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Virtual On The Job Training Program

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A Portfolio presented in the Faculty of College of Criminal Justice Education in partial

fulfillment for the degree Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Submitted by:

Sinnaco, Justin L.

Submitted to:


Dean, College of Criminal Justice Education

Table of Contents

Title Page

OJT Portfolio 1

Parent’s Consent 2

Medical Certificate 3

Narrative/Reflection Report 6

Case Research 34

Certificates 51

Performance Evaluation Rating

On the job training is a form of training students like us in a normal working situation

where we can apply it in the near future when we have work. Normal working situations means

that the trainee is on actual working position environment.

As a student, for me OJT is part of the college curriculum that completes and makes use of the

knowledge we have learned through the past 4 years of lecturing us by our instructors. It

introduce us, the students, about actual works and our future career. OJT is very important to us

because it will show us the reality about working condition and there are so many things that

would be added to our learning.

When a student is undergoing an internship, there would be a chance that the trainee may

absorbed or offered a job after graduation. It is an advantage to experience this internship, the

experience that we have encountered will be absorbed by us and will be used in the future after


Also OJT or internship is the best way to learn real life situation and it gives us the idea on what

to be a real worker or it gives us the idea of career realities that we have chosen.
OJT should not be taken for granted because it is important. It will bring us on our future career.

Nowadays, the competition is tight towards job-seeker and high qualification especially here in

Philippines. This time of pandemic made it harder to seek for a job, a lot of Filipinos lost their

jobs, so for me as a criminology intern, being a criminology and a future registered criminologist

will bring me a secured job, a full time job, and good benefits when i work on government

agencies such as the Tri-Bureau.


December 09, 2020

On this day Dr. Mylene C. Eublera PhD met us via google meet on 9am. We started the

class with an introduction of what will be the scope of our Virtual On the job training, our

lecturers will come from PNP, BFP and BJMP. Dr. Eublera explained to us that there are three
phases, The first phase is the pre-immersion phase, second is the immersion phase and third is

the post immersion phase.

December 10, 2020

On this day, Our hair and uniform were inspected by Dr. Mylene C. Eublera from head to

toe. Some of us didn't have a haircut some are in incomplete uniform. She also explained to us

how to answer an interview and also she gave us some tips on how to answer it correctly.

December 11, 2020

On this day, we did our first PNP Dozen Exercise via google meet. There were three

warm up exercise, which is the stort walk, bobber, and backfield crouch. Our main exercise is

consist of 12 pnp dozen exercise which are high jumper, squat bender, squat thrust, bend and

reach, four-counts push up, knee bender, trunk twister, turn and bounce, eight-count push up,

side bender, mountain climbing and bottoms-up.


The three day meeting of us gave me remarkable knowledge especially the tips of Dr.

Mylene C. Eublera about interviews inside training. And also that physical fitness and neat and

tact uniform is essential in order to have their respect.


January 17, 2021

On this day, PSSg Ryan Castillo met us the Criminology intern of Dr. Mylene C. Eublera

PhD and our beloved university, Panpacific University North Philippines via Google Meet. He is

a member of Special Action force for 6 years graduated from commando class 72 in the year

2015 and also graduated from coast guard intelligence course in 2019. And recently graduated in

criminal investigation course this year. He was assigned at Mindanao in drug enforcement group.

The discussion starts with the basic responsibilities of an investigator. He also discussed the

vision and mission of PNP which is "Imploring the aid of the almighty, by 2030, we shall be a

highly capable, effective and credible police service,working in partnership with a responsive

community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work, and do business.” And “To

enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes,

to maintain peace and order, and to ensure public safety and internal security with the active

support of the community.” He then explain the 4 core values of being a good policeman which

is to be makadiyos, makatao, makakalikasan and makabayan.

Those four should really be considered when you are serving the people because if one of it is

not present to your character, I would say you’re not fit to serve the people. He also told as his

experienced when he was recruited way back 2013. He said that they are the “Special” Action

Force but wondering why they have insufficient equipment. He don’t know if there was no funds

or just corruption.

He also added that the facilities are not that good too. But he is hoping that the vision and

mission of PNP by 2030 will attained sufficient funds, good equipment as well as the trust of the

people. In the next topic he tackled about the function of the law enforcement. Prevent and

investigate crime and apprehend the offender, deter the crimes

and lessen criminalities. But be wary not to violate the rights of the accused. After that, he also

discussed Police Patrol and its different types. Which is foot patrol, bicycle patrol, motorcycle

patrol, automobile patrol and k9 patrol. These types of patrol have advantages and disadvantages.

Foot patrol advantage is that it is easy to access narrow paths and many obstacles and you don’t
need a gasoline and also you can communicate to the community much often, while motorcycle

patrol speeds up your patrol and can access narrow paths but you need gasoline to use it.

On the other hand the bicycle patrol is in between the two. The automobile patrol is much faster

than the rest but the disadvantage is you cannot acess narrow paths and also very seldom to attain

police community relation. And the last topic was investigation, he told us that the most

important to secure during a crime incident is to secure the life of the victim first then secure the

crime scene and etc. He also told us that you can sellout your job as an investigator and accept to

bribe but it is

up to you, God’s watching. So don’t go to the path of easy money, learn to work hard and earn

your money clean.

January 26, 2021

On this day, our today’s speaker was PCpl. Mandoleo M. Lopez, who was introduced by

our honorable Dean Dr. Mylene C. Eublera. He was a B.S. Education Major in Agricultural

Fisheries at Pangasinan State University in the year 2008. He is also a former secondary school

teacher at Saint Anthony Abot Villasis, Pangasinan. Designated as prefect of discipline in they

year 2009-2011. He entered PNP on November 01, 2011, graduated in the field of criminal

investigation course in the year 2015 and was assigned as investigator in San Quintin,
Pangasinan. He also took B.S. Criminology at PUNP Urdaneta. We started our discussion with

Investigation. The shortest meaning of it is the act of gathering facts, information or data.

It is considered as the backbone of police operation. He also told us what is s1 s2 s3 and s7 in

PNP. The s1 is the administration, s2 is the intelligence, s3 is the operation and the s7 is the

investigation. He also said that you can be an administration officer but not an investigator, you

can be in operation officer but not an investigator, but if you’re an investigator you can be

administrator officer or operation officer etc. Being an investigator must aim the 3 folds of it

which is to identify the guilty party. Locate the guilty party, and to provide the evidence of his

guild. He also discussed what is anatomy of crime, the three components of it are motive,

opportunity and instrumentatility. When one of this is successfully deterred then you prevented a

crime to happen. He also questioned us what is an arrest. Arrest is taking a person into custody in

order that he/she maybe bound to answer the commission of an offense. There are 2 types of

arrest, arrest with warrant and arrest without warrant.

The warrantless arrest is only applicable if you caught the person in the act of commission of

crime or if he is a fugitive. He also discussed about illegal detention if you’re a civilian and

arbitrary detention if you’re a public official. Two types of investigation are inquest proceedings

and preliminary investigation. These are the phases of investigation. First is to identify the

suspect through confession, eyewitness, circumstantial evidence or associate evidence.

Also if it is related to women or children he is not the one who held cases. The one who held is

the officer assigned in women and children protection desk. He told us the story of a mother who

reported in police station that her 14 year old daughter was raped in the night. The policewoman

officer was doubtful because minors are not allowed to go out during the night but still they

investigated it watched CCTV and connected each clip of various cctv and they proved that no

rape was committed. Their conclusion was the girl were just making an excuse to her mother in

order to avoid conflicts. And back to the phases, the phase 2 is to locate and apprehend the

suspect. Phase 3 gather and establish

the guilt of the accused. In order to established these phases PCpl Mandoleo M. Lopez told us

that you need to use the 5 senses plus one sense which is the common sense.

January 27, 2021

On this day our today’s speaker was PSSG Jayson Cariaga of the San Quintin Police Station.

This is the continuation of the discussion done by PCpl. Mandoleo M. Lopez which is the

Criminal Investigation. The objectives of investigative reporting is to provide the participants the
knowledge on the preparation of reports as required by the existing policies of the PNP.

Communicate effectively through the use of spoken and printed word express their thoughts

clearly and concisely when writing a police report. Value the importance of correct report

writing. The meaning of investigative reporting is the objective statement of the investigator's

findings, it is an official record which the investigator submits to his/her superior. The

communication must also be considered. He also dicussed the difference between report,

reporting and report writing. The first is a detailed

account of an event situation etc. usually based on observation or inquiry, second is knowingly

passing along information to someone else and the last one is a communication that lends itself

to a useful tool for people in a free society to express their thoughts and ideas and to obtain what

they need or want. When establishing an investigation you must also take only the fact, don’t

mislead or conceal the truth.

It is also important to take note of the important events to use it on court. Also if you make a

report, it must be in a chronological order in order to not mislead the information and it is easy to

understand. We also tackled about the importance of investigative reporting. They serve as

records for police administrators in planning, directing, and organizing the unit's duties. Reports

can be used as legal documents in the prosecution of criminals. Reports can be used by other

agencies. Reports can be useful to local media which need access to public documents. The
author of a report should also consider that his/her (written) work is reflective of his/her

personality. Reports can be a basis for research.

You must also prepare when writing a report. You must review and organized the note that

you’ve taken. Draw an outline in chronological sequence, review for completeness and actual

writing of the report. The criteria for these are, it must be grammatically correct, abbreviation

must be used appropriately and correctly. The report should avoid slang, colloquialism or

unnecessary technical terms. After that we tackled about requisites of a good investigation

report. The first is the accuracy, second is the completeness of it, third is brevity, fourth is you

must be fair, fifth are the form and style, sixth is you must have the clarity, seventh is you must

be specific when writing a report and lastly the most important is the timeliness.

February 01, 2021

On this day, our today’s speaker was PSSg Jayson Cariaga. While waiting for others to

join us and to kill the time. Sir Cariaga told us a story. “i have this friend of mine who is a

middleclass man and has the hobby of motorbikes. He had a vehicular accident because of this

accident he's 1 foot got

amputated, now because they can afford to go to hospital his foot was replaced by prosthethics, it

was so good that you can't tell if it is fake.

He is now married with a woman in america. Now this woman didnt know that her husband have

a prosthethics. They both went to america and have their honeymoon, they went to the hotel

running around and the husband stumbled while running and got his prosthetics removed. Now

the wife called her mother, mother i discovered the secret of my husband he has only 1 foot, oh

you're lucky because your father has only 6 inches." Not all laugh because not all got the joke,

some of them laugh because they immediately got it including me. He told us that it is just to

pass the time while waiting for our other classmates.

After that we discussed some of section in R.A. 9165, Section 5 which is the sale trading,

administration, dispensation and delivery, section 12 which is the possession of drug

paraphernalia, the penalty of this is 6 months and 1 day to 4 years with a fine of 10,000 pesos to

50,000 pesos. Section 15 use

of dangerous drugs, when you caught for the first time they will send you to a rehabilitation

center for 6 months, when you caught for the second time you will have an imprisonment from 6

year and 1 day to 12 years with a fine of 50,000 pesos to 200,000 pesos. There are also

intervention for this which is the buy bust operation, implementation of search warrant and the

conduct of oplan sita/checkpoint. Section 21 of R.A. 9165 the court will look into whether the

arresting officers involved adhered to the step by step outline in sec 21 R.A. 9165 chain of

custody. Chain of custody means the duly recorded authorized movements and custody of seized

drugs. The first is 1 that the seized items be put in inventory and photographed after confiscation.
That the physical inventory and photographing must be done in the presence of accused, his/her

representative/counsel, an elected public official, a representative from media, and a

representative from Department of Justice. The next topic is the Anti-carnapping law or the R.A.

6539 as amended by R.A. 10883. Carnapping is the taking with intent to gain a motor vehicle

belonging to another person. It is also illegal to deface or tamper the serial number of a vehicle,

repainting it with another color is also prohibited, body-building, remodeling, dismantling and

tampering have the penalty of not less than 2 years and not more than 6 years.

The penalty of carnapping is from 20 years and 1 day but not more than 30 days. We also tackled

about Illegal gambling, these are some of its type, jueteng, masiao, last two. The bettor can be


from 30 days to 90 days while the personnel is 6 years and 1 day to 8 years. The law that

prohibits those is P.D. 1602 and ammended by R.A. 8297. The manager or operator can also be

imprison ranging from 12 years and 1 day to 14 years, the financer is 14 years and 1 day to 16

years and the worst is the protector or coddler which is 16 years and 1 day to 20 years. The last

topic that we tackled was the Anti Violence Against Women and Children or the R.A. 9262.

There are various type of violence

through women and children the first example is physical violence which is to inflict pain

physically, the second is sexual violence which is to commit sexual desire to a women or a child,

psychological violence who you inflict violence through mind, economic abuse which can attain

when you as a father don’t give or don’t give enough support economically to your wife or

children. And lastly the battered woman syndrome which is the series of violence to a woman.


In the span of three weeks with PNP they gave us a lot of knowledge regarding

investigation, first responder’s role, and their perspective to us as aspiring registered

criminologist and soon to be professionals, they gave us tip and knowledge about the recruitment

and what is their opinion when it comes on choosing what’s our future. They gave me insights

and new perspective on choosing a job not only will provide a salary but the one that is

compatible with our passion and the one that is practical.


February 09, 2021

On this day, the Bureau of Fire Protection - Balungao met us the Criminology intern of

Dr. Mylene C. Eublera PhD and our beloved university, Panpacific University North Philippines

via Google Meet. FO1 Benji Mercado and FO3 Bert Dareen Sison impart their knowledge to us
regarding laws that is related to the Bureau of Fire Protection such as P.D. 1185 or the Fire Code

of the Philippines, R.A. 9263 etc. FO3 Bert Dareen Sison also explains that being a fireman is

not only to fight fire, but also they have lot of responsibilities on contrary of what people think

that they have an easy life.

He told us that they are also responsible in the safety of people, they conduct fire safety

inspection annually and also he told us that they are also the who process documents regarding

fire safety of a building. They have a rule to comply which states that they need to ensure

public safety and promote economic development through prevention and suppression of all

kinds of destructive fires. While we are listening to him, FO3 Bert Dareen Sison encourage us

not only to take one possible job related to our program but also take as many as we can, because

in this time of pandemic, being practical is the best to survive.

February 11, 2021

On this day FO3 Bert Dareen Sison shared a new lecture to us regarding fire protections

and fire hazards and also some laws. The fire protection is the application of science and

engineering principles to protect people, their properties and environment from destructive fires

he also added the P.D. 1185 who signed by the former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo which

is “An Act Establishing a Comprehensive Fire Code of the Philippines repealing PD 1185 where
the major thrust of fire prevention programs of BFP was born. They study the structure of

facilities and buildings to make an assessment and suggestion to put a safety measures to prevent


He also told us about the common fire hazards the some people usually do, these are the

improper use of gas stove, kitchen fire unattended, electrical system overloaded, combustible

areas and materials etc. In order to give us an awareness he shares the news about Kentex slipper

factory fire. On May 13, 2015, a fire broke out at Kentex, a small manufacturer of flip flops and

other rubber shoes in Valenzuela City. 72 were killed in the fire making the incident the third

worst fire incident in the Philippines after the Ozone Disco Club Fire in 1996 and The Manor

Hotel fire in Quezon City in 2001 killed 162 and 75. The BFP also helps the government to earn

some tax through the fire safety inspection.

February 19, 2021

On this day we tackled about first aid together with FO3 Bert Dareen Sison of BFP

Balungao. We learned that a bystander with knowledge can be a first aider which is to give

care to a person who is injured or ill. Making an assessment and intervention that can be

performed with minimal or no medical equipment. These are the roles and responsibilities of a

first aider. They are the one who fills the gap between the victim and physician, determines any

threat to a victim’s life. FO3 Bert Dareen Sison explained to us the primary objective of a first

aider which is to alleviate pain and suffering to prolong life of the victim etc.

He also added that if you think you can’t do it right, don’t do it because it may worsen the

condition of the injured person. Also you should consider being gentle, resourceful, tactful,

observant, empathic and respectable first aider so that the victim will trust you. There are

also problems encountered by first aider in giving first aid. These are the examples, unfavourable

surroudings such as when there is typhoon, or during earthquake and other natural calamities.

The pressure and presence of crowds makes distraction

to you. He also noted that when you’re giving a first aid you should also take care about yourself

because touching a injured person’s body fluid might have a contagious disease so you should

also consider yourself in safety. We also tackled about equipments and types of wounds before

closing the meet.

February 20, 2021

On this day, PO3 Bert Dareen Sison of BFP Balungao shared a knowledge regarding

Rescue Operation. He told us that rescue is at a span of under 36 hours, and if above 36 hours it

is now called retrieval operation. Rescue Operation is very crucial when it comes to time,

because every seconds and minutes pass the more dangerous it will become not only to the

victim but also for the rescuer considering the dangers around.

There are a lot of types of rescue, these are only the examples Structural Collapse Search and

Rescue, Water Search and Rescue where the water current is your enemy when it comes to

rescuing someone underneath, Trench rescue where someone is trap below a

manhole etc. In order to do search and rescue, the Bureau of Fire Protection must know the


Techniques and have equipment such as rope accessory, harness, webbings etc. Tactical

consideration must also present, there are 4 phases of this, the phase 1 is being the assessment of

arrival phase 2 which is prerescue operation, phase 3 the rescue operation and last phase is the

termination. These is all our discussion for the morning.

In the afternoon of the same day, we tackled about fire safety presented by PO3 Bert Dareen

Sison. He told us that the first and foremost enemy of fire is the pre-fire planning where it is

consider as proactive. Pre-fire planning includes the inspection of BFP regarding fire safety of a
building or structure to prevent fire break out. These are the examples life hazard and smoke

travel, contents of the building, ventilation problems, building access, hazardous materials etc.

In case of fire proceed to the next step which is the size up, size up is making an assessment of

the weather, time of the day, what is burning, equipment and water suppply before going to fight

the fire. The third phase is the most

important which is to secure lives of people. The fourth phase is the safety of the rescuer where

he is exposed to danger such as debris, smoke and fire which also must consider. The fifth is to

confine the fire in smallest possible are to avoid spreading.

Sixth is the ventilation which is to remove heat pressure smoke gases and flame to avoid

explosion, salvage for quick extinguish of fire but be careful as PO3 Bert Sison said that you

should also consider the property that maybe damaged during the suppression of fire such as

gadgets of the victims. He also added what is backdraft and flashover.

Backdraft is a hot gases that are ready to ignite but insufficient of oxygen. Flashover is the

immediate spread of the

fire throughout the building. He also share his knowledge regarding what is heat transfer. There

are 3 heat transfer the first is radiation which is caused by electromagnetic waves just like the

sun. The second is conduction - transfer of heat between substance that are in direct contact to

the heat the good example of conductor is iron.

The last type is convection which is the transfer by mass motion of a fluid such as air or water.

And our last topic for this day was the equipment of firefighters, their tools water hose, cutting

tools, prying tools, pushing pulling tools, striking tools and through the lock tools.


The whole lectures of BFP-San Quintin was interesting because it is all about how to

save a life of a person during danger, how to provide first aid and proper care. They also opened

our eyes to see what’s the other responsibilities of being an BFP officer not only to fight the fire

but also a lot of

responsibilities like saving properties and lives, conducting search and rescue operation and

conducting fire safety etc. I learned a lot because there were clarity and it is direct to the point


March 13, 2021

We welcome Jail Senior Inspector Michael R. De Jesus the former classmate of Dr.

Mylene c. eublera in her master's degree, he studied B.S. Criminology in PCST Urdaneta (now

Panpacific University)batch 2001. We welcomed him via google meet. We discussed about what

is the role of BJMP as an agency of the government, and what has changed after we have the
lockdown due to covid-19 pandemic. The mission of BJMP is to To enhance public safety by

ensuring humane safekeeping and development of Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) in all

district, city, and municipal jails for their reintegration to society. While the vision of them is to

be a premier institution highly regarded by society for the secure and humane treatment of

Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) by its competent and motivated corps. He gave us ideas why

BJMP is essential to the community and what does the agency do. Their primary and most

important client for them is the Persons Deprived with Liberty (PDL) because they need to take

care of them in order to reform them and to be a law abiding citizen once again. They are very

strict but not inhumanely strict when it comes to their client which is the PDLs contrabands,

JSInsp. De Jesus told us that not only the PDLs are taken care of but also their personnels who

guards and administer them, there are many function of BJMP. He told us some of it which is to

implement strong security measures for the control of inmates; provide for the basic need of

inmates; provide for the basic need of inmates, conduct actiities for the development of inmates;

improve jail facilities and promote the general welfare and developent personnel.

There are these so called PROTECTS which stands for professionalism, teamword,

efficiency/competence, commitment and self discipline, a core values that a personnel must

have. After

that he taught us about their minor programs for the inmates in order to reform theirselves and

not think about bad deeds. These are the livelihood projects for inmates in order to support their
families while inside the jails serving their sentence, education and vocation training in order for

them to gain new knowledge,

recreation and sports to enhanced their physical fitness and religious spiritual activities to

strengthen their relationship to God. Their major programs are inmates custody, security and

control program to ensure that no one is harm from both side the personnel and the PDLs.

Second is inmates welfare and development program for their reformation in order for them to be

fit in the society. Third is decongestion program, we all know that population is increasing

everyday not only in the philippines but all around the world, and it is also a problem for jails

and correction especially here in the philippines where there is a lack of facilities and a lot of

inmates. In order for them to decongest the jails they need our help.

They cannot do it alone. Lastly good governance to avoid corruption inside jails. He also told is

about the salary of being a member of the BJMP it was the same as PNP and BFP the only

difference is their roles and responsibilities. It is up to us which job is our passion. He also told

us that being a BJMP officer made him friends because they took care of inmates and

made them reform theirselves is a satisfactory as they serve their duties.

In a short amount of time, or rather in just one day JSInsp. Michael De Jesus provide us

short yet meaningful lectures. He gave us new perception on what’s being an BJMP officer is

like. It is not an easy job, but it is rewarding since you will have a chance to change the heart of

the Persons Deprived with Liberty into Law abiding citizen of the Philippines. It is also

rewarding to see them thanking you for what you’ve done just because you did your job well and

you did treat them humanely.





The first case of Covid-19 infection in the Philippines involved a visiting Chinese

national, reported on 30 January 2020. On 16 March an ECQ was declared for the whole of
Luzon, which is home to more than half of the national population of 110 million. Luzon

includes Metro Manila and accounts for 70 per cent of the GDP.

To contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, the government declared a national quarantine

programme. The quarantine came in the form of a strict lockdown baptized by the Inter-Agency

Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) as the ‘enhanced

community quarantine’ or ECQ. To implement the ECQ, President Rodrigo Duterte mobilised

the police and military.

A National Task Force Covid-19 (NTF Covid-19, or NTF for short) was constituted to serve as

the implementing partner of the IATF. The NTF is headed by a former Chief of the Armed

Forces, General Carlito Galvez. The NTF is backed up by the Department of National Defence

(DND), the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Department of Social

Work and Development (DSWD).

As of now the covid-19 cases in the philippines is 607,000 cases, 547,000 recovered and 12,608

unfortunately died. In this time of pandemic, Health-workers, law enforcement agencies and the

community must do their part in order to fight this covid-19. In this topic I will elaborate the

roles and responsibilities of a law enforcement officer during the said virus.

Police officers in the philippines are facing a never known challenges due to the COVID-

19 pandemic. These challenges are somewhat the same activities that the police are asked to

perform but with a bit of a twist because of the changing nature of the

police role during pandemic. Although health workers are the frontliners, we should not exclude

the tri-bureau in this time of pandemic because their services are overwhelmed by extra missions

due to the emergency: enforcing public health protocols, including quarantines or travel

restrictions, securing health care facilities, controlling crowds from boundary to boundary of

places, assisting with handling mass fatalities, protecting national stockpiles of vaccines or other

medicines and even public education and risk communication.

While the role of PNP during security and threats and emergencies is well defined by the

guidelines, it is far from clear during the COVID-19 Pandemic, maybe because one of their role

is to apprehend a person, on the otherhand this time of pandemic their enemy is somewhat not a

person but a person carrying a virus cannot be seen by a naked eye.

President Duterte recognizes PNP’s role in coronavirus fight he said that "“I likewise extend our

appreciation for your selfless service as frontliners in our fight against COVID-19 pandemic. I

ask you to ensure that the PNP will remain pandemic-resilient by adopting protective protocols

in the new normal,” President Duterte said in a video message Thursday. I ask you to ensure that

the PNP will remain pandemic-resilient by adopting protective protocols in the new normal"


This time of pandemic the policing traditionally look at chaos as disturbances and rule-

breaking situations that are out of control. What have we learned from chaos? Can chaos

contribute to a better and more service oriented policing organization? Questions are important

to ask, to identify and define answers and promote solutions to challenges we see as problems.

To move forward in these difficult and complex times, we must gather information, study it and

deliver the best conclusions to instill

best practices. Policing personnel cannot be apprehensive about chaos.

Chaos has been in the forefront of human history since the inception of time. Police Officers

throughout history have experience chaos in the communities. When the pandemic hit the

PHilippines and practically all over the world, service-oriented organizations began to dread the

new situation. The unknown is a variable hard to embrace and quantify therefore, as law

enforcement agencies began to worry and some contemplated the ill-advised possibility of

implementing new policies and procedures to confront this demanding and sustainable crisis. As

a law enforcement officer, we must see and recognize a deeper meaning about the pandemic.
We must trust the workers of chaos as part of our everyday encounters. It’s important to denote

that as part of our everyday functions and services we can see and appreciate that the policy and

procedural shape of our organization can be maintained if we retain clarity, flexibility and

responsiveness about the purpose

and direction of the organization. If chaos overwhelms normal and adaptive conditions within the

agency then police administrators and Leaders of the organization are compelled the use of

innovative efforts and alliances to restore stability, this is called Bifurcation. It’s not about what

spins out of control, but the ultimate value is how order is restored against seemly

insurmountable adversity (Swanson, R.S., Territo, L. & Taylor, R.W., 2017). As leaders in police

agencies we must see and embrace chaos as an opportunity to know the capacity and capabilities

of our policies and procedures and to “Bifurcate” if the situation demands it.

References :

Republic of the Philippines Department of Health | February 06, 2020 | 2019-NCOV

CASE TRACKER | https://www.doh.gov.ph/nod

Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y, et al | 2020 | Clinical features of patients

infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China | https://www.sciencedirect.com/


David Clarke | Building Bridges: A Chaotic Approach to the Criminal Justice System |


k/staff/ddc/c8cxpa/further/Dissertation_examples/Andrews_15. pdf

Republic of the Philippines Department of Health | February 7, 2021 | Research Institute for

Tropical Medicine | http://ritm.gov.ph/





The Bureau of Fire Protection was created by virtue of RA 6975 primarily to perform

prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on building, forest, land transportation

vehicles, ships, installation and other similar activities. These responsibilities of BFP is not only

limited to them but also for us to help them prevent matters that may cause to start a fire.

The Philippines continues to experience disastrous fires, often marking some of the worst fire

incidents in history.

On May 13, 2015, a fire broke out at the Kentex Manufacturing factory in Valenzuela City,

wherein 74 people were killed after being trapped inside the burning shoes-and-slippers factory.
It is the third worst fire incident in the Philippines after the 1996 Ozone Disco Club fire that

killed 162 and the 2001 Manor Hotel fire that led to the death of 75 people. In all three cases,

buildings were totally burned or destroyed, huge amounts of investment went up in smoke in a

matter of hours and those who were lucky enough to escape and survive suffered the tragedy of

losing their jobs, their source of income and livelihood. Fast forward to the present-day scenario,

the Philippines remains washed up in fighting fire, if not preventing it from happening.


Firefighting is a very risky business. But Filipino firefighters are among the bravest in

battling blazes. Despite lacking in firefighting equipment, they are known to charge toward

burning buildings while others scamper for safety. Sometimes, firefighters themselves are

seriously injured, or killed, while doing their jobs. This seldom happens, thanks to proper


The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the primary agency responsible for fire prevention and

fighting fire, is one of the most undermanned government agencies created for the gargantuan

task of preventing fire, if not fighting fires when they do happen. The BFP’s annual

appropriations also fall beyond what can be described as “desirable”.

In 2017, total new appropriations for the BFP is slightly less than P13 million. The majority of

this budget, about P11 million, is for personnel services, meaning salary and allowances of its

personnel. The BFP’s funds last year also went to maintenance and other operating expenses

(P1.5 million). Only P543,606 was set aside as capital outlay.

The budget was for the 24,095 men and women of the BFP. Of this total number of personnel,

1,086 are officers with the rank of Fire Inspector up to Director. Non-uniformed personnel, those


perform clerical or office-based duties, numbered to about 416. Often, only those with the rank

ranging from Fire Officer (FO) 1 to Senior FO 4, numbering 22,593, are out in the field. Some

officers are known to still “volunteer” and help out in actual fire-fighting activities. But not all of

them are allowed to fight fire as each battle requires each of them to wear complete gear, which

is not available at all times.

THE BFP is doubly short. It is short of firefighters, with the ideal ratio of 1 firefighter per 2,000

people or population. The BFP is also short of all-important fire trucks and other firefighting

equipment. With its current population running up to 100 million, the Philippines needs at least

50,000 personnel doing actual firefighting on the field. Hence, the actual number of firefighters

is short by more than 100 percent.

Moreover, considering the vastness of the territory that requires firefighting, the BFP is short of

fire stations, fire trucks,

fire hoses, nozzles and breathing apparatus that could boost or enhance the BFP’s fire-fighting

capability. Currently, there are 2,245 fire trucks nationwide, but only 1,958, or 87 percent, are

serviceable or in working condition. Only nearly 163 are classified as unserviceable and 124 are

“under repair.” The BFP is also short of “serviceable” fire hoses and nozzles. Ideally, the BFP

should have 31,430 fire hoses, but based on the latest inventory, only 24,245 hoses are

serviceable, leaving a shortage of 7,185 fire hoses. The ideal number of fire nozzles is 8,980, but

the number of serviceable fire nozzles is 5,876, short of 3,104 units. A total of 8,980 sets of self-

contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is the ideal number for the BFP. But the BFP only has

1,938 SCBA units, short of 7,042.


Government is not only the one who could prevent it but us wearing discipline and knowledge to

prevent the fire and also to prevent the spread of the covid-19.
References :

Republic of the Philippines Bureau of Fire Protection | January 18, 2016 | Memorandum

Circular that prescribes the specific guidelines for the implementation of the Bureau of Fire

Protection | https://bfp.gov.ph/3956-2/#.YFgiaa8za00

Jethro Mullen, CNN | May 14, 2015 | 72 killed in fire at footwear factory in Philippines |



Nicai De Guzman | March 18, 2018 | The Ozone Disco Tragedy: 25 Years and Still

Burning Our Minds | https://www.esquiremag.p

h/culture/lifestyle/ozone-disco-tragedy-1996-a1729-20190318- lfrm

Gabriel Pabico Lalu | April 01, 2019 | 9 convicted in case of deadly QC Manor Hotel fire

in 2001 | https://newsinfo.inquir

er.net/1101825/9-convicted-in-case-of-deadly-qc-manor-hotel- fire-in-2001



The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) exercises supervision and control

over all city and municipal jails, including their establishment and maintenance in every district,

city and municipality for a secure, clean, adequately equipped and sanitary jail for the custody

and safekeeping of city and municipal prisoners, any fugitive from justice, or person detained

awaiting investigation or trial and/or transfer to the national penitentiary, including violent

mentally ill person who endangers himself or the safety of others, duly certified as such by the

proper medical or health officer, pending transfer to a mental institution.

During this time of pandemic, not only Department of Health should take an aciton against

COVID-19 but also other Department including BJMP, to lessen

the transmission of this disease, BJMP freed over 15,000 prisoners to decongest jails.


The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology has released more than 15,000 prisoners as

the Philippines races to halt coronavirus infections in its overcrowded jail (DILG July 10, 2020)

The 15,322 persons deprived of liberty were released from March 17 to June 22 by the “authority

of courts” following a directive by the Supreme Court to send home those awaiting trial but

remain in prison because they could not afford bail. Of the total number of released prisoners, the

DILG said 5,910 are from Metro Manila, 1,557 are from Calabarzon, 1,487 from Central

Visayas, 1,041 from Central Luzon, 897 from Zamboanga Peninsula, 762 from Northern
Mindanao and the rest are from other regions. The majority of the freed inmates were senior

citizens and those with “light or bailable offenses,” the DILG said in a statement.

Interior Secretary Eduardo Año said there are 783 COVID-19 cases in various BJMP detention

centers and 549 of those who tested positive for the virus have recovered. Meanwhile, the total

count of infected BJMP personnel now stands at 135 with 90 recoveries.


The action taken by BJMP is a must to lessen the transmission of the said disease inside jails and

not all prisoners were freed, they were the senior citizens and those with light or bailable


References :

International Committee of the Red Cross | March 24, 2020 | COVID-19: Lessons from

Philippines jails show how to fight infectious coronavirus disease | https://www.icrc.org/en/doc

ument/philippines-amidst-covid-19-outbreak-icrc-focuses-one- most-vulnerable-

Republic of the Philippines, Department of Health | May 01, 2020 | DOH, OTHER AGENCIES





Aleta Nieva-Nishimori | July 08, 2020 | Over 18,000 detainees released to decongest jails

during pandemic - BJMP | https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/07/08/20/over-18000-detainees-


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