GT Report
GT Report
GT Report
Proposed Construction of ROB across
L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in
Kurla (W) in ‘L’ Ward.
March - 2020
1.0 Introduction
This report presents geotechnical recommendations for Construction of Foot over bridge
across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward. For M/s. Municipal
Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India. Contractor of this project is Construma Consultancy
Limited. The work for soil investigation is carried out by and reviewing the various alternatives and
suggesting the most suitable alternative was assigned to M/s. Rancon Project Pvt. Ltd.
This report is based on the soil profile as seen in from the two borehole logs appended with
this report. Soil, rock and water are tested in the field boreholes and the Rock and water samples
were tested in the laboratory. Summary of test results is presented in the report. If any variations or
undesirable conditions are encountered during the development of site, M/s. Rancon Project Pvt.
Ltd. Should be notified so that supplemental recommendations may be given.
2.0 Objective
The objective of the present study is
a. Analysis of Safe Bearing Capacity/Pressure for Design for Foundation.
3.0 Scope
a. Sub-surface investigations by two Boreholes with field & laboratory test are conducted.
4.0 Geology of Mumbai
Geographically, Greater Mumbai is an island outside the mainland of Konkan in Maharashtra separated
from the mainland by the narrow Thane Creek and a somewhat wider Harbor Bay. At present, it
covers the original island group of Mumbai, and most of the island of Salsette, with the former
Trombay Island appended to it in its Southeast. A small part in the north the Salsette Island however,
lies in Thane District. The Salsette-Mumbai island creek and the Thane creek together separate it from
the mainland. Thus the area of Greater Mumbai is surrounded on three sides by the seas: by the
Arabian Sea to the west and the south, the Harbor Bay and the Thane Creek in the east - but in the
north, the district of Thane stretches along its boundary across the northern parts of Salsette. Its
height is hardly 10 to 15 meters above sea level. At some places the height is just above the sea level.
Parts of Mumbai City district (Backbay and Bandra reclamation) are the major reclamation areas of
Mumbai in the Arabian Sea. The predominant soil cover in Mumbai city is sandy whereas in the
suburban district, the soil cover is alluvial and loamy.
The entire Greater Mumbai area is occupied by Deccan basalt flows and their acid and basic variants,
poured out between the late Cretaceous and early Eocene times. The basaltic flows are horizontally
bedded and are more or less uniform in character over wide areas. Certain extrusive and intrusive
mafic types are associated with basalt's and are found in the Mumbai Islands and its vicinity. This is in
contrast to the monotonous uniformity displayed by the Deccan basalt's in general. Further, some
fossiliferous sediments, mainly of tufa ceo us origin and partly of fresh water origin, rich in fauna, are
also found in Mumbai area.
Mumbai Island has ridges along its western and eastern side. The city of Mumbai is built on the
central low-lying part of the island. The western ridge comprises stratified ash beds.
Overlain by hard, massive andesitic lava flows, both formations showing gentle tilt towards the west.
The stratified ashed which display variegated colors and variable textures attain a total thickness of
about 45m.
The ash beds are capped by massive lava flows which attain a thickness of about 16 m. The rocks are
aphanitic, have a conchoidal fracture and exhibit conspicuous hexagonal columnar jointing. They are
exposed on the Malabar, Cumballa, Worli hills and extend on to the Salsette Island. Dark colored
fossiliferous shales attaining a thickness of about 2m are exposed at the foot of the Worli hills. Being
deposited during a period of quiescence and overlain by a later flow, these beds are known as
Intertrapean Beds.
The eastern ridge represents a different suite of rocks. The geology of the intervening low lands is
more or less obscured by the development of the city of Mumbai. Some of the recent excavations near
Flora Fountain, Old Custom House and Dadar have revealed the presence of The central portions of
Salsette Island comprise a range of hills trending north-south merging with the tidal swamps towards
the east, while towards the west these hills pass into wide plains with a few isolated hillocks. Basalt is
the major rock unit constituting the main ridge extending from Ghatkopar, east of Jogeshwari, Aarey
Milk Colony to Kanheri and beyond. At places, there are ash beds intervening between successive
flows, these may be seen in the cuttings of the Western Express High-way passing through
Another interesting geological feature is the occurrence of a vast thickness of volcanic agglomerate
near Tulsi Lake and Kanheri caves, indicating a possible volcanic focus from which much of the
pyroclastic rocks in the Mumbai and Salsette islands may have extruded. These agglomerates are
largely made up of elongated sub-angular vesicular bombs blocks of brown chert, trachyte, volcanic
ejectment and small pieces of yellow to reddish brown limonitic matter, varying in size from a few
centimeters to as much as one meter set in a mainx of dense, dull light grey amorphous material. At
places this matrix resembles bauxite.
Trombay Island is separated from Mumbai and Salsette by intensive tidal flats with a series of low hills
extending north south in the center. Fades of amygdaloidal olivine basalt dipping gently towards west,
with ramified layers and dykes of rock types described variously as oceanite, ankaramite and
monchiquite etc. are prevalent in this area.
A well-marked fault is seen near Antop hill. Sukheswala (1958) has given evidence for two north-south
running faults in Mumbai Island, one to the east of Western ridge and other running along the
western ridges. The faults extend into Salsette Island and have maximum throw of 75' and 40'
5.0 Subsurface Investigations/Methodology
The field investigation to determine the Index and engineering characteristics of the surface
material included drilling of borings, performing standard penetration test and obtaining
Disturbed/undisturbed soil samples from two bore logs.
The Investigation consists of two test boring up to 19.50 meters .Locations of boreholes were
selected in consultation of client. Data and results obtained from this investigation will be used for
design of proposed structure.
The Geotechnical Investigation work carried out by standard rotary type drilling rig. The
drilling rig is coupled with diesel engine and has tripod and all drilling accessories. Drilling rig deployed
is suitable for and has arrangement for driving as well as extracting 100 mm dia. casing, boring drilling
by mud circulation method, conducting standard penetration test (SPT) collection of
Disturbed/Undisturbed soil sample. Soil samples were obtained at selected intervals in the soil test
borings. All samples were identified according to borehole number and depth and sealed at either
ends with paraffin wax. During the sampling procedures standard penetration test were performed in
the borings in conjunction with the Disturbed/Undisturbed samplings. The standard penetration value
(N) is defined as the number of blows of a 63.5 kg hammer, falling through 75cm, required to
advance the split spoon sampler 30cm into the soil – IS:2131. The results of the standard penetration
test indicate the relative density and comparative consistency of the soils, and there by provide a basis
for estimating the relative strength and compressibility of the soil profile components.
CONSISTENCY Penetration Value (Blows/Ft)
Very soft 0 to 2 Blows
Soft 2 to 4 Blows
Medium stiff 4 to 8 Blows
Stiff 8 to 16 Blows
Very stiff 16 to 32 Blows
Hard 32 and above
When rock was encountered, borehole is changed in to NX size (76mm dia.). A core barrel and NX
sized bits are used for drilling and recovering rock cores. Recovered samples numbered serially and
preserved in good quality wooden core boxes. Core Recovery and RQD were computed for every run
length drilled.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory test were carried out in a number of selected soil samples in order to acquire necessary
information with regards to the physical and mechanical properties of the soil layers and further on to
evaluate and determined the parameters required for the calculations / design of foundation.
Field and Laboratory work was executed generally in accordance with IS specifications listed below.
IS 1122: Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural Building stone
IS 1124: Method of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific gravity and porosity
of natural building stone
IS 1498: Classification and identifications of soil for general engineering purposes
IS 1892: Code of practice for subsurface investigation of foundation
IS 1904: Code of Practice for design and construction of foundations in soil
IS 2131: Method for standard penetration test for soil
IS 2720: Method of test for Soils
IS 6403: Code of practice for Determination of bearing capacity of shallow foundations
IS 9143: Method of test for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock Core
IS 12070: Code of practice for Design and Construction of Shallow Foundations on Rock
IS 13030: Method of Test for Porosity, Density on Rock
IS 2911: Design and Construction of Pile Foundations code of practice
IRC 78 : Standard Specifications and Code Practice For Road Bridges
IS 456 : Plain and Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice
To meet above objective following items were included in the scope of work
Conduct Standard Penetration Test in-situ to obtain the shear strength parameter of soil at the
intervals of 1.5 meters or wherever change in strata is encountered (whichever is earlier) and collect
disturbed samples in the split spoon (As per IS: 2131-1981)
Collect and transport the selected samples in soil and rock testing and conduct relevant tests to
determine engineering properties of different subsoil strata as under
Two boreholes drilled with calyx drilling machine.
Table 5.1 Borehole locations
6.0 Soil Profile
Filled up soil
Depth ranging from 0.00 to 2.20 meters and 0.00 to 2.20 meters in Borehole No. BH-1 and
BH-2 respectively.
Clayey silt with Gravels
Depth ranging from 2.20 to 5.50 meters in Borehole No. BH-1 respectively.
N Value 50
Gravel % 20
Sand % 18
Silt % 37
Clay % 25
Liquid Limit % 48
Plastic Limit % 24
Plasticity Index % 24
Specific Gravity 2.64
Murum with Boulder / Sand with Gravel/ Hard Murum
Depth ranging from 5.50 to 6.00 meters, 2.20 to 5.00 meters in Borehole No. BH-1 and BH-2
N Value 50
Gravel % 20
Sand % 62
Silt %
Clay %
Liquid Limit %
Plastic Limit % Non-Plastic
Plasticity Index %
Specific Gravity 2.65
Weathered Rock
Depth ranging from 6.00 to 13.50 meters, 5.00 to 15.00 meters in Borehole No. BH-1 and
BH-2 respectively. Core Recovery ranges from 6.00 to 60.00 meters and RQD ranging from
0.00 to 8.00 meters.
Yellowish Grey Breccia/Basalt Rock
Depth ranging from 13.50 to 19.50 meters and 15.00 to 19.50 meters in Borehole No. BH-1
and BH-2 respectively.
Ground water table is observed at 1.50 meters and 2.00 meters in BH-1 and BH-2
7.0 Theoretical background of various Analyses
7.1 Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Soil
When thickness of Soft foundation Soil is Greater than the embankment base Width, then a Standard
bearing Capacity analysis should be carried out. Where the layer of Soft Soil is less than the
embankment base Width failure manifests itself in extrusion of foundation material at the toe of the
embankment and settlement of the embankment fill.
IS 6403 (1980) recommendations are used for calculation of net ultimate bearing capacity and hence
safe bearing capacity
c : Cohesion of Soil
Nc, Nq, N bearing capacity factors, which are all function ofreferred from Table 1 IS 6403, PP 8
q D f : D f - Depth of Foundation
W’ : Water Table Correction, referred from clause of IS 6403, PP 9
Borehole No. : 1
Qu = Re + Raf (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/Fs + (As.qs)/Fs
Qallow = (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/Fs + (As.qs)/Fs
Qallow = (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/3 + (As.qs)/6
Qu = Ulimate Capacity of Pile socketed in Rock
Qallow = Allowable Capacity of Pile
Raf = Ultimate Site Socket Shear
Re = Ulimate End Bearing Cr = Core Recovery
Ksp = An Empirical Coefficient ranges from 0.30 to 1.20 RQD = Rock Quality Designation
qc = Unconfined compressive strength of rock
df = Defth Factor = 1+0.4(Ls/D) restricted to 1.2
Ls = length of socket
D = Diameter of Socket/Pile
Ab = Cross sectional Area of Base of of Pile
As = Surface Area of Socket = p. D. Ls
qs = Ultimate Shear Strength of Rock along Socket Length
= 225 qc Mpa
Fs = Factor of Safety 3 for End Bearing and 6 is used for Socket friction in Rock
8.0 Geotechnical Appraisal and Recommendations
The soil profile discussed above indicates that all possible foundations need to be weighed to a
suitable solution. This part of the report discusses the various alternatives and finally suggests the
most suitable techno economic alternative.
The option for foundation recommended is 1. Pile Foundation.
Allowable Bearing Pressure is obtained from soil and Rock Core is stipulated as under,
For Borehole No. BH-1
1 3.00 5.50 15
2 5.50 15.00 35
1 3.00 4.50 35
2 4.50 15.00 35
3 15.00 19.50 90
8.2 Assessment of Liquefaction Potential:
The liquefaction potential can be assessed using the SPT values. The approach suggested by Seed,
Arango and Idriss (1981) has been used to evaluate the liquefaction potential. The approach
Cyclic stress applied due to an earthquake of given intensity with
Cyclic stress required to cause liquefaction
Mumbai District lies in Zone III of the seismic map of India (refer seismic map of India).
As per the IS: 1893 the desirable N values upto 5 meters depth is 15 and at the depth 10 m, it is 25
(For Values of depth between 5 to 10 mtrs linear interpolation is recommended) .
The vast majority of liquefaction hazards are associated with saturated sandy and silty soils of low
plasticity and density. Cohesive soils with clayey content greater than 15% are generally not
considered susceptible to soil liquefaction. Liquefaction generally occurs in cohesionless sands, silts,
and fine-grained Gravel deposits of Holocene to late Pleistocene age in areas where the ground water
is shallow than 15 meters.
Considering that the foundation will rest on Breccia rock stratum and it will get the N – Value greater
than 50 with little or no penetration of split spoon or dynamic cone. Since it is evidence that the stress
caused due to earthquake is less than that required for liquefaction.
Safe Vertical Downward, Lateral Capacity& Safe uplift Capacity of Pile
1) End Bearing Pile Foundation System rested in Breccia Rock from the existing
ground level, satisfying the chiseling criteria of minimum penetration energy of 225 t-
m/m2/cm penetration with socketing of about 1 x dia. of pile. Minimum 1000 mm dia pile
may be designed taking the carrying capacities as specified in Table A.
Pile construction up to such a large depth should be done under strict quality
control and supervision. It is also recommended that piles load test (as per IS
2911-IV) be carried out to ascertain that the pile construction methodology is
proper and safe end bearing and socketing values assumed are reasonable.
It is also necessary to make comprehensive check on quality to ensure durability
of pile shaft. Therefore it is recommended to carry out pile integrity test on every
pile installed for this project. This is fast and also cheap.
2) Chemical tests indicate that the soil is not chemically aggressive. However to increase the
durability, especially of foundation concrete, OPC cement should be used. Also, care
should be taken as per data provided in Table B. Construction of foundation should be
done under strict quality control and supervision
Table B
Anti-Corrosive Treatment
Maximum Water/ Cement
for Foundation Minimum Cement Content
9.0 Limitations
This report was prepared for M/s. Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India. for the
exclusive use of Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in
Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward. The said report may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without
the permission of M/s. Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India. / M/s. Rancon
Projects Pvt. Ltd. This report was prepared in accordance with current general accepted
geotechnical engineering practices.
The conclusion and recommendation submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from a
limited number of widely spaced subsurface explorations. The nature and extent of variations between
these explorations may not become evident until construction. If variations or other latent conditions
do become evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report.
The recommendations contained here are not intended to dictate construction method or sequences.
Instead, they are furnished solely to help designers identify potential construction problem related to
foundation and earth plans and specifications, based upon findings derived from sampling. Depending
upon the final design chosen for the project, the recommendations may also be useful to personal
who observe construction activity.
10.0 Closure
We trust that this report will assist in the design and construction of the said project. M/s.
Rancon Projects Pvt. Ltd. appreciates the opportunity to provide our service on this project and
look forward working with you on future projects. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
This report was prepared by Mr. Sachin S. Shinde Assisted by Tharuna Palluru.
Respectfully submitted,
11.0 Seismic Map
12.0 Network of Seismological Observations In India
13.0 Site Location
Map of Mumbai
Site Location
14.0 Borehole Records
Client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Project : Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Bore Hole No. Location : Taximen Site
: BH-1
Method of Boring / : R.L : -- m
Rotary Wash Drilling
Distance From : -- Distance of :
4.50 m
Center Line Casing
Wash Water
Sample Depth
% Core
Depth R.L. N % Core
Scale Log Description of Strata Scale
(m) (m) Value R.Q.D. No.
No. Type From To
1 1
Filled up soil
2 2
3 3
1 SPT >50 3.00 3.25
4 4
Clayey silt with Gravels
5 5
8 8
Yellowish Brown Weathered
Rock 7.50 9.00 12.00 6.00
9 9
Drawn By : Checked By :
Client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Project : Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Bore Hole No. Location : Taximen Site
: BH-1
Method of Boring / : R.L : -- m
Rotary Wash Drilling
Distance From : -- Distance of :
4.50 m
Center Line Casing
Wash Water
Sample Depth
% Core
Depth R.L. N % Core
Scale Log Description of Strata Scale
(m) (m) Value R.Q.D. No.
No. Type From To
11 11
Yellowish Brown Weathered 10.50 12.00 32.00 NIL
12 12
14 ` 14
Yellowish Grey Basalt Rock 13.50 15.00 42.00 20.00
15 15.00 15
17 17
Yellowish Grey Breccia Rock 16.50 18.00 98.00 82.00
18 18
20 20
Drawn By : Checked By :
Client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Project : Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Bore Hole No. Location : Park Site
: BH-2
Method of Boring / : R.L : -- m
Rotary W ash Drilling
Distance From : -- Distance of :
5.00 m
Center Line Casing
Wash Water
Sample Depth
% Core
Depth R.L. N % Core
Scale Log Description of Strata Scale
(m) (m) Value R.Q.D. No.
No. Type From To
1 1
Filled up soil
2 2
3 3
Sand with Gravel 1 SPT >50 3.00 3.20
4 4
5.00 Hard Murum 2 SPT >50 4.50 4.55
5 5
9 9
Drawn By : Checked By :
Client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Project : Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Bore Hole No. Location : Park Site
: BH-2
Method of Boring / : R.L : -- m
Rotary Wash Drilling
Distance From : -- Distance of :
5.00 m
Center Line Casing
Wash Water
Sample Depth
% Core
Depth R.L. N % Core
Scale Log Description of Strata Scale
(m) (m) Value R.Q.D. No.
No. Type From To
11 11
10.50 12.00 34.00 6.00
12 12
14 14
13.50 15.00 60.00 NIL
15 15.00 15
15.00 16.50 91.00 80.00
16 16
17 17
Reddish Brown Breccia Rock 16.50 18.00 80.00 79.00
18 18
20 20
Drawn By : Checked By :
15.0 Test Report on Soil
Test Report No. & date : IMRC/TR/200311001-1 to 2 Page 1 of 3
Name of Customer & Address : Rancon Projects Pvt. Ltd. Plot no.11B,Sec 7, Kharghar, Navi
Name & Address of project : Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at
Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Name of Contractor/Consultants : Construma Consultancy Limited
Name of client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Customer reference No. : RPPL/IMRC/SL/2019-20/251
Nature/Source of the sample : Soil
Quantity : 2 Nos.
Condition of sample : Acceptable
Date of receipt of sample : 11-03-2020
Date of start of analysis : 12-03-2020
Date of completion of analysis : 16-03-2020
Sample tested at : Location 1
Environmental Condition
Temperature (0 C) : Ambient
Relative Humidity(%) : NA
IS 2720 (Part
IS 2720 (Part 4) IS 2720 (Part 5)
Test Method Followed: 3) Sec 1 1980
1985 RA 2015 1985 RA 2015
RA 2016
Plasticity Index
Sample No.
Depth (m)
Plastic Limit
Liquid Limit
Job No.
% % % % % % %
Note : This certificate is valid at the time and under conditions specified herein.
This certificate refers only to the sample submitted for testing.
Report on tests samples will be preserved with us for two years from the date of testing.
Any correction invalidates this certificate.
The tests with star marked (*) are not included in our NABL scope.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval from M/s.
Indian Material Research Center.
---------------------------------------------END OF REPORT---------------------------------------------
Test Report No. & date : IMRC/TR/200311001-1 to 2 Page 2 of 3
% Passing
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Grain Size mm
Soil Fraction
Gravel : 20 % Silt : 37 %
Sand : 18 % Clay : 25 %
Authorized Signatory
Sachin Shinde
(Technical Director)
Test Report No. & date : IMRC/TR/200311001-4 Page 3 of 3
% Passing
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Grain Size mm
Soil Fraction
Gravel : 20 % (Silt+Clay) : 18 %
Sand : 62 %
Authorized Signatory
Sachin Shinde
(Technical Director)
16.0 Test Report on Rock Core
Test Report No. & date : IMRC/TR/200311001-3 to 8 Page 1 of 1
Name of Customer &Address : Rancon Projects Pvt. Ltd. Plot no.11B,Sec 7, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai
Name & Address of project Construction of Foot over bridge across L.B.S Marge at Surve Chowk
in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward
Name of Contractor/Consultant : Construma Consultancy Limited
Name of client : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Customer reference No. : RPPL/IMRC/SL/2019-20/251
Nature/Source of the sample : Rock Core
Quantity : 6 Nos.
Condition of sample : Acceptable
Date of receipt of sample : 11-03-2020
Date of start of analysis : 12-03-2020
Date of completion of analysis : 16-03-2020
Sample tested at : Location-01
Environmental Condition
Temperature(oC) : Ambient
Humudity(%) : NA
Corrected Water
Crushing Compressive
Sr. Bore Compressive Density Porosity absor - Specific
Job ID Depth (m) Load strength*
No. Hole No. strength* (T/m3) (%) ption Gravity
(kN) (T/m2) 2
(T/m ) (%)
IS: IS 1122
IS: 13030 (Part-
Test Method Followed : IS: 9143-1979 1124 - (Part I) 1991
I)-1991 RA-2016
1974 RA 2016
1 200311001-3 BH-1 15.00-16.50 46.0 2055 2036 2.74 2.97 1.09 2.82
2 200311001-4 BH-1 16.50-18.00 50.0 2162 2129 2.75 2.50 0.91 2.82
3 200311001-5 BH-1 18.00-19.50 60.0 2760 2748 2.77 2.17 0.78 2.83
4 200311001-6 BH-2 15.00-16.50 43.0 1845 1828 2.74 2.40 0.87 2.81
4 200311001-7 BH-2 16.50-18.00 50.0 2160 2138 2.76 2.43 0.88 2.83
6 200311001-8 BH-2 18.00-19.50 58.0 2549 2526 2.77 2.48 0.90 2.84
Note : This certificate is valid at the time and under conditions specified herein.
This certificate refers only to the sample submitted for testing.
Report on tests samples will be preserved with us for two years from the date of testing.
Any correction invalidates this certificate.
The tests with star marked are not included in our NABL scope.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval from M/s. Indian Material
Research Center.
---------------------------------------------END OF REPORT---------------------------------------------
20.0 Test Report on Soil Chemical Analysis
Test Report No. & Date : IMRC/TR/200311001-1 to 2
: 17/03/1920
Name of Customer and Address : M/s. Rancon Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Name & Address of Project : Construction of Foot Over Bridge across L.B.S. Marge
at Surve Chowk in Kurla (W) in 'L' Ward.
Name of Contractors/Consultants : Construma Consultancy Limited
Name of Cleint : Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, India
Customer Reference No. : --
Nature/Source of the sample : Soil
Quantity : 500 g each
Condition of sample : Acceptable
Date of receipt of sample : 11/03/2020
Date of start of analysis : 16/03/2020
Date of completion of analysis : 17/03/2020
Sample tested : Location 1
Note: This certificate is valid at the time and under conditions specified herein.
This certificate refers only to the sample submitted for testing.
Report on tests samples will be preserved with us for two years from the date of testing.
Any correction invalidates this certificate.
This report shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval from M/s. Indian Material
Research Center.
Authorised Signatory
Mrs. Anuja Khambaye
HOD - Chemical
---------------------------------------END OF REPORT----------------------------------------------
FORMAT NO :- IMRC/FM/47/005/28
REV No.:00
Tests are no t co vered under NA B L sco pe.
18.0 Sample Calculation for Safe Bearing Capacity on soil
Location : BH2 DEPTH (Df) : 1.00-1.45
TEST : Standard Penetration Test Chainage No. : --
Angle of Internal
Friction (F) degree
Bearing Capacity Factor
Nc 80.0
Nq 69.5
N 120.8
Shape Factor
Sc 1.300
Sq 1.200
S 0.800
Depth Factor
Dc 2.304
Dq 1.652
D 1.652
Inclination Factor
Ic 1.000
Iq 1.000
I 1.000
Settlement (mm) 60
Note : Ground Water table is considered at the G.L. Hence W' (Water Table Correction) is
taken as 0.5. Water Table may rise up to Ground level during spell of heavy rain
19.0 Calculation for Safe Bearing Capacity on Rock Core
20.0 Calculation for Bearing Capacity of Pile
Borehole No. : BH-2
Qu = Re + Raf (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/Fs + (As.qs)/Fs
Qallow = (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/Fs + (As.qs)/Fs
Qallow = (Ksp.qc.df.Ab)/3 + (As.qs)/6
Qu = Ulimate Capacity of Pile socketed in Rock
Qallow = Allowable Capacity of Pile
Raf = Ultimate Site Socket Shear
Re = Ulimate End Bearing Cr = Core Recovery
Ksp = An Empirical Coefficient ranges from 0.30 to 1.20 RQD = Rock Quality Designation
qc = Unconfined compressive strength of rock
df = Defth Factor = 1+0.4(Ls/D) restricted to 1.2
Ls = length of socket
D = Diameter of Socket/Pile
Ab = Cross sectional Area of Base of of Pile
As = Surface Area of Socket = p. D. Ls
qs = Ultimate Shear Strength of Rock along Socket Length
= 225 qc Mpa
Fs = Factor of Safety 3 for End Bearing and 6 is used for Socket friction in Rock
D mm 1000
Depth m 15.00 to 16.50
qc T/m2 1829
Cr % 91
RQD % 80
(Cr + RQD)/2 % 85.5
Ksp 1.01
Ls 1D 1
df 1.2
Ab m2 0.79
As m2 2.20
qs T/m2 96
Re/FOS = Re/3 T 579
Re (restricted Stress) T/m2 500
Re (restricted Load) T 393
Re after FOS T 393
Ref after FOS T 35
Qallow T 428 Say 425
Uplift Capacity of Pile
Self Weight of Pile T 31.42
Allowable Uplift Capacity of
Pile = [(0.7x (Raf)) + Self
Weight ]/3.5 T
51 say 50
Diamter of Pile = 1000 mm
Calculation of Lateral Capacity of Pile
Specification : IS 2911 (part 1, sec 2) -2010, Apendix-B
Diameter of Pile, m 1
Average N-Value Near Top of pile 88
Undrained Cohesion Cu = N/15 5.83
Unconfined Compressive
Strength, qu = 2Cu kg/cm2 11.67
Stifness Factor , R = 4 in m 3.57
Unsupported Length of Pile, L1 cm 0
L1/R 0
Lf/R From fig. 4 2.2
Length of Fixity (Lf) = 2.2 X R m 7.9
for 1000 mm dia. Pile corresponding Lateral Deflection at top of Pile Y 1% ofDiameter
Y mm 10
12 E I Y kN 360
Qa = 3 3
(L1 + L2) *10 kN 360
T 36.01 say 36 T
Lf/R From fig. 4 1.9
Length of Fixity (Lf) = 1.9 X R m 6.8
for 1000 mm dia. Pile corresponding Lateral Deflection at top of Pile Y 1% ofDiameter
Y mm 10
3E I Y kN 140
Qa = 3 3
(L1 + L2) *10 kN 140
T 13.98 say 13 T
Pile Capacity in Compression: According to IS 456