Create A Compelling Social Media Campaign

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Create a Compelling Social Media Campaign

Creating compelling content that connects with your audience is

the key to reaching your marketing goals online. If you’re looking
to grow your business or define your overall strategy, get a head
start using the tips below.

Plan Ahead
Planning out posts may seem like an unimportant step, but setting up the foundation
for your content each month (or even each year) can make all the difference. Start by
creating a content calendar. It can be as sophisticated as a spreadsheet or as simple
as a piece of paper and a pen. No matter how you choose to plan, using a calendar
allows you to:

• Take advantage of seasonal events, holidays, and trends

• Stick to what’s important to your business and your customers

Understanding seasonality and how it impacts your followers is key to connecting

with your audience. Plan content that feels timely and solves the problems of your
customers during that specific season. If you’re looking for a place to start, check out
our sample content calendar below!

Create a content mix that helps your business grow online.

As you sit down to plan, consider the variety of content at your disposal. Just as
posting consistently is always recommended, creating a content mix is just as
important. Posting the same type of content each time could be limiting you from
reaching new followers or even nurturing your current fanbase. When thinking about
your content each month, consider a mix of the following content types:


Posts that are about your business.
Use this content type to highlight the history, mission, culture, or team members of
your business. These posts are human and create a sense of trust where it matters.
They paint a picture of who you are and help put a face to the business. More and
more consumers want to support local businesses that have a shared mindset or
have similar values. To them, it means their buying power has more impact.

A few examples might be:

• Sharing how your business got started
• Highlighting a team member who made an impact
• Showcasing specific certifications or degrees that qualify you as an expert in
your field

Posts that are about a product or service.

These posts do the heavy lifting when it comes to providing the most direct ROI
online. They tell the reader, “We have or do something you need, and here’s why.”
When creating this type of content, using actionable language or a CTA allows you
to create immediate points of sale or action for the reader. These posts also help
provide variety to the feed and help define the brand both visually and within the
copy used.

A few examples might be:

• Promoting a new menu item or seasonal collection
• Highlighting a service or feature like delivery or curbside pickup
• Showcasing a new website or storefront

Posts that educate your followers.

This content type allows you to provide immediate value to the reader. Create posts
that educate your audience with a fact, tip, or answer to a frequently asked question.
Not only are you offering information from the perspective of a professional, but
you’re also teaching the reader something new, which means they walk away with
something at little to no cost on their end. You can even segment your audience by
creating educational content for different types of followers.

A few examples might be:

• Sharing a blog post from your website
• Showing a behind-the-scenes look at your business
• Hosting a live Q & A online


Posts that engage your audience.
Don’t forget to include content that’s clearly designed to engage your followers. This
type of versatile content is excellent at building a connection and helps foster an
online community, which is especially important for when your business experiences
less physical footfall. Brands with strong communities are often the most attuned to
what their audience wants, who their audience is, and how to add value to that same
audience. Customer engagement is directly related to business growth. Consumers
who are actively engaged with content feel more emotionally and rationally attached
to a brand and are more likely to become repeat customers.

A few examples might be:

• Asking a question or taking a poll
• Hosting a contest or giveaway
• Prompting readers to tag someone new, comment on a post, or follow the

Run a special or promotion

Running a special or promotion directly relates to business growth and overall profit.
By promoting events, specials, and listings online, you can tap into the direct ROI
that social media marketing can offer. Events help bring new business or grow an
existing community, and specials promote products or services in hopes of directly
boosting sales. Use your content calendar to plan when these promotions take place
to help ensure seasonal relevance and resonate more with followers.

How to create your message

When it comes to crafting your content, there are infinite combinations of words, pictures,
videos, music, and more to help bring your idea to life. To find the perfect balance
between cohesion and variety on your pages, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Use different types of visuals that all remain on brand.

Variety in your feed keeps content from looking stale. Use images you took paired
with on-brand stock photos and elements to create a cohesive visual experience on
your page. If you’re looking to take your content to the next level, give video a try.
A mix of videos and images keeps customers engaged, and features like Instagram
Stories or going live on platforms can help build a strong connection with your


Write captions that your audience will want to read.
Remember to consider the season or specific needs of your customers. Then write
messages that speak to those needs. The more relatable your content, the more
likely folks will be willing to actively engage, whether that means leaving a comment
or even making a purchase.

Speaking of an engaged audience, it’s important to encourage readers to take

action. To do this, write posts with calls to action connected to one of your marketing
goals. Looking to grow your page? Ask folks to comment or share with a friend.
Hoping to meet a sales goal? Drive traffic to your website or storefront.

Stay true to your brand

A compelling social media campaign always stays true to its business and brand.
Authenticity is key and a huge asset in growing your business. Stay real and open
with your customers to create relatable content that speaks to followers as people,
not just another sale. Remember your goals and why you started your business in the
first place, and let that sentiment shine through in the content you create.


Sample Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Instagram Story: Behind-the-scenes (photoshoots, product creation, events, etc.)

Product Product
About the
or Service or Service
Highlight Highlight

Instagram Story: Tell a story about your business? How did you get started? What’s something you love most about what you do?

Audience Product
Engagement/ or Service Testimonial
Participation Highlight

Instagram Story: Highlight user-generated content

Product Product Audience

or Service or Service Engagement/
Highlight Highlight Participation

Instagram Story: Highlight special or promotion

Special or or Service Education
Promotion Highlight

Monthly Goals: Instagram story ideas for the week: Tell a story
about your business? How did you get started?
Ex. Promote new product collection What’s something you love most about what you do?
Ex. Gain 100 followers on Instagram
Week 3:
Post one: Product or Service Highlight
Note any relevant holidays that may appear in the
month. Post two: Product or Service Highlight

Week 1: Post three: Audience Participation

Post one: Product or Service Highlight Instagram story ideas for the week: Highlight user-
generated content
Post two: About the Business
Week 4:
Post three: Product or Service Highlight
Post one: Special or Promotion
Instagram story ideas for the week: Behind-the-
scenes (photoshoots, product creation, events, etc.) Post two: Product or Service Highlight

Week 2: Post three: Education

Post one: Audience Engagement/Participation Instagram story ideas for the week: Highlight
special or promotion
Post two: Product or Service Highlight

Post three: Testimonial


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