LRFD Live Load Distribution Factors: Bridge Division

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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:

LRFD Live Load Distribution Factors*

Live Load Distribution Factors are calculated according to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition
(2017 with no interim revisions) as prescribed by TxDOT policies (LRFD Design Manual July 2018) and practices.
The Lever Rule is used when outside the Range of Applicability. The Range of Applicability for the Skew Correction
Factors is ignored.
Beam Type = IV Deck Slab Beam
No. Beams, Nb = 5 Conc wt = 0.145 k/ft3 weight = 0.145 k/ft3
CLbrg to CLbrg, L = 65.62 ft f'c = 3.0 ksi f'c = 4.0 ksi
Beam Spacing, S = 6.56 ft Eslab = 3156 ksi Ebeam = 3644 ksi
Avg. Skew Angle, q = 0.00 deg yt = 29.25 in
Slab Thickness, ts = 8.00 in A= 788.4 in2
Slab Overhang, OH = 3 ft I= 260403 in4
Rail Width, RW = 1 ft
Roadway Width, W = 31 ft
Number of Lanes, NL = 2 54.00
Longitudinal Stiffness Parameter: ( 2183.90
eg (in) = 33.25 (dist. b/w cog of bm & deck) 90004.00
n= 1.000 1.000
2 4
Kg = n(I+Aeg ) = 1132028 in

*For typical cross sections (a,e,i,j & k). Table

RESULTS: Final LLDF The Final LLDF may be modified according to the following
TxDOT policies:
♦ Exterior beams use the interior LLDF when OH ≤ S/2.
Interior Shear LLDF, gVinterior 0.712 ♦ When OH > S/2 the exterior beam LLDF is determined by
the lever rule for a single lane with a multiple presence factor of
Interior Moment LLDF, gMinterior 0.635 1.0.
♦In no case shall the LLDF for the exterior beams be less than
Exterior Shear LLDF, gVexterior 0.712 the LLDFs for the interior beams.
♦When the Roadway width is less than 20ft, all beams are
designed for one lane loaded only.
Exterior Moment LLDF, gMexterior 0.649 ♦In no case shall the LLDF be less than m·NL÷Nb.


Shear LLDF Correction for Skew (Table Check q: 0° ≤ 0° ≤ 60° OK

 12.0 Lt s  3 Check S: 3.5' ≤ 6.6' ≤ 16.0' OK
Corr. = 1.0  0.20  tan q
 Check L: 20' ≤ 65.6' ≤ 240' OK
 Kg  Check Nb: 5≥4 OK
= 1.0 + 0.20 * [(12.0*65.6*8^3)/(1,132,028)]^0.3 * tan(0)
Corr. = 1.000

Moment LLDF Correction for Skew (Table Check q: 0° < 30° Set q = 0°
Corr. = 1 - c1(tan θ)^1.5  Kg  0 .5
= 1 - 0(tan 0)^1.5 where: c1 = 0.25 3

  
 12.0 Lt s  L
Corr. = 1.000 c1 = 0.000 because Θ < 30°
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
Shear LL Distribution Per Lane (Table
One Lane Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = 0.543 * 1.2 = 0.652
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.652 * 1.000 = 0.652
 S 
g = 0.36   
 25 
g = 0.36 + (6.562 / 25) =0.622
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
g = 0.622 * 1.000 = 0.622
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks
Check S: 3.5' ≤ 6.6' ≤ 16.0' OK
Check ts: 4.5'' ≤ 8.0'' ≤ 12.0'' OK
Check L: 20' ≤ 65.6' ≤ 240' OK
Check Nb: 5 ≥ 4 OK
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gVint1 = 0.622
Two or More Lanes Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = Max(0.738 * 1.0, 0.738 * 0.85, 0.738 * 0.65) = 0.738
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.738 * 1.000 = 0.738
Equation 2.0
S   S 
g = 0.2    
 12   35 
g = 0.2 + (6.6 / 12) - (6.6 / 35)^2.0 = 0.712
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
g = 0.712 * 1.000 = 0.712
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks (same as for one lane loaded)
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gVint2+ = 0.712
TxDOT Policy states gVInterior must be ≥ m·NL÷Nb
m·NL÷Nb = 1.00 * 2 / 5 = 0.400
Is W ≥ 20ft ? Yes
TxDOT Policy states that if W < 20ft, gVInterior is the Maximum of: gVint1 and m·NL÷Nb.
>> TxDOT Policy states that if W ≥ 20ft, gVInterior is the Maximum of: gVint1, gVint2+, m·NL÷Nb.
gVinterior = 0.712
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
Moment LL Distribution Per Lane (Table
One Lane Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = 0.543 * 1.2 = 0.652
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.652 * 1.000 = 0.652
Equation 0 .1
 S  S
0 .4 0.3
 Kg 
g = 0.06       
 14   L   12 Lt 3 
 s 
g = 0.06 + (6.6/14)^0.4 * (6.6/65.6)^0.3 * (1,132,028/(12*65.6*8^3))^0.1 = 0.470
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
g = 0.470 * 1.000 = 0.470
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks
Check S: 3.5' ≤ 6.6' ≤ 16.0' OK
Check ts: 4.5'' ≤ 8.0'' ≤ 12.0'' OK
Check L: 20' ≤ 65.6' ≤ 240' OK
Check Nb: 5 ≥ 4 OK
Check Kg: 10,000 ≤ 1,132,028 ≤ 7,000,000 OK
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gMint1 = 0.470
Two or More Lanes Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = Max(0.738 * 1.0, 0.738 * 0.85, 0.738 * 0.65) = 0.738
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.738 * 1.000 = 0.738
Equation 0 .1
 S  S
0.6 0.2
 Kg 
g = 0.075       
 9.5   L   12 Lt 3 
 s 
g = 0.075 + (6.6/9.5)^0.6 * (6.6/65.6)^0.2 * (1,132,028/(12*65.6*8^3))^0.1 =0.635
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
g = 0.635 * 1.000 = 0.635
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks (same as for one lane loaded)
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gMint2+ = 0.635
TxDOT Policy states gMInterior must be ≥ m·NL÷Nb
m·NL÷Nb = 1.00 * 2 / 5 = 0.400
Is W ≥ 20ft ? Yes
TxDOT Policy states that if W < 20ft, gMInterior is the Maximum of: gMint1 and m·NL÷Nb.
>> TxDOT Policy states that if W ≥ 20ft, gMInterior is the Maximum of: gMint1, gMint2+, m·NL÷Nb.
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
gMinterior = 0.635
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
Shear LL Distribution Per Lane (Table
One Lane Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = 0.587 * 1.0 = 0.587 TxDOT uses a multiple presence factor of 1.0 for one
Modify for Skew: lane loaded on the exterior beam.
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.587 * 1.000 = 0.587
Use Lever Rule, as per AASHTO LRFD Table
gVext1 = 0.587
Two or More Lanes Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = Max(0.587 * 1.0, 0.587 * 0.85, 0.587 * 0.65) = 0.587
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.587 * 1.000 = 0.587
de = dist. b/w CL web to curb
de = OH - Rail Width
de = 3.29ft - 1ft = 2.3 ft
 de 
e = 0.6   
 10 
e = 0.6 + (2.3/10) = 0.829
g = e*gVint2+Eq
g = 0.829 * 0.712 = 0.590
Skew Correction is included in gV(interior).
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks Interior ROA is implicitly applied to the exterior beam.
Check Interior Beam ROA: OK
Check de: -1.0' ≤ 2.3' ≤ 5.5' OK
Check Nb: 5 ≠ 3 OK
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gVext2+ = 0.590
TxDOT Policy states gVExterior must be ≥ gVinterior
gVinterior = 0.712
TxDOT Policy states gVExterior must be ≥ m·NL÷Nb
m·NL÷Nb = 1.00 * 2 / 5 = 0.400
Is OH ≤ S/2 ? No
Is W ≥ 20ft ? Yes
TxDOT Policy states that if OH ≤ S/2, gVExterior is gVinterior.
TxDOT Policy states that if OH > S/2 and W < 20ft, gVExterior is the Maximum of: gVext1, gVinterior, and
>> TxDOT Policy states that if OH > S/2 ans W ≥ 20ft, gVExterior is the Maximum of: gVext1, gVext2+, gVinterior,
and m·NL÷Nb.
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
gVexterior = 0.712
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
Moment LL Distribution Per Lane (Table
One Lane Loaded
Lever Rule
mg = 0.587 * 1.0 = 0.587 TxDOT uses a multiple presence factor of 1.0 for one
Modify for Skew: lane loaded on the exterior beam.
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.587 * 1.000 = 0.587
Use Lever Rule as per AASHTO LRFD Table
gMext1 = 0.587
Two or More Lanes Loaded
Lever Rule (Table
mg = Max(0.587 * 1.0, 0.587 * 0.85, 0.587 * 0.65) = 0.587
Modify for Skew:
skew correction = 1.000
mg = 0.587 * 1.000 = 0.587
 de 
e = 0.77   
 9.1 
e = 0.77 + (2.3/9.1) = 1.022
g = e*gMint2+Eq
g = 1.022 * 0.635 = 0.649
Skew Correction included in gM(interior).
Range of Applicability (ROA) Checks Interior ROA is implicitly applied to the exterior beam.
Check Interior Beam ROA: OK
Check de: -1.0' ≤ 2.3' ≤ 5.5' OK
Check Nb: 5 ≠ 3 OK
Use Equation from Table because all criteria is OK.
gMext2+ = 0.649
TxDOT Policy states gMExterior must be ≥ gMinterior
gMinterior = 0.635
TxDOT Policy states gMExterior must be ≥ m·NL÷Nb
m·NL÷Nb = 1.00 * 2 / 5 = 0.400
Is OH ≤ S/2 ? No
Is W ≥ 20ft ? Yes
TxDOT Policy states that if OH ≤ S/2, gMExterior is gMinterior.
TxDOT Policy states that if OH > S/2 and W < 20ft, gMExterior is the Maximum of: gMext1, gMinterior, and
>> TxDOT Policy states that if OH > S/2 ans W ≥ 20ft, gMExterior is the Maximum of: gMext1, gMext2+, gMinterior,
and m·NL÷Nb.
gMexterior = 0.649
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TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:

LEVER RULE S = 6.6 ft


For S < 4:
One Lane = = 0.500

For 4 ≤ S < 6:
One Lane = = 0.500

16  S 4
Two Lanes = 1   = 0.695
32  S 

>>For 6 ≤ S < 10:

16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 
16  S 6 S 4
Two Lanes = 1    = 0.738
32  S S 

For 10 ≤ S < 12:

16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 
Two Lanes = 1     = 0.476
32  S S S 

For 12 ≤ S < 16:

16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 
Two Lanes = 1     = 0.476
32  S S S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 S  12 
Three Lanes = 1      = 0.062
32  S S S S 

For 16 ≤ S < 18:

16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 
Two Lanes = 1     = 0.476
32  S S S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 S  12 
Three Lanes = 1      = 0.062
32  S S S S 
16  S  6 S  4 S  10 S  12 S  16 
Four Lanes = 1       = -0.657
32  S S S S S 
11 of 13

TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:

LEVER RULE S = 6.6 ft

INTERIOR (con't)

For 18 ≤ S < 22:

16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 

Two Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  = 0.476

32  S S S 

Three Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  S  12  S  18  = -0.810

32  S S S S S 

Four Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  S  12  S  18  S  16  = -1.529

32  S S S S S S 
For 22 ≤ S ≤ 24:
16  S 6
One Lane = 1   = 0.543
32  S 

Two Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  = 0.476

32  S S S 

Three Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  S  12  S  18  = -0.810

32  S S S S S 

Four Lanes = 16 1  S  6  S  4  S  10  S  12  S  18  S  16  S  22  = -2.705

32  S S S S S S S 


S= 6.6 ft
OH = 3.3 ft
Rail Width = RW = 1.0 ft
X = S+OH-RW-2ft = 6.9 ft

For X < 6:
16  X 
One Lane =   = 0.522
32  S 

>>For 6 ≤ X < 12: 16  X X  6 

One Lane = 32  S  S  = 0.587
 

For 12 ≤ X < 18:

16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 
Two Lanes =     = 0.195
32  S S S 
12 of 13

TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:
32  S S S 


EXTERIOR (con't) S= 6.6 ft OH = 3.3 ft

RW = 1.0 ft X = S+OH-RW-2ft = 6.9 ft

For 18 ≤ X < 24:

16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 

16 X X  6 X  12 X  18 
Two Lanes = 32  S  S


S 
 = -0.655

For 24 ≤ X < 30:

16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 
Two Lanes =      = -0.655
32  S S S S 

16 X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 
Three Lanes = 32  S  S



S 
 = -1.961

For 30 ≤ X < 36:

16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 
Two Lanes =      = -0.655
32  S S S S 

16 X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 X  30 
Three Lanes = 32  S  S




S 
 = -3.725

For 36 ≤ X < 42:

16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 
Two Lanes =      = -0.655
32  S S S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 X  30 
Three Lanes =        = -3.725
32  S S S S S S 

16 X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 X  30 X  36 
Four Lanes = 32  S  S





S 
 = -5.946

For 42 ≤ X ≤ 48:
16  X X  6 
One Lane =    = 0.587
32  S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 
Two Lanes =      = -0.655
32  S S S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 X  30 
Three Lanes =        = -3.725
32  S S S S S S 
16  X X  6 X  12 X  18 X  24 X  30 X  36 X  42 
Four Lanes =          = -8.624
32  S S S S S S S S 

One Lane Loaded = 0.543 One Lane Loaded = 0.587
Two Lanes Loaded = 0.738 Two Lanes Loaded = 0.587
Three Lanes Loaded = 0.738 Three Lanes Loaded = 0.587
Four Lanes Loaded = 0.738 Four Lanes Loaded = 0.587
13 of 13

TXDOT County: ANY Highway: Any Design: BRG Date: 3/19/21 2017 LRFD Specs
BRIDGE C-S-J: XXX-XX-XXXX ID #: XXXX Ck Dsn: Date: Rev. 10/18 - (No Interim)
DIVISION Descrip: I-beam Superstructure File: distribution_factors.xls Sheet:

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