Course Outline: MPU 3422 - Moral and Civil Society II

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Course Outline: Version :

MPU 3422 – Moral and Civil Society II SS/MPUXXXX/2019

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Sciences Approved
May 2019
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Date :

1. Name and Code of Course: Moral and Civil Society II (MPU3422)

2. Synopsis:
Subjek ini bertujuan mewujudkan kesedaran di kalangan pelajar tentang isu-isu tempatan dan global yang
berkaitan dengan kepelbagaian kaum yang mampu membawa dan membimbing masyarakat dan
masyarakat manusia ke arah kehidupan yang harmoni serta membentuk masyarakat Malaysia dan global
yang diingini

3. Name(s) of Academic Staff:

 Azmi bin Ahmad

4. Semester and Year Offered: Sem 1-3 and Year 1-4

5. Credit Value: 2

6. Prerequisite / Co-requisite (if any): MPU3323

7. Course Outcomes (CO):

CLO1: Untuk menggambarkan isu tempatan dan global yang berkaitan dengan kepelbagaian bangsa
dalam membentuk masyarakat yang harmoni di peringkat global

CLO2: Menganalisis situasi berkaitan evolusi manusia, faktor perkauman, diskriminasi dan prejudis.

CLO3: Untuk meneliti sifat saling membantu sikap hati, toleransi, kefahaman dan bekerja di dalam
pasukan serta peranannya dalam membantu setiap perjalanan hidup.

CLO4: Bertanggungjawab dan peka terhadap kerja kebajikan yang dijalankan oleh pertubuhan bukan
kerajaan (NGO).

8. Mapping of the Course Outcomes to the MQF Learning Outcomes Domain (LOD), Teaching Methods and
Course Outline: Version :

MPU 3422 – Moral and Civil Society II SS/MPUXXXX/2019

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Sciences Approved
May 2019
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Date :


Teaching Assessment Weightage

Methods (%)
Course Outcomes (CO)

MQF 3b

MQF 3d
MQF 3a

MQF 3c


CLO 1 √ Lecture /
Discussion √

√ Lecture / √

CLO 3 Lecture / √


CLO 4 √ Lecture / √


9 Transferable skills: (Skills learned in this course of study which can be useful and utilized in other settings)

1 Information management and lifelong learning skills

2 Problem solving skills; social skills.

3 Team skills and responsibilities.

10 Student Learning Time (SLT) and Course Content:

Teaching and Learning Activities (in hours)

Distribution of Student Learning Time Guided Independe Total SLT

(SLT) Learning nt
CO* Guided Learning (F2F)
(NF2F) e.g. Learning
Course Content Outline e-Learning (NF2F)


Topic: Introduction to Human
• Race dan ethnic CLO1 6         4 10
• Bangsa dan Negara
Course Outline: Version :

MPU 3422 – Moral and Civil Society II SS/MPUXXXX/2019

College of Energy Economics and Social Page: 3 of 4

Sciences Approved
May 2019
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Date :

Topic: Racial determinant factor

• Physical and biological
• Geography CLO1 6         4 10
• Blood-line

Topic: Human evolution

• Human evolution
• Culture evolution" CLO2 6         4 10

Topic: Social stratification

• Social stratification and its
characteristics CLO2 6         4 10

Topic: Racial difference issues

• Racism
• Prejudice CLO3 6       4 10
• Discrimination
Topic: Racial conflict
• Racial conflict
• Solution of the conflict CLO3 6         4 10

Topic: Community Service Project

• Initial groundwork and proposal
writing CLO3
• Final report writing & presentation and 6 4 10

Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) Total SLT

1. Quiz 20% 3

2. Assignment 30% 3

3. Community Service Project 50% 4

Final Assessment Percentage (%) Total SLT

1. Objective Format 0% 0

2. Subjective Format 0% 0


*Indicate the CO based on the CO’s numbering in item 8

L = Lecture; T = Tutorial; P = Practical; O = Others; F2F = Face-to-face; NF2F = Non Face-to-Face
Course Outline: Version :

MPU 3422 – Moral and Civil Society II SS/MPUXXXX/2019

College of Energy Economics and Social Page: 4 of 4

Sciences Approved
May 2019
Universiti Tenaga Nasional Date :

11 Special requirements: (Identify special requirements to deliver the course (e.g. software, nursery,
computer lab, simulation room)

12 Main references:
• Abdullah Zahidi Omar, Mahdi Shuid, Mazlan Aris, Mohd Fu’ad Sam & Roslina Suratnu (2014). Pengantar
Pendidikan Moral. Selangor: Penerbitan Multimedia Sdn. Bhd.
• Eow Boon Hin et al. (2008). Moral Education. Selangor: Prentice Hall / Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
• Haizan Mohd Taha, Mohd Ariff Ahmad Tarmizi & Mohd Isa Hamzah (2009). Monograf Teks: Ras dan
Etnik - Teori, Praktis & Isu Moral. Selangor: Prentice Hall / Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
• Abdul Rahman Md. Aroff (2011). Pendidikan Moral: Teori, Etika dan Amalan Moral. (5th ed.). Penerbit
UPM, Serdang, Selangor.
• Muthualagan, T. et al. (2009). Pendidikan Moral. Selangor: Prentice Hall / Pearson Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

13 Other additional information:

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