Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English - Co1 - by - Celestevillaran

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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region

Schools Division Office-MALABON CITY



Grade Level Four Quarter Third

Teacher Celeste D. Villaran Learning Area English
Week no. Week 5 Teaching date April 29, 2021
Section and Time Unified Grade 4 Section 8:30 – 9:30

I. Objectives: The use of appropriate graphic organizers to show the sequence of events in a text read
a. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding to identify the different kinds of graphic organizers and
their uses
b. Performance Standard Organize events/information using different kinds of graphic organizers
c. Learning Competencies Using appropriate graphic organizers to show the sequence of events in a text read (story)
- Competency code EN4RC-IIe-30
II. Content Using Appropriate Graphic Organizers in Texts Read
A. Reference/s MELC’s English Quarter 3, pp. 135
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG English pp. 114 - 121
2. Learner’s Materials pages Self – Learning Module 4 pp. 18 – 22
3. Textbook pages English 4 pp. 102 – 111
4. Additional materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
portal DepEd Commons English Grade 4
5. Other Learning materials pictures, graphic organizers, pptx, video clips, short stories
Values Integration: Importance of staying safe and healthy at home and e- school
Across Curriculum Integration: Science and Health, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)
GAD Practices Group Discussions, Gender Equality in groupings, Gender equality in praising
GAD Concept Emphasis on contribution to stay healthy and safe
Teaching Approach Practical Work Approach and application of Multiple Intelligence
III. Procedures: Annotation
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Routinary Activities a. Opening Prayer As implied to classroom
b. Greetings set – up, these routine
c. Attendance activities are applied.

2. Review Direction: Read and understand the passage. Then, identify Derived from KRA 1: Content
the Main Idea, Key Sentence and Supporting Details. Knowledge and Pedagogy of
Objective 1 and Objective 3:
In this part of the
Health is the absolute wealth
lesson, I incorporated it
of all people. It helps us
in HEALTH subject
perform our tasks every day.
(MAPEH Components).
It makes us happy and enjoy
It is that we are in
life opportunities. Health
this current situation
gives us more chances of
(COVID – 19 pandemic)
getting good paying jobs to
and learners must know
support our family. It even
the importance of health
allows us to travel and explore other places. Being healthy in their every day life. I
does not only mean, physically but also emotionally and also ask questions in this
mentally. We must value our health, by maintaining a short story applying
balanced and healthy diet, proper exercise and discipline. HOTS to stimulate their
Because just like wealth, health needs to be treasured. mind to work out.

3. Motivation Game: “Spot the Difference” Derived from KRA 1: Content

Encircle the differences in the following pictures. Knowledge and Pedagogy of
Objective 2 and Objective 3:
I selected appropriate
teaching and learning
resources to come up
with this activity as part
1. of the lesson. From using
latest technology to
traditional resources that
may be a great help with
my learners’
2. I also make sure that
the content was child –
friendly and helps
learners to cope up with
our present situation.
Also, asks questions
3. that reflects Blooms
Taxonomy Questions
Level 1: Remember.


5. Onlyne Skhool
Online School

- What do these pictures and words represent?

- What do you think does happen in the character you seen?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation a. Ask the students to fill in the KWL chart K and W columns
about the story “Online School” by Meredith Polsky and Derived from KRA 1: Content
graphic organizers used. Knowledge and Pedagogy and
KRA 2 Diversity of Learners &
Assessment and Reporting of
Objective 2, 3, and 4.
In this part of the
lesson, I utilized
effectively a teaching
strategy that appropriate
in responding to learners’
linguistic and
background as an
individual in our society.
The various activities
that they actually
experiences reflect in the
ICT used and it facilitate
the teaching and learning
The graphic organizers
used in this part will
helps the learners to
focus on our goal
objective. And the
questions were all derived
from Blooms Taxonomy
of questions Level 2:

b. Unlocking of Difficulties by context clues

Direction: Read the following sentences and determine the
meaning of the underlined words through context clues.
Encircle your answer.
1. I need to go online school every day, just like regular school.
a. available through a system and especially a computer
b. disconnected to regular school
c. smart teaching
2. They usually write on the smartboard to teach us a new
a. teaching in traditional way
b. a board that is teaching
c. a large touch-sensitive board connected to a computer and a
digital projector
3. At online school, I wait for my teacher to unmute me or tell
me that it’s my turn to talk.
a. refraining from speech
b. restores the sound output
c. softens the sound of
4. My teacher is in charge of online school, just like they are in
charge of my classroom.
a. in control or with overall responsibility
b. indecisive
c. ineffective
5. I knew just what to do – this is new for all of us, so
following these rules helps everyone.
a. impoliteness
b. disorganization
c. regulation

c. Reading a story via AVP by the learners guided by the


d. Discussion (sharing of ideas and recalling of details about

the video they have just watched using the Reading
Comprehension Question Wheel and a Story Map and
introduce different graphic organizers to show understanding
of texts read)
1. Can you name the graphic organizers presented?
2. How can you describe:
a. concept map
b. sequence chart
c. Venn diagram
d. Cause – and -Effect diagram
e. Main Idea and Details chart

e. Setting of Standards for Group Activity

2. Activity Read again the short story entitled “Online School” and fill out Derived from KRA 2 Diversity
the details needed in the appropriate graphic organizers. of Learners & Assessment and
Reporting of Objective 6 and 7.
Activity #1 – Using a Concept Map, present the information
Group Activity: In this
asked in following guide questions.
activity, it is suggested to
Activity # 2 – Sequencing Events. Arrange the following
create 5 members per
events in order in which they happened in the story.
group. Each group will
Activity # 3 – Perceiving Relationship. Using a Cause – and –
select a leader who will
Effect graphic organizer, illustrate why is the school in the
ensure attentiveness and
story was closed.
participatory of every
group member.
GAD Concept: Teacher
will emphasize shared
responsibility among
groupmates in dealing
with the given group
activity. Every group
shall have a group leader,
group secretary, group
recorders and group
reporters. Every member
shall function its duties to
complete tasks easier.
GAD Practice: Teacher is
attentive in giving
positive comments and
facial reactions along
discussions of the
answers after the
reporting of the group
I also carefully selected,
developed, organized and
3. Analysis Reporting of outputs by group and giving feedbacks. used appropriate
teaching and learning
resources that reflects on
ICT used to address the
learning goals. I also used
timely and accurate and
constructive feedback to
improve their learning
performance by using
attached rubrics.
4. Abstraction Answer the following questions: Derived from KRA 2 Diversity
1. What reason is there for character to feel different? of Learners & Assessment and
Reporting of Objective 5.
2. Why did the character feel different in learning in terms of
I planned carefully the
way of schooling?
questions that may
3. How would you also feel if you are the character in the
deliver my teaching
strategies that are
4. Can you see a possible solution to end our present
responsive to the
educational needs of
learners in difficult times.
I carefully picked the
questions from Blooms
Taxonomy to stimulate
their feelings and
emotions reflecting our
current situations.
The questions were all
derived from Blooms
Taxonomy of questions
a. 5- Evaluate
b. 4 – Analyze
c. 2 -Understand; and
d. 6 – Create
C. Concluding Activities
1. Generalization Derived from KRA 1: Content
What is the importance of Knowledge and Pedagogy of
Objective 3
using graphic organizer?
I ask pupils to fill in
What did you learn in the
the L column of the KWL
story “Online School”?
I used HOTS to
stimulate again their
thinking and creative side
that may develop critical
thinking as they will grow
I also applied teaching
strategies that challenge
learners to draw
conclusions and justify
2. Application Arrange the jumbled letters to guess the type of graphic their thinking to promote
organizer that is described by the following clues. deeper understanding of
ideas learned in the
1. PETOCCN PAM – used for brainstorming activities and lesson objectives.
formulate ideas.
2. QESNCUEE THRCA – used to arrange series of events in
proper order
3. NEVN MADIRGA – used to illustrate the similarities and
4. SCEAU NDA CTFEEF – used to show relationships of
events or details
5. ASTIDEL ARCTH – used to present hierarchical
relationships of major events and sub – details.
3. Valuing What will you do to stay healthy and safe at home? Derived from KRA 2 Diversity
of Learners & Assessment and
Reporting of Objective 4.
It reflects all the
learners’ current
emotions, feelings and
opinions that responds to
their socioeconomic and
religious backgrounds as
an individual and as a
part of the society.
IV. Assessment Read the short story Derived from KRA 2 Diversity
“Why I Can’t I Go to of Learners & Assessment and
Reporting of Objective 6 and 7.
School?”. List down the
Evidences that
important elements of the
highlights providing
story using the following
accurate and constructive
feedback to improve their
performance and a
timeliness feedback that
reflects on attached
rubrics in this part of the
I also carefully
considered the used
appropriate teaching ang
learning resources,
including the ICT, to
V. Assignment Read any story of your choice. Choose from the graphic address the learning
organizers that you have learned to organize ideas of the story goals.
you have learned.

Refer to the rubrics provided by.

Self – Assessment Form
Criteria Performance indicators
Excellent Very Satisfactory Average Does not
-5 Satisfactory -3 -2 Meet
-4 expectations
1. The graphic
organizer has an
appropriate title and
2. The spelling,
grammar, and
punctuation of the
text on the graphic
organizer is
3. The graphic
organizer presents
the information in a
manner that is
easy to follow.
4. The form in which
the graphic
organizer portrays
the information
is appropriate to the
relationships being
5. The graphic
organizer fulfills all
the requirements of
the assignment.
TOTAL ______/20
VI. Remarks
VII. Reflection
No. of learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
in the evaluation
No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional
additional activities for activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons work? ___Yes ___No
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson (If Yes) ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation
require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work well:
worked well? Why did these ___ Group collaboration ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
works? ___ Discussion ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Lecture Method
___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks
What difficulties did I encounter __ Bullying among pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
which my principal or __ Colorful IMs __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervisor can help me solve? __ Science Lab/Computer/ Internet lab __ Additional Clerical Works
__ Reading Readiness __ lacking interest of learners
What innovation or localized Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __ Localized Videos __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
which I wish to share with other __ Flashcards __ Pictures
Mastery Level

Prepared by:

Teacher 3

Checked and noted by:

Master Teacher

Verified by:

School Head

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