 m/s or more) is applied to a reed switch during
Auto Switch (Reed switch type) the person who designs the pneumatic system or decides its
specifications. Mounting / Adjustment operation, the contact point will malfunction or cut off a signal momentarily (1
Series D-A90/D-A93/D-A96 Since the products specified here are used in various operating conditions, 1) Do not drop or bump the auto switch
ms or less). Consult SMC regarding the need to use a solid state auto switch
depending upon the environment.
D-A90V/D-A93V/D-A96V their compatibility for the specific pneumatic system must be based on
specifications or after analysis and/or tests to meet your specific
Do not drop, bump or apply excessive impacts (300m/s or more). Although 7) Avoid accumulation of iron waste or close contact with magnetic
the body of the auto switch may not be damaged, the inside of the switch substances.
(Basic Safety Principles according to EN ISO 13849) requirements.
could be damaged and cause a malfunction. When a large amount of iron waste such as machining chips or spatter is
2. Only trained personnel should operate pneumatically operated 2) Do not carry a cylinder (actuator) by the auto switch lead wires. accumulated, or a magnetic substance (something attracted by a magnet) is
machinery and equipment. Never carry an actuator by its lead wires. This may not only cause broken lead brought into close proximity with an auto switch cylinder, it may cause the
Compressed air can be dangerous if an operator is unfamiliar with it. wires, but it may cause internal elements of the auto switch to be damaged by auto switch to malfunction due to a loss of the magnetic force inside the
Assembly, handling or repair of pneumatic systems should be performed by the stress. actuator.
trained and experienced operators. 3) Mount switches using the correct tightening torque.
3. Do not service machinery/equipment or attempt to remove If an auto switch is tightened beyond the specified tightening torque, the Maintenance
component until safety is confirmed. mounting screws, mounting brackets or switch may be damaged. 1) Perform the following maintenance periodically in order to prevent
1) Inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be On the other hand, tightening below the specified tightening torque may possible danger due to unexpected auto switch malfunction.
performed after confirmation of safe locked-out control positions. loosen the screw and the auto switch may slip out of the correct detection
The intended use of the Auto switch is to detect a position of a magnet 1) Securely tighten switch mounting screws.
2) When equipment is to be removed, confirm the safety process as position.
in a pneumatic cylinder. The magnet is installed in e.g. a piston, a slide If screws become loose or the mounting position is dislocated, retighten
mentioned above. Switch off air and electrical supplies and exhaust all
table, etc. 4) Mount a switch at the center of the operating range. them after readjusting the mounting position.
residual compressed air in the system.
This IMM is only applicable for validated products to ISO 13849. Refer Adjust the mounting position of an auto switch so that the piston stops at the 2) Confirm that there is no damage to lead wires.
3) Before machinery/equipment is re-started, ensure all safety measures to
to Doc. No. D*ZZ-SM0116P. center of the operating range. To prevent faulty insulation, replace switches or repair lead wires, etc., if
prevent sudden movement of actuators etc. (Supply air into the system
This manual should be read in conjunction with the current product If mounted at the end of the operating range (around the borderline of ON and damage is discovered.
gradually to create backpressure, i.e. incorporate a soft-start valve).
catalogue. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference. OFF), operation may be unstable. Others
4. Contact SMC if the product is to be used in any of the following
1) For durability against water, flexible durability of the wire,
Model Indication Method conditions: Wiring application in a welding site, please consult SMC.
1) Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if product
1) Avoid repeatedly bending or stretching the lead wires. 2) If ON and OFF position (hysteresis) cause problems, please
is used outdoors.
2) Installations in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation,
Broken lead wires can result from wiring applications which repeatedly applies consult SMC.
bending stress or tensile force to the lead wires.
vehicles, medical equipment, food and beverage or recreation equipment.
2) Be sure to connect the load before power is applied.
Design and selection When an auto switch is connected without a load to the power source and the
auto switch is switched ON, the switch will be instantly damaged because of
1) Confirm the specifications excess current.
Read the specifications carefully and use the product accordingly. The 3) Confirm proper insulation of wiring.
product may be damaged or malfunction if it is used outside the range of Be sure that there is no faulty wiring insulation (contact with other circuits,
specifications for load current, voltage, temperature or impact. ground fault, improper insulation between terminals, etc.). Damage may
This product is a reed switch type Auto switch of direct mounting
2) Take precautions when multiple actuators are used close together occur due to excess current flow into the switch.
To eliminate the possibility of magnetic interference between switches, 4) Do not wire with power or high voltage cables.
please ensure that, when two or more actuators are used in parallel, they are
Safety Instructions kept at least 40 mm apart.
Wire separately from power or high voltage cables, avoiding parallel wiring in
the same conduit. Control circuits containing auto switches may malfunction
(When the allowable interval is specified for each actuator series, use the due to noise from these cables.
This product is class A equipment that is intended for use in an Model D-A96
indicated value.) D-A93 D-A93V D-A90 / D-A90V
industrial environment. 5) Do not allow short circuit of loads. number D-A96V
3) Keep wiring as short as possible If the power is turned ON with a load in a short circuited condition, the switch
This manual contains essential information for the protection of users Wiring style 2 wire type 3 wire type 2 wire type
As the length of the wiring to a load gets longer, the in-rush current at will be instantly damaged because of excess current flow into the switch.
and others from possible injury and property damage. Application PLC(*) IC circuit PLC, IC circuit
switching ON becomes greater, and this may shorten the product’s life (the
To ensure correct handling, please follow the instructions. 6) Avoid incorrect wiring.
Please check that you fully understand the meaning of the following switch will stay ON all the time). 24 V
A 24 VDC switch with indicator LED has polarity. The brown lead wire is (+), Load 48 V
messages (signs) before going on to read the text, and always follow 4) Pay attention to the internal voltage drop of the switch 24 VDC 4 to 8 VDC AC/DC
and the blue lead wire is (-). voltage AC/DC
the instructions. 1) Switches with an indicator LED or less
*If connections are reversed, the switch will operate, however the LED will not
Please read the Installation & Maintenance Manual of related apparatus ・If auto switches are connected in series as shown below, take note that Load 20 mA 50 mA 40 mA
turn ON. 5 to 40 mA
and understand it before operating the unit. there will be a large voltage drop because of the internal resistance of the current or less or less or less
Also note that a current greater than that specified will damage the LED and it
LED. (refer to internal voltage drop in the auto switch specifications). 2.4 V or less
IMPORTANT MESSAGES [The voltage drop will be “n” times larger when “n” auto switches are
will no longer operate.
Internal (up to 20 mA) 2.7 V 0.8 V

Read this manual and follow its instructions.
Titles such as DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION will be followed by
connected]. Operating Environment voltage drop 3 V or less
(up to 40 mA)
or less or less
Even though an auto switch operates normally, the load may not operate.
important safety information which must be carefully followed. 1) Never use in an atmosphere of explosive gases. 1 Ω or less
The structure of an auto switch is not intended to prevent explosion. Never - (including 3 m lead
Indicates a hazard with a high resistance
Load use in an atmosphere with an explosive gas since this may cause a serious wire)
level of risk, which if not avoided, explosion. Contact
will result in death or serious 2) Do not use in an area where a magnetic field is generated. protection None
・In the same way, when operating below a specified voltage, although an
injury. circuit
auto switch may operate normally, the load may not operate. Auto switches can malfunction or magnets inside cylinders (actuator) can
Indicates a hazard with a medium become demagnetized. Operating
Therefore, the formula below should be satisfied after confirming the 1.2 ms
level of risk, which if not avoided, 3) Do not use in an environment where the auto switch will be time
minimum operating voltage of the load.
could result in death or serious continually exposed to water. Indicator
Red LED lights when ON -
injury Although switches satisfy IEC standard IP67 construction (JIS C 0920: LED
Indicates a hazard with a low Supply
- Internal voltage
drop of switch
> Minimum operating
voltage of load
watertight construction), avoid using switches in applications continually Impact
300 m/s
level of risk, which if not avoided, Proof
exposed to water splash or spray. Poor insulation or swelling of the potting
could result in minor or moderate resin inside switches may cause malfunction. Insulation 50 MΩ or more at 500 VDC mega
injury. 2) If the internal resistance of the LED causes a problem, select an auto resistance (between lead wire and case)
4) Do not use in an environment with oil or chemicals.
switch without an indicator LED (model D-A90/D-A90V). Withstand 1500 VAC for 1 minute
These safety instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation Consult SMC if auto switches will be used in an environment with coolant,
and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of
5) Do not use a load that generates a surge voltage voltage (between lead wire and case)
cleaning solvent, various oils or chemicals. If auto switches are used under
potential hazard by label of “Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger”. Please avoid use under the following load conditions, because it could lead Ambient
these conditions for even a short time, they may be adversely affected by -10 to +60℃
To ensure safety be sure to observe ISO4414
, JIS B 8370
(Note2) to a deterioration of the service life (contacts remain in the on-position). temperature
improper insulation, malfunction due to swelling of the potting resin, or
and other safety practices. - use with an inductive load such as a relay Enclosure IEC 60529 standard IP67, JISC0920
hardening of the lead wires.
- use with wiring between auto switch and load of more than 5 m in length
(Note 1):ISO 4414:Pneumatic fluid power - Recommendations for the application 5) Do not use in an environment with temperature cycles. *PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)
6) Cautions for use in a safety related circuit.
of equipment to transmission and control systems. Consult SMC if switches are to be used where there are temperature cycles
Perform periodic maintenance and confirm proper operation in accordance
(Note 2):JIS B 8370:Pneumatic system axiom. other than normal air temperature changes, as there may be adverse effects
with safety related requirements.
inside the switches.


Names and Function of Parts Installation (continued) Troubleshooting Batch Marking

D-A90 / D-A93 / D-A96 1) Tie-rod mounting: Fix the auto switch in the detecting position with When detection failure occurs (stay ON / OFF), please check based D-A90/D-A93
the M2.5 set screw using an auto switch mounting bracket on a on the following flow chart.
cylinder tie-rod, with the bottom surface of the auto switch firmly in Manufacture’s batch marking
contact with the cylinder tube.
2) Fix in the required detecting position with a set screw (M4) using a
hexagon driver. Year Month Date
3) Direct mounting: Fit the auto switch into the auto switch mounting (1~31)
groove and set it roughly in the detecting position.
4) After confirming the detecting position, tighten the mounting screw Mark Year Mark Month
(M2.5) attached, and secure the auto switch. 7 2007 1 January
D-A90V / D-A93V / D-A96V 5) When changing the detecting position, repeat from step 3. 2 February
8 2008
Note1) To protect auto switches, ensure that the main body of the 9 2009 3 March
auto switch is inserted into the mounting groove with a depth of 0 2010 4 April
15mm or more. 5 May
Note2) The required tightening torque of the hexagon socket head 6 June
set screw (M4) is 1 to 1.2 Nm. 7 July
Note3) When tightening an auto switch mounting screw (M2.5), use
a small flat blade screwdriver with a grip diameter of 5 to 6 mm. 8 August
The required tightening torque is 0.05 to 0.15 Nm. 9 September
As a guide, turn 90° from the position where it begins to feel tight. X October
Installation Y November
MY3 Z December
How to mount / Mounting bracket
Each actuator has a specified mounting bracket for mounting
the auto switch. D-A96/D-A90V/D-A93V/D-A96V
“How to mount / Mounting bracket” depends on the actuator
type and the tube I.D. Please refer to the actuator catalogue. Manufacture’s batch marking
When an auto switch is mounted for the first time, ensure that
the actuator is a type including a built in magnet, and select a
Year Month
bracket corresponding to the actuator.

Limitations of Use Mark Year Mark Month

CDQ2 1 January
Any use in an EN ISO 13849 system must be within the 7 2007
specified limits and application conditions. The user is 8 2008 2 February
When attaching an auto switch, first insert a switch spacer into the responsible for the specification, design, implementation, 9 2009 3 March
switch mounting groove. validation and maintenance of the safety system (SRP/CS). 0 2010 4 April
When doing this, confirm that it is set in the correct mounting 5 May
orientation, or re-insert if necessary.
Next, insert the auto switch into the groove and slide it until it is Outline with Dimensions (mm) 6 June
7 July
positioned under the switch spacer. D-A90 / D-A93 / D-A96
After establishing the mounting position, use a small flat blade 8 August
screwdriver to tighten the switch mounting screw. 9 September
Note) When tightening the auto switch mounting screw (M2.5), use a X October
small flat blade screwdriver with a grip diameter of 5 to 6 mm. Y November
The required tightening torque is 0.05 to 0.1 Nm. Z December
When tightening the auto switch mounting screw (M2.5), use a As a guide, turn 90° from the position where it begins to feel tight.
small flat blade screwdriver with a grip diameter of 5 to 6 mm.
The required tightening torque is 0.1 to 0.2 Nm. Internal Circuit and Wiring
Tie-rod D-A90 / D-A90V D-A93 / D-A93V Contacts
AUSTRIA (43) 2262 62280-0 LATVIA (371) 781 77 00
( ):dimensions for D-A96 BELGIUM (32) 3 355 1464 LITHUANIA (370) 5 264 8126
BULGARIA (359) 2 974 4492 NETHERLANDS (31) 20 531 8888
CZECH REP. (420) 541 424 611 NORWAY (47) 67 12 90 20
D-A90V / D-A93V / D-A96V
DENMARK (45) 7025 2900 POLAND (48) 22 211 9600
ESTONIA (372) 651 0370 PORTUGAL (351) 21 471 1880
FINLAND (358) 207 513513 ROMANIA (40) 21 320 5111
FRANCE (33) 1 6476 1000 SLOVAKIA (421) 2 444 56725
GERMANY (49) 6103 4020 SLOVENIA (386) 73 885 412
D-A96 / D-A96V GREECE (30) 210 271 7265 SPAIN (34) 945 184 100
HUNGARY (36) 23 511 390 SWEDEN (46) 8 603 1200
IRELAND (353) 1 403 9000 SWITZERLAND (41) 52 396 3131
ITALY (39) 02 92711 UNITED KINGDOM (44) 1908 563888

SMC Corporation, Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021

URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe)
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer.
© 2011 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.


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