Animals: Influence of Litter Size at Birth On Productive Parameters in Guinea Pigs (Cavia Porcellus)

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Influence of Litter Size at Birth on Productive
Parameters in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus)
Angela Edith Guerrero Pincay 1, * , Raúl Lorenzo González Marcillo 1 ,
Walter Efraín Castro Guamàn 1 , Nelson Rene Ortiz Naveda 1 , Deyvis Angel Grefa Reascos 2
and Santiago Alexander Guamàn Rivera 3
1 Escuela Superior Politècnica de Chimborazo, Sede Orellana, El Coca 220150, Ecuador;
[email protected] (R.L.G.M.); [email protected] (W.E.C.G.);
[email protected] (N.R.O.N.)
2 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderìa, Proyecto Nacional de Innovaciòn Tecnològica Participativa y
Productividad Agrìcola (PITPPA), El Coca 220150, Ecuador; [email protected]
3 Ruminant Research Group (G2R), Animal and Food Science Department Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellatera, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +593-984387810

Received: 15 August 2020; Accepted: 30 October 2020; Published: 7 November 2020 

Simple Summary: Cavia porcellus is an autochthonous species of the high Andean region of countries
such as Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Several works have been conducted to create programs
aimed at improving their productive characteristics. Thus, breeding and conservation are very
important for an animal species of high precocity and prolificacy, providing a source of protein of
high biological value and for being part of the cultural legacy of many of these countries. Currently,
this species is part of the food security in high Andean areas, and technology is being incorporated into
its production at an industrial level, also establishing marketing channels. Herein, we conclude that
the best productive responses regarding weight were in the litters of three guinea pigs. Furthermore,
with respect to sex, the males presented better productive performance than the females.

Abstract: A study was conducted at the Escuela Superior Politècnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador,
to evaluate the influence of litter size of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) on their development and
to establish the economic profitability of the production system. Forty-eight animals were used,
distributed into litters of two, three, and four rodents per litter, with a balanced diet and green
fresh alfalfa for the weaning, growth, and fattening stage, the rodents and litters were randomly
selected, applying the statistical model completely randomly and evaluating different variables across
120 days. The litters of three guinea pigs obtained the best productive responses and economic
profitability. With respect to sex, the males presented better productive behavior, greater economic
increase, and less cost, evidencing that mixed feeding influences the number of guinea pigs per birth
in terms of growth and development. The results serve to improve guinea pig meat production for
the rural population.

Keywords: yield; carcass; feed conversion; breeding

1. Introduction
The guinea pig or cavy (Cavia spp.) was domesticated for food purposes in the highlands of
Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia at least 7000 years ago and its descendants are still widely
used as a source of meat throughout South America. Nowadays, it is a small domestic mammal,
Cavia porcellus, that stands out for its precocity, prolificacy, and diet flexibility, which, together with the

Animals 2020, 10, 2059; doi:10.3390/ani10112059

Animals 2020, 10, 2059 2 of 12

excellent quality of its meat being similar in appearance to rabbits or chickens, makes it a source of
protein capable of competing with other domestic species of productive interest [1]. This rodent has a
great adaptability to a wide range of housing and management options, being widely used by rural
smallholders. Moreover, this small rodent is identified within the life and customs of the indigenous
society, it is also used in medicine and even in magical–religious rituals [2]. Additionally, this species
has numerous litters and a high reproductive rate [3].
Guinea pigs are multiple-ovulation animals, so they can have between one to six offspring per
birth, with an average of two, occasionally presenting up to eight per litter [4]. The weight at birth and
individual weaning are characteristics of economic importance that have positive correlations with
the final weight [5]. In guinea pigs of the Peruvian breed, a weight of 752.4 ± 126.1 g at nine weeks,
a carcass weight of 420 ± 54 g [6], and a carcass yield of between 62.76% and 69.87% can be reached [7].
One of the reasons for the interest in studying guinea pig exploitation is the need for meat
production from a herbivorous species that easily adapts to different ecosystems and is fed with fresh
green fodder [7]. The commercial exploitation of guinea pigs is a way to reach new management
alternatives, tending to achieve better use of food resources. Diverse institutions have introduced
guinea pig breeds and genetic lines to the market in order to produce meat, and these animals have
been crossed with native guinea pigs, thereby improving the yield of carcasses, food conversion,
and the income of breeders [6].
Livestock plays an important role in the lives of humans as converters, recyclers, and banks of
nutrients. Smallholders raise a diversity of livestock species [8]. One of the main economic alternatives
in the rural sector of Riobamba in Chimborazo, Ecuador, is guinea pig production, which has become a
feeding option in the Andean region. Due to the demand for guinea pig meat, the producers seek to
optimize breeding and management techniques [9]. Sustainable farming is a technique that seeks to
achieve economic and social profitability without harming the environment and that is important for
identifying sustainability through the efficient use of biological resources. Moreover, it maintains a
balance with the environment in which it takes place [10].
The productive yields of guinea pigs under intensive conditions are similar to domestic animals
due to the advances in genetics, management, and installations, which influence the productive and
reproductive parameters. This investigation was conducted in the small species production unit of the
School of Livestock Sciences, Riobamba, Ecuador. Our aim was to determine the influence of litter size
on the productive parameters in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Therefore, the present study evaluated
the productive parameters to determine the best performance in this species, as well as its profitability.
These findings could then be disseminated to the rural population of Riobamba, Ecuador, due to their
economic, social, and ancestral importance.

2. Materials and Methods

This study was carried out at the Productive Unit of Minor Species, Facultad de Ciencias
Pecuarias of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador, located between
the coordinates 78◦ 260 W (longitude) and 1◦ 250 S (latitude) at 2740 m above sea level (masl).
In Ecuador, commercial exploitation has not been able to reach a technical level, among the
influencing factors are defective sanitary management, inadequate breeds for the environment,
adaptation of exogenous (Peruvian) technologies that are not adequate, and, above all, the most
preponderant factor is food [9]

2.1. Animals, Treatments, and Handling Conditions

Fifty-six primiparous female type 1 Peruvian guinea pigs aged between 3 and 4 months with a
body weight of 0.900 ± 0.50 kg underwent reproduction with a total of 7 fertile male type 1 Peruvian
breeding guinea pigs (4 months old with a body weight of 1.1 ± 0.70 kg selected for their high
heritability for meat production) in one relation (10:1). We ensured that the animals met the additional
criterion of not showing evidence of systemic or physical disorders. After parturition from a population
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 3 of 12

of 102 guinea pigs, 48 young animals (24 males and 24 females) from litters of different sizes at
birth (2, 3, and 4 rodents per litter) were taken and distributed into 24 pens, where the pen was the
experimental unit and was formed by two animals of the same sex. The present investigation did
not experience any mortality, possibly because hygiene and health precautions were taken during
the study.
All animal care, housing, and feeding procedures were adapted based on the World Organisation
for Animal Health 2016 (animal welfare) and the current Ecuadorian regulations: Organic Law on
Animal Health No. 56, published in the Official Gazette, Supplement 27, 03 July 2017. In addition to
the guide for the care and use of laboratory animals, the Division of Land and Life Studies 2001 was
adhered to.
The food was given according to the age of the guinea pigs. With a balanced diet (i.e., green alfalfa
(mixed food)), they were given green alfalfa (100 g) plus a concentrate (50% ground corn and 13.7%
wheat bran and 7% rice powder and 28% dehydrated alfalfa and 1% salt and 0.3% antioxidant).
Increasing the amounts as the age progressed, consumption was measured every 24 h based on the
daily surplus and weight measurements that were taken before providing the food.
During lactation and weaning (15 days of age), the guinea pigs were fed a balanced diet,
which contained 18% gross protein, digestible energy of 3000 kcal/kg food, 8% gross fiber, 1.3% calcium,
0.6% phosphorus, and 50 g of green alfalfa. In the growth and fattening stage (105 days old), they were
fed a balanced diet that contained 17% gross protein, digestible energy of 2963 kcal/kg food, 15% crude
fiber, 0.13% calcium, 1.03% phosphorus, and 100 g of fresh green alfalfa.

2.2. Feed Consumption

Feed was supplied according to the age of the animals, starting at the weaning stage with 10 g of
feed and 100 g of fresh alfalfa per animal, to gradually increase these amounts as the age progressed
until reaching the consumption of 25 g of concentrate and 175 g of forage and 80 mL of water in
the growth and fattening stage. Consumption was measured every 24 h based on the daily surplus,
and weights were recorded using a 5 kg scale

2.3. Sample Collection, Analyses, and Measurements: Weights at Birth, Weaning, and End
Body weight was measured at birth, weaning (15 days of age), and at the end of the study (105 days
of age), ensuring that the animals were weighed before being fed. The weight was taken through a
balance, capacity 2000 g ± 0.5 precision (GRAM FC, Madrid, Spain). The guinea pigs were weighed at
7:00 a.m. on an empty stomach, before the day’s food was given. The control of the weights of the
guinea pigs in each of the experimental units was done at the beginning of the fieldwork (from birth),
then at 15 days (weaning), and then at the end of the experiment (105 days old). To determine the
weight gain, the initial and final weights of the guinea pigs were considered.
The measurements of weight increase and weaning were calculated by the difference between the
final and initial weight of each evaluation phase. Feed conversion was determined based on the total
feed consumption in dry matter divided by weight gain. In addition, the weight of the carcass was
determined after being sacrificed, considering a clean carcass in which the head was included, but not
the blood, hair, or viscera. Moreover, for the carcass yield, 50% of the animals were slaughtered.

2.4. Economic Analysis

The cost per kilogram of weight gain was established based on the costs of the feed consumed
(forage and balance) multiplied by the feed conversion.

2.5. Statistical Analyses

The experimental data were processed with the statistical package SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics,
H. Nie, C. Hadlai) using analyses of variance and separation of means according to Tukey’s test at
the significance level of p < 0.05 and tendency was considered p < 0.10 unless otherwise indicated.
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 4 of 12

In addition, the trend lines were determined through polynomial regression in the variables that
registered differences because of the evaluated litter size.
The variables evaluated were weight at birth, weaning (15 days of age), and end of study
(105 days), weight gain at weaning (up to 15 days), total weight gain (at 105 days), feed consumption
in kilograms of dry matter (DM), forage consumption in kilograms of DM, total feed consumption in
kilograms of DM, feed conversion, cost per kilogram of weight gain (USD), carcass weight in kilograms,
carcass yield %, and profit/cost.
The experimental units were under a completely random design in a combinatorial arrangement
(factor A = litter size; factor B = the sex of the animals in the case of the offspring). For the litters,
a completely random design was used in a monofactorial arrangement (litter size), with 4 repetitions
per treatment and an experimental unit of 2 animals adjusted to the following additive models.
For evaluation of the offspring by effect of the litter size at birth (factor A) and the sex of the
animals (factor B), it was:
Yijk = µ + Ai + Bj +ABij + Eijk (1)

where µ is the general average; Ai is the effect of litter size at birth (2, 3, and 4 offspring per litter); Bj is
the effect of animal sex; ABij refers to the interaction A × B; Eijk is the residual error.
Meanwhile, for evaluating the litter according to size at birth, it was the following:

Yij = µ + Ti + Eij (2)

where µ is the general average; Ti is the effect of litter size at birth (2, 3, and 4 offspring per litter); Eij is
the effect of the experimental error.

3. Results

3.1. Weight at Birth

Tendency (p < 0.10) was detected in the individual average weight at birth between the litters of
two, three, and four guinea pigs per calving. Guinea pigs corresponding to three rodents per calving
had a better individual weight than that of the two and three rodents per calving. In terms of animal
sex, no statistically significant differences were found (p > 0.05), but the males had higher numerical
weight at birth than the females. Moreover, the interaction A × B did not present differences (p < 0.05)
in any of the studied parameters.

3.2. Weaning Weight at 15 Days

No differences were found (p < 0.05) in the weaning weight at 15 days between litters, although
the animals of two guinea pigs per calving had higher weight. Additionally, in terms of the effect of
sex, both (males and females) had similar weaning weight at 15 days (p > 0.05) (Table 1). Thus, it can
be deduced that during lactation, male and female guinea pigs had the same opportunities to take
advantage of the food and to present equal body development.

3.3. Weight at 105 Days

The effect of litter size at birth resulted in differences in weight at 105 days (p = 0.003). In this
sense, the highest weight was found in the litters of three guinea pigs per birth, followed by two
guinea pigs per birth, while the lowest weight was found for the litters of four guinea pigs per birth.
According to sex, the male guinea pigs were heavier than the females; nevertheless, only a trend was
detected (p < 0.10; Table 1).
Therefore, through regression analysis, a quadratic tendency of 26.32% was established,
which highlights that the weight of the animals increased when the size of the litter was greater than
two guinea pigs per birth, but decreased when the size of the litter was greater than three guinea pigs
per birth (Figure 1).
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Table 1. Productive parameter measurement, with respect to litter size at birth and effect of sex in the
guinea pigs.

Litter Size at Birth Sex Effect Value 1

Item SE
2 3 4 Male Female A B A×B
Weight birth, kg 0.009 0.105 0.091 0.101 0.096 0.004 0.062 0.265 0.125
Weaning weight 15 days, kg 0.174 0.167 0.155 0.165 0.167 0.007 0.198 0.805 0.425
Weight at 105 days, kg 0.695 0.715 0.610 0.703 0.643 0.023 0.003 0.075 0.245
Weaning gain weight 15 days, kg 0.075 0.062 0.065 0.063 0.071 0.006 0.324 0.314 0.750
Weight total 105 days, kg 0.595 0.610 0.519 0.602 0.548 0.023 0.046 0.082 0.225
Carcass weight, kg 0.493 0.515 0.437 0.503 0.459 0.020 0.040 0.225 0.327
Carcass, yield % 70.9 71.9 71.6 71.5 71.4 0.780 0.722 0.874 0.540
1 Effect of litter size (A), and animal sex of guinea pigs (B) as well as the interaction A × B. Statistical differences

were declared at p < 0.05 and tendency at p < 0.10 unless otherwise indicated.

Figure 1. Performance of the final weights (105 days old) of guinea pigs of both sexes due to the effect
of litter size at birth.

In addition, a linear trend regression of 87.16% was also determined, which indicates that the
greater the number of animals per litter, the greater the total weight at weaning (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Behavior of the weight of litter (kg) of the guinea pigs according the animals/calving at
weaning (15 days).

Additionally, with the regression analysis, a quadratic trend of 91.08% was determined, establishing
that the greater the number of animals per litter, the greater the weight of the litter at the end of the
fattening, although the behavior was not proportional (Figure 3).
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Animals2020, 10,10,
2020, 2059
x 67ofof1213

Figure 3. Behavior of the weight of litter (kg) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving
Figure 3. Behavior of the weight of litter (kg) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving
at 105 days.
Figure 3. Behavior of the weight of litter (kg) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving
at 105 days.
at 105 days.
3.4. Weaning Gain Weight at 15 Days
3.4. Weaning Gain Weight at 15 Days
3.4. Weaning
In terms Gain
of gainWeight at 15
weight, Dayswere no significant differences (p > 0.32), although the animals of
In terms of gain weight, there were no significant differences (p > 0.32), although the animals of
two rodents per litter
In terms presented a superior weight. According to sex, >the increase in weight was not
two rodents peroflitter
weight, there were no
a superior significant
weight. differences
According (p the
to sex, 0.32), although
increase the animals
in weight was notof
significantly different
two rodentsdifferent (p < 0.05),
per litter(ppresented although
a superiorthe females obtained a greater increase in weight than the
significantly < 0.05), although theweight.
obtained atogreater
sex, theincrease
males. Figure
significantly 4 indicates
different (p that
< the
0.05), weight
although increases
the were
females a function
obtained a of
greaterthe size of
increase the
in litter,
weight although
than the
males. Figure 4 indicates that the weight increases were a function of the size of the litter, although the
the behavior
males. Figure was not proportional,
4 indicates that the but always in an upward direction.
behavior was not proportional, but weight
always increases
in an upward weredirection.
a function of the size of the litter, although
the behavior was not proportional, but always in an upward direction.

Figure 4. Behavior of the weight gain (g) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving at
Figure 4. Behavior of the weight gain (g) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving at
weaning (15 days).
weaning (15 days).
Figure 4. Behavior of the weight gain (g) of the guinea pigs with different number animals/calving at
3.5. Weight Total 105 Days
weaning (15 days).
3.5. Weight Total 105 Days
The greatest increases in total weight (at 105 days of age) were registered in the litter of three
3.5. Weight
animals Theper Total (p
birth 105< Days
increases in total weight
0.05), followed (at 105per
two animals days of age)
birth, and were registered
finally, the litter inof the
guineaof three
per birth per birth (p < 0.05), followed two animals per birth, and finally, the litter
The greatest increases in total weight (at 105 days of age) were registered in the litter of was
presented a lower weight gain (Table 1). According to the sex of the animals, of four
only guinea
a trend pigs
per birth(p
animals < birth
per 0.10), (pa<lower
i.e., 0.05), weight
the males hadgain
followed a two (Table
better 1). According
animals than
per to the
the females
birth, and sex of
finally, the
the animals,
litter ofkg,
four only a trend
guinea pigs
was observed
Additionally, (p
the < 0.10),
regression i.e., the
analysismales had
determined a better
a weight
quadratic than
trend the
of females
per birth presented a lower weight gain (Table 1). According to the sex of the animals, only a trendfrom(0.602
which vs. 0.548
it kg,
that the weight Additionally,
gain tended tothe regression
increase in an analysis
unequal determined
way accordinga quadratic
to the size
was observed (p < 0.10), i.e., the males had a better weight than the females (0.602 vs. 0.548 kg, trend
of the of 90.14%,
litter. from
which it follows
respectively). that the weight
Additionally, the gain tendedanalysis
regression to increase in an unequal
determined way according
a quadratic trend of to the size
90.14%, of
the litter.
which it follows that the weight gain tended to increase in an unequal way according to the size of
the litter.
Animals 2020, 10, x 8 of 13

Animals 2020, 10, 2059 7 of 12

3.6. Carcass Weight
According to the productive behavior by litter size at birth, the carcass weight was higher for
3.6. Carcass Weight
the animals from litters of three guinea pigs per birth (p < 0.05), compared with the weights of the
guineaAccording to theofproductive
pig carcasses four and two behavior
size at birth,
litter. In thethe carcass
same way,weight was of
the effect higher for the
sex had no
animals from
significant litters of(p
difference three guinea
= 0.225), pigs
but theper
weight (p <
birth of the 0.05),
carcasseswith wasthe weights
greater than ofthat
the guinea
of the
pig carcasses of four and two guinea pigs per litter. In the same way, the effect of sex had no significant
difference (p = 0.225),
The regression but thedetermined
analysis weight of the male carcasses
a quadratic tendency wasof greater
24.70%, than that of that
showing the females.
the weight of
The regression
the carcasses analysis
was greater from determined
animals ofa three
guinea tendency
pigs per of litter,
24.70%, butshowing that the when
it was reduced weightthe of
the carcasses
number was pigs
of guinea greater
litter animals of three
was greater. guineastatistically,
Therefore, pigs per litter, thesebutresponses
it was reduced
confirmwhen the
that the
sex of theof animals
guinea pigsdoespernotlitter was greater.
influence Therefore,
productive statistically,
responses, these responses
even though confirm was
better behavior that
the sex of the
determined animals
in the males. does not influence productive responses, even though better behavior was
In termsinofthe males. behavior by litter, the total weight of the carcasses presented differences
at p <In terms
0.05, of productive
since the highest behavior by litter,
total weights werethe total weight
determined of the
in the carcasses
litters of fourpresented
animals per differences
birth. A
at p < 0.05,
carcass weightsince the highest
of 1.75 ± 0.2 kgtotal
was weights
obtainedwere determined
for the litters of fourin the littersper
animals of four
followed perbybirth.
A carcass with
carcasses weight of 1.75
three ± 0.2per
animals kglitter
was (1.54
± 0.2for
kg),the litters
while theoflitters
four animals per litter,
of two animals perfollowed by the
litter obtained
weights 0.99three
± 0.2 animals
kg. Throughper litter (1.54 ±analysis,
regression 0.2 kg), while the litters
a quadratic of two of
tendency animals
90.6%per waslitter obtained
weights of that
indicating ± 0.2
0.99 the kg. Through
greater the numberregression analysis,
of animals a quadratic
per litter, tendency
the greater of 90.6%
the weight ofwas determined,
the carcasses of
the that the the
litter, although greater the number
behavior was notofproportional
animals per (Figure
litter, the5).greater the weight of the carcasses of
the litter, although the behavior was not proportional (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Performance of carcass weight (kg) of guinea pigs with different number animals/calving at
Figure 5. Performance
105 days of age. of carcass weight (kg) of guinea pigs with different number animals/calving at
105 days of age.
3.7. Carcass Yield
3.7. Carcass Yield of the means according to Tukey’s test did not present significant differences
The analysis
< 0.01)
(at p The by the
analysis of effect of litter
the means size at to
according birth. Similarly,
Tukey’s test didin terms
not of sex,
present the yields
significant found were
differences (at p
statistically similar (Table 1).
< 0.01) by the effect of litter size at birth. Similarly, in terms of sex, the yields found were statistically
similar (Table 1).
3.8. Feed Consumption
3.8. Feed
respect to the productive behavior by breeding, the analysis of means, according to Tukey’s
test in terms of the consumption of a balanced diet by breeding, was different (p < 0.05), since it was
With respect to the productive behavior by breeding, the analysis of means, according to Tukey’s
established that greater consumption was achieved by the litter of three animals per litter (2.17 ± 0.2 kg),
test in terms of the consumption of a balanced diet by breeding, was different (p < 0.05), since it was
being reduced to 2.11 ± 0.2 kg in the two animals per litter and to 1.90 ± 0.2 kg in the four animals per
established that greater consumption was achieved by the litter of three animals per litter (2.17 ± 0.2
litter groups. These findings suggest that the balanced consumption increased when the litter size
kg), being reduced to 2.11 ± 0.2 kg in the two animals per litter and to 1.90 ± 0.2 kg in the four animals
was three animals per birth but tended to decrease when the number of animals per litter at birth was
per litter groups. These findings suggest that the balanced consumption increased when the litter size
greater. The sex of the animals did not influence the consumption (p > 0.05), even though the males
was three animals per birth but tended to decrease when the number of animals per litter at birth was
consumed a greater amount of feed than the females.
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 8 of 12

The amount of forage consumed during the growth and fattening stage was not statistically
different, since alfalfa forage was provided in fixed amounts, reaching a consumption of all forage
provided, so that all animals, both males and females, consumed 1.05 ± 0.1 kg of forage in dry matter.
A significant difference of p < 0.05 was found for the total consumption of food by litter size, with the
highest consumption (3.22 kg ± 0.1) being obtained for the guinea pigs from three animals per litter.
Differences of p < 0.01 were also found due to the consumption of food having a direct relation with
the number of animals per litter and with the increases in weight, the greater the corporal development
and the greater the consumption of food. The amount of forage consumed varied (p < 0.01), and it
was found that litters with four animals per birth consumed 4.20 ± 0.6 kg, followed by litters with
three animals per birth that consumed 3.15 ± 0.6 kg of forage, while litters with two animals per birth
consumed 2.10 ± 0.6 kg. In relation to the total feed consumption, significant differences at p < 0.01
were found in the averages analyzed according to Tukey’s test, maintaining that the most numerous
litters (four animals per litter) registered the highest feed consumption (11.79 kg).
Moreover, the regression analysis determined a quadratic tendency of 97.63%, which indicates
that feed consumption was a function of the number of animals per litter, because the greater the
number of animals per litter, the greater the feed consumption to cover its nutritional requirements.

3.9. Food Conversion

According to the productive behavior by litter, the food conversion of the guinea pigs was not
significantly different (p < 0.05). It was determined that the animals required between 5.32 ± 0.3 and
5.71 ± 0.3 kg of food for each kilogram of weight gain, corresponding to the animals from the three and
four animals per litter groups, respectively. According to sex, the food conversions were 5.57 ± 0.2 kg
and 5.35 ± 0.2 kg in the female and male animals, respectively. This shows that in spite of a lack of
statistical differences in weight and feed consumption, better responses were achieved in the litters
from the three animals per birth. The food conversion was similar in the guinea pigs that presented
the lowest weights and feed consumption, which shows that, all in all, the food provided covered the
nutritional requirements during the development, growth, and fattening of the animals. In relation to
the productive behavior by litter, the food conversion averages analyzed with Tukey’s test did not
present significant differences (p < 0.05), since the determined values varied between 5.30 ± 0.4 and
5.68 ± 0.4 kg, which corresponds to the litters of three and four animals per birth, respectively.

3.10. Economic Analysis: Cost Per Kilogram of Weight Gain

In terms of productive behavior by breeding, the cost of production per kilogram of weight
gain was not statistically different (p < 0.05). However, they registered a lower cost of production
of 2.16 ± 0.1 USD/kg of weight gain when they came from the three animals per litter group and
2.30 ± 0.1 USD/kg of weight gain for the litters of four animals per birth. When comparing these values,
which are the two extreme cases, an income of 14 cents/kg of weight gain can be established. Likewise,
the effect of sex on the cost of production was similar; in males, each kilogram of weight gain costs USD
2.17 ± 0.04, while it costs USD 2.25 ± 0.04 in females, which denotes an income of 8 cents/kg of weight
gain. In terms of the productive behavior by litter, the means analysis using Tukey’s test resulted in
the cost per kilogram of weight gain, which presented no difference (p > 0.05). When the litter size
was four animals per birth, the production cost was 2.29 ± 0.04 USD/kg of weight gain, which was
reduced to 2.17 ± 0.04 USD/kg of weight gain in litters of two animals per birth and 2.15 ± 0.04 USD/kg
of weight gain in litters of three animals per birth.
The economic analysis based on the expenditures and income generated (Table 2) showed that
there is a higher profitability when animals from litters of three animals per birth are exploited,
because the benefit/cost indicator was USD 1.15. For this litter size, for each dollar invested, a profit of
USD 0.15 was obtained, followed by litters of two animals per birth with a profit/cost of USD 1.11,
as opposed to litters of four animals per birth with a profit/cost of less than USD 1.04. Therefore,
the best productive and economic responses were presented by the litters of three animals per birth.
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 9 of 12

According to the sex of the animals, the highest profitability can be achieved with the breeding of male
animals (a profit of USD 0.19 for each dollar invested).

Table 2. Economic evaluation (USD) of guinea pig production by different litter size (from 1 to
105 days old).

Litter size Sex

2 3 4 Females Males
Number of animals 16 16 16 24 24
Animal costs 1 16 16 16 24 24
Cost of food
Forage 2 3.53 3.53 3.53 5.29 5.29
Balanced 3 11.83 12.12 10.62 16.65 17.92
Health 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 7.2 7.2
Labour 5 40 40 40 60 60
Total expenditures 74.56 74.85 73.35 113.14 114.41
Sale carcass guinea pigs 6 63.1 65.92 55.94 88.13 96.58
Subscription sale 7 20 20 20 40 40
Total income 83.10 85.92 75.94 128.13 136.58
Benefit/Cost 1.11 1.15 1.04 1.13 1.19
1USD/1.00 each (pups) at birth; 2 USD 0.21 each kg of alfalfa in dry matter; 3 USD 0.35 each kg of balanced in dry
matter; 4 USD 0.20 per animal; 5 USD 30.00 monthly wage; 6 USD 8.00 each kg of carcass; 7 USD 20.00 fertilizer.

4. Discussion
When comparing the results of the productive behavior by animal with the productive behavior
by litter, it was determined that they differed in weight at birth, since the productive behavior by
animal was the best in terms of weight for the litter of three animals per birth and for the productive
behavior by the litter of four guinea pigs per birth. The productive behavior by animal was related to
the fact that the larger the litter size, the lower the individual weight of the animals [4].
Therefore, there was an inverse relationship between the size of the litter and the weight of the
guinea pigs at birth. The values obtained in the present work are within the range established in the
results of the experiment conducted by [11], and are related to the fact that an increase in the number
of animals decreases the weight at birth, and that the variation is mainly due to the number of animals
obtained at birth.
Global poverty and food insecurity continue to remain critical issues, especially in rural areas [8].
During the Conference on Environment and Development in Rio in 1992, sustainable development
was mentioned as a guiding principle for all economic and political sectors [12].
Currently, at the commercial level, the selection of animals of high productive performance
with some phenotypic traits according to the demand of the market is very important. Through this
study, an optimal litter size of three rodents per calving was established from the point of view of
reproduction. These findings contribute to the sustainability of guinea pig meat production at the
family and commercial levels, as well as to the mitigation of hunger and poverty in the rural and urban
populations of Riobamba, Ecuador.
With respect to sex at weaning, it was determined that during lactation, both males and females
have the same opportunities to take advantage of food, which is in agreement with that mentioned
by other authors who carried out similar research. When comparing weight at weaning, we found
differences in terms of the litters of two animals per birth having better productive behavior by breeding,
indicating that the bigger the litter size, the smaller the individual weight of the animals, with the
productive behavior of the litters of four animals per birth being the poorest.
The litter factor, as a random effect, as well as birth weight, had a marked influence on the weaning
weight of the offspring [5]. In relation to the final weights, the weight in terms of both the productive
behavior by guinea pig and by litter was found to be the highest in the litters of three animals per
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 10 of 12

birth, noting a slight increase in the productive behavior by litter in the four animals per birth group.
This indicates that the greater the number of animals per litter, the greater the weight of the litter at the
end of fattening. In relation to the final weights by litter for productive behavior, the best weights were
found in males, which is in agreement with other research indicating that male guinea pigs have better
assimilation of nutrients, thereby obtaining better bone structure and strengthening their immune
system [9]. The males (n = 2609, 147.3 ± 33.0 g) were heavier than the females [5].
With respect to weight gain at weaning, both factors differed, with the productive behavior by
animals being higher in terms of weight in the litters of two guinea pigs per birth and the productive
behavior by litter having the greatest increases in the larger litters (i.e., four animals per birth).
This highlights that weight increases are a function of litter size, which is consistent with the fact that
the weight of newborns is largely related to litter size [11].
In relation to the productive behavior of the guinea pigs, in terms of the weight gain according
to sex, the males presented better responses than the females, which coincides with the results of
another author who showed that the male guinea pigs present better use of the food supplied than the
females [13]. In contrast, when comparing the productive behavior by breeding with the productive
behavior by litter, it was found that the feed consumption differed. There was a greater intake in the
litters of three guinea pigs per birth in terms of productive behavior by breeding, which indicates
that balanced feed consumption increases in this litter size and tends to decrease when the number
of guinea pigs per birth is greater. This behavior could be due to the body weight of the animals,
since the greater the weight, the greater the amount of food the animals require to meet their nutritional
requirements, as well as productive behavior.
The highest consumption was obtained by litters with four animals per birth, which is because
consumption has a direct relationship with the number of animals per litter. Moreover, their weight
increases were higher, since the greater the body development, the greater the feed consumption.
The responses related to the productive behavior by litter, leading to variations in the results, were due
to the size of the animals.
Since there is an effect associated with competition for food, the smaller the number of animals per
litter, the greater the availability of food; the opposite occurs when the litter is larger than three animals
per birth. Additionally, in terms of the productive behavior by litter, the guinea pigs in larger litters
consume more solid food than the guinea pigs in smaller litters [14]. With regard to food conversion,
the productive behavior by breeding and by litter was not different between litters of three and four
animals per birth.
The determination of feed consumption should be based on the individual behavior of the animals,
as the food provided should cover the nutritional requirements during the development, growth,
and fattening of the animals. Related to this, as mentioned by the author of [15], responses are
subordinated to the individuality of the animals to take advantage of the food, as well as the type and
quality of the food ration provided. Comparing the productive behavior by breeding and by litter with
the production cost per kilogram of weight gain, a lower production cost was determined when using
animals from the three animals per litter group [16].
The results obtained emphasize the importance of feeding costs in guinea pig meat production [17].
In a farm destined for any animal production, the main objective is to produce a large quantity in a
short time and with low production costs that generate profitability. The results of this investigation,
in relation to the productive behavior by breeding based on sex, show that male guinea pigs acquire
greater development in the growth and fattening stage than females.
With respect to carcass weight, the productive behavior by breeding and by litter differs. In the
first case, the highest weights were found in the litters of three guinea pigs per birth, which reduced
when the number of guinea pigs increased. In the second case, the highest weights were determined in
the litters of four guinea pigs per birth, evidencing that the greater the number of guinea pigs per litter,
the greater the weight of the litters, although the behavior is subordinated to the individuality of the
animals to take advantage of the food, as well as the type and quality of the food ration provided [13].
Animals 2020, 10, 2059 11 of 12

Comparing the productive behavior by breeding and by litter with carcass yield, it was determined that
the animals from the three guinea pigs per birth group obtained better results, which could be increased
by better genetics and pasture forage–concentrate ratio of 70:30. Alternatively, feeding guinea pigs with
a balanced ration can improve the carcass yields [13,18].The sex of the animals influences the productive
parameters, with males being dedicated to meat production and females to reproduction [13].

5. Conclusions
The productive behavior by breeding and by litter showed that the litter size of the guinea pigs
influenced the productive responses from birth to fattening, food conversion, cost per kilogram of
weight gain, and carcass yield. Consequently, the best productive responses regarding weight were in
the litters of three guinea pigs per birth, and during the breeding and fattening of the guinea pigs,
the litters of four guinea pigs per birth had the least productive responses. In the productive behavior
by breeding and by litter with respect to sex, the male animals presented better productive behavior
than the females. Additionally, it was determined that the greatest economic profitability could be
achieved when fattening guinea pigs from litters with three offspring per birth, with a cost-benefit of
USD 1.15 compared to the USD 1.04 obtained from litters of four offspring per birth.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, methodology, A.E.G.P. and N.R.O.N.; software, D.A.G.R. and W.E.C.G.;
validation, R.L.G.M. and A.E.G.P.; formal analysis, N.R.O.N., R.L.G.M. and A.E.G.P.; research, D.A.G.R.; resources,
N.R.O.N., A.E.G.P., D.A.G.R., R.L.G.M., W.E.C.G.; writing—original draft preparation, A.E.G.P. and R.L.G.M.;
writing, reviewing and editing, W.E.C.G. and S.A.G.R.; project management, D.A.G.R., S.A.G.R. and W.E.C.G.;
fundraising, N.R.O.N., D.A.G.R., S.A.G.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: The authors are also grateful to the team of ESPOCH (Faculty of Animal Sciences)
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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