Electric Solenoid Gear Shifting System 1

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Electric Solenoid Gear Shifting System For Formula SAE® Vehicles

Article · August 2017

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3 authors:

Subramaniam Saravana Sankar Vishal Rajendra Kumar

King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt


Prasanth Santhakumar
Jayem automotive Pvt ltd


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Volume 2, Issue 8, August– 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 – 2165

Electric Solenoid Gear Shifting System

for Formula SAE® Vehicles
Vishal Rajendra Kumar¹, Subramaniam S S², Prasanth S³
¹ Student, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
²Student, Dept. of Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
³Student, Dept. of Automobile Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

Abstract—The racing line is the path that is followed by used for controlling the solenoid valves. The components of
the driver in order to minimize the race times. And to this system are bulky and heavy.
achieve the perfect racing line, the driver has to
concentrate on important factors like braking point, turn
in point and clipping point. The driver also has to III. PROBLEM STATEMENT
maintain the sufficient effort on the steering wheel to
overcome the cornering forces. Removing the hand from
the steering wheel to shift the gears using the mechanical Though the above-discussed system relieve the driver from
lever shifter in a racing situation is going to reduce the taking his/her hands off the steering wheel, it has the
amount of control the driver has on the race car. following drawbacks.

Keywords—Gear Shifter, Steering, Solenoid, Arduino, The system occupies a large amount of cabin space because of
Pneumatic, Solid State Relay, Paddle Shifter. its relatively huge components like the pressurized gas tank
which makes it difficult to service and maintain. Also, the
presence of a pressurized gas tank on the car poses a huge risk.
Any impact or damage to the pressurized tank can lead to
disaster. Further, the gas tank has to be pressurized
periodically and it only supports a fixed number of shifts for a
The FSAE car is powered by a single cylinder, four stroke given tank capacity. In the event of using a compressor, the
engine with a displacement of 510.4 cubic centimeters. The power requirement is also high. The shift delay in the system
transmission is a six-speed gear box. The previous version of is typically between 200 milliseconds – 250 milliseconds.
the FSAE car used mechanical lever mounted inside the
cockpit for shifting the gears. Reducing the shift delays and also reducing the overall weight
of the shifting system will significantly improve the
The driver had to take his hands off the steering wheel to shift performance of the vehicle.
the gears which reduced the performance of the driver as
stated earlier. Hence a steering mounted button shifter will
allow the driver to shift through the gears without taking his IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
hands off the steering wheel, thereby having the maximum
maneuverability of the car. The actuation of the gear lever can
be achieved through different systems. A. Electric Solenoid Gear Shifters

II. PNEUMATIC GEAR SHIFTING The Electric Solenoid Gear Shifter consists of electric
SYSTEM solenoids for actuation of the gear lever which is controlled by
a microcontroller. The solenoids are controlled by push
Electro-Pneumatic shifter is one system which utilizes buttons mounted on the steering wheel.
electrically operated solenoid valves connected to a pneumatic
actuator. The pneumatic actuator is connected to the gear lever This system occupies very less rear cabin space. The use of
which provides the force for gear shifting. This force is this system has a comparatively low-risk factor. The shift
delay is reduced by 90 percent.
provided by a pressurized gas tank or an onboard compressor.
Physical buttons are installed on the steering wheel which is

IJISRT17AG137 www.ijisrt.com 343

Volume 2, Issue 8, August– 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 – 2165


Two push buttons are mounted on the steering wheel. The

buttons are ergonomically positioned according to the driver’s
comfort. One button is used for up shifting while the other is
used for downshifting. There are two electric solenoids which
are connected to the input gear level of the gearbox in the rear
engine cabin. The trigger signal from the push buttons is fed
into a microprocessor which then energizes the corresponding
solenoid through Solid State Relays. The functioning of the
system can be understood from Fig. 1. The Steering mounted
setup aids the shifting of the gear without the driver taking his
hands off the steering wheel.

Fig. 2: CAD Model.


A. Electric Linear Solenoids

The linear electric solenoid is the major component of gear

shifting mechanism and it connects directly to the input lever
of the transmission gear box and functions to replace the force
generated by the human arm. The force required for upshift
and downshift were found using a spring balance when the
engine was running at idle RPM (1900). The force required for
a lever length of 65mm is shown in Table I and Table II.

From To Force
(Gear Number) (Gear Number) (Kgf)
N 1 10
1 2 15
2 3 10
3 4 11
4 5 10
5 6 11

Table 1: Force Required for Pushift

Fig.1: Functioning of the System. From To Force

(Gear Number) (Gear Number) (Kgf)
6 5 11
The two electric solenoids are connected to the input gear
lever of the gearbox as shown in Fig. 2. When the 5 4 11
microcontroller sends a signal to the Solid State Relay, it 4 3 10
activates the corresponding solenoid and pushes the gear lever
3 2 11
and shifting takes place. Similarly, when the driver wants to
downshift the down-shift button is pressed. The 2 1 15
microprocessor then activates the other solenoid which pulls 1 N 11
the gear lever.
Table2: Force Required for Downshift

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Volume 2, Issue 8, August– 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 – 2165

The maximum force required for shifting is found. The D. Push Button Switches
selected solenoid provides a maximum force of 166.6 N. The
solenoid works at 12V. Each solenoid weighs 1.12 Kg. The Momentary SPST (Single Pole Single Throw) Normally Open
solenoid was wired as per the troubleshooting guide [1]. switches are used for triggering the gear shift. Two of these
switches are mounted on the steering wheel. Trigger signal has
to be generated only when the driver presses the switches,
B. Solid State Relays hence momentary normally open switches are used.

A solid-state relay (SSR) is an electronic switching device that

switches on or off when a small external voltage is applied VII. ELECTRONIC UNIT
across its control terminals. This external voltage is supplied
by the microprocessor.
A. Circuit Diagram
An ideal gear shifter will have zero or very negligible shift
delay. SSRs switch faster than electromechanical relays. The The connections are given as per Fig. 4. The load terminal of
switching time of a typical optically coupled SSR of the order solid state relay controls the flow of current through Solenoid.
of milliseconds which make it an ideal choice. The SSR The opt coupler of the SSR provides isolation between the
(Fig. 3.), that is used can switch current loads of up to 40A triggering circuit and high power circuit.
with a 3-32V DC [2] input and a zero cross trigger control
method. Each one of these relays is equipped with four screw B Algorithm
terminals (for use with ring or fork connectors) and a plastic
cover that slides over the top of the relay to protect the
The configuration of the gearbox is 1 - N - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. The
algorithm prevents accidental shifts when the both the buttons
are pressed. When the upshift button is pressed, the current
gear value is incremented. The value is processed by the
microprocessor and the corresponding solenoid is activated.

Fig. 3: Solid State Relay

C. Microcontroller
Fig. 4: Circuit Diagram
ArduinoMega2560 was the chosen microcontroller board
which is based on the Atmega2560. It was decided to build A rotary potentiometer is attached to the pivot point of the
RPM meter and gear shift indicator along with the shifting input gear shift lever and it sends the signal to the
system. ArduinoMega2560’s [3] increased number of microprocessor. This is used for indicating the current gear.
analog/digital input and output pins made it the most suitable. Hence the electronic gear shifter acts as a closed loop system.
Required libraries were downloaded from online The potentiometer measures angular displacement of the
repositories [4]. The gear shift indicator and the RPM meter shifter and will compensate the error by actuating the
are mounted on the dash board. solenoids.

IJISRT17AG137 www.ijisrt.com 345

Volume 2, Issue 8, August– 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 – 2165

The sketch for the ArduinoMega2560 also includes the code

for the RPM meter and the gear shift indicator. The values are
displayed on a 16 X 2 LCD Display which is mounted on the


The two solenoids are mounted onto the bracket through

fasteners. The bracket is installed in the rear engine cabin near
the input gear lever of the transmission gearbox. They are
parallel at a distance of 140mm. Cotter pins are used at the
ends of solenoid’s plungers for easy dismantling as seen in the
Fig. 5. and Fig. 6.
The steering wheel was cut from an aluminum sheet of
Fig. 7: Steering Wheel with Push Buttons
thickness 5 mm. Slots are cut where the two buttons are
pressfitted into the aluminum frames as shown in the Fig. 7.
The buttons are positioned ergonomically for easy access.

The electric gear shifting mechanism using solenoids proved

to be successful. With the use of the system, the driver can
shift the gears without taking his hands off the steering wheel.
The shift delay is 15 milliseconds. The weight of the entire
system is under 4kg. The system can be easily dismantled for
service and maintenance as it has few parts.


We thank the members of Pegasus Racing, the Formula

Student team of PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore for
their valuable contribution in making this project a success.

Fig.5: Plunger Rods Attached to Input Gear Lever of Gearbox REFERENCES

(Front View).
[1]. Woodward Industrial Controls Engineering Services,
Solenoid Troubleshooting Guide, Mar. 2010.
[2]. Jameco Electronics, DC Solid State Relay K series,
172591 Datasheet,
[3]. Atmel, “8-bit Atmel Microcontroller with 16/32/64KB In-
System Programmable Flash”, Atmel ATmega640/V-
1280/V-1281/V-2560/V-2561/V Datasheet, Feb. 2014.
[4]. Arduino Playground (2005) Arduino.
are .

Fig. 6: Plunger Rods Attached to Input Gear Lever of Gearbox

(Side View).

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