Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
807.0 Appliances.
(4,572 mm) in length shall be directly trapped, but
such traps need not be vented.
Indirect waste pipes less than fifteen (15) feet 807.1 Appliances, devices, equipment, or other
(4,572 mm) in length shall not be less than the apparatus not regularly classed as plumbing fixtures,
diameter of the drain outlet or tailpiece of the fixture, which are equipped with pumps, drips, or drainage
appliance, or equipment served, and in no case less outlets, may be drained by indirect waste pipes
than one-half (1/2) inch (15 mm) in size. Angles and discharging into an approved type of open receptor.
changes of direction in such indirect waste pipes 807.2 When the condensate waste from air-
shall be provided with cleanouts so as to permit conditioning coils discharges by direct connection to
flushing and cleaning. a lavatory tailpiece or to an approved accessible inlet
on a bathtub overflow, the connection shall be
804.0 Indirect Waste Receptors. located in the area controlled by the same person
804.1 All plumbing fixtures or other receptors
controlling the air-conditioned space.
receiving the discharge of indirect waste pipes shall be 807.3 When undiluted condensate waste from a fuel-
approved for the use proposed and shall be of such burning condensing appliance is discharged into the
shape and capacity as to prevent splashing or flooding drainage system, the material in the drainage system
and shall be located where they are readily accessible shall be cast iron, galvanized iron, plastic, or other
for inspection and cleaning. No standpipe receptor for materials approved for this use.
any clothes washer shall extend more than thirty (30) Exceptions:
inches (762 mm), nor less than eighteen (18) inches (1) When the above condensate is discharged to
(457 mm) above its trap. No trap for any clothes an exposed fixture tailpiece and trap, such
washer standpipe receptor shall be installed below the tailpiece and trap may be brass.
floor, but shall be roughed in not less than six (6)
inches (152 mm) and not more than eighteen (18) (2) Any materials approved in Section 701.0
inches (457 mm) above the floor. No indirect waste may be used when data is provided that the
receptor shall be installed in any toilet room, closet, condensate waste is adequately diluted.
INDIRECT WASTES 808.0 – 811.2
adjacent, and not less than six (6) inches (152 mm) thereto when the normal water level of such boiler or
above the overflow rim of the fixture. boilers is reduced not less than four (4) inches (102 mm).
any part of a plumbing or drainage system, nor shall 1 in. (25 mm) 1 in. (25 mm) 2-1/2 in. (65 mm)
any water having a temperature above one hundred 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) 1-1/4 in. (32 mm) 3 in. (80 mm)
and forty (140)°F (60°C) be discharged under 1-1/2 in. (40 mm) 1-1/2 in. (40 mm) 4 in. (100 mm)
pressure directly into any part of a drainage system.
2 in. (50 mm) 2 in. (50 mm) 5 in. (125 mm)
Pipes from boilers shall discharge by means of
indirect waste piping, as determined by the 2-1/2 in. (65 mm) 2-1/2 in. (65 mm) 6 in. (150 mm)
Authority Having Jurisdiction or the boiler
manufacturer’s recommendations. Such pipes may *To be used only with boilers of 100 square feet (9.29
be indirectly connected by discharging into an open m2) of heating surface or less.
or closed condenser or an intercepting sump of an
approved type that will prevent the entrance of 810.4 Strainers. Every indirect waste interceptor
steam or such water under pressure into the receiving discharge-containing particles that would
drainage system. All closed condensers or sumps clog the receptor drain shall have a readily
shall be provided with a vent that shall be taken off removable beehive strainer.
the top and extended separately, full size above the