Comportamento Ingestivo de Vacas Leiteiras em Pastejo Recebendo Farelo de Mamona Detoxicado (INGLES)

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Semina: Ciências Agrárias

ISSN: 1676-546X
[email protected]
Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Ferraz Porto Junior, Antonio; Ferreira da Silva, Fabiano; Rodrigues Silva, Robério; Schio
Resende, Alex; Dias de Souza, Dicastro; de Almeida Meneses, Murilo; Santana de
Oliveira Rodrigues, Eli; Moreira Santiago, Bismarck; Rios da Silva, Agnaldo; Pires dos
Santos, Andrêssa
Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor meal in the diet
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, vol. 37, núm. 6, noviembre-diciembre, 2016, pp. 4255-4264
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Londrina, Brasil

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DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2016v37n6p4255

Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor

meal in the diet

Comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras em pastejo recebendo

níveis de inclusão de farelo de mamona detoxicado na dieta

Antonio Ferraz Porto Junior1*; Fabiano Ferreira da Silva2; Robério Rodrigues

Silva2; Alex Schio Resende3; Dicastro Dias de Souza1; Murilo de Almeida
Meneses1; Eli Santana de Oliveira Rodrigues1; Bismarck Moreira Santiago4;
Agnaldo Rios da Silva5; Andrêssa Pires dos Santos5

This study evaluated the feeding behavior of lactating cows on pasture of Brachiaria (Urochloa)
decumbens fed with concentrate supplementation containing different levels of castor meal inclusion
treated with calcium hydroxide Ca (OH) 2, in the proportions of 0; 3.3; 6.6 to 10% of the total diet.
Eight cows (degree of blood ½ to ¾ Holstein x Zebu), with previous average production of 3000-4000
kg adjusted to 300 days of lactation and average body weight of 465.16 kg ± 65.45 kg were distributed
in two 4 x 4 Latin squares. The behavior was assessed every five minutes for 24 hours on the 21st day
of each period. The results were tested by analysis of variance and regression at p < 0.05 probability.
The time spent in grazing, rumination, idle and in the trough; total chewing time, number of cuds per
day, chewing per day; chewing per cud; the number of periods of grazing, rumination, idle and in the
trough; time spent by period of grazing, rumination, idle and in the trough were not different between
treatments. The feed efficiency (g DM h-1; g NDFa h-1 and g TDN h-1) and time spent per cud ruminated
TSR sec cud-1) were linearly reduced. It is recommended to include up to 10% castor meal treated with
Ca (OH)2 in the total diet.
Key words: Bite. Co-product. Pasture. Ruminant.

Objetivou-se avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de vacas leiteiras em pastagem de Brachiaria
(Urochloa) decumbens submetidas a suplementação concentrada com diferentes níveis de inclusão de
farelo de mamona tratada com hidróxido de cálcio Ca(OH)2, nas proporções de 0; 3,3; 6,6 e 10% na dieta
total. Utilizaram-se oito vacas (grau de sangue ½ a ¾ Holandês x Zebu), com produção média anterior
entre 3.000 a 4.000 kg, ajustada para 300 dias de lactação e peso corporal médio 465,16 kg ± 65,45 kg.
Os animais foram distribuídos em dois Quadrados Latinos 4 x 4. O comportamento foi avaliado a cada
Discentes do Curso de Doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia,
UESB, Itapetinga, BA. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; eli.uesb@hotmail.
Profs. Drs., Curso de Zootecnia, UESB, Itapetinga, BA. Bolsista de produtividade do CNPq. E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]
Pós-Doutorando em Zootecnia, UESB, Itapetinga, BA. E-mail: [email protected]
Discente do Curso de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia, UESB, Itapetinga, BA. E-mail: bismarck.
[email protected]
Discentes do Curso de Graduação em Zootecnia, UESB, Itapetinga, BA. E-mail: [email protected]; apzootecnia@
Author for correspondence
Received: Mar. 10, 2016 – Approved: Sept. 05, 2016
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Porto Junior, A. F. et al.

cinco minutos, durante 24 horas no 21º dia de cada período. Os resultados foram submetidos a análises
de variância e regressão a 0,05 de probabilidade. Os tempos despendidos nas atividades de pastejo,
ruminação, ócio e cocho; tempo de mastigação total, número de bolos ruminados por dia, mastigação
por dia; mastigação por bolo; o número de período de pastejo, ruminação, ócio e cocho; tempo gasto
por período de pastejo, ruminação, ócio e cocho não houve diferença entre os tratamentos. A eficiência
de alimentação (em g MS h-1; g FDNc h-1 e g NDT h-1) e tempo gasto por bolo ruminado TRB seg bolo-1
reduziram linearmente. Recomenda-se a inclusão de até 10% de farelo de mamona tratada com Ca(OH)2
na dieta total.
Palavras-chave: Bocado. Coproduto. Pastagem. Ruminante.

Introduction ruminant diets. Thus, the search for alternative foods

that provide the same nutritional effect to animals
Brazil is a country of continental dimensions,
with a better economic return, is of fundamental
with huge potential for production of various foods,
importance for the dairy activity.
generating various types of agro-industrial waste
and co-products. However, biodiesel production, Production systems that use only the pasture
focus of great interest and expansion worldwide, as exclusive food to dairy cows do not meet the
may significantly increase the availability of co- nutritional requirements due to the quantity and
products, resulting from the extraction of oil plants quality of nutrients available by the forage (PITTA
of the biodiesel production chain oil, producing et al., 2013). This could compromise the body
cakes or meal with potential for use in animal feed. reserves to ensure milk production, and cause the
emergence of reproductive problems in the animal.
Nevertheless, concern for environmental issues
and large great fluctuation in prices of traditional The study of feeding behavior in animals fed
food; including soybeans, cotton and sunflower, have diets containing co-products can guide the feeding
guided the interest in introducing these co-products system, and clarify possible problems related to the
in ruminant diets and, therefore, which has grown intake and productive performance. In this sense,
considerably, representing a viable alternative, from the use of castor meal in diets for ruminants would
both a nutritional and economic point of view, since represent an integration of both production chains,
the Northeast region is the largest producer of castor both of biodiesel and livestock, providing a better
plant in Brazil. quality of life to the farmer, through the generation
of jobs and income, reducing environmental damage
The ingredients used in animal diet originated
and offering an array of options to dairy or milk
from the processing of oilseeds, including cotton,
cattle producers (COSTA, 2010).
peanut, sunflower, palm oil, castor oil, etc., generate
cakes and meals with potential for use, especially Castor meal is the main product after oil
for ruminants, becoming an alternative source to extraction, but its use in animal feed is limited
animal production. because of anti-nutritional factors, ricin and ricinine.
Ricin is a lethal toxin of major proportions, which
In the 2013/14 season, there were planted 106,300
must be subjected to a detoxification process, so
hectares (ha), 96.98% total produced in the Northeast.
that its inclusion in the diets produces a safe food
The state of Bahia produced 81.48% national supply,
free from toxicity.
reaching 52,800 tons, while the Central South region,
which ranks second, with 3.2 thousand ha area In this context, this study aimed to evaluate
cultivated (CONAB, 2014). The use of co-products the behavior of lactating cows on pasture of
make the concentrate supplementation more Brachiaria (Urochloa) decumbens fed concentrate
attractive to milk producers, since the protein value supplementation with different levels of castor meal
of these foods is almost equivalent to those used in inclusion treated with calcium hydroxide in the diet.
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor meal in the diet

Material and Methods of Forage and Pasture, Campus Itapetinga, state

of Bahia. In the field phase, data on temperature
The experiment was conducted at Paulistinha
(maximum, minimum and average) and rainfall
Farm in the municipality of Macarani, state of Bahia,
were collected during the experimental period
from July 1st to September 22nd, 2014. Analyses
through pluviometer and thermometer (Table 1),
of the samples were carried out at the Laboratory
installed on the farm.

Table 1. Average temperature, average maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMAX) temperature and total rainfall, per
month, observed during the experimental period.

July August September
TMAX (C°) 31 32 37
TMIN (C°) 17 15 16
Mean (C°) 23.79 24.105 25.815
Rainfall (mm) 39 0.0 0.0

Eight crossbred Holstein x Zebu cows (degree and 120 days at the beginning of the experiment,
of blood ranging from ½ to ¾), at the third or distributed in two 4 x 4 Latin squares. The animals
fourth lactation, with previous average production were supplemented with concentrate to meet the
between 3000 and 4000 kg, adjusted to 300 days, maintenance requirements, body weight gain of 0.15
with an average body weight of 465.16 kg ± 65.45 kg day –1 and producing 15 kg milk day-1 adjusted
kg, were managed in area of five hectares formed to 3.5% fat, according to the table of requirements
by Brachiaria (Urochloa) decumbens. The cows (NRC, 2001). The forage: concentrate ratio of diets
were also selected for days in milk between 80 on a dry matter basis is listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Proportion of ingredients of concentrates on a dry matter basis for lactating cows.

Levels of inclusion of castor meal (% DM)

0.00 3.33 6.66 10.00
Ground corn 55.52 53.80 52.11 50.46
Whole cottonseed 23.67 23.37 23.09 22.81
Soybean meal 16.34 10.91 5.62 0.44
Detoxicated castor meal - 7.60 15.01 22.27
Minerals1 1.87 1.85 1.82 1.80
Urea + ammonium sulfate 1.34 1.32 1.31 1.29
Limestone 1.26 1.15 1.03 0.93
Total 100 100 100 100
Ratio %
Forage 54.19 57.16 56.99 54.86
Concentrate 45.81 42.84 43.01 45.14
Composition: Calcium 200 g; Cobalt 200 mg; Copper 1,650 mg; Sulfur 12 g; Iron 560 mg; Fluorine (max) 1,000g; Phosphorus 100
g; Iodine 195 mg; Magnesium 15 g; Manganese 1,960 mg; Nickel 40 mg; Selenium 32 mg; Sodium 68 g; Zinc 6,285 mg.

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Porto Junior, A. F. et al.

The castor bean meal used was purchased from The four diets consisted of inclusion levels
an agroindustry located in the metropolitan region of castor meal (Ricinus communis L.) in the total
of Salvador, state of Bahia. As for antinutritional diet. The experiment lasted 84 days divided into
factors, inactivation of ricin from castor bean meal four experimental periods of 21 days each, with the
was made by alkaline treatment using a solution first 20 days for adaptation of animals to diets and
of Ca(OH)2 in the ratio of 1 kg in 10 L water and the last for collection of behavioral data. In each
applied in amount of 60 g lime per kg of castor experimental period, forage and supplements were
meal, on a natural matter basis, as recommended sampled to evaluate their chemical composition
by (OLIVEIRA, 2008). After mixing the meal with (Table 3).
lime solution, the material was allowed to stand for
12 hours, and immediately after dried in the sun.

Table 3. Chemical composition of simulated grazing, castor meal, concentrate, availability and supply of forage
referring to the experimental periods.

Levels of inclusion of castor meal (% DM)

Simulated grazing FMT2 0.00 3.33 6.66 10.00
DM (%)3 43.72 90.00 88.47 87.35 87.59 89.14
CP (%)4 7.66 32.56 26.93 26.38 27.48 26.00
EE (%)5 3.45 1.13 10.54 10.56 9.62 11.28
NFC (%)6 15.31 4.12 56.04 60.00 54.22 45.83
NDFcp (%)7 66.15 44.35 6.70 6.74 6.78 8.58
ADF (%)8 36.78 40.57 6.05 7.90 12.10 16.24
MM (%)9 7.43 17.84 5.45 5.94 7.10 7.17
Experimental Period
Item 1st
2nd 3rd 4th Mean
PDMA kg (ha)10 2221.03 2244.87 2048.41 2397.35 2227.85
FS kg DM/100 kg BW11 14.28 14.27 13.05 15.39 14.25
FMT – Detoxicated castor meal; 3DM – Dry matter; 4CP – Crude protein; 5EE – Ether extract; 6NFC –Non-fiber carbohydrate;

NDFcp – Neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein; 8ADF – Acid detergent fiber; 9MM – Mineral matter; 10Pasture dry

matter availability and 11Forage supply.

Forage samples of simulated grazing were were separated: leaf blade, green sheath+stem and
obtained from the intake observed in cows, senescent material (Table 4), which were weighed,
collecting forage in the stratum cows visited. in grams, on a natural matter basis, and calculated
Pasture was evaluated every 21 days during the the percentage of each, according to methodology
study period, being taken only 12 samples in the described by (McMENIMAN, 1997). Through
paddock, cut at 5 cm from the ground and placed in the equation proposed by Gardner (1986), it was
plastic bags, weighed and taken a composite sample, possible to calculate the amount of forage biomass
and after fractionation, the structural components available in the paddock, expressed in kg DM ha-1.

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor meal in the diet

Table 4. Proportion of components of Brachiaria (Urochloa) decumbens and leaf: stem ratio.

Item Paddock mean

Leaf blade (%) 36.36
Green sheath+stem (%) 36.36
Senescent material (%) 27.28
Leaf: stem ratio 1.00

Samples of food and feces were placed in All animals were subjected to visual observation
plastic bags and freezer-stored at –20°C for further to evaluate the feeding behavior for 24 h. Data
analysis, carried out in the laboratories of UESB. collection on the time spent on activities of grazing,
Samples of forage, concentrate and feces of each rumination and in the trough was performed on the
animal were pre-dried in a forced ventilation oven 21st day of each experimental period, with the use of
at 55°C and ground in a knife mill (1 mm sieve) digital stopwatch handled by eight trained observers,
for chemical analysis. Analyses of dry matter using, during the night observation, flashlight for
(DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), acid data collection. To facilitate the visualization,
detergent fiber (ADF) and mineral matter (MM) of animals were marked with colored ribbons tied
diets were performed as proposed by (DETMANN around the neck, and ear tags. The observations of
et al., 2012). The neutral detergent fiber, free of ash the activities were recorded at five-minute intervals,
and protein (NDFap), was calculated according to as recommended by Gary et al. (1970).
(MERTENS, 2002; LICITRA et al., 1996). The
The number of cud chews and time spent in
non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) of samples that did
ruminating each cud were determined using a digital
not contain urea were calculated by the equation
stopwatch. For this evaluation, observations were
proposed by Detmann and Valadares Filho (2010),
made for four cuds, in three different periods of the
using the following formula:
day (10-12, 14-16 and 19-21 h), in all experimental
NFC= 100 – (%CP + %EE + %Ash + %NDFap) animals. Feed efficiency (FE), rumination efficiency
(RE), the number of cuds per day (NC), the total
chewing time per day (TCT) and the number of cud
NFC of samples containing urea was calculated chews per day (NCCd) were obtained according
with the equation of Hall (2000), using the following to the methodology described by (BÜRGER et al.,
formula: 2000).
NFC = 100 – ((%CP – % CPU + %U) + %MM + It was considered the voluntary intake of DM and
%EE + %NDFap). NDFap to evaluate feed and rumination efficiencies
Where, %CPU = crude protein content from urea relative to the amount in grams of DM and NDF
and %U = urea content. per unit time and per feeding period. The number of
cuds ruminated daily was obtained by dividing the
Total digestible nutrient (TDN) content was
total rumination time (minutes) by the average time
calculated according to NRC (2001), TDN = DCP
spent in ruminating a cud.
+ DEE x 2.25 + DNDF + DNFa.
Feed and rumination efficiencies were obtained
In which: DCP = digestible crude protein; DEE
as follows:
= digestible ether extract; DNDF = digestible
neutral detergent fiber; DNFC = digestible non-fiber FE = DMI FT-1
carbohydrates. FENDFa = CFDNc TAL-1

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Porto Junior, A. F. et al.

RT = DMI RT-1 Results and Discussion

RENDFa = CNDFa RT-1 Dry matter intake (DMI), expressed in kilograms
Where: FE = feed efficiency; DMI = daily dry per day (kg day-1) and in percentage of body weight
matter intake (g day-1); FT = feeding time (hours); (% BW) showed a decreasing linear effect (P <0.05)
FENDFa= feed efficiency of NDFa; DNDFa = with increasing levels of inclusion of castor meal
daily NDFa intake (g day-1); RT = rumination time in the diet (Table 5). This result was probably
(hours); RENDFa = rumination efficiency (g day-1). caused by high dry matter content of pasture and
low leaf: stem ratio (Table 4), besides the content of
Data were tested by means of analysis of neutral detergent fiber in concentrate (Table 3). The
variance and regression analysis, using the System reduction in the leaf: stem ratio and increased levels
for Statistical and Genetic Analysis (SAEG, 2007). of inclusion of castor meal in the concentrate had a
The statistical models were chosen according to the direct influence on the DMI.
significance of the regression coefficients, using
the test F-test at 5% probability and coefficient of
determination (R2).

Table 5. Intake parameters, feed efficiency and ruminating chews of dairy cows fed different levels of castor meal in
the diet.

Levels of inclusion of castor meal (% DM)

Variables Eq.1 CV%2 P3
0.00 3.33 6.66 10.00
IDM (kg day-1)11 13.92 13.03 11.97 11.76 4
6.85 0.001
IDM (%BW)12 2.96 2.79 2.59 2.54 5
7.96 0.003
INDFap (kg day-1)13 5.48 5.01 4.58 5.06 6
10.01 0.019
FE (g DM h-1)14 1525.87 1407.33 1253.54 1007.51 7
17.20 0.001
FENDFc (g NDFa h-1)15 600.63 543.71 498.04 405.23 8
19.92 0.009
TDNFE (g TDN h-1)16 974.11 943.56 812.51 682.21 9
15.57 0.001
RE (g DM h-1)17 2413.69 2025.57 2149.45 1762.96 2087.92 23.03 0.090
RENDF (g NDFa h-1)18 995.70 1044.54 1062.41 1000.95 1025.90 26.42 0.949
TDNRE (g TDN h-1)19 1535.09 1352.65 1401.59 1193.15 1370.62 29.03 0.412
TCT (h day-1)20 930.63 987.50 973.75 986.88 969.69 6.47 0.259
NCR (number day-1)21 422.30 453.77 418.55 450.91 436.38 14.36 0.564
NC (number day-1)22 20475.90 22538.67 21466.05 20595.72 21269.09 17.53 0.671
NC (number cud-1)23 52.97 53.40 53.69 49.13 52.30 6.98 0.074
TSC (seg cud-1)24 57.42 57.42 55.96 52.77 10
6.01 0.040
Regression equations; Coefficient of variation in percentage and Probability of error. Y = –0.226x + 13.794, R2 = 0.94; 5Y =
2 3 4

–0.0438x + 2.9389, R2 = 0.95; 6Y = 0.0214x2 – 0.2646x + 5.5235, R2 = 0.91, Point of minimum = 6.18; 7Y = –51.277x + 1554.8,
R2 = 0.97; 8Y = –18.96x + 606.66, R2 = 0.98; 9Y = –30.209x + 1004.1, R2 = 0.94 and 10Y = –0.4625x + 58.204, R2 = 0.82. 11IDM
– intake dry matter; 12IDM – intake dry matter in function body weight; 13INDFap – intake of neutral detergent fiber corrected for
ash and crude protein; 14FE – dry matter feeding efficiency; 15FENDFAa – feeding efficiency of neutral detergent fiber corrected
for ash; 16TDNFE – total digestible nutrients feeding efficiency; 17RE – dry matter rumination efficiency; 18RENDF – rumination
efficiency of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash; 19TDNRE – total digestible nutrients rumination efficiency; 20TCT – total
chewing time; 21NCRd – number of cuds ruminated per day; 22NCd – number of chews per day; 23NCc – number of chews per cud
and 24TSC – time spent per cud.

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor meal in the diet

Mendes et al. (2013) evaluated the feeding It was also observed the effect of inclusion of the
behavior of dairy cows on Brachiaria brizantha treated castor meal (P <0.05) on the time spent per
pasture receiving different concentrate levels in the cud, a result attributed to the chemical characteristics
diet and observed average consumption of 2.89% of the diet. This result is consistent to that reported
BW. However, the results found in this study were by Missio et al. (2010), where the number of chews
lower for the average consumption of DM due to the per cud showed a linear reduction.
BW, with an average of 2.75% for the treatments;
The rumination efficiencies of dry matter (g DM
this difference is probably related to the period of
h ), neutral detergent fiber (g NDFa h-1) and total

the year, in which studies took place in different

digestible nutrients (g TDN h-1) were not affected
hydrological periods.
(P> 0.05), as well as the total chewing time (TCT)
For the intake of (NDFap), expressed in kilogram and number of ruminated cuds per day (NRC). The
per day (kg day-1) and percentage of body weight same effect was found for the number of chews per
(% BW), there was a quadratic effect (P <0.05) on day (NCd) and number of chews per cud (NCb);
the treatments with the point of minimum at the despite the increase in the NDF level in the diet
level of 6.18% (kg day-1) inclusion of castor meal. (Table 3), this did not affect (NCd) and (NCb).
The observed effect certainly occurred due to the
These results are consistent with those reported
reduction in dry matter intake and increased NDF
by Costa et al. (2011), for the total chewing time,
levels of diets (Table 3). Cobianchi et al. (2012)
number of cuds and number of chews per day
worked with confined dairy cows fed castor bean
(SILVA et al., 2005), and total chewing time, as well
meal treated with calcium oxide and identified
as Pereira et al. (2007) and Mendonça et al. (2004),
significant differences in NDFap intake from 33.3%
for the number of chews per cud and rumination
efficiency, which also found no significant effect of
The effects observed for dry matter feed treatment on these variables.
efficiency (FE g DM h-1), feed efficiency of neutral
Pereira et al. (2007) tested diets with different
detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein
levels of fiber for confined dairy heifers and verified
(FENDFa g NDFa h-1), and feed efficiency of total
that the increase in NDF content in the diet increases
digestible nutrients (FETDN g TDN h-1) and time
total chewing time, number of chews per cud and
spent per cud (TSRB sec cud-1) decreased linearly (P
per day and number of cuds. Levels of castor meal
<0.05), following the same trend of DMI. However,
in the diet did not affect any of these parameters,
the variables assessed in this study demonstrate the
probably by low intake of NDF.
influence of the inclusion of castor meal, as they
were reduced with the inclusion of castor meal in Considering the total time spent in activities of
the diets. Probably, this feed efficiency decreased grazing, rumination and in the trough, no differences
due to the neutral detergent fiber content in the diet were detected (P> 0.05) with the inclusion of castor
(Table 3). meal in the diet. The numerical trend of longer time
spent in grazing observed in (Table 6) was probably
Conversely, Silva et al. (2005) evaluated the
due to the content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
feeding behavior of grazing heifers and stated that
of the diets, as previously discussed, which may
the feed efficiency depends on the variation and
have led the animals to spend more time selecting
content of fiber components in the diet. According
the most nutritious parts of the pasture, with an
to Van Soest (1994), the efficiency with which the
increase of 57.5 (min day-1) between the lowest and
animal chooses the food is related to the time spent
the highest level of inclusion of castor meal. Pereira
in consumption and specific weight of the food
et al. (2007) investigated the feeding behavior of
Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Porto Junior, A. F. et al.

heifers fed diets with different levels of fiber and grazing (NPG), rumination (NPR), idle (NPI) and in
found that the time spent in feeding and rumination the trough (NPT). In the same way, the time spent
increased with the NDF increase in diet and noticed per period of grazing (TPG), rumination (TPR),
a reduction in the time spent in idle, different from idle (TPI) and in the trough (TPT) were also not
the results found in this study. influenced by the addition of castor meal in the diet.
This can be explained by the habit of the animals
The inclusion of castor meal in the diet (Table
that search for food at specific times of the day,
7) did not affect (P> 0.05) the number of periods of
regardless of the treatment.

Table 6. Total time spent in activities of grazing, rumination, idle and in the trough of dairy cows fed different levels of castor meal
in the diet.

Activity Levels of inclusion of castor meal (% DM)

Eq.1 CV%2 P3
(min day-1) 0.00 3.33 6.66 10.00
Grazing 561.88 585.63 601.88 619.38 592.19 9.76 0.266
Rumination 368.75 401.88 371.88 367.50 377.50 16.30 0.645
Idle 477.50 424.38 431.25 429.38 440.63 13.58 0.284
Trough 31.88 28.75 36.25 25.00 30.47 38.98 0.308
Regression equations; 2Coefficient of variation in percentage and 3Probability of error.

Table 7. Números de períodos e tempo de duração das atividades comportamentais de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com
dietas recebendo diferentes níveis de farelo de mamona.

Levels of inclusion of castor meal (% DM)

Behavioral activities Eq.1 CV%2 P3
0.00 3.33 6.66 10.00
NGP (number day-1)4 6.38 6.75 6.25 6.50 6.47 21.88 0.907
NRP (number day-1)5 11.75 11.00 10.38 9.75 10.72 14.88 0.111
NIP (number day-1)6 13.63 13.50 13.13 13.88 13.53 19.23 0.950
NPT (number day-1)7 2.13 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.85 24.96 0.296
TGP (h)8 1.55 1.51 1.67 1.66 1.60 20.84 0.708
TRP (h)9 0.53 0.62 0.63 0.64 0.61 21.10 0.345
TIP (h)10 0.63 0.52 0.55 0.52 0.56 26.91 0.431
TPT (h)11 0.24 0.25 0.34 0.22 0.26 36.87 0.124
Regression equations; 2Coefficient of variation in percentage and 3Probability of error. 4NGP – number of grazing periods; 5NRP
– number of rumination periods; 6NIP – number of idle periods; 7NPT – number of periods in the trough; 8TGP – time per grazing
period; 9TRP – time per rumination period; 10TIP – time per idle period and 11TPT – time per period in the trough.

Mezzalira et al. (2011) argued that animals Conclusions

managed on pastures with high forage supply
It is recommended to include up to 10% castor
achieve a high intake rate and reach satiety and as a
meal treated with calcium hydroxide in the total
consequence there is a reduction in meal duration,
diet for dairy cows, with no significant influence
an increase in satiety time and longer intervals. The
on activities of grazing, idle, rumination and in the
same authors point out that the number and duration
of meals are directly related. Santana Júnior et al.
(2013) reported that the increase in the periods of
activities promotes shorter times per periods.

Semina: Ciências Agrárias, Londrina, v. 37, n. 6, p. 4255-4264, nov./dez. 2016
Feeding behavior of dairy cows on pasture fed detoxicated castor meal in the diet


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