GEEC1052 Effective Communication in English

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1 Nama Kursus: Effective Communication in English
Name of Course: Komunikasi Berkesan dalam Bahasa Inggeris
Kod Kursus:
Course Code: GEEC1052

Klasifikasi Kursus:
Course Classification: IPG/MPU/Generik/Wajib

2 Sinopsis : This course focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of English language. The rationale for this course is to develop the non-TESL students' ability
Synopsis: to employ English language skills in both social and academic contexts.
Kursus ini memberi fokus kepada kemahiran mendengar, bertutur, membaca dan menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Rasional kursus ini adalah untuk meningkatkan
kebolehan pelajar bukan TESL menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dalam konteks sosial dan akademik.
3 Nama Pegawai Akademik:
Name(s) of academic staff: 1 Pn. Amrien Hamila binti Ma'arop

2 <nama yang mengajar>

3 <nama yang mengajar>

4 Semester dan Tahun

ditawarkan: Tahun Catatan:
Semester and Year offered: Year Semester I

5 Nilai Kredit:
Credit Value: 2

6 Prasyarat/Prerequisite:
(jika ada/if any) None

7 Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus (Course Learning Outcomes, CLO)

Pada akhir kursus ini pelajar akan dapat:
At the end of the course the students will be able to:

Apply listening and speaking skills in academic and non-academic contexts. (P3, A2, LO3, LO5, KMK6)
Employ appropriate reading skills to comprehend a variety of text types. (C3, LO2, KKG1)
Write a variety of texts using appropriate writing skills. (C6, A2, LO2, LO6, KKG5, KMD2)
8 Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran Program, Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pentaksiran
Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment

Hasil Pembelajaran Hasil Pembelajaran (HPP)

Kursus (HPK) Learning Outcomes (PLO) Kaedah Pengajaran Pentaksiran
Course Learning HP1 HP2 HP3 HP4 HP5 HP6 HP7 HP8 HP9 HP10 HP11 Teaching Methods Assessment
Outcomes (CLO) LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 LO6 LO7 LO8 LO9 LO10 LO11
HPK1 Group
√ √ Blended Learning
CLO1 Discussion
√ Blended Learning Reading Test
√ √ Blended Learning Digital Product

Pemetaan kepada Kluster
Hasil Pembelajaran KKM
Mapping with MQF C2
Cluster of Learning
C2 C3D

Tandakan “√“ pada petak mengikut HPK dan HP yang relevan.

Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “√“ in the appropriate relevant box.

(Keterangan ini perlu dibaca bersama dengan Standard 2.1.2 , 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Bidang 2 )
(This description must be read together with Standards 2.1.2 , 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Area 2, COPPA 2nd Edition)

C1 = Pengetahuan & Kefahaman, C2 = Kemahiran Kognitif, C3A = Kemahiran Praktikal, C3B = Kemahiran Interpersonal, C3C = Kemahiran Komunikasi, C3D = Kemahiran Digital, C3E = Kemahiran Numerasi,
C3F = Kepimpinan, Autonomi & Tanggungjawab, C4A = Kemahiran Personal, C4B = Kemahiran Keusahawanan C5 = Etika & Profesionalisme

C1 = Knowledge & Understanding, C2 = Cognitive Skills, C3A = Practical Skills, C3B = Interpersonal Skills, C3C = Communication Skills, C3D = Digital Skills, C3E = Numeracy Skills, C3F = Leadership,
Autonomy & Responsibility, C4A = Personal Skills, C4B = Entrepreneurial Skills, C5 = Ethics & Professionalism

9 Kemahiran Boleh Pindah

Transferable Skills 1 Cognitive Skills (KKG1, KKG5)

2 Communication Skills (KMK6)

3 Digital Skills (KMD2)

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2021

Kemas kini Jun 2023
10 Agihan Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar (JPP)
Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

Aktiviti Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Teaching and Learning Activities
Kerangka Kandungan Kursus HPK* Pembelajaran Terarah (Bersemuka) Pembelajaran Terarah Jumlah JPP
Pembelajaran Kendiri
Course Content Outline CLO* Guided Learning (F2F) (Tidak Bersemuka) Total SLT
(Tidak Bersemuka)
K T A L Independent Learning
Guided Learning (NF2F)
L T P O (NF2F)
eg: e-Learning
1. Listening Skills

• Types of listening contexts

- Academic
- Non-academic
• Identifying main ideas and supporting details 1 2 2 2 4 6 16
• Inferencing
• Sequencing
• Drawing conclusion

2. Speaking Skills

• Types of speaking contexts

- Academic
- Non-academic
• Expressing feeling and thoughts 1 2 2 2 2 6 14
• Stating facts and opinion
• Making suggestions
• Practising turn-taking

3. Reading Skills

• Text types
- Fiction
o Narrative
o Descriptive
- Non-fiction
o Argumentative
o Expository 2 2 4 6 8 20
• Locating main ideas and supporting details
• Skimming and scanning for information
• Reading and understanding instructions
• Identifying cues
• Inferencing

4. Writing Skills

• Process of writing
- Prewriting
- Drafting
- Revision
- Editing
- Publishing
• Writing a variety of texts
- Report 3 2 4 6 8 20
- Description
- Formal and informal correspondence
- Email
- Online post

24 18 28

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2021

Kemas kini Jun 2023
Pentaksiran Berterusan B TB Jumlah JPP
Continuous Assessment F2F NF2F Total SLT
Group Discussion
1 - LO3: 10% 40 1 4 5
- LO5: 30%

2 Reading Test 30 1 3 4

Digital Product
3 - LO2: 20% 30 0 4 4
- LO6: 10%

Pentaksiran Akhir B TB Jumlah JPP
Final Assessment F2F NF2F Total SLT

1 None 0

**Sila tanda (√) jika kursus ini adalah Latihan Industri/ Praktikum/ WBL
guna 2-minggu, 1 kredit formula
**Please tick (√) if this course is Industrial Training/Clinical Placement/Practicum/WBL using 2-
weeks, 1 credit formula JUMLAH BESAR JPP
K= Kuliah, T = Tutorial, A=Amali/Praktikal, L= Lain-lain, B=Bersemuka, TB=Tidak Bersemuka
*Nyatakan HPK mengikut seperti di Item 8. 2.075

L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face,

*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO's numbering in item 8.

% JPP untuk komponen bersemuka

% SLT for F2F component:
A 31.33
[Jumlah Pembelajaran Bersemuka (KTAL) / Jumlah JPP] x 100
[Total F2F (LTPO) / Total SLT] x 100

Teradun /Blended

% JPP untuk pembelajaran terarah bersemuka dan pembelajaran terarah tidak bersemuka (e-pembelajaran) :
B 53.01
% SLT for guided learning F2F and guided learning NF2F (e-learning):
[Jumlah Pembelajaran Terarah (Bersemuka) + Tidak Bersemuka (e-pembelajaran) / Jumlah JPP] x 100
[Total of Guided Learning F2F + NF2F (e-learning) / Total SLT] x 100

% JPP untuk komponen amali bersemuka secara fizikal:

% SLT for F2F Physical Practical Component:
C 4.82
[Jumlah Amali Fizikal Bersemuka /Jumlah JPP x 100)]
[Total F2F Physical Practical / Total SLT x 100)]

11 Sumber khusus yang diperlukan:

Identify special requirement to deliver the
12 Rujukan: Rujukan Asas / Main References:
(termasuk rujukan asas dan rujukan tambahan, Langan, J., & Albright, Z. (2022). Loose Leaf for College writing skills with readings (11th ed.). Oxford University Press.
dan edisi terkini)
(including current main references and Lethem, L, Windsor, M. & Betsis, A. (2019). Writing success. Global ELT Ltd.
additional references)
Rujukan Tambahan / Additional References:

Celce-Murcia, M, M. & Larsen Freeman, D.(2015). The grammar book: An EFL/ESL teacher’s course (3rd ed.). Heinle & Heinle.

Celce-Murcia, Brinton, D. M., Snow. M. A. & Bohlke, D. (2014). Teaching English as a second or foreign language (4th ed.).
Heinle ELT.

Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2014). Close reading and writing from sources. International Reading Association.

Folse, K. S. (2016). Keys to teaching grammar to English language learners: A practical handbook (2nd ed.): University of Michigan
Press ELT.

Lucantoni, P. (2014). Introduction to English as a second language coursebook. Cambridge University Press.

Mahani Mansor. et. al. (2019). English for you: A guidebook for English language learners. (2nd ed.). Oxford Fajar.

13 Maklumat Tambahan:
Other additional information:
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2022). Kerangka Kurikulum Bahasa Inggeris Lepas Menengah (Post-Secondary English Language
Curriculum Framework). Bahagian Matrikulasi: Putrajaya

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2021

Kemas kini Jun 2023
Ahli Panel Penggubal
Panel Members
Bil. Nama Kelayakan Akademik
No. Name: Academic Qualification
1 Eng Lean Teik M.Ed. TESOL, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
B.Ed. (Hons) TESL, University of Otago, New Zealand.
Specialist Certificate (TESL), Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas.
Certificate of Teaching (TESL / Geography), Maktab Perguruan Kota Bharu.

2 Dayang Maheran binti Ahmad M.Ed. (ELT), Universiti Utara Malaysia.

B.Ed. (Hons) TESL, Universiti Teknologi Mara Shah Alam.
Diploma of Teaching (TESL), Maktab Perguruan Persekutuan Pulau Pinang.
Certificate of Teaching (TESL), Maktab Perguruan Sri Pinang.

Pakar Rujuk
Bil. Nama Universiti/ Bahagian
No. Name Institution/Division
1 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manjet Kaur a/p Mehar Singh Research, Innovation & Industry-Community Engagement,
School of Languages, Literacies and Translation,
University Science Malaysia.
2 Yang Salehah Binti Abdullah Sani University Technology of MARA.

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2021

(Kemas kini Jun 2023)

Berkuat kuasa mulai Julai 2021

Kemas kini Jun 2023

KOD KURSUS: GEEC1052 NAMA KURSUS: Effective Communication in English

Jam Interaksi Jam Pentaksiran

Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus TOPIK Pentaksiran

Apply listening and speaking skills in academic

HPK1 and non-academic contexts. 1,2 12 18 40 1 4
(P3, A2, LO3, LO5, KMK6)

Employ appropriate reading skills to

HPK2 comprehend a variety of text types. 3 6 14 30 1 3 Reading Test
(C3, LO2, KKG1)

Write a variety of texts using appropriate writing

HPK3 skills. 4 6 14 30 0 4
(C6, A2, LO2, LO6, KKG5, KMD2)

JUMLAH 4 24 46 100 2 11

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