Middle East Technical University Department of Chemical Engineering

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ChE 204- Thermodynamics I (03)
Dr. Bahar İpek Torun 15.03.2019
Question 1.
Given the P-V diagram on the right, answer the
following questions. 2 1
i) The net work for the cycle is:
a. Zero
b. Positive
P (kPa)
c. Negative
d. We need numbers
ii) The net work is
a. Done on the system by the surroundings 4
b. Done by the system to the surroundings 3
iii) The processes from state 12 and 34 are:
a. Isothermal
b. Isochoric V (m3)
c. Isobaric
d. Cannot tell from the diagram
iv) The net enthalpy change for the cycle is:
a. Zero
b. Positive
c. Negative
d. Not enough information
v) If points 2 and 4 are at the same temperature, draw a process path that connects them through
an isothermal process.
Question 2. Air enters an adiabatic turbine at negligible velocity at 2.5 MPa and 300 °C. The air
expands to an exit pressure of 100 kPa. The exit velocity and temperature are 100 m/s and 80
°C respectively. The diameter of the exit pipe is 0.5 m. Determine the power output (𝑊̇𝑆 ) for the
turbine. (Hint: You can take Cp= 3.5 R (kJ/kmol K) and 𝐶̂𝑃 (𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔𝐾) = 𝐶𝑃 /𝑀𝑊 and air=Cair*MW)

Question 3. Steam at 0.1 MPa and 350°C is contained in a piston-cylinder device and pressurized
isothermally until a single-phase liquid water is obtained. What is the final pressure of the liquid
determined from steam tables? Illustrate the process on P-T, T-V and P-V diagrams. Would it be
possible to isothermally condense water vapor that is initially at 0.1 MPa and 380°C?
Question 4. An insulated rigid tank is divided into two
equal parts by a partition. Initially, one part contains 0.2
kmol of an ideal gas at 800 kPa and 50°C, and the other
part is evacuated. The partition is now removed, and the
gas expands into the entire tank. Determine the final
temperature and pressure in the tank.

Question 5. Suppose you have two metal blocks (block 1 and block 2) of same mass but two
different materials. One of the blocks is initially at 100°C whereas the other is at 500°C. The two
blocks are brought into contact with each other and they are insulated immediately. Answer the
following questions:
a. What is the equilibrium temperature if 𝐶̂ p,1 = 𝐶̂ p,2
b. What is the equilibrium temperature if 𝐶̂ p,1 >> 𝐶̂ p,2
c. True or false: If 𝐶̂ p,1 < 𝐶̂ p,2, the final temperature will be in the range 300°C - 500°C.
d. True or false: For the system of two blocks in contact with each other. The total energy of
the system is conserved throughout the process.

Question 6.
Air, 4 moles of air in a piston-cylinder
undergoes a cyclic process as schematically 1
shown by the path 1231 in the P-V
diagram. Calculate the unknown quantities in
the table shown below:
P (kPa)
Process Nature of Q W ∆U
process (kJ) (kJ) (kJ)
12 Irreversible ? 15 ? 400
2 3
23 Reversible 28 ? ?
31 Irreversible 44 ? ?
0.04 0.08
V (m3)

Question 7. 2 kg/min of oil (𝐶̂𝑃 = 1.67 kJ/kg) flows through a heat exchanger where the
temperature of oil is increased from 20°C to 210°C using saturated steam at 250°C. If saturated
liquid at the same pressure of the inlet steam is collected from the exit of the hot side of the heat
exchanger, what is the flow rate of water to the heat exchanger?
Question 8. The changes of the internal energy, heat and work interactions of a gas with its
surroundings are given for each step of a process below. Calculate the unknown terms in each
Step ΔU (kJ/kg) Q (kJ/kg) W (kJ/kg)

12 -200 -6000

23 400 -3800

34 -800

41 0 -200

overall cycle

Question 9. A well-insulated cylinder fitted with a frictionless and non-conducting piston is divided
into two chambers, A and B, by a fixed-heat conducting wall as shown in the figure. Each chamber
has volume of 0.01 m3 and contains air. The piston performs work on chamber B resulting in heat
transfer between the two chambers. Air is initially at 200°C, 500 kPa in chamber A and at 200°C,
1500 kPa in chamber B. If the final pressure in chamber A is 1600 kPa and thermal equilibrium is
established between two chambers finally, determine;

a) the final temperature,

b) the heat interaction between the two chambers,
c) the work done.


Fixed wall Frictionless


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