Ancient Rome Board Game

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Design Your Own Board Game for Ancient Rome

In this unit we will be learning about Ancient Rome and what it means to be a world power.
One of the best ways to learn is in a game atmosphere. During the next couple of weeks you
design a board game about these two topics. This project will be done at home. Your board game
should provide answers about the following questions:
1. How did people live in the world power of Rome?
2. How did the government run the world power of Rome?
3. What will we remember about Rome?

Timeline of Events
3/12/09: Introduction of Project
3/20/09: Turn in a proposal for game board (description of how game will work)
3/31/09: Use laptops to research in class
4/17/09: Game board due in class of the assigned period
4/17/09 to 4/19/09: Playing game boards in class

Students will be able to:
 Construct a game board to better understand the topics we are/will be discussing in this
unit of Ancient Rome
 For each question above, recall 5 facts that answer the three questions.
 Identity major events from the Ancient Roman time period.
 Include key people involved in Ancient Rome.
 Utilize their knowledge of technology and research skills.
 Develop critical thinking skills.

1. None of the materials maybe store bought. This includes game boards, pawns, money, et
cetera. To avoid confusion, I do not want the students to buy monopoly, take it apart and redesign
the game.

2. Each game should include written instructions including the target age, amount of players,
materials included, directions and objectives.

3. Each game should include all the materials needed for the game to be played including the
rules, money, pawns, game board, die or spinning wheel, question cards, and et cetera.

4. Your game should be organized in a box or container. You may use a Ziplock bag or rubber
band to hold your pieces together. Do not use a tri-fold presentation board.

5. Any assignment not handed in on the assigned date in the assigned period will result in a
reduction of 10 points per day, no excuses. If you are absent, your assignment is still considered
late. You may bring it in before the due date for 5 points extra credit.
Permission Slip

I am aware of the requirements for the game board project. I understand that if I have any
questions I can contact the teacher to clear up any misunderstandings. I understand how my will
be graded. I understand that if my child's project is late his/her grade will be reduced by 10 points
per day. I understand that it is my child's responsibility to communicate with the teacher any
questions or problems before they occur.


Student's Names____________________________ (please print)

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