Reference - Manual - INTERFASES XPR

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Reference Manual MT-SICS Interface Commands

for XPR and XSR Balances

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 3

2 Command Formats 4
2.1 Conventions ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Response formats ........................................................................................................ 5
2.2.1 Format of responses with weight value ............................................................ 5
2.2.2 Format of responses without weight value........................................................ 6
2.3 Error messages ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Command-specific error messages ................................................................. 7
2.3.2 General error messages ................................................................................. 8
2.4 Tips for programmers ................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Read only ................................................................................................................... 11

3 Commands and Responses 12

@ – Abort ................................................................................................................... 12
A10 – Target weight and tolerances ............................................................................... 13
A36 – Result identification label and value...................................................................... 14
A37 – Task identification label and value........................................................................ 16
C0 – Adjustment setting................................................................................................ 18
C1 – Start adjustment according to current settings.......................................................... 20
C3 – Start adjustment with built-in weight ....................................................................... 21
D – Write text to display................................................................................................ 22
DAT – Date.................................................................................................................. 23
DW – Show weight ...................................................................................................... 24
I0 – Currently available MT-SICS commands................................................................... 25
I1 – MT-SICS level and level versions ............................................................................. 26
I2 – Device data (Type and capacity)............................................................................. 28
I3 – Software version number and type definition number ................................................. 29
I4 – Serial number ....................................................................................................... 30
I5 – Software material number....................................................................................... 31
I10 – Device identification............................................................................................. 32
I11 – Model designation............................................................................................... 33
I14 – Device information .............................................................................................. 34
K – Keys control .......................................................................................................... 36
M01 – Weighing mode................................................................................................. 38
M02 – Environment condition ....................................................................................... 39
M03 – Zero drift compensation...................................................................................... 40
M11 – Key beeper volume ............................................................................................ 41
M12 – Acoustic beep signal.......................................................................................... 42
M19 – Adjustment weight ............................................................................................. 43
M21 – Unit ................................................................................................................. 44
M23 – Readability, 1d/xd ............................................................................................. 48
M29 – Weighing value release ...................................................................................... 49
M37 – Draft shield door opening width........................................................................... 50
M40 – Inner draft shield door opening width ................................................................... 51
PWR – Switch on / Switch off ........................................................................................ 52
S – Stable weight value ................................................................................................ 53
SI – Weight value immediately ...................................................................................... 54
SIR – Weight value immediately and repeat .................................................................... 55
SIRU – Weight value in display unit immediately and repeat ............................................. 56
SIU – Weight value in display unit immediately ............................................................... 58
SM0 – Dynamic weighing: Cancel all SMx commands..................................................... 59
SM1 – Dynamic weighing: Start immediately and send the result ...................................... 60
SM2 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded send result ................... 61
SM3 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded, send result and repeat .. 63

MT-SICS Interface Commands Table of Contents 1

SM4 – Dynamic weighing: Time interval......................................................................... 65
SNR – Send stable weight value and repeat on stable weight change................................. 66
SNRU – Send stable weight value with currently displayed unit and repeat on stable weight
change ....................................................................................................................... 68
SR – Send stable weight value and repeat on any weight change ...................................... 70
SRU – Send stable weight value with currently displayed unit and repeat on any weight
change ....................................................................................................................... 72
ST – Stable weight value on pressing the (transfer) key .................................................... 74
SU – Stable weight value in display unit ......................................................................... 75
T – Tare ...................................................................................................................... 76
TA – Tare weight value ................................................................................................. 77
TAC – Clear tare weight value ........................................................................................ 78
TI – Tare immediately ................................................................................................... 79
TIM – Time.................................................................................................................. 80
TST3 – Test with built-in weight ..................................................................................... 81
WS – Draft shield doors................................................................................................ 83
Z – Zero ...................................................................................................................... 85
ZI – Zero immediately ................................................................................................... 86

4 What if...? 87

Index 89

2 Table of Contents MT-SICS Interface Commands

1 Introduction
To enable you to integrate balances into your systems in a simple way, balance functions can be accessed
through an appropriate set of commands described in this document.
Additional documentation on data interface
Settings of the interface are described in the Reference Manual of the instrument in question.






Data exchange with the balance

Each command received by the balance via the data interface is acknowledged by a response of the balance to
the initial device. Commands and balance responses are data strings with a fixed format, and will be described
in detail in the command description.
The commands that are available for your balance can be called up as a list using the [I0 } Page 25]

See also
2 I0 – Currently available MT-SICS commands } Page 25
2 Tips for programmers } Page 9

MT-SICS Interface Commands Introduction​​ 3

2 Command Formats
Commands sent to the balance comprise one or more characters of the ASCII character set.
Basic rules
Enter commands only in uppercase. Nevertheless, units have to be capitalized properly.
V The possible parameters of the command must be separated from one another and from the
command name by a space (ASCII 32 dec.).
"text" The possible input for "text" is a sequence of characters (8-bit ASCII character set from 32 dec.
to 255 dec.).
..CR LF Each command must be closed by CRLF (ASCII 13 dec., 10 dec.).
The characters CRLF, which can be inputted using the Enter or Return key of most entry keypads,
are not listed in this description every time, but it is essential they be included for communi-
cation with the balance.

2.1 Conventions
Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for command and response syntax:
<> Triangle brackets indicate that you must specify a value for the enclosed parameter. The
brackets are not sent with the command string.
[] Square brackets indicate that the enclosed expression is optional and can be omitted. The
brackets are not sent with the command string.
a..b Intervals or ranges are represented using the "dot-dot" notation indicating the set of numbers
from a to b including a and b.
Ü Commands sent to the balance.
Û Response of the balance.
Command to balance which writes Hello into the balance display:
Ü DV"Hello" The quotation marks " " must be inserted in the entry.
Û DVA Command executed successfully.
The command terminator CRLF is not shown.

4 Command Formats​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

2.2 Response formats
All responses sent by the balance to the transmitter to acknowledge the received command have one of the
following formats:
• Response with weight value
• Response without weight value
• Error message

2.2.1 Format of responses with weight value

A general description of the response with weight value is the following.
<ID> V <Status> V <WeightValue> V <Unit> CR LF
1-2 1 10 1-5 characters
characters character characters
Name Type Values Meaning
<ID> String Response identification, refers to the invoking
V Blank Space (ASCII 32 dec.)
<Status> Character S Stable weight value
D Unstable ("D" for Dynamic) weight value
<WeightValue> Float Weighing result; shown as a number with 10
characters (after a blank/space!), including
decimal point, and minus sign (–) directly in front
of the first digit if the value is negative. The weight
value appears right aligned. Preceding zeros are
not shown except for the zero to the left of the
decimal point.
The decimal places shown are depending on the
balance model and the settings in the Tolerance
<Unit> String Weight unit
CR Byte Carriage return (ASCII 13 dec.)
LF Byte Line feed (ASCII 10 dec.)
Response with stable weight value of 14.256 g:
Ü S Request a stable weight value

Response with stable weight value of 152.38 g outside the fine range:
Ü S Request a stable weight value

MT-SICS Interface Commands Command Formats​​ 5

2.2.2 Format of responses without weight value
A general description of the response without weight value is the following:
<ID> V <Status> V Parameters… CR LF
1-5 1
characters character
Name Type Values Meaning
<ID> String Response identification, refers to the invoking
V Blank Space (ASCII 32 dec.)
<Status> Character A Command executed successfully
B Command not yet terminated, additional responses
Parameters… Command-dependent response code
CR Byte Carriage return (ASCII 13 dec.)
LF Byte Line feed (ASCII 10 dec.)
Set the key beeper volume:
Ü M11V30 Set the key beeper volume to 30%.
Û M11VA Command executed successfully.
Query the actual key beeper volume:
Ü M11 Query of the current key beeper volume.
Û M11VAV30 Current key beeper volume is set to 30%.

6 Command Formats​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

2.3 Error messages

2.3.1 Command-specific error messages

A general description of the response without weight value is the following:
<ID> V <Status> CR LF
1-5 1
characters character
Name Type Values Meaning
<ID> String Response identification, refers to the invoking
V Blank Space (ASCII 32 dec.)
<Status> Character + Balance is in overload range (weighing range
- Balance is in underload range (e.g., weighing pan
is not in place)
L Logical error (e.g., parameter not allowed)
I Internal error (e.g., balance not ready yet)
CR Byte Carriage return (ASCII 13 dec.)
LF Byte Line feed (ASCII 10 dec.)
Trial to set the key beeper volume to 110%:
Ü M11V110 Set the key beeper volume to 110%.
Û M11VL Command not executed successfully; parameters is
outside valid range.
Response while balance is in overload range:
Ü SI Request a weight value immediately.
Û SV+ Overload; no weight value available.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Command Formats​​ 7

2.3.2 General error messages
There are three different error messages:
2 characters
Name Type Values Meaning
<ID> String ES Syntax error:
The balance has not recognized the received
command or the command is not allowed
ET Transmission error:
The balance has received a "faulty" command,
e.g., owing to a parity error or interface break
EL Logical error:
The balance can not execute the received
CR Byte Carriage return (ASCII 13 dec.)
LF Byte Line feed (ASCII 10 dec.)
Trial to set the key beeper volume to 30%:
Ü m11V30 m accidentally written in lowercase.
Û ES Syntax error; m not recognized as a command.

8 Command Formats​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

2.4 Tips for programmers
Overview of command of specific models
This Reference Manual covers the MT-SICS commands for balances. As the balances can differ based on model
and software version, not all the MT-SICS commands are usable on every model.

We recommend using the [I0 } Page 25] command to get a list of all commands that are supported by your
particular balance.
Ü I0 Requests a list of commands.
Û I0VBV0V"I0" command I0.
Û I0VB… …
Û I0VBV0V"@" command [@ – Abort } Page 12].
Û I0VBV1V"D" command [D – Write text to display } Page 22].
Û I0VB… …
Û I0VAV3V"SM4" command SM4.

Command and response

You can improve the dependability of your application software by having your program evaluate the response
of the balance to a command. The response is the acknowledgment that the balance has received the
@ – Abort
When using MT-SICS for integration, send an Abort command before starting a sequence of commands.
To be able to start from a determined state, when establishing the communication between balance and
system, send an Abort command to the balance. Otherwise, when the balance or system is switched on or off,
faulty characters can be received or sent.
Sending commands without waiting for responses
Do not send multiple commands to the instrument without waiting for the corresponding responses.
If several commands are sent in succession without waiting for the corresponding responses, it is possible that
the instrument confuses the sequence of command processing, or ignores entire commands, or responses are
If the fine range of DeltaRange or DualRange balances has been exceeded or the user defines a reduced
readability in the Tolerance profile, a number of defined digits are replaced by a space.
Value: 0.00100 g
Set 100d
→ 0.001VVVg

MT-SICS Interface Commands Command Formats​​ 9

Carriage Return, Line Feed
Depending on the platform, CRLF is not just a "new line" (Java: "newLine()" or C/C++ "\n"):
Platform ‘New Line’
DOS/Windows CRLF
Macintosh CR
Unix LF
All commands must be closed by a CRLF (dec: 13, 10; hex: 0D, 0A).
Quotation marks " "
Quotation marks included in the command must always be entered. If a quotation mark is located within the
string, it may be escaped by a backslash (\):
Ü DV"place 4\"filter!"
Û DVA Balance display: place 4" filter!
Behavior with automatic door control
Various commands implicitly support motor-operated draft shield doors (where used). This means that motor-
operated draft shield doors can be activated whenever a stable weight value has to be recorded in the shortest
possible time. Activating automatic door control results in the following:
• Condition of doors saved
• Doors closed
• Commands executed
• Doors open as configured
The most important operations for the behavior described above are:
• Zeroing, taring
• S* commands
Other definitions
• The command is executed even when automatic door control is not activated.
• Even if the doors cannot be closed (clamping protection), the command is executed as configured.
• If a command in progress is interrupted (Timeout, Cancel, etc.), previous saved conditions of the doors.
• If the door condition cannot be reestablished, the doors either remain where they are or are closed (as

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12
2 I0 – Currently available MT-SICS commands } Page 25
2 I1 – MT-SICS level and level versions } Page 26
2 S – Stable weight value } Page 53
2 SI – Weight value immediately } Page 54
2 SIR – Weight value immediately and repeat } Page 55
2 SIRU – Weight value in display unit immediately and repeat } Page 56
2 SIU – Weight value in display unit immediately } Page 58
2 SR – Send stable weight value and repeat on any weight change } Page 70
2 SU – Stable weight value in display unit } Page 75
2 T – Tare } Page 76
2 TA – Tare weight value } Page 77
2 TI – Tare immediately } Page 79
2 Z – Zero } Page 85
2 ZI – Zero immediately } Page 86

10 Command Formats​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

2.5 Read only
Several commands support the query but no longer the setting of a value. However, they return success for the
special case of trying to set the value that is set already. The affected commands have documented this
behavior in their individual descriptions.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Command Formats​​ 11

3 Commands and Responses
@ – Abort
The @ command terminates running processes such as zero, tare that were issued on the same interface. If the
device is in standby mode, it is turned on.
@ Terminates running processes such as zero, tare that
were issued on the same interface. If the device is in
standby mode, it is turned on.
I4VAV"<SNR>" Serial number is emitted; the balance is ready for
• All commands awaiting responses are cancelled.
• The cancel command is always executed.
• The emitted serial number corresponds to the serial number of the terminal (if one is present), see
[I4 } Page 30].
Ü @ Abort
Û I4VAV"B021002593" Balance is "reset", its serial number is B021002593.

See also
2 I4 – Serial number } Page 30

12 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

A10 – Target weight and tolerances
Use A10 to set the target weights and tolerances, or query the current values. As soon as you have specified
the values, the SmartTrac updates.
A10 Query of the target weight and tolerances.
A10V<No>V<Value>V<Unit> Set the target weight, + tolerance, - tolerance.
A10VBV0V<Value>V<Unit> Query of the target weight, + tolerance, - tolerance.
A10VA Command understood and executed successfully.
A10VI Command understood but currently not executable.
A10VL Command understood but not executable.
Name Type Values Meaning
<No> Integer 0 Target weight
1 + tolerance
2 - tolerance
<Value> Float Target weight
<Unit> String Max 5 Weight unit, % with +/- tolerances possible

• Set the target value to 0 g and tolerances to 2.5%:
• As soon as you have specified the values, the SmartTrac updates.
• If too many decimal places are defined, the balance returns L.
• Reset target and tolerances:

Ü A10 Query of the target weight and tolerances.
Û A10VBV0V100.12Vg Current setting is target weight 100.12 g, + tolerance
Û A10VBV1V5.25Vg is 5.25 g and - tolerance is 7.6%.
Û A10VAV2V7.6V%

Ü A10V0V100.12Vg Set the target weight to 100.12 g.

Û A10VA Target weight is set.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 13

A36 – Result identification label and value
Use A36 to set or query the result identification label and value of currently running task.
A36 Query the result identification label and value of the
A36V<IDNumber> Query the ID number of the application.
A36V<IDNumber>V<"Label">V<"Value"> Set the result identification label and value of the appli-
A36VBV<IDNumber>V<"Label">V<"Value"> Current identification label and value of the appli-
A36VB… cation.
A36VA Command understood and executed successfully.
A36VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<IDNumber> Integer 1 … n Identification number within the application (n is
model dependent)
XPR up to 3 ID numbers are possible
XSR up to 1 ID number is possible
<"Label"> String 1 - 32 Label of the identification
<"Value"> String 0 - 32 Value of the identification

• A sufficient number of available IDs must be configured in the UI.
• To write the ID type must be set to "manual".
• To write the label the user needs sufficient user rights. To write the value only (keeping the label the same)
the user does not need any privileged user rights.
• To write the label the method must not be locked.

Ü A36 Query the result identification label and value of the
Û A36VBV1V"ResultVIDV1Vlabel"V"ResultV ID number 1, label "Result ID 1 label" and value
IDV1Vvalue" "Result ID 1 value" are set.
Û A36VAV2V"ResultVIDV2Vlabel"V"ResultV ID number 2, label "Result ID 2 label" and value
IDV2Vvalue" "Result ID 2 value" are set.

Ü A36V2 Query the identification labels and values of the appli-

Û A36VAV2V"ResultVIDV2Vlabel"V"ResultV Label "Result ID 2 label" and value "Result ID 2 value"
IDV2Vvalue" are set.

14 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü A36V2V"NewLabel"V"NewValue" Set the identification label "NewLabel" and value
"NewValue" to ID number 2.
Û A36VA The identification label and value are set.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 15

A37 – Task identification label and value
Use A37 to set or query the task identification label and value of currently running task.
A37 Query the task identification label and value of the
A37V<IDNumber> Query the ID number of the application.
A37V<IDNumber>V<"Label">V<"Value"> Set the task identification label and value of the appli-
A37VBV<IDNumber>V<"Label">V<"Value"> Current identification label and value from the appli-
A37VB… cation.
A37VA Command understood and executed successfully.
A37VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<IDNumber> Integer 1 … n Identification number within the application (n is
model dependent)
XPR up to 3 ID numbers are possible
XSR up to 1 ID number is possible
<"Label"> String 1 - 32 Label of the identification
<"Value"> String 0 - 32 Value of the identification

• A sufficient number of available IDs must be configured in the UI.
• To write the ID type must be set to "manual".
• To write the label the user needs sufficient user rights. To write the value only (keeping the label the same)
the user does not need any privileged user rights.
• To write the label the method must not be locked.

Ü A37 Query the result identification label and value of the
Û A37VBV1V"ResultVIDV1Vlabel"V"ResultV ID number 1, label "Task ID 1 label" and value "Task
IDV1Vvalue" ID 1 value" are set.
Û A37VAV2V"ResultVIDV2Vlabel"V"ResultV ID number 2, label "Task ID 2 label" and value "Task
IDV2Vvalue" ID 2 value" are set.

Ü A37V2 Query the identification labels and values of the appli-

Û A37VAV2V"ResultVIDV2Vlabel"V"ResultV Label "Task ID 2 label" and value "Task ID 2 value"
IDV2Vvalue" are set.

16 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü A37V2V"NewLabel"V"NewValue" Set the identification label "NewLabel" and value
"NewValue" to ID number 2.
Û A37VA The identification label and value are set.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 17

C0 – Adjustment setting
This command queries and sets the type of adjustment. Additional commands are required to actually trigger
and to define the weight for external adjustment.
C0 Query of the current adjustment setting.
C0V<Mode>V<WeightType> Set the adjustment setting.
C0VAV<Mode>V<WeightType>V<"WeightValueV Weight value and unit specify the value of the weight
Unit"> for an external adjustment requested from the user via
the display, see [C1 } Page 20].
C0VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
C0VA Adjustment setting set successfully.
C0VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
parameter or setting not available on the balance, e.g.
on approved balances).
Name Type Values Meaning
<Mode> Integer 0 Mode = Manual
The adjustment can only be triggered manually
A change in the ambient conditions has no influence
on the initiation of the adjustment procedure
1 Mode = Internal adjustment > Start after temperature
When a considerable change in the ambient
conditions is determined, an adjustment is triggered
2 Mode = Internal adjustment > Start after temperature
Read only. This parameter can appear in the response
after executing C0 and cannot be set. When this
parameter is returned, an adjustment is pending
3 Mode = No adjustment
<WeightType> Integer 0 Built-in weight (factory setting)
1 External weight
<"WeightValue"> String Weight values specify the value of the weight for an
external adjustment requested from the user via the
display or interface, see [C1 } Page 20]
<"Unit"> String The unit corresponds to the definition unit, e.g., gram

18 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

• The external weight can be defined using, see [M19 } Page 43].
• Use [C1 } Page 20] to start an adjustment defined with C0.
• C0 must be reset manually; [@ } Page 12] has no effect.

Ü C0V0V1 Set adjustment setting to manual and external.
Û C0VA Adjustment setting set.

See also
2 M19 – Adjustment weight } Page 43
2 C1 – Start adjustment according to current settings } Page 20

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 19

C1 – Start adjustment according to current settings
C1 is used to trigger an adjustment as defined using the C0 command.

C1 Start the adjustment according to the current setting,
see [C0 } Page 18].
First Responses
C1VB The adjustment procedure has been started. Wait for
second response, see Comments.
C1VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
No further response follows.
C1VL Command understood but not executable (e.g.
approved version of the balance). No further response
Further Responses
C1V<"WeightValueVUnit"> Weight request with external adjustment.
C1VA Command understood and executed successfully.
C1VI The adjustment was aborted as, e.g., stability not
attained or the procedure was aborted.
Name Type Values Meaning
<"WeightValue"> String Weight values specify the value of the weight for a
sensitivity adjustment requested from the user via the
display or interface
<"Unit"> String The unit corresponds to the definition unit, e.g., gram
• Commands sent to the balance during the adjustment operation are not processed and responded to in the
appropriate manner until the adjustment is at an end.
• Use [@ } Page 12] to abort a running adjustment.

Ü C1 Start the adjustment according to the current setting.
Û C1VB Adjustment operation started.
Û C1V"VVVVVVV0.00Vg" Prompt to unload the balance.
Û C1V"VVVV2000.00Vg" Prompt to load the adjustment weight of 2000.00 g.
Û C1V"VVVVVVV0.00Vg" Prompt to unload the balance.
Û C1VA Adjustment completed successfully.

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12
2 C0 – Adjustment setting } Page 18
2 M19 – Adjustment weight } Page 43

20 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

C3 – Start adjustment with built-in weight
You can use C3 to start an internal adjustment procedure.
C3 Start the internal adjustment.
First Responses
C3VB The adjustment procedure has been started. Wait for
second response.
C3VI Adjustment cannot be performed at present as another
operation is taking place, or the adjustment strategy is
not configured correctly. No second response follows.
C3VL Adjustment operation not possible (e.g., no internal
weight). No second response follows.
Further Responses
C3VA Adjustment has been completed successfully.
C3VI The adjustment was aborted as, e.g., stability not
attained or the procedure was aborted with the Cancel
button on the terminal.
• Commands sent to the balance during the adjustment operation are not processed and responded to in the
appropriate manner until the adjustment is at an end.
• Use [@ } Page 12] to abort a running adjustment.
• Adjustment cannot be performed if 'External adjustment' or 'No adjustment' is configured on the instrument.
Set the adjustment strategy to 'Internal adjustment'.
Ü C3 Start the internal adjustment.
Û C3VB Adjustment operation started.
Û C3VA Adjustment completed successfully.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 21

D – Write text to display
Use D to write text to the balance display.
DV<"Text"> Write text into the balance display.
DVA Command understood and executed successfully:
Text appears instead of weight value
DVI Command understood but currently not executable.
DVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Text> String Text on the balance display
• The maximum number of characters of "text" visible in the display depends on the balance type. If the
maximum number of characters is exceeded, the text disappears on the right side.
• Quotation marks can be displayed as indicated in chapter [Tips for programmers } Page 10].
• Use the DW command to switch the main display to 'show weight' mode.

Ü DV"HELLO" Write HELLO into the balance display.
Û DVA The full text HELLO appears in the balance display.

Ü DV" " Clear the balance display.

Û DVA Balance display cleared, marked by a symbol, e. g.

See also
2 DW – Show weight } Page 24
2 Tips for programmers } Page 10

22 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

DAT – Date
Set or query the balance system date.
DAT Query of the current date of the balance.
DATV<Day>V<Month>V<Year> Set the date of the balance.
DATVAV<Day>V<Month>V<Year> Current date of the balance.
DATVA Command understood and executed successfully.
DATVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
DATVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Day> Integer 01 … 31 Day
<Month> Integer 01 … 12 Month
<Year> Integer 1970 …  Year
The accepted range of years is depending on platform/
Ü DAT Query of the current date of the balance.
Û DATVAV01V10V2017 The date of the balance is 1st October 2017.

See also
2 TIM – Time } Page 80

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 23

DW – Show weight
Resets the display after using the D command. Then the deivice display shows the current weight value and
DW Switch back from the D command.
DWVA Command understood and executed successfully:
Main display shows the current weight value.
DWVI Command understood but currently not executable.
• DW resets the balance display following a [D } Page 22] command.

Ü DW Switch the main display to show the current weight
Û DWVA Main display shows the current weight value.

See also
2 D – Write text to display } Page 22

24 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

I0 – Currently available MT-SICS commands
The I0 command lists all commands implemented in the present software.
All commands are listed first in level then in alphabetical order - even though levels are not supported anymore
the Syntax of this command hasn't changed.
I0 Send list of all implemented MT-SICS commands.
I0VBV<Level>V<"Command"> Number of the MT-SICS level where the command
I0VBV<Level>V<"Command"> belongs to
I0VB 2nd (next) command implemented.

Last command implemented.
I0VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
Name Type Values Meaning
<Level> Integer 0 MT-SICS level 0 (basic set)
1 MT-SICS level 1 (elementary commands)
2 MT-SICS level 2 (extended command list)
3 MT-SICS level 3 (method-specific command set)
<"Command"> String MT-SICS command
Ü I0 Requests a list of commands.
Û I0VBV0V"I0" command I0.
Û I0VB… …
Û I0VBV0V"@" command [@ – Abort } Page 12].
Û I0VBV1V"D" command [D – Write text to display } Page 22].
Û I0VB… …
Û I0VAV3V"SM4" command SM4.

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 25

I1 – MT-SICS level and level versions
Query MT-SICS level and versions.
I1 Query of MT-SICS level and MT-SICS versions.
I1VAV<"Level">V<"V0">V<"V1">V<"V2">V Current MT-SICS level and MT-SICS versions.
I1VI Command understood but currently not executable.
Name Type Values Meaning
<Level> String 0 MT-SICS level 0
01 MT-SICS level 0 and 1
012 MT-SICS level 0, 1 and 2
03 MT-SICS level 0 and 3
013 MT-SICS level 0, 1 and 3
0123 MT-SICS level 0, 1, 2, and 3
3 Device-specific with MT-SICS level 3
<"V0"> … <V"3"> String MT-SICS versions of the related level (0 to 3)
• The command [I14 – Device information } Page 34] provides more comprehensive and detailed infor-
• Levels and versions are not supported anymore but remain in this command out of legacy reasons.

Ü I1 Query the current MT-SICS level and version.
Û I1VAV"0123"V"2.00"V"2.20"V"1.00"V Level 0-3 is implemented and the according version
"1.50" numbers are shown.

The idea behind the MT-SICS level was the standardization of the commands for all METTLER TOLEDO devices.
With the MT-SICS levels a simple identification was created to identify a certain set of MT-SICS command (and
the functionality behind); see below.
With years of experience and with MT-SICS commands and devices becoming more and more complexes it is
no longer possible to maintain the levels and the command behind in the original way. Thus we decided no
longer to support the levels in the MT-SICS manuals. Consequently the level version for level 0, 1 and 2 needs
to be fixed to a version, version of level 3 has to remain product specific.
• Level 0 fixed to version 2.30
• Level 1 fixed to version 2.22
• Level 2 fixed to version 2.33
• Level 3 is product specific and must be defined by the according product team
For Rainbow examples, Level 3 is fixed to version 2.20
Usually all defined commands at the level of 0...1 were implemented in the devices. This is no longer the case.
Therefore, do not expect anymore that all commands of a certain level are implemented.

26 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

MT-SICS Levels
Since the 1980s, products launched on the market support the standardized command set "METTLER TOLEDO
Standard Interface Command Set" (MT-SICS), which is divided into 4 levels, depending on the functionality of
the device:
MT-SICS level 0: Basic command set, e.g., weighing cell.
MT-SICS level 1: Elementary command set, i.e. balances without integrated applications.
MT-SICS level 2: Extended command, maybe set specific for a device family, e.g., for
the Excellence balance line.
MT-SICS level 3: Application-specific command set, e.g., MT-SICS for piece counting or
percent weighing, dynamic weighing, Moisture Analyzer.
Commands of MT-SICS Level 0
The following commands are assigned to MT-SICS Level 0:
@ – Cancel
I0 – Implemented MT-SICS commands
I1 – MT-SICS level and level versions
I2 – Device data
I3 – Software version and type
I4 – Serial number
I5 – Software material number
S – Stable weight value
SI – Weight value immediately
SIR – Weight value immediately and repeat
Z – Zero
ZI – Zero Immediately
Commands of MT-SICS Level 1
The following commands are assigned to MT-SICS Level 1:
D – Write text to display
DW – Show weight
K – Key control
SR – Send stable weight value and repeat on any weight change
T – Tare
TA – Tare weight value
TAC – Clear tare weight value
TI – Tare immediately
Commands of MT-SICS Level 2
Commands extend the basic and elementary function, but not application specific, e.g.,:
C…, E…, COM, DAT, DATI, ECHO, I…, M…, P…, PWR, R…, SI…, SN…, SM…, SU…, TIM, TS…, UPD, WS,
Commands of MT-SICS Level 3
Application-specific command set, e.g., MT-SICS for piece counting or percent weighing, Moisture Analyzer etc.
A…, LX…, PW, SM…

See also
2 I14 – Device information } Page 34

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 27

I2 – Device data (Type and capacity)
Use I2 to query the device data (type), including the weighing capacity. The response is output as a single
I2 Query of the balance data.
I2VAV<"Type>V<Capacity>V<Unit"> Balance type and capacity.
I2VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring) .
Name Type Values Meaning
<"Type"> String Type of balance
<"Capacity"> String Capacity of balance
<"Unit"> String Weight unit
• The number of characters of "text" depends on the balance type and capacity.

Ü I2 Query of the balance data.
Û I2VAV"XPR6UV6.1Vg" Balance type and capacity.

See also
2 I14 – Device information } Page 34

28 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

I3 – Software version number and type definition number
Provides the software version number and the type definition number.
I3 Query of the balance software version and type
definition number.
I3VAV<"SoftwareVTDNR"> Balance software version and type definition number.
I3VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
Name Type Values Meaning
<"Software TDNR"> String Software version number and type definition number
• Only the software version of the terminal software is issued.
• If no terminal is present, the bridge software is issued instead.
• More detailed information is available with [I14 } Page 34].

Ü I3 Query of the software version number(s) and type
definition number.
Û I3VAV"2.10V10.28.0.493.142" 2.10: Software version number. Type definition. number

See also
2 I14 – Device information } Page 34

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 29

I4 – Serial number
Use I4 to query the serial number of the balance terminal.
I4 Query of the serial number.
I4VAV<"SerialNumber"> Serial number.
I4VI Command not understood, not executable at present
Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. initial zero setting).
Name Type Values Meaning
<"SerialNumber"> String Serial number
• The serial number matches with that on the model plate and is unique for each balance.
• The serial number can be used, for example, as a device address in a network solution.
• The balance response to I4 appears unsolicitedly after switching on and after the cancel command
[@ } Page 12].
Ü I4 Query of the serial number.
Û I4VAV"B021002593" The serial number is "B021002593".

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12

30 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

I5 – Software material number
Use I5 to query the software material number (SW-ID).
I5 Query of the software material number and index.
I5VAV<"Software"> Software material number and index.
I5VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
Name Type Values Meaning
<"Software"> String Software material number and index
• The SW-ID is unique for Mettler-Toledo software. It consists of a 8 digit number and an alphabetic character
as an index
Ü I5 Query of the software material number and index.
Û I5VAV"12121306C" 12121306C: Software material number and index.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 31

I10 – Device identification
Use I10 to query or define the balance identification (balance ID). This allows an individual name to be
assigned to a balance.
I10 Query of the current balance ID.
I10V<"ID"> Set the balance ID.
I10VAV<"ID"> Current balance ID.
I10VA Command understood and executed successfully.
I10VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
I10VL Command not executed as the balance ID is too long
(max. 20 characters).
Name Type Values Meaning
<"ID"> String 0 … 20 Balance or weigh module identification

• A sequence of maximum 20 alphanumeric characters are possible as <ID>.
• The set balance ID is retained even after the cancel command [@ } Page 12].

Ü I10 Query of the current balance ID.
Û I10VAV"MyVBalance" The balance ID is "My Balance".

32 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

I11 – Model designation
This command is used to output the model designation.
I11 Query of the current balance or weigh module type.
I11VAV<"Model"> Current balance or weigh module type.
I11VI Type can not be transferred at present as another
operation is taking place.
Name Type Values Meaning
<"Model"> String Max 20 Balance or weigh module type

• A sequence of maximum 20 alphanumeric characters is possible as <Model>.
• The following abbreviations used in model designations are relevant to MT-SICS:
DR = Delta Range.
DU = Dual Range.
/M, /A = Approved balance or weigh module.
Ü I11 Query of the current balance type.
Û I11VAV"XPR603SDR" The balance is an "XPR603SDR".

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 33

I14 – Device information
This command is used to output detailed information about the device. All components – including optional
accessories – are taken into account and the associated data is output.
I14 Query of the current balance information.
I14VAV<No>V<Index>V<"Info"> Current balance information.
I14VI Command understood but currently not executable.
I14VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<No> Integer 0 Instrument configuration
1 Instrument description
2 SW-ID (number)
3 SW version
4 Serial number
5 TDNR number
<Index> Integer Index of instrument module
<"Info"> String <Bridge> Weighing bridge information corresponding to <No>
<Terminal> Balance terminal information corresponding to <No>
<...> Additional information on balance options or acces-
• The response to the query of instrument configuration can comprise one or more lines.

34 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü I14 Query of the current instrument descriptions.
Û I14VBV0V1V"Bridge" Platform.
Û I14VBV0V2V"Terminal" Terminal.
Û I14VBV1V1V"XR6TU" Platform is a "XR6TU".
Û I14VBV1V2V"PRPT" XPR Terminal.
Û I14VBV2V1V"30219664A" Software identification number of the platform is
Û I14VBV2V2V"30240964H" SW identification number of the terminal is
Û I14VBV3V1V"" Version of the bridge software is "".
Û I14VBV3V2V"" Version of the terminal software is "".
Û I14VBV4V1V"B731000001" Serial number of the platform is "B731000001".
Û I14VBV4V2V"1234567890" Serial number of the terminal is "1234567890".
Û I14VBV5V1V"" Type definition number (TDNR) of the platform is
Û I14VAV5V2V"" TDNR of the terminal is "".

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 35

K – Keys control
With the K command, the behavior of the terminal keys may be configured: first, the K command controls
whether a key invokes its corresponding function or not and second, it configures whether an indication of
which key has been pressed or released is sent to the host interface or not.
Using this functionality, an application running on a connected system (e.g., a PC or PLC) may make use of
the balance terminal to interact with the balance operator.
KV<Mode> Set configuration.
KVA[V<FunctionID>] Command understood and executed successfully.
Mode 4: Function with <FunctionID> was invoked
by pressing the corresponding key and executed
KVI[V<FunctionID>] Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is actually in menu or input mode).
Mode 4: Function with <FunctionID> by pressing
the corresponding key, but it could not be successfully
executed (e.g., calibration was aborted by user or a
negative value was tared).
KVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect or
no parameter).
Additional Responses in Mode 3:
KV<EventID>V<KeyID> Key <KeyID> has issued an <EventID>.
Additional Responses in Mode 4:
KVBV<FunctionID> Function with <FunctionID> was invoked and
started; the execution needs time to complete.
Name Type Values Meaning
<Mode> Integer 1 Functions are executed, no indications are sent
(factory setting)
2 Functions are not executed, no indications are sent
3 Functions are not executed, indications are sent
4 Functions are executed, indications are sent
<EventID> Char R Key was pressed and held around 2 seconds
C Key was released (after being pressed shortly or for 2
<FunctionID> Integer 0 Adjustment
1 Tare
2 Zero
3 … 6 Reserved
7 Test
<KeyID> Integer Indicator for pressed key

36 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

<KeyID> Integer 1 / Home
2 … reserved
5 Zero
6 reserved
7 + Transfer to protocol
Add to
8 … reserved
10 / Tare
• There is no key number assigned to the door keys; therefore, no response is invoked upon pressing one of
these keys.
• KV1 is the factory setting (default value).
• KV1 active after balance switched on and after the cancel command [@ } Page 12].
• KV2 door function is not disabled.
• Only one K mode is active at one time.
• The mapping of the key numbers on the different terminals are displayed below:
XPR Balances XSR Balances

10 10 5 1 7 10 10 5 71

When a code with a press and hold is sent, new key commands will not be accepted.
Ü KV4 Set mode 4: when a key is pressed, execute the corre-
sponding function and send the function number as a
Û KVA Command executed successfully.
Û KVBV1 The taring function has been started → taring active.
Û KVAV1 Taring completed successfully.
Û KVBV1 The taring function has been started → taring active.
Û KVIV1 Taring not completed successfully, taring aborted (e.g.
tried to tare a negative value).

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 37

M01 – Weighing mode
Use M01 to query the weighing mode or the current setting.
M01 Query of the current weighing mode.
M01V<WeighingMode> [Read only } Page 11]
M01VAV<WeighingMode> Current weighing mode.
M01VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M01VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M01VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeighingMode> Integer 0 Normal weighing/Universal
1 reserved
2 Sensor mode
3 reserved
• Please check possible settings with product specific Reference Manual.

Ü M01 Query of the current weighing mode.
Û M01VAV0 Weighing mode is set.

38 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

M02 – Environment condition
Use M02 to query the local ambient condition setting of the balance.
M02 Query of the current environment.
M02V<Environment> [Read only } Page 11]
M02VAV<Environment> Current environment.
M02VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M02VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M02VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Environment> Integer 0 Very stable
1 Stable
2 Standard
3 Unstable
4 Very unstable
5 Automatic
• Not all balances offer the complete range of settings. If a setting is made that is not supported by the
balance, an error massage is issued (M02VL).
Ü M02 Query the environment.
Û M02VAV3 Environment is set to unstable.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 39

M03 – Zero drift compensation
Use M03 to query the status of the zero drift compensation.
M03 Query current status of the zero drift compensation.
M03V<ZeroDriftCompensation> [Read only } Page 11].
M03VAV<ZeroDriftCompensation> Current zero drift compensation
M03VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M03VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M03VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<ZeroDriftCompen- Integer 0 Zero drift compensation is activated (is not supported
sation> by approved balances)
1 Zero drift compensation is deactivated
Ü M03 Query zero drift compensation.
Û M03VAV1 Zero drift compensation is activated.

40 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

M11 – Key beeper volume
Use M11 to query the volume of the terminal key beeper or the current setting.
M11 Query of the current beeper volume.
M11V<BeeperVolume> [Read only } Page 11]
M11VAV<BeeperVolume> Current key beeper volume.
M11VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M11VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M11VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<BeeperVolume> Integer 0 … 100 Key beeper volume in %
• The parameter setting will be saved and the only way to reset the default value will be via MT-SICS or by
means of a balance user reset, see M38.
Ü M11 Query of the current key beeper volume.
Û M11VAV60 The key beeper volume is 60%.

Ü M11V80 Set the key beeper volume to 80%.

Û M11VA The key beeper volume is set to 80%.

See also
2 M12 – Acoustic beep signal } Page 42

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 41

M12 – Acoustic beep signal
This command triggers an acoustic beep signal.
M12V<BeeperVariant> Trigger the acoustic beep signal.
M12VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M12VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M12VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<BeeperVariant> Integer 0 Beep variant 1 (e.g. 1x beep)
1 Beep variant 2 (e.g. high sound)
2 Beep variant 3 (e.g. deep sound)
• You can set the volume of the beeper using [M11 } Page 41].

Ü M12V1 Trigger a beep variant 2.
Û M12VA Beep has been triggered.

See also
2 M11 – Key beeper volume } Page 41

42 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

M19 – Adjustment weight
Use M19 to set your external adjustment weight, or to query the current weight value and unit.
M19 Query of the current adjustment weight.
M19V<Value>V<Unit> Set the adjustment weight.
M19VAV<Value>V<Unit> Current adjustment weight.
M19VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M19VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M19VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
parameter) or adjustment weight is to low.
Name Type Values Meaning
<Value> Float Value of the adjustment weight, balance specific
<Unit> String Weight unit of the adjustment weight = defined unit of
the balance
• The valid weight values depend on the balance model.

Ü M19 Query of the current adjustment weight.
Û M19VAV100.123Vg The adjustment weight is 100.123 g.

Ü M19V500.015Vg Set the adjustment weight to 500.015 g.

Û M19VA The adjustment weight is set to 500.015 g,

See also
2 C0 – Adjustment setting } Page 18
2 C1 – Start adjustment according to current settings } Page 20

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 43

M21 – Unit
Use M21 to set the required weighing unit for the output channels of the weight or request current setting.
M21 Query the unit of all output channels.
M21V<Channel> Query the unit of output channel only.
M21V<Channel>V<Unit> Set the unit of an output channel.
M21VBV<Channel>V<Unit> Current first unit.
M21VB… …
M21VAV<Channel>V<Unit> Current last unit.
M21V<Channel>V<Unit> Unit of output channel.
M21VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M21VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M21VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Channel> Integer 0 Host unit, used on the MT-SICS Host
1 Display unit, used on the terminal screen
2 Info unit, used in the info field on the terminal screen

44 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Name Type Values Meaning Unit Available as host unit / display
unit / info unit
<Unit> Integer All
0 Gram g
1 Kilogram kg All
2 Ton t All
3 Milligram mg All
4 Microgram μg All
5 Carat ct All
7 Pound avdp lb All
8 Ounce avdp oz All
9 Ounce troy ozt All
10 Grain GN All
11 Pennyweight dwt All
12 Momme mom All
13 Mesghal msg All
14 Tael tlh All
15 Tael tls All
16 Tael Taiwan tlt All
18 Tola tola All
19 Baht baht All
28 Custom unit cu1 All
A custom unit is only selectable
if the custom unit was defined in
the method (for special method

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 45

• The units depend on the allowed unit in the Tolerance profile and on the balance model.
• Display unit and info unit cannot be changed if a method with templates is running.
• All S commands (except SIRU, SIU, SNRU, SRU, ST, SU) are given in Host unit according to the definition
of the MT-SICS. Only weight units are accepted as Host unit.
• In the event of a power failure, the host unit persists.
• It is not possible to use "no unit" for the displayed unit.
• The units and/or their notation may be different in older software versions.

46 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü M21 Query of the current unit.
Û M21VBV0V0 Current host unit is g.
M21VBV1V3 Current display unit is mg.

Ü M21V0V1 Set the unit to 1 kg.

Û M21VA The unit is set to 1 kg.

See also
2 SU – Stable weight value in display unit } Page 75

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 47

M23 – Readability, 1d/xd
Use M23 to query the readability (how many digits of the weighing result should be displayed or sent).
M23 Query of the current readability.
M23V<Readability> Readability. Only works if value already set.
M23VAV<Readability> Current readability.
M23VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M23VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M23VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Readability> Integer 0 1d
1 10d
2 100d
3 1000d
4 2d
5 5d
• The readability is specified in digits [d] – this is the smallest increment a balance may display.

Ü M23 Query the readability.
Û M23VAV1 The readability is 10d.

48 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

M29 – Weighing value release
Use M29 to query the weight value release or the current setting.
M29 Query of the current value release setting.
M29V<ValueRelease> [Read only } Page 11]
M29VAV<ValueRelease> Current value release.
M29VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M29VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M29VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<ValueRelease> Integer 0 Very fast
1 Fast
2 Reliable and fast
3 Reliable
4 Very reliable
• Not all balances offer the complete range of settings. If a setting is made that is not supported by the
balance, an error massage is issued (M29VL).
Ü M29 Query the value release.
Û M29VAV3 The value release is reliable.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 49

M37 – Draft shield door opening width
Use M37 to set the draft shield door opening width or to request current setting.
M37 Query of the current draft shield door opening width.
M37V<Opening> Set the draft shield door opening width.
M37VAV<Opening> Current setting of the draft shield door opening width.
M37VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M37VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M37VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Opening> Integer 25 Door opening 25%
50 Door opening 50%
75 Door opening 75%
100 Door open
• Only the values available in the set-up of the balance are expected (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%).

Ü M37 Query of the current draft shield door opening width.
Û M37VAV75 Door opening width is 75%.

Ü M37V100 Set the draft shield door opening width to 100%.

Û M37VA Door opening width 100% is set.
See also
[WS – Draft shield doors } Page 83]

50 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

M40 – Inner draft shield door opening width
Use M40 to set the inner draft shield door opening width or query the current setting.
M40 Query of the current inner draft shield door opening
M40V<Opening> Set the inner draft shield door opening width.
M40VAV<Opening> Current setting of the inner draft shield door opening
M40VA Command understood and executed successfully.
M40VI Command understood but currently not executable.
M40VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Opening> Integer 25 Door opening 25%
50 Door opening 50%
75 Door opening 75%
100 Door open
• Only the values available in the set-up of the balance are expected (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%).

Ü M40 Query of the current inner draft shield door opening
Û M40VAV50 Door opening width is set to 50%.

Ü M40V100 Set the inner draft shield door opening width to 100%.
Û M40VA Door opening width 100% is set.
See also
[WS – Draft shield doors } Page 83]

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 51

PWR – Switch on / Switch off
Use PWR to switch the balance on or off. When it is switched off, standby mode is activated.
PWRV<OnOff> Switch the balance on or off.
PWRVA Balance has been switched off successfully.
PWRVAV Balance with the serial number "SNR" has been
I4VAV<"SNR"> switched on successfully see [I4 } Page 30].
PWRVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g., taring, or application is not in Home screen).
PWRVL Command understood but not executable.
Name Type Values Meaning
<OnOff> Integer 0 Set the balance to standby mode
1 Switch the balance on
• The balance response to [I4 } Page 30] appears unsolicited after switching the balance on.
• In case of cable power driven devices, the switch off command set the device in the standby state.
• In case of cable power and battery driven devices:
– If the device is cable powered, the switch off command PWRV0 set the device in the standby state.
– If the device is battery powered, the switch off command PWRV0 set the device in the off state.
Ü PWRV1 Switch the balance on.
Û PWRVA The balance has been switched on successfully.
Û I4VAV"0123456789" The serial number is shown.

See also
2 I4 – Serial number } Page 30

52 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

S – Stable weight value
Use S to send a stable weight value, along with the host unit, from the balance to the connected communi-
cation partner via the interface.
S Send the current stable net weight value.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current stable weight value in unit actually set under
host unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• The duration of the timeout depends on the balance type.
• The weight value is formatted as a right aligned string with 10 characters including the decimal point. For
details, please refer to Format of responses with weight value.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü S Send a stable weight value.
Û SVSVVVVV100.00Vg The current, stable ("S") weight value is 100.00 g.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 53

SI – Weight value immediately
Use SI to immediately send the current weight value, along with the host unit, from the balance to the
connected communication partner via the interface.
SI Send the current net weight value, irrespective of
balance stability.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Stable weight value in unit actually set under host unit.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Non-stable (dynamic) weight value in unit actually set
under host unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• The balance response to the command SI with the last built-in weight value (stable or dynamic) before
receipt of the command SI.
• The weight value is formatted as a right aligned string with 10 characters including the decimal point. For
details, please refer to Format of responses with weight value.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü SI Send current weight value.
Û SVDVVVVV129.07Vg The weight value is unstable (dynamic, "D") and is
currently 129.07 g.

54 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SIR – Weight value immediately and repeat
Use SIR to immediately send the current weight value, along with the host unit, from the balance to the
connected communication partner via the interface, but this time on a continuous basis (about 10 values/sec.).
SIR Send the net weight values repeatedly, irrespective of
balance stability.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Stable weight value in unit actually set under host unit.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Non-stable (dynamic) weight value in unit actually set
under host unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12], [S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIRU } Page 56],
[SIU } Page 58], [SNR } Page 66], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü SIR Send current weight values at intervals.
Û SVDVVVVV129.07Vg The balance sends stable ("S") or unstable ("D")
Û SVDVVVVV129.08Vg weight values at intervals.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 55

SIRU – Weight value in display unit immediately and repeat
Request current weight value in display unit independent of the stability and repeat sending responses until the
command is stopped.
SIRU Requests the current weight value and repeat.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Stable weight value in unit actually set under host unit.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Non-stable (dynamic) weight value in unit actually set
under host unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12], [S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIRU } Page 56],
[SIU } Page 58], [SNR } Page 66], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• As the [SIR } Page 55] command, but with currently displayed unit.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

56 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü SIRU Query of the current weight value with currently
displayed unit.
Û SVDVVVVVV12.34Vlb Non-stable (dynamic) weight value of 12.34 lb.
Û SVDVVVVVV12.44Vlb Non-stable (dynamic) weight value of 12.44 lb.
Û SVDVVVVVV12.43Vlb Non-stable (dynamic) weight value of 12.43 lb.

See also
2 SIR – Weight value immediately and repeat } Page 55

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 57

SIU – Weight value in display unit immediately
Request current weight value in display unit independent of the stability.
SIU Request the current weight value in display unit.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Stable weight value in unit actually set under host unit.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Non-stable (dynamic) weight value in unit actually set
under host unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• As the [SI } Page 54] command, but with currently displayed unit.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü SIU Requests the current weight value in display unit
independent of the stability.
Û SVDVVVVVV12.34Vlb Non-stable (dynamic) weight value is 12.34 lb.

58 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SM0 – Dynamic weighing: Cancel all SMx commands
Use SM0 to cancel any SMx commands that are in progress.
SM0 Cancel all SMx commands except [SM4 } Page 65].
SM0VA Command understood and executed successfully.
SM0VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
SM1VL Command understood but not executable (parameter
is incorrect).
• Prerequisite: The currently running task has Capture mode set to Dynamic.

Ü SM0 Cancel all SMx commands except [SM4 } Page 65].
Û SM0VAV3 Any SMx commands are canceled.

See also
2 SM1 – Dynamic weighing: Start immediately and send the result } Page 60
2 SM2 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded send result } Page 61
2 SM3 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded, send result and repeat } Page 63
2 SM4 – Dynamic weighing: Time interval } Page 65

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 59

SM1 – Dynamic weighing: Start immediately and send the result
Use SM1 to start dynamic weighing immediately. The result is transferred via the interface once the weighing
time has elapsed.
SM1 Start dynamic weighing immediately and transfer the
First Responses
SM1VA Dynamic weighing has been started, wait for second
response. During the weighing operation, e.g. until the
second response, no further commands can be
executed (except SM0).
SM1VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
No second response follows.
SM1VL Command understood but not executable (parameter
is incorrect). No second response follows.
Further Responses
SMV*V<WeightValue>V<Unit> Transfer of the result completed successfully.
Weight value corresponds to the result of the
measurement cycle. The unit corresponds to the
current weight unit in the display.
SMV+ Abort, overload during the measurement cycle.
SMV- Abort, underload during the measurement cycle.
SMVI The dynamic weighing has been aborted.
Name Type Values Meaning
SMV* String S Identification for dynamic weighing value
<WeightValue> Float Weight value in display unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• Prerequisite: The currently running task has Capture mode set to Dynamic.
• Prerequisite: Setting Automatic result is set to Deactivated.
• The balance does not perform stability or plausibility checks for the start.
• Prerequisite: A weight is already placed on the balance because weighing starts immediately after SM1.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü SM1 Start a dynamic weighing immediately and transfer the
Û SM1VA Command understood, result follows.
Û SMV*VVVVV23.76Vg Result of the dynamic weighing is 23.76 g.

60 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SM2 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded send result
Use SM2 to start dynamic weighing if the applied weight exceeds the specified minimum load. The result is
transferred via the interface once the weighing time has elapsed.
SM2 Start a dynamic weighing automatically after the
defined minimum load is exceeded and transfer the
result (once).
First Responses
SM2VA Dynamic weighing has been started, wait for second
response. During the weighing operation, e.g. until the
second response, no further commands can be
SM2VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
No second response follows.
SM2VL Command understood but not executable (e.g.
parameter is incorrect). No second response follows.
Further Responses
SMV*V<WeightValue>V<Unit> Transfer of the result completed successfully.
Weight value corresponds to the result of the
measurement cycle. The unit corresponds to the
current weight unit in the display.
SMV+ Abort, overload during the measurement cycle.
SMV- Abort, underload during the measurement cycle.
SMVI The dynamic weighing has been aborted.
Name Type Values Meaning
SMV* String S Identification for dynamic weighing value
<WeightValue> Float Weight value in display unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• Prerequisite: The currently running task has Capture mode set to Dynamic.
• Prerequisite: Setting Automatic result is set to Activated.
• The threshold for the minimum load can be defined in the Methods settings.
• The single start standby can be cancelled by the [SM0 } Page 59] and [@ } Page 12] commands before
start of the weighing.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 61

Ü SM2 Start a dynamic weighing after the defined minimum
load is exceeded and transfer the result.
Û SM2VA Command understood, result follows.
Û SMV*VVVVVV24.30Vg Result of the dynamic weighing is 24.30 g.

62 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SM3 – Dynamic weighing: Start after a minimum load is exceeded, send result
and repeat
Use SM3 to start several dynamic weighing procedures in succession if the applied weights exceed the specified
minimum load. The results are transferred via the interface once the weighing time has elapsed.
SM3 Start dynamic weighing automatically.
First Responses
SM3VA Dynamic weighing has been started, wait for second
response. During the weighing operation, e.g. until the
second response, no further commands can be
SM3VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
No second response follows.
SM3VL Command understood but not executable (parameter
is incorrect). No second response follows.
Further Responses
SMV*V<WeightValue>V<Unit> Transfer of the result completed successfully.
Weight value corresponds to the result of the
measurement cycle. The unit corresponds to the
current weight unit in the display.
Further results follow when the start condition is
fulfilled again.
SMV+ Abort, overload during the measurement cycle.
SMV- Abort, underload during the measurement cycle.
SMVI The dynamic weighing has been aborted.
Name Type Values Meaning
SMV* String S Identification for dynamic weighing value
<WeightValue> Float Weight value in display unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• Prerequisite: The currently running task has Capture mode set to Dynamic.
• Prerequisite: Setting Automatic result is set to Activated.
• The threshold for the minimum load can be defined in the Methods settings.
• The recurring establishment of the start standby is cancelled by the [SM0 } Page 59], [SM1 } Page 60],
[SM2 } Page 61] and [@ } Page 12] commands.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 63

Ü SM3 Start dynamic weighing when weight drops below and
afterwards above the defined minimum load, transfer
the result and repeat the process.
Û SM3VA Command understood, results follow.
Û SMV*VVVVVV25.83Vg Result of the 1st dynamic weighing is 25.83 g.
Û SMV*VVVVVV22.91Vg Result of the 2nd dynamic weighing is 22.91 g.
Û SMV*VVVVVV24.05Vg Result of the 3rd dynamic weighing is 24.05 g.

64 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SM4 – Dynamic weighing: Time interval
Use SM4 to query the time interval for a dynamic weighing method or the current time setting.
SM4 Query of the time interval for the dynamic weighing
SM4V<DynWeighTimeInterval> Time interval. Only works if value already set.
SM4VAV<DynWeighTimeInterval> Current time interval for the data acquisition of the
dynamic weighing.
SM4VA Command understood and executed successfully; time
interval set.
SM4VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
SM4VL Command understood but not executable (parameter
is incorrect).
Name Type Values Meaning
<DynWeighTimeIn- Integer 3 … 120 Time interval in seconds

• Prerequisite: The currently running task has Capture mode set to Dynamic.
• SM4 is read only. The time interval can be set in the Methods settings.

Ü SM4 Query the time interval.
Û SM4VAV10 Current time interval is set to 10 seconds.

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12
2 SM0 – Dynamic weighing: Cancel all SMx commands } Page 59

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 65

SNR – Send stable weight value and repeat on stable weight change
Request the current stable weight value in host unit followed by stable weight values after predefined minimum
weight changes until the command is stopped.
SNR Send the current stable weight value and repeat after
each deflection (see comment).
SNRV<PresetValue>V<Unit> Send the current stable weight value and repeat after
each deflection greater or equal to the preset value
(see comment).
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current stable weight value (1st value).
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Next stable weight value after preset deflection (2nd
… value).

SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<PresetValue> Float 1 digit … capacity Preset minimum deflection load
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• The preset value is optional. If no value is defined, the deflection depends on balance readability as follows:
Readability Min. deflection
0.001 mg 0.001 g
0.01 mg 0.01 g
0.1 mg 0.1 g
0.001 g 1g
0.01 g 1g
0.1 g 1g
1g 5g
• In contrast to SNR, [SR } Page 70] sends also dynamic weight values.
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12],[S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIR } Page 55],
[SIU } Page 58], [SIRU } Page 56], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

66 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü SNRV50Vg Send the current stable weight value and repeat after
each deflection greater or equal to the preset value of
50 g.
Û SVSVVVVVV12.34Vg 1st weight value is 12.34 g.
Û SVSVVVVVV67.89Vg 2nd weight value is 67.89 g.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 67

SNRU – Send stable weight value with currently displayed unit and repeat on
stable weight change
Request the current stable weight value in display unit followed by stable weight values after predefined
minimum weight changes until the command is stopped.
SNRU Send the current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit and repeat after each deflection (see
SNRUV<PresetValue>V<Unit> Send the current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit and repeat after each deflection greater
or equal to the preset value (see comment).
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current stable weight value (1st value).
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Next stable weight value after preset deflection (2nd
… value).

SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<PresetValue> Float 1 digit … capacity Preset minimum deflection load
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• The preset value is optional. If no value is defined, the deflection depends on balance readability as follows:
Readability Min. deflection
0.001 mg 0.001 g
0.01 mg 0.01 g
0.1 mg 0.1 g
0.001 g 1g
0.01 g 1g
0.1 g 1g
1g 5g
• In contrast to SNR, [SR } Page 70] sends also dynamic weight values.
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12],[S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIR } Page 55],
[SIU } Page 58], [SIRU } Page 56], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

68 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü SNRUV50Vg Send the current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit and repeat after each deflection greater
or equal to the preset value of 50 g.
Û SVSVVVVVV12.34Vg 1st weight value is 12.34 g.
Û SVSVVVVVV67.89Vg 2nd weight value is 67.89 g.

See also
2 SNR – Send stable weight value and repeat on stable weight change } Page 66

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 69

SR – Send stable weight value and repeat on any weight change
Request the current stable weight value in host unit followed by weight values after predefined minimum weight
changes until the command is stopped.
SR Send the current stable weight value and then contin-
uously after every weight change
If no preset value is entered, the weight change must
be at least 12.5% of the last stable weight value,
minimum = 30 digit.
SRV<PresetValue>V<Unit> Send the current stable weight value and then contin-
uously after every weight change greater or equal to
the preset value a non-stable (dynamic) value
followed by the next stable value, range = 1 digit to
maximal capacity.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current, stable weight value in unit actually set as host
unit, 1st weight change.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Dynamic weight value in unit actually set as host unit.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Next stable weight value in unit actually set as host
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. zero setting, or timeout as stability was not
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Unit, only available units permitted
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12],[S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIR } Page 55],
[SIU } Page 58], [SIRU } Page 56], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• In contrast to SR, [SNR } Page 66] only sends stable weight values.
• If, following a non-stable (dynamic) weight value, stability has not been reached within the timeout interval,
the response SVI is sent and then a non-stable weight value. Timeout then starts again from the beginning.
• The preset value can be entered in any by the balance accepted unit.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

70 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü SRV10.00Vg Send the current stable weight value followed by every
load change of 10 g.
Û SVSVVVVV100.00Vg Balance stable.
Û SVDVVVVV115.23Vg 100.00 g loaded.
Û SVSVVVVV200.00Vg Balance again stable.

See also
2 SNR – Send stable weight value and repeat on stable weight change } Page 66

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 71

SRU – Send stable weight value with currently displayed unit and repeat on any
weight change
Request the current weight values in display unit and repeat sending responses after a predefined minimum
weight change until the command is stopped.
SRU Send the current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit and then continuously after every
weight change.
If no preset value is entered, the weight change must
be at least 12.5% of the last stable weight value,
minimum = 30 digit.
SRUV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Send the current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit and then continuously after every
weight change greater or equal to the preset value a
non-stable (dynamic) value followed by the next
stable value, range = 1 digit to maximal capacity.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current, stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit until 1st weight change.
SVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Non-stable (dynamic) weight value with the currently
displayed unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Unit, only available units permitted
• As the [SR } Page 70] command, but with currently displayed unit.
• This command is cancelled by the [@ } Page 12],[S } Page 53], [SI } Page 54], [SIR } Page 55],
[SIU } Page 58], [SIRU } Page 56], [SNRU } Page 68], [SR } Page 70] and [SRU } Page 72]
• In contrast to [SR } Page 70], [SNRU } Page 68] only sends stable weight values.
• If, following a non-stable (dynamic) weight value, stability has not been reached within the timeout interval,
the response SVI is sent and then a non-stable weight value. Timeout then starts again from the beginning.
• The preset value can be entered in any by the balance accepted unit.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

72 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Ü SRU Send the current stable weight value followed by every
default load change with current display unit.
Û SVSVVVVVV12.34Vlb 1st weight value is stable and12.34 lb.
Û SVDVVVVVV13.88Vlb 2nd weight value is non-stable and13.88 lb.
Û SVSVVVVVV15.01Vlb 3rd weight value is stable and15.01 lb.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 73

ST – Stable weight value on pressing the (transfer) key
Use ST to receive the current stable weight value when the button Add to protocol is pressed. The value is sent,
along with the currently displayed unit, from the balance to the connected communication partner via the
ST Query the current status transfer function.
STV1 Sent the current stable net weight value with display
unit each time when the button Add to protocol is
STV0 Stop sending weight values.
STVAV0 Function inactive, no weight value is sent when the
button Add to protocol is pressed.
STVAV1 Function active, weight value is sent each time when
the button Add to protocol is pressed.
STVA Command understood and executed successfully.
STVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
STVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
• STV0 is the factory setting (default value).
• ST function is not active after switching on and after reset command.
• The weight value is formatted as a right aligned string with 10 characters including the decimal point. For
details, please refer to chapter Format of responses with weight value.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü STV1 Activate ST function.
Û STVA Command executed.
Û SVSVVVV123.456Vg When the button Add to protocol pressed: current net
weight is 123.456 g.

74 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

SU – Stable weight value in display unit
Use SU to query the stable weight value in display unit.
SU Query the stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
SVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
SVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Current stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit.
SVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
SV+ Balance in overload range.
SV- Balance in underload range.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Weight value
<Unit> String Currently displayed unit
• As the [S } Page 53] command, but with currently displayed unit.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü SU Query the stable weight value with the currently
displayed unit.
Û SVSVVVVVV12.34Vlb The current, stable weight value is 12.34 lb.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 75

T – Tare
Use T to tare the balance. The next stable weight value will be saved in the tare memory.
T Tare, i.e. store the next stable weight value as a new
tare weight value.
TVSV<TareValue>V<Unit> Taring successfully performed.
The tare weight value returned corresponds to the
weight change on the balance in the unit actually set
under host unit since the last zero setting.
TVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. zero setting, or timeout as stability was not
TVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
TV+ Upper limit of taring range exceeded.
TV- Lower limit of taring range exceeded.
Name Type Values Meaning
<TareValue> Float Weight value in host unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• The tare memory is overwritten by the new tare weight value.
• The duration of the timeout depends on the balance type.
• Clearing tare memory, see [TAC } Page 78].
• The weight value is formatted as a right aligned string with 10 characters including the decimal point. For
details, please refer to Format of responses with weight value.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü T Tare.
Û TVSVVVVV100.00Vg The balance is tared and has a value of 100.00 g in
the tare memory.

See also
2 TA – Tare weight value } Page 77
2 TAC – Clear tare weight value } Page 78

76 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

TA – Tare weight value
Use TA to query the current tare value or preset a known tare value.
TA Query of the current tare weight value.
TAV<TarePresetValue>V<Unit> Preset of a tare value.
TAVAV<TareWeightValue>V<Unit> Query current tare weight value in tare memory, in unit
actually set under host unit.
TAVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. zero setting, or timeout as stability was not
TAVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<TareWeightValue> Float Tare weight value in host unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• The tare memory will be overwritten by the preset tare weight value.
• The inputted tare value will be automatically rounded by the balance to the current readability. This value is
shown in the response.
• The taring range is specified to the balance type.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü TAV100.00Vg Preset a tare weight of 100 g.
Û TAVAVVVVV100.00Vg The balance has a value of 100.00 g in the tare

See also
2 T – Tare } Page 76
2 TAC – Clear tare weight value } Page 78

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 77

TAC – Clear tare weight value
Use TAC to clear the tare memory.
TAC Clear tare value.
TACVA Tare value cleared, 0 is in the tare memory.
TACVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. zero setting).
TVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Ü TAC Clear tare value.
Û TACVA Tare value cleared, o is in the tare memory.

See also
2 T – Tare } Page 76
2 TI – Tare immediately } Page 79
2 TA – Tare weight value } Page 77

78 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

TI – Tare immediately
Use TI to tare the balance immediately and independently of balance stability.
TI Tare immediately, i.e. store the current weight value,
which can be stable or non stable (dynamic), as tare
weight value.
TIVSV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Taring performed, stable tare value.
The new tare value corresponds to the weight change
on the balance since the last zero setting.
TIVDV<WeightValue>V<Unit> Taring performed, non-stable (dynamic) tare value.
TIVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. zero setting).
TIVL Command understood but not executable (e.g.
approved version of the balance).
TIV+ Upper limit of taring range exceeded.
TIV- Lower limit of taring range exceeded.
Name Type Values Meaning
<WeightValue> Float Tare weight value in host unit
<Unit> String Weight unit
• This command is not supported by approved balances.
• The tare memory will be overwritten by the new tare weight value.
• After a non-stable (dynamic) stored tare weight value, a stable weight value can be determined. However,
the absolute value of the stable weight value determined in this manner is not accurate.
• The taring range is specific to the balance type.
• The weight value is formatted as a right aligned string with 10 characters including the decimal point. For
details, please refer to Format of responses with weight value.
• If the weight value requires more than 10 characters, the weight value is returned with up to 12 characters.

Ü TI Tare immediately.
Û TIVDVVVVV117.57Vg The tare memory holds a non-stable (dynamic) weight

See also
2 T – Tare } Page 76
2 TA – Tare weight value } Page 77
2 TAC – Clear tare weight value } Page 78

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 79

TIM – Time
Set the system time of the balance or query the current time.
TIM Query of the current time of the balance.
TIMV<Hour>V<Minute>V<Second> Set the time of the balance.
TIMVAV<Hour>V<Minute>V<Second> Current time of the balance.
TIMVA Command understood and executed successfully.
TIMVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
TIMVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
parameter, e.g. 22V67V25) or no clock is built in.
Name Type Values Meaning
<Hour> Integer 00 … 23 Hours
<Minute> Integer 00 … 59 Minutes
<Second> Integer 00 … 59 Seconds
Ü TIM Query of the current time of the balance.
Û TIMVAV09V56V11 The current time of the balance is 9 hours, 56 minutes
and 11 seconds.

See also
2 DAT – Date } Page 23

80 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

TST3 – Test with built-in weight
Use TST3 to start the sensitivity test function using built-in test weight.
TST3 Start sensitivity test function with built-in test weight.
TST3VB The test procedure has been started. Wait for next
response, see Comments.
TST3VAV<"DeviationValue"> Test procedure completed successfully.
Weight value corresponds to the deviation from the
specified value displayed after the test.
TST3VI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
No second response follows.
The test procedure has been aborted as, e.g., stability
was not attained or wrong weights were loaded.
TST3VL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
parameter). No second response follows.
Name Type Values Meaning
<"DeviationValue"> String Current difference (deviation value is output without
• Use [@ } Page 12] to abort a running adjustment.
• For additional information on testing the adjustment, see the Reference Manual of the balance.
• The unit is fixed to definition unit, no unit is output since the built-in weight is used.

Ü TST3 Start sensitivity test with built-in weight.
Û TST3VB The test procedure has been started.
Û TST3VAV"VVVVVV0.0002" Test with internal weight completed successfully. The
difference to the specified value is 0.0002 (= 2 digits
from a weigh module/balance with an increment of
0.1 mg).
Not supported balances
The command is not supported for the following balances.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 81

See also
2 @ – Abort } Page 12
2 C3 – Start adjustment with built-in weight } Page 21

82 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

WS – Draft shield doors
Use WS to query the position of the draft shield doors, or open/close the draft shield doors.
WS Query the position of the draft shield doors.
WSV<Door> Open or close draft shield door(s).
WSVA Command understood open/close starts.
WSVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command).
WSVL Command understood but not executable (incorrect
Name Type Values Meaning
<Status> Integer Identification of the status of the draft shield doors'
positions. (Supported values are product dependent)
0 All draft shield doors closed
1 All or right draft shield door(s) opened (see notes
"single drive mechanism")
2 Left draft shield door(s) opened
3 Top draft shield door opened
4 Right and left draft shield doors opened
5 Right, left and top draft shield doors opened
6 Right and top draft shield doors opened
7 Left and top draft shield doors opened
8 Error
9 Intermediate
<Door> Integer Identification of the draft shield door(s). (Supported
values are product dependent)
0 Close all draft shield doors
1 Open all or the right draft shield door(s) (see notes
"single drive mechanism")
2 Open all or the left draft shield door(s) (see notes
"single drive mechanism")
3 Open the top draft shield door(s)
4 Open the right and left draft shield doors
5 Open the right, left and top draft shield doors
6 Open the right and top draft shield doors
7 Open the left and top draft shield doors
• The WS command is not blocking and can return WSVA before the door has reached the target position (see
examples). Therefore, after executing WSVDoor the user should verify the success by request the position of
the draft shield doors.

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 83

• If the doors are blocked when closing, they will return to their original position and the command does not
return the error status (8).
• If the device has an additional inner draft shield and the position is queried the "interim" position is output
until both the inner and outer draft shields are in the requested end position. The left or right pair of inner
and outer draft shield doors cannot be opened or closed independently.
• The definition of "open" can be set to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% for inner and outer draft shield doors
independently using M37 and M40. The definition of "open" for the top draft shield door is fixed to 100%.
Command-specific error responses
WSV3 Open the top draft shield door.
WSVL Command understood but not executable (the balance
have not a top draft shield door).
Ü WSV1 Open the draft shield door(s).
Û WSVA Draft shield door(s) opened.

Ü WS Query the position of the draft shield doors.

Û WSV9 Draft shield has not opened yet, because too little time
has passed.

Ü WS Query the position of the draft shield doors.

Û WSV1 Draft shield door(s) successfully opened.

Ü WSV0 Close all draft shield doors.

Û WSVA All draft shield door(s) are closed.

Ü WS Query the position of the draft shield doors.

Û WSV0 Draft shield doors successfully closed.

See also
2 M37 – Draft shield door opening width } Page 50
2 M40 – Inner draft shield door opening width } Page 51

84 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

Z – Zero
Use Z to set a new zero; all weight values (including the tare weight) will be measured relative to this zero.
After zeroing has taken place, the following values apply: tare weight = 0; net weight (= gross weight) = 0.
Z Zero the balance.
ZVA Zero setting successfully performed. Gross, net and
tare = 0.
ZVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring, or timeout as stability was not reached).
ZV+ Upper limit of zero setting range exceeded.
ZV- Lower limit of zero setting range exceeded.
• The zero point determined during switching on is not influenced by this command, the measurement ranges
remain unchanged.
• The duration of the timeout depends on the balance type.

Ü Z Zero.
Û ZVA Zero setting performed.

See also
2 ZI – Zero immediately } Page 86

MT-SICS Interface Commands Commands and Responses​​ 85

ZI – Zero immediately
Use ZI to set a new zero immediately, regardless of balance stability. All weight values (including the tare
weight) will be measured relative to this zero. After zeroing has taken place, the following values apply: tare
weight = 0; net weight (= gross weight) = 0.
ZI Zero the balance immediately regardless the stability
of balance.
ZIVD Re-zero performed under non-stable (dynamic)
ZIVS Re-zero performed under stable conditions.
ZIVI Command understood but currently not executable
(balance is currently executing another command,
e.g. taring).
ZIV+ Upper limit of zero setting range exceeded.
ZIV- Lower limit of zero setting range exceeded.
• This command is not supported by approved balances.
• The zero point determined during switching on is not influenced by this command, the measurement ranges
remain unchanged.
V ZI Zero immediately.
V ZIVD Re-zero performed under non-stable (dynamic)

See also
2 Z – Zero } Page 85

86 Commands and Responses​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands

4 What if...?
Tips from actual practice if the communication between the system (computer) and the balance is not working.
Establishing the communication
Switch the balance off / on.
The balance must now send identification string [I4 } Page 30], e.g., I4VAV"0123456789".
If this is not the case, check the following points.
The user needs to enable the MT-SICS service in the settings of the balance.
Interface parameters
For the transmission to function properly, the settings of the following parameters must match at both the
computer and the balance (only for USB-RS232 converter):
• Baud rate (send/receive rate)
• Number of data bits
• Parity bit
• Stop bits
• Handshake
Check the settings at both devices.

See also
2 I4 – Serial number } Page 30

MT-SICS Interface Commands What if...?​​ 87

88 What if...?​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands
A WS   83
Dynamic weighing
SM0   59
@   12
SM1   60
SM2   61
C0   18
SM3   63
C1   20
SM4   65
C3   21
M19   43 I
B ID balance
I10   32
Balance ID
I10   32 L
Balance information List of commands   9
I0   25 I0   25
I1   26
I10   32
I11   33 Status
I14   34 DAT   23
I2   28 I0   25
I3   29 PWR   52
I4   30 TIM   80
I5   31 T
Balance settings
M21   44
T   76
Beep signal
TA   77
M12   42
TAC   78
C TI   79
Cancel TDNR   35
@   12 Terminal
DW   24 see Display   22
SM0   59 Test function
Commands   9 TST3   81

Display Weighing
D   22 S   53
DW   24 SI   54
K   36 SIR   55
M11   41 SIRU   56
M12   42 SIU   58
M23   48 SNR   66
PWR   52 SNRU   68
Door SR   70
M37   50 SRU   72
M40   51 ST   74

MT-SICS Interface Commands Index​​ 89

SU   75
Weighing application
A36   14
A37   16
Weighing filter setup
M01   38
M02   39
M03   40
M29   49
Weighing to a nominal value
A10   13
Zero drift compensation
M03   40
Z   85
ZI   86

90 Index​​ MT-SICS Interface Commands
For more information

Mettler-Toledo GmbH
Im Langacher 44
8606 Greifensee, Switzerland

Subject to technical changes.

© Mettler-Toledo GmbH  10/2020
30324923E en

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