Urban sprawl and green space depletion: Implications for flood incidence in
Kumasi, Ghana
Kabila Abass a, *, Daniel Buor a, Kwadwo Afriyie a, Gift Dumedah a, Alex Yao Segbefi a,
Lawrence Guodaar b, Emmanuel Kofi Garsonu a, Samuel Adu-Gyamfi c, David Forkuor a,
Andrews Ofosu a, Abass Mohammed c, Razak M. Gyasi d
Department of Geography and Rural Development, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Department of Geography, Environment and Population (GEP), School of Social Sciences, University of Adelaide, SA, 5005, Australia
Department of History and Political Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana
Ageing and Development Unit, African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya
Keywords: Urban area expansion has often been cited as a flood inducing factor globally. However, there is a dearth of
Urbanization research on how the phenomenon influences the occurrence of floods in Ghana. This paper examines urban
Urban planning sprawl-induced green space depletion and its attendant implications for urban flood incidence in a developing
Urban sprawl
world context. Focusing on Kumasi, the study employed a combined use of geospatial techniques, key informant
Impermeable space
Urban floods
interviews and direct observations to explain the relationships between urban sprawl and flood occurrence. The
Africa study found that impermeable areas have expanded by 54% from 1986 to 2016 while permeable space corre
spondingly declined by the same rate within the period due to unplanned and unregulated urban expansion. The
high proportion of impermeable surface, caused by urban expansion, underlies the worsening flooding situation
in Kumasi. But the myriad of other factors such as poor spatial planning, inadequate storm drain infrastructure,
poor waste management practices, and law enforcement lax combine to increase the intensity and severity of the
floods. Adopting and enforcing smart growth policies are key in addressing the uncontrolled urban expansion
and its associated flood challenges. Besides, land use control through legislative enforcement and prioritizing
greening by the city authorities and other key stakeholders are essential for effective flood control and mitigation
in Kumasi.
1. Introduction land area [4] but with low density physical development [2]. This
contrasts with urban densification which for many has been considered
In 2018, urban areas accommodated 55% of the world’s population, as the most appropriate strategy for ecological modernization in urban
and this estimate is projected to rise to about 68% by 2050 (United spatial development [5]. From urban economic theory perspective,
Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, [1]. By 2050, urban sprawl is the result of three fundamental forces - population
urban communities will receive about 2.5 billion more people, but very growth, rising incomes and lower transportation costs resulting from key
importantly, Asian and African regions will be home to about 90% of investments in transport infrastructure [3]. From the perspective of
urbanites [1]. Gómez-Antonio et al. [3], preferences by individual land users and the
Urban sprawl describes a non-contiguous, uncontrolled, scattered, Tiebout sorting, market and public sector failures among other factors
uneven and unplanned pattern of growth [2,3]. It describes a process by underlie urban sprawl.
which an urban area makes use of the greater proportion of the available Urban sprawl has been identified as resulting in among other things
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Abass), [email protected] (D. Buor), [email protected] (K. Afriyie), [email protected]
(G. Dumedah), [email protected] (A.Y. Segbefi), [email protected] (L. Guodaar), [email protected] (E.K. Garsonu), [email protected] (S. Adu-
Gyamfi), [email protected] (D. Forkuor), [email protected] (A. Ofosu), [email protected], [email protected] (A. Mohammed), rgyasi@ (R.M. Gyasi).
URL: http://[email protected] (K. Abass).
Received 23 March 2020; Received in revised form 30 September 2020; Accepted 7 October 2020
Available online 20 October 2020
2212-4209/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
inefficient resource utilization and depletion of green space [6]. The rates of 2.7% (1984–2000) and 2.4% (2000–2010), these growth rates
need to accommodate the increased urban population and the resulting have been well above that of the national estimates [31]. The city is
activities have induced rapid land use and land cover transformations particularly attractive to both local and foreign migrants because of its
(LULC) at spatial and temporal scales [7]. These changes come about as strategic central location. The population of the city has increased
urban dwellers try to meet their residential, industrial, commercial, sharply since 1960 largely as a result of both internal and international
agricultural and other urban infrastructure needs [2]. Thus, the urban migration [30]. There are 929,203 migrants, translating into 53.7% of
development process typically involves the conversion of land uses from the population of the area [29]. The rapid population growth of Kumasi
rural to urban and the replacement of vegetated soils with impermeable has necessitated an increase in housing delivery mainly by private de
built surfaces [8]. The increasing urbanization induces higher flood risk velopers leading to irregular expansion at the fringes of the city [30].
for to the vast population residing in the urban areas [9–11]. An Urban expansion has led to physical developments in wetlands and
important factor to consider when analyzing the relationship between buffer zones, often without the requisite physical and social infrastruc
land use, land cover change and flooding is the extent of impervious ture [31,32]. This development creates the condition for flood occur
surfaces that come with the urban expansion [12]. Conversion of natural rence which potentially can undermine efforts at its management and
landscapes to urban or suburban developments can lead to reduced control.
functionality of hydrological systems [13,14], a condition that can in
crease flood risks. 2.2. Data and analytic procedures
Land use and land cover change from permeable to impermeable
surfaces affect runoff generation in several ways. While it reduces sur 2.2.1. GIS method
face water infiltration [7], it tends to increase the total runoff volume While indicators measuring urban expansion may differ across
and peak discharge of storm runoff events which give rise to floods in countries due to contextual diversities, direct comparisons among global
urban areas [15,16]. Impermeable surfaces can have hydrological im cities have revealed increased use of remotely sensed data and census
plications by decreasing soil water infiltration while increasing surface information [33]. Land use and land cover change analyses were done
water runoff during rainfall [17]. Spatial expansion of impermeable land employing three cloud-free Landsat images: Thematic Mapper (TM)
surface at the expense of green surface has been found to account for 1986; Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) 2004; and Landsat 8
increased peak discharge and flood volume [17]. Studies have shown Operationalized Landsat Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor (OLIS/TIRS)
that vegetative land cover or urban greenery can help in reducing sur 2016. These were obtained from the United States Geological Survey
face water runoff and urban floods [13,18,19]. (USGS) global visualization viewer (GloVis) website using path 194 and
Urban growth processes and associated land use and land cover row 055. We rectified these images to the Universal Transverse Mercator
changes that give rise to floods can be linked to institutional and policy (UTM) zone 30, World Geodetic System (WGS) 84 by USGS. The image
failures. A number of studies have shown how institutional and policy scenes were clipped to the Kumasi area boundary shapefile in ArcGIS
failures and associated deficiency in spatial planning have given rise to 10.3 software. This was followed by loading the images into ERDAS
floods [20–22]. A study of four major floods in the last century in the UK, imagine 2013 software where they were pre-processed. The images
for example, indicated that while such events raised many policy issues, were, however, checked for both geometric and radiometric errors. The
just a few of these were captured in policy agendas [23]. An empirical Geometric correction was performed only on the 1986 image to correct
study revealed how several institutional gaps and regulatory weaknesses the image from the World Reference System (WRS) 1 to WRS 2 just like
accounted for the 2010 floods in Pakistan [21]. the other images. Radiometric corrections were, however, performed on
The effects of changes in the urban landscape for hydrological pro all the three images. Although the images were characteristically free of
cesses have been widely explored [16,24]. In Ghana, recent empirical clouds, an operation to remove haze was performed on all images to
works on causes and adaptation to urban floods have been carried out by clear the likelihood of any humidity that may have been present at the
a number of authors [25–28]. While these works, generally, explored the time the images were captured as well as to improve the brightness of
factors that have given rise to floods in Ghanaian cities, the implications the images [34].
of changes in urban landscape from the green or permeable surface to Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) algorithm was used to
grey or impermeable surface for urban floods have not been explored. classify the three images because of its accuracy in image classification.
The aim of this paper, therefore, is to examine the extent to which urban Being one of the well-known parametric classifiers, MLS takes into ac
sprawl underlies flood incidence in urban Ghana. The paper was guided count the variance–covariance within class distributions and for nor
by this key question: Has the sprawl been a driving factor in the rising mally distributed data, it performs better than other known parametric
flood incidence in Kumasi? The next section deals with the methods, classifiers [35]. Land use and land cover classes that were generated
followed by results and discussion and ends with conclusion and policy include built-up (including rooftops and concrete surfaces), arable
recommendations. (including fallow and tilled land) and vegetation (which consists of a
mixture of light forests groves, grasslands and other green spaces). In
2. Methods this study, the rooftops and concrete surfaces constitute the imperme
able surfaces. The arable land and vegetation, including all unpaved
2.1. Study area surfaces constitute the permeable areas.
Accuracy assessment of classified images was done by comparing
A key feature of Ghanaian towns and cities has been their uncon identified point locations such as built-up areas, arable land and vege
trolled and unplanned outward spatial expansion, with associated in tation to their corresponding ground truths. In all, 256 reference points
creases in the frequency and spatial extent of floods. Kumasi, which is were used for the assessment. The ground reference data for 2004 and
the focus of this study, lies between latitude 6◦ 35’ and 6◦ 40′ N and 2016 images were delineated using the on-screen digitizing method by
longitude 1◦ 30’ and 1◦ 35′ W [29]. It is located within the wet drawing polygons around identified land cover classes that fall into
sub-equatorial climatic region and has double maxima rainfall regime. similar pixel spectral characteristics on Google Earth and the raw image
The average minimum and maximum temperatures stand at 21.5 ◦ C and for 1986. For the 2016 image, GPS was used for collecting point data in
30.7 ◦ C respectively. Over the years, the city has witnessed remarkable geographic coordinates from 45 sites (15 for each class) which were
growth in terms of population and physical extent as a result of added to the 211 samples extracted from Google Earth, where they were
geographic, demographic, economic and socially-related pooled factors loaded onto the classified imagery for accuracy assessment. A confusion
[29]. Growing at an annual rate of 5.2% between 1984 and 2000, it went matrix as shown in Tables 1a–c was generated, with the overall accuracy
up to 5.4% from 2000 to 2010 [29,30]. Compared to the national growth computed for each classification. Quantitative analysis of the area
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Table 1a The qualitative data obtained from the various categories of in
Error matrix, 1986. terviewees were analyzed thematically following Nowell et al. [38].
Classified data Arable Built- Vegetation Total User’s Several steps were involved using this method. The first step saw the
up accuracy transcription of all audio recordings into text by the first and third au
Arable 63 4 23 90 70.00% thors. Next, interview transcripts were exported to NVivo 9 analytical
Built-up 12 63 1 76 82.89% software, where coding of data was done inductively and deductively
Vegetation 12 0 78 90 86.67% [39]. The coding process continued to a theoretical saturation point
Total 87 67 102 256 where no new concepts emerged from further coding of data. As a
Producer’s 72.41% 94.03% 76.47%
further step, themes were developed. Although minor disagreements
were observed, the series of reviews and discussions of the themes and
Overall Classification Accuracy = 79.69%. sub-themes by the coding team led to mutual agreements in their
meaning and context. This repeated process of data review as Babbie
[40] noted enhances intercoder reliability and improves the credibility
Table 1b
and reliability of qualitative data. In the end, themes were defined and
Error matrix, 2004.
appropriately named followed by a detailed analysis of each theme.
Classified data Arable Built- Vegetation Total User’s
Where relevant, verbatim normative quotations taken from the inter
up accuracy
view transcripts were used to elucidate pertinent themes.
Arable 49 3 21 73 67.12% Ethics approval was sought from the Committee on Human Research
Built-up 3 102 1 106 96.23%
Publication and Ethics (CHRPE), School of Medical Sciences, Kwame
Vegetation 18 1 58 77 75.32%
Total 70 106 80 256 Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and Komfo Anokye
Producer’s 70.00% 96.23% 72.50% Hospital, Kumasi (Ref: CHRPE/AP/548/17). All participants were
accuracy adequately informed of the purpose of the study with their consents
Overall Classification Accuracy = 81.64%. obtained in written or oral form. They were told of their right to with
draw if they deemed so regardless of the stage they got to in the inter
view process. They were also given assurance of anonymity and that the
Table 1c information they provided would be treated with the utmost
Error matrix, 2016. confidentiality.
Classified Data Arable Built-up Vegetation Total User’s
accuracy 2.2.3. Direct observation
Arable 39 0 18 57 68.42% Observation was another primary method of data collection. Land
Built-up 8 106 7 121 87.60% use, land cover changes, actual flood situations, inundation of homes,
Vegetation 23 0 55 78 70.51% and damaged properties were observed. We also observed human
Total 70 106 80 256
intrusion of floodplains. To gain a better appreciation of the state of the
Producer’s 55.71% 100.00% 68.75%
drains, community inspections of some of the drains were also made.
Thus, visits were made to specific flood-prone communities based on the
Overall Classification Accuracy = 78.13%. knowledge of the research team and additional information available
from NADMO. Some of the places visited were Atonso S-line, Dichemso,
covered by each LULC type for each of the three images was done in Aboabo, Breman, Ayigya Zongo, Old Tafo, Kwadaso, Boukrom and
hectares to show their spatio-temporal changes. Anwomaso (Fig. 1). Observation notes and photographs were taken as
supplementary information to the audio-recorded interviews. The
2.2.2. Interviews combined effect of these different methods, as Lincoln and Guba [41]
The study employed one-on-one in-depth interviews (IDIs) using the noted, is to triangulate the different modes of data collection to ensure
interview guide as a data collection instrument. IDIs were conducted more credible and reliable results.
involving 9 key informants. They represented heads of the various in
stitutions sampled purposively for the study. These institutions included 2.2.4. Rainfall data and analysis
National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Metropolitan, Daily rainfall for Kumasi was collected from the Ghana Meteoro
Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), Town and Country Plan logical Agency, Accra, covering a period of 36 years (1980–2016). The
ning Department (T&CPD), Ghana Meteorological Agency (Gmet), Hy MAKESENS and time series plots were used in the analysis of the rainfall
drological Services Department (HSD), Water Resources Commission data. Various descriptive statistics were used to reveal the trends and
(WRC) and three traditional authorities. As Milena et al. [36] aptly patterns of rainfall. Specifically, the Mann-Kendall test (Z) and Sen’s
pointed out, the use of this method produces information-rich data on slope (Q) were used. The alpha level was set at 0.05.
participants’ opinions, feelings, perceptions and experiences regarding
urban expansion, land use and land cover change dynamics and asso 3. Results and discussion
ciated flood incidence in Kumasi. Besides, social cues, including body
language and voice of the interviewees offered supplementary infor 3.1. Accuracy of classified images
mation to their verbal responses [37]. The unstructured nature of the
interview allowed for further probes, which provided a check on the From the maximum likelihood classification for the 1986, 2004 and
accuracy of the information provided by the respondents. Questions 2016 land use land cover maps, the overall classification accuracy ob
during interviews revolved around the following broad themes: Nature tained were 79.69%, 81.64% and 78.13% respectively. The user’s and
and impact of floods; the influence of urban sprawl and land use and producer’s accuracies are captured in Tables 1a–c. The overall accuracy
land cover changes on floods; other conditions that give rise to floods; according to Congalton [42] is probably the simplest descriptive sta
and flood mitigation measures. All interviews were conducted in English tistics which, in addition to the accuracies of the individual land use
since all participants had the capacity to fluently communicate in En types provide information about the accuracy of classified images. The
glish. In average terms, each interview session lasted about 40 min. All results show that the classified images are reasonably accurate.
interviews were audio-recorded with the aid of a digital voice recorder
with participants’ consent in addition to interviewers’ field notes.
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
space (Fig. 1a, b, 1c and Table 2). While built-up area made tremendous
gains from 23.34% to 77.56% between 1986 and 2016 (an increase of
54.22%), green space (arable and vegetation) drastically reduced from
76.66% to 22.44% (a decline of 54.22%) over the same period. The
green space continues to dwindle due to human encroachment with
much of it being converted to other forms of land use. Fig. 2 shows the
population density of Kumasi for 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, reflecting
expansion and densification of urban areas.
A number of empirical studies have shown substantial gains of urban
grey space over green infrastructure [20,27,31,43]. According to
Oduro-Ofori et al. [44], about 90% of parks in Kumasi are without their
greenery with many re-zoned into other useful forms. It is noted that the
forest reserve cover of Kumasi is lost almost entirely [43], with its total
tree canopy coverage put approximately at 7% of the total land area
[43]. The picture is not different from other cities in Ghana. Accra-Tema
area is said to have only one recognizable and functioning public park, a
trend considered worrying and unacceptable given that the area ac
commodates 3.6 million residents [45].
Land use and cover changes are the results of the interplay of several
factors. As urbanization intensifies, land within urban centers become
scarce due to the competing demands for them [43]. This makes them
expensive often beyond what an average income earner can afford. Land
rent, however, decreases with increasing distance from the city center.
Kumasi peri-urban areas become tenure hot spots where arable and
other prime lands are being rapidly converted to land uses for residential
and small-scale industries [30]. As urban and peri-urban lands become a
valuable commodity, it makes sense to convert them to economically
rewarding residential, industrial and commercial buildings. The conse
quence of the extension of the built-up area is the destruction of eco
systems and alteration of land use and land cover, ripping off vast areas
of green and open spaces [43]. This trend, definitely, has implications
for flood incidence and its management in the city. In other African
cities, rapid urban expansion and associated land use changes in flagrant
disregard for planning regulations have been observed [46,47].
Different types of floods are at play in the study area. One of these is
the pluvial (or overland) floods, which occur when surface runoff gen
eration exceeds infiltration rates and drainage capacity, often during
high-intensity short-duration storm rainfall events. Besides, quite a
number of these flood occurrences in Kumasi are fluvial (river) floods. A
number of rivers flowing through the study area such as Aboabo, Daban,
Sisa, Subin (Fig. 1) sometimes overflow their banks at the peak of the
rainy season. This inundates a number of settlements located along the
banks of these rivers. Flash floods are common and are characteristically
rapid, often occurring within just a few hours [48]. A less common type
of floods is triggered by high water table combined with heavy rainfall,
as found in some parts of Atonso S-line. They are characteristically slow,
but have a longer duration.
Floods in Kumasi are perennial affecting several communities. This
normally occurs at the onset and peak of the rainy season, when
torrential rains come with destructive floods, sometimes beyond the
capacity of these communities to cope with. Records show that flood
incidence has increased in frequency, spatial extent and magnitude of
impact, with each case impacting more negatively than the preceding
one. Floods affect homes and public spaces causing massive destruction
to public and household buildings and other valuables (Figs. 3 and 4).
Fig. 1. a: Classified Land Cover of Kumasi, 1986, b: Classified Land Cover of
Sometimes flood waters stay on for days and weeks affecting socio-
Kumasi, 2004, c: Classified Land Cover of Kumasi, 2016. economic activities. In severe cases, floodwaters will rise as high as
the rafters of houses, while some become completely submerged.
Flooding of compounds and rooms were observed to be widespread. The
3.2. Urban sprawl and changing land use andland cover in Kumasi
number of days affected people live under flood conditions varies
greatly depending on the location and severity of floods. Campion and
Spatio-temporal satellite image analysis of Kumasi has shown that
Venzke [32] found that it took twenty days for floodwater to dry up in
the impermeable urban land area has expanded at the expense of green
some communities while it takes more than a month in some cases.
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Table 2
Proportion of Land use/cover types based on classified 1986, 2004 and 2016 Landsat images.
Land-use/Land-cover Type Area (hectares) Percentage change
Built-up 5038.39 (23.34%) 12378.70 (57.34%) 16742.35 (77.56%) 145.69 35.25 232.30
Arable 7375.62 (34.17%) 6134.85 (28.42%) 3391.83 (15.71%) − 16.82 − 44.71 − 54.01
Vegetation 9173.31 (42.49%) 3073.77 (14.24%) 1453.14 (6.73 %) - 66.49 − 52.72 − 84.16
Total 21587.32 21587.32 21587.32 – – –
Fig. 2. Population density in Kumasi for 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, showing the expansion and densification of urban areas.
Quite a number of abandoned buildings were observed in Atonso S-line cases, human lives are lost. But life lost can’t be restored. It is worrying my
where the original owners and occupants had evacuated as they could brother. (Male participant, NADMO)
no longer cope with the floods menace (Fig. 5). In place of the original
owners, in some cases, newcomers take over by occupying these build
ings for free. 3.4. Implications of urban sprawl and land use and land cover changes for
The immediate effect of destructive floods is that people are rendered flooding
homeless when their houses collapse or are forced to relocate tempo
rarily. In the medium to long-term, households may have to go through Our findings clearly show as the city sprawls, there is loss of vege
the trouble of raising money to secure new places of residence by renting tated areas. Thus, the information in Fig. 1a, b and1c established that
or putting up entirely new buildings. Information from Table 3 shows physical development is taking place over green space. This is further
that the number of flood cases and affected people in Kumasi have supported by the population density maps shown in Fig. 2, indicating
increased steadily over the years. While 391 people were affected by that both urban sprawl and densification have occurred in the study
floods in 2013, the number rose to 3236 in 2017, about 88% increase in area. However, a direct connection between the urban sprawl and flood
4 years. Participants described the flood situation as worrying. This was incidence has not been established by this study. Instead, this study
how one of the participants put it: infers that increased urban development will indirectly lead to increased
flood incidence because of its associated creation of land surface sealing
Floods have been largely destructive. Every year, we experience severe and non-permeable areas. As shown in Table 3, the rise in flood cases
floods in many parts of the city. Both the state and households’ assets correlates with the number of persons affected. The rise in the number of
including roads, bridges, houses and other valuables are destroyed. The cases directly implies a rise in the geographical spread of flood in
repairs of these come at a huge cost to the state and individuals. In worst cidences. Spatio-temporal analysis based on the available information
shows that while floods have been persistent in some communities or
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Table 3
Flood cases, number and affected communities.
Year Number of cases Number of People affected
2004 1 30
2012 7 391
2013 12 645
2014 4 614
2015 10 1757
2016 17 2990
2017 38 3236
Source [48].
locations in Kumasi, new floods areas have also emerged (Fig. 6a-c). This
geographical spread of flood occurrences could be linked to uncon
trolled urban expansion, with these new areas inadequately connected
with the right storm drains and waste infrastructure. Geographical
expansion of flood incidences poses a serious challenge because it is an
indication of the emergence of new flood prone areas, and the associated
rise in the ecological and human costs of floods. This development may
appear worrying in light of pronouncements from government in
stitutions like NADMO that a lot of efforts are being put in place to
reduce the incidence of floods and human vulnerability in the city. As
Fig. 3. Ruins of disserted residential units after destructive floods (Aboabo).
staggering as these statistics may be, it may even be more worrying if
this is considered against the backdrop of a number of unrecorded cases.
Replacement of green and permeable land surfaces by impermeable
surfaces due to urban expansion has triggered flood incidence in
Kumasi. Interviews with key informants indicate that the basic expla
nation of perennial floods in the city is its rapid growth in population
numbers and spatial expansion. With the rapid growth of the urban
population and dwindling open space, many urban dwellers tend to use
any available space for residential and commercial activities. Flood
plains, marshy and waterlogged areas and other environmentally
dangerous areas within the city have not been spared. Human occupa
tion of river and stream buffer zones and building in waterways have led
to narrowing and obstruction of urban streams and rivers. A study by
Amoateng et al. [49] has shown that the widths of major streams that
traverse Kumasi have dwindled over the years due to urban intrusion.
The spatial extent of the urban rivers and floodplains has seen a
reduction from 38 km2 in 1985 to 6 km2 in 2013 (approximately 84%
decline), resulting in the inland water network in the city being sparsely
distributed and fragmented. But these streams and rivers will always
have a way to flow often resulting in preventable floods, loss of prop
erties and preventable deaths. A key informant put it this way:
The city has grown in both population and area. Kumasi, being strategi
Fig. 4. A flooded compound (Atonso S-line). cally located, has attracted people from different parts of the country and
outside. This comes with the provision of infrastructure requiring massive
concrete works. Concrete surfaces, however, do not allow water to
percolate. With heavy rains, and increased surface water run-off, coupled
with inadequate storm drains, floods are inevitable. But the problem is
exacerbated by unregulated spatial development over the years leading to
people building in water ways. (Male participant, NADMO)
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Fig. 6. a. Flood incidences in Kumasi from 2012 to 2013 showing their geographical expansion and persistence. b. Flood incidences in Kumasi from 2014 to 2015
showing their geographical expansion and persistence. c. Flood incidences in Kumasi from 2016 to 2017 showing their geographical expansion and persistence.
water runoff joins urban drainage systems or streams more rapidly. and rapid urbanization [26]. Although floods originate from natural
Where these streams cannot store the volumes of water that rapidly factors in the Bamenda region of Cameroon, anthropogenic modifica
drain into them during the heavy and prolonged downpour, they rise tions spearheaded by urbanization have been identified as having
more rapidly with higher rates of peak discharge . A major limitation of reinforced their frequency and magnitude [55]. Adelekan [56] noted
culverts and concrete channels provided in an urban setting is that they that the greater proportion of imperviousness resulting from urbaniza
cannot adjust to changes in the frequency of heavy rain, as natural tion in the coastal city of Lagos is a key factor in the flood incidence.
streams do [51]. The situation worsens when these drains are clogged by Such a high rate of imperviousness means that almost all the rainfall is
solid waste and silt [51]. Urban floods are simply not meteorological instantaneously converted to runoff, increasing flood occurrence even
events but are also linked to modifications that take place in the urban or without increases in the rainfall intensity [57].
built-up areas [51].
The role of green and other open spaces in reducing floods is well 3.5. Telling the flood story beyond the sprawl factor
grounded in literature. Green spaces have been linked to hydrological
improvement by limiting surface runoff and recharging ground water or It is important to note that perennial floods in urban Ghana are not
aquifer [52] and acting as both buffers and natural storm water drains solely the result of urbanization and urban growth dynamics but a
during floods [53]. Remondi et al. [54] have shown how progressive number of factors are at play. These factors are interrelated and are
clearing of forest for urban development has led to accelerated runoff hydrological, meteorological and anthropological in nature [26]. Field
and worsening flood risk. interviews show that the problem of floods in urban Ghana has to do also
A number of empirical studies have shown how urban processes are with poor urban planning and land use regulations enforcement lax. The
linked to the incidence of floods. The worsening flood problem in Accra, views of a traditional leader in an in-depth interview summed it up this
Ghana, for example, has been linked to uncontrolled urban expansion way:
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Fig. 6. (continued).
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Our planners have failed us. But you their ways into streams, and choking storm drains. A key informant said
cannot put the blame solely on them. The general public has also not been this in an in-depth interview.
supportive. All the flood problems have got to do with the Ghanaian
From what I have seen on the ground, the flood problem is self-inflicted …
attitude. If you put up a building in waterways and dispose of waste
The floods problem will not end if people continue to build in waterways
indiscriminately, what would you expect? If the institutions also fail to
and if huge volumes of refuse remain uncollected and find their way into
ensure the right thing is done, there will be lawlessness. I will also blame
drains that are already narrow. (Male participant, NADMO)
some of my colleague chiefs. (Male participant, IDI)
The inefficient management of municipal and domestic wastes as a
These findings are consistent with earlier findings [27,28,57–59]. In
factor explaining the rise and persistence of urban floods has been re
their study of causes of floods severity in Douala, Cameroon, for
ported by Owusu-Ansah [28] in Ghana. Similar findings have also been
example, Yengoh et al. [59] found massive increase in the population in
reported outside Ghana [56,57,60,61]. In the views of Amoako & Boa
association with poor planning and investment in the city’s infrastruc
mah [26] however, the specific factors such as poor physical develop
ture to be the causes rather than changing rainfall patterns. In the pre
ment control, informal housing development, building in flood-prone
ceding section, it was argued that urban expansion and associated land
areas and poor waste management are themselves indicators of rapid
use and land cover changes create conditions for floods to occur. But the
and unplanned urbanization.
link between urban growth processes and flooding is more complex than
One phenomenon that has often been blamed for increasing urban
this. Rapid urban growth and spatial spread often come with waste
flood incidence in Ghana is climate change. From Fig. 7, not only has
management challenges. Several narratives from our study participants
annual rainfall been rising marginally in the past thirty-six years
show that the current flood situation in the major cities in Ghana has
(1980–2016), but has also shown great variability. With a p-value of
been aggravated by poorly managed solid waste, most of which find
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
Fig. 6. (continued).
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
0.084 as shown in Table 4, it is clear that the positive rainfall trend is not Lands Commission, and Office of the Administrator of Stool Lands. Key
significant (p > 0.05). among them are KMA and NADMO. KMA is responsible for, among other
Key informant interviews revealed that climate change-induced in things, the provision of adequate and consistently functioning drainage
crease in rainfall and temperature rise may account for the rising flood systems for minimizing the impacts of flood hazards while also ensuring
incidence in Kumasi. This was how a participant put it when he was that bye-laws are enforced. Town and Country Planning Department is
asked if the current flood problem could have been caused by the climate responsible for planning and managing growth and development of
change phenomenon. settlements in the country; while NADMO has the responsibility for
managing disasters and related emergencies.
Yes, my brother. We can’t rule out the climate change factor. The rain
Conventionally, the approach has been to manage flood risks
comes very heavy and lasts for hours. Besides, the environment is warmer
through combined use of structural defense mechanisms, warnings sig
than it used to be. (Male participant, NADMO)
nals and emergency response. In more recent time, development con
While limited empirical studies exist linking the climate change trols and land zoning policies have been included. Since 1988,
factor to the perennial floods in Kumasi [62,63], a number of studies Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) have played
based on climate data analysis of the area have proven that the current their role as agents of development at the local and community level.
flood problem is not the result of climate change [27,28,32]. Historical The Local Government Act of 1993 (Act 462) mandates MMDAs to ex
analysis of rainfall pattern and trend by Amoateng et al. [27] from 1961 ercise deliberative, legislative and executive functions in order to bring
to 2013 shows a decreasing trend for the total annual rainfall for sustainable development to the local and community level. MMDAs
Kumasi. Besides, the rainfall pattern has a high inter-annual rainfall through the local governance system are, therefore, enjoined to tackle
variability with monthly rainfall for June, being the peak rainfall month, among other issues, flood risks challenges and the social and economic
also showing a decreasing trend. A trend analysis of heavy rainfall vulnerabilities of their people [67].
events for the same study area by Campion & Venzke [32] has shown From the in-depth interviews, it came up that influential actors are
that annual heavy rainfall events are decreasing in trend, although at an involved in the land sales business. This makes it difficult to effectively
insignificant rate. The inconsistency in the rainfall trend of the same stop people who have been allocated plots in environmentally precari
study context reported by those earlier studies and this particular study ous areas not to go ahead to develop them. A key informant from the
could partly be attributed to the different temporal scope of the histor Water Resources Commission in Kumasi explained:
ical meteorological data used for the studies [64]. While it is valid to
The perennial flooding in the city is really worrying. As a commission, we
argue that floods in the city always coincide with the rainy season, the
have clear policy guidelines (referring to the Riparian Buffer Zone Policy)
rising incidence of floods and associated vulnerability are more likely to
that seek to protect water bodies from encroachment by developers. There
be human induced than climate change. Our study, is however, incon
is a limit to which we can go. We don’t have the power to stop people from
sistent with that of Abaje [60] in Makurdi town of Nigeria where cli
building in wetlands. We don’t sell nor allocate lands. The institutions
matic factor was identified as the major cause of floods.
mandated to do this are simply not helping. They together with chiefs are
The topography of the study area is generally undulating, with a
to blame. (Female, IDI)
substantial part of the landscape made up of highlands separated by
lowlands. Elevations range from 206 m to 315 m above sea level, with Another key informant from the Hydrological Services Department
generally gentle slopes (Fig. 6). All the flood-prone communities studied noted:
were observed to be low-lying. The low and flat land could partly
We design and supervise construction of drains. We do not construct them
explain the persistence and severity of floods in these communities.
ourselves. It is normally given to contractors. In Ghana, it isn’t the case
However, previous studies [28,65] have shown that physiographic fea
that we don’t have the right caliber of professionals but it’s simply our
tures play little role in flood incidence and vulnerabilities in Ghanaian
refusal to do the right thing. We would offer the right technical advice but
may not be followed strictly due to funds unavailability when the imple
mentation comes. The failure of people to do the right thing including the
3.6. Institutional and legal contexts for flood management planners is what is causing the flooding issue. (Male, IDI)
Urban planning policy, as an instrument for reducing associated ef An officer at T&CPD, KMA who was unhappy about the perennial
fects of hydric risk is expressed by flood areas zoning, discouraging floods in Kumasi, remarked:
constructions in floodplains and offering of technical advice regarding The citizens are to blame. Why do I say so? Why should anybody in the
land use. The role of public institutions as Minea & Zaharia [66] noted is first place pay for land located in a place that you know is uninhabitable?
to restrict approvals of new construction in flooding areas and reset It would interest you to know that most of those who develop their
tlement. In urban Ghana, this is never the case. Symptomatic of the property in waterways and in other flood-prone areas do not have the
national picture, land use pattern in Kumasi can aptly be portrayed as requisite permit to do so. They are unauthorized buildings. KMA pulls
chaotic. This sounds disturbing given the number of planning regula these buildings down today and tomorrow new buildings spring up. In
tions and institutions that have been established to regulate physical most cases, we don’t have any idea about these developments. (Male, IDI)
development [31].
Institutions involved directly or indirectly in flood control and Similar blaming of others was recorded in an interaction with an
management include Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Town and officer at the Lands Commission (the Land Registration Division and the
Country Planning Department, Environmental Protection Agency, the Public and Vested Land) and the Department of Parks and Gardens. This
could probably be diversionary tactics to create the impression that they
Table 4 played no role as institutions in the flood problem.
Mann-Kendall trend statistics for annual rainfall in Kumasi. To stem the menace of perennial urban floods, then effectively
planning and managing urban space become critical. In the case of
Description Rainfall statistics
Kumasi, many institutions are involved. Key among them are the
Kendall’s tau 0.203 MMDAs, Department of Parks and Gardens (DPG), Town and Country
Mann-Kendall Statistics (S) 128.000
Planning Department (TCPD), the Office of the Administrator of Stool
Var(S) 5390.000
p-value (Two-tailed) 0.084 Lands, Forestry Commission (FC) and Lands Commission with its sub
Alpha 0.05 sidiary institutions [20]. Prevention, control or management of floods
K. Abass et al. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51 (2020) 101915
would require that these and many other institutions including NADMO, Urban Policy (2012). The coming into force of Ghana’s Land Use and
play their roles effectively. The effectiveness of these institutions to Spatial Planning law (Act 925) in 2016 was appropriate [71]. The
carry out their mandates, however, has been compromised due to the problem, however, goes beyond the presence of laws. It has to do with
following reasons: many different institutions with conflicting functions, “fair and just” enforcement and compliance efforts. If a safe, resilient
lack of effective co-ordination and collaboration, undue political inter and sustainable city as captured under goal 11 of Sustainable Develop
ference, resource constraint, negative public attitude and law enforce ment Goals is to be a reality, law enforcement is of cardinal importance.
ment lax [20,43]. Kumasi Metropolitan Authority (KMA) occasionally
organizes demolition of buildings located in environmentally precarious 4. Conclusions and policy recommendations
locations or in waterways to allow streams to flow smoothly and save the
larger community from risks of floods. However, this approach has The study provides empirical evidence on how urban sprawl induced
never worked in the desired way because of its reactive rather than impermeable surface within the context of weak institutional and leg
proactive nature. Besides, its selective nature leaves some buildings in islative frameworks results in increasing flood incidence in the urban
waterways untouched while others are cleared. This selective process setting in the developing world. It demonstrates how uncontrolled and
often degenerates into unnecessary confrontations which sometimes unplanned growth in urban Ghana has led to extensive permeable sur
attract the interventions of some influential public figures. It also comes faces being replaced by concrete surfaces and rooftops. This develop
with protracted legal tussles at the court making the demolishing exer ment has increased surface runoff, key antecedents of flood incidence.
cise ineffective. Thus, the flood situation appears to be worsening year In the face of the expanding city, effectively managing urban green
by year with the current approach to fighting floods menace giving no infrastructure is unequivocally critical for effective flood risk manage
glimmer of hope. ment. But institutional ineptitude and failure to enforce land use regu
Institutional failure also finds expression in delays associated with lations have not helped in reversing the trend. One significant step in
securing a building permit. Such undue delays only push developers to addressing the current flood challenge is law enforcement, especially
undertake building projects without permits. Botchway et al. [68] esti those having to do with land use by appropriate state institutions.
mated that between 1990 and 2000, only 7.2% of buildings in Kumasi Institutional strengthening through adequate resourcing of various in
had the requisite permits. Besides, over 80% of buildings springing up stitutions and non-interference in the performance of their duties are
had neither building permits from T&CPD nor development permits essential in ensuring positive results. Urban sprawl must be controlled
from KMA [68]. The reality is that, planning has not been able to through smart growth policies. Adopting and enforcing smart growth
effectively control the outward growth of human settlements with the policies is key not only in creating a more compact city but may also help
result that the pattern of growth of these settlements is nothing but to protect the urban greenery. In this regard, already-built-up areas
chaotic [30,31,43,69]. should be revitalized while compact urban development is promoted.
An issue of critical concern in the land use and flood management Adopting vertical building style as opposed to lateral pattern is the way
discourse is the land ownership system. A significant proportion of what to go but will require institutional commitment rather than individuals
is called stool land is held by customary institutions in trust for their to achieve this. Developing new green spaces, while mounting conscious
citizenry [70]. The nature of these land ownership and control does not efforts to protect and preserve existing ones should be an important task
give state institutions the freehand to control them for orderly physical by key stakeholders. An effective way of achieving this is to have a green
development. This land ownership arrangement presents disagreements plan or strategy in place to guide its creation and management. These
over urban space management making it more difficult for purposes of green areas would then serve as sponges that will soak surface water
its planning and management [20]. Thus, the chiefs who see themselves which otherwise would result in floods. Intensive public education using
as the rightful landowners, are powerful agents in land sale arrange the culturally oriented mass media on the benefits of urban green space
ments. They lease plots of land to individual land developers, and often to the environment, health and human survival is critical. An effective
demand rezoning of available spaces for residential or commercial uses. collaboration among all the key stakeholders including traditional au
The seeming disagreements existing between state institutions and thorities could help engender desirable results. Effective waste man
traditional landowners are central to the changing nature and use of agement regime, as well as structural flood control measures such as the
urban landscape in Kumasi [20]. This is because such disagreements provision of storm drains and desilting of existing ones, are essential in
provide the space for individual land developers to engage in land use minimizing the flood menace in Kumasi.
infractions including development in flood-prone and buffer zones with
its concomitant effects on flood incidence. Funding
One major challenge to effective land use planning in Ghana has
been the nature of our legal provisions. For many years these were This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding
contained in scattered legislations with different approaches for the agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
preparation, approval and implementation plan. This made their con
current operation not only cumbersome, but also confusing [31,71].
Declaration of competing interest
Besides, weak legislative enforcement as regards land use underlies the
haphazard development within Kumasi. It has been reported that some
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
officials of government institutions in collusion and connivance with
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
private land developers and some chiefs, make personal economic gains
the work reported in this paper.
from the sales of public land [72]. Although this was not verified in the
current analysis, other allegations of this kind are common. For as long
as these land sales bring economic returns to these actors, land con
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