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Semi-Detailed lesson plan in English ( Language )

Grade VI

I. Objectives

At the end of an interactive discussion, 85% of the pupils are expected to:
A. Identify the singular and plural form of nouns;
B. Value the importance of knowing how to form the plural of nouns; and
C. Write the plural forms of nouns.

II. Subject matter

Topic: Forming the plural of nouns

Reference: Google, Language for you and me
Materials: Visual aid, Printed pictures and Cartolina
Values: Develop a genuine love for using proper form of nouns.

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Class agreement
1. Sit properly
2. Listen and participate for the discussion
3. Raise your right hand if you want to ask questions and clarification

B. Review

We had already finished discussing about nouns. Let us have a recall of

what are nouns?
Some nouns are concrete nouns. What are concrete nouns?

There are also nouns known as abstract nouns. What are abstract nouns?

C. Motivation

The teacher will hold up a plate of cookies.

What is on this plate?
Teacher will hold up one cookie and ask
What is this?

D. Development of the lesson

 Presentation

The teacher will show examples

 Discussion

Most nouns form their plural by adding –s or –es.

Other nouns form their plural irregularly.
Here are the rules in forming the plural of nouns:

1. Most nouns form their plural by adding –s.

Ex. Teacher-teachers

2. For nouns that ends in s, ss, sh and x simpy add –es.

Ex. Glass- glasses

3. For nouns that end in y precede by a consonant, change y to I

and add –es.
Ex. Candy-candies

4. For nouns that ends in y preceded by a vowel, simply add –s.

Ex. Monkey-monkeys

5. For some nouns ending in o add only –s.

Ex. Bamboo-bamboos

6. For nouns ending in f or fe, change f or fe to ve and add –es.

Ex. Shelf-shelves

7. There are also a few nouns that have the same form.
Ex. Sheep-sheep

8. Some foreign nouns form their plural as in the original language.

Ex. Bacterium- bacteria

 Valuing

Why we should know how to form the plural of nouns?

 Generalization

For most nouns we only add what letter to form their plural?
How about the nouns that end in y preceded by a vowel?
For nouns ending in o?
How about for nouns ending in f or fe?

 Application

Divide the class into 4 groups. Arrange the scrambled words of

noun and give their plural form. When each group is done leaders
should explain why did they come up with the answers. Each group
will write answers at the paper. The teacher will provide.

Group 1: SLAGS = GLASS

Group 2: YALD = LADY
Group 3: SHID = DISH
Group 4: FEAL = LEAF
 Evaluation

Direction: Give the plural forms of these nouns. Box the correct

1. Country ( countries countryies )

2. Watch ( watchies watches)
3. Poem ( poems poemys )
4. Orange ( oranges orangeis )
5. Roof ( roofies roofs )
6. Radio ( radios radioes )
7. Life ( lives lifes )
8. Leaf ( leafs leaves )

 Assignment

Direction: Copy these sentences in your notebook then encircle the

correct form of a noun.

1. A ( mothers , mother ) knows what’s best for her children

2. I collect old ( penny , pennies ) as a hobby.
3. I am afraid of ( ox , oxen )
4. ( monkeys , monkies ) act like human being.
5. The Philippines known for it’s beautiful ( beach , beaches )
6. I have to solve ( crossword , crosswords ) puzzles.
7. ( headlines , headline ) made me want to read the whole news.
8. Filipinos are multicultural thus, we have different ( beliefs ,
believes )
9. There are ( drugstore , drugstores ) which stay open for 24
10. I’d like you to stop leaving your ( socks , sockses ) on the floor.

Prepared by: JIMBETH O. MANTES

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