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I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. Define nouns;
b. Give the correct plural form of a singular noun;
c. Form the plural form of nouns in different ways; and
d. Use plural forms of nouns in sentences correctly.

II. Subject Matter: Forming the Plural of Nouns

A. Topic: Forming the Plural of Nouns
B. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide Grade Six (ENGG-Ia-2.3.1)
Learners’ Material pp. 46-47
C. Materials: Mystery Box, list of nouns, Heart Strips, pictures
D. Values Focus: Politeness, tactfulness, and openness to criticism

III. Learning Strategies:

A. Introduction
1. Drill/Review
Using your Mystery Box, pick a representative from the class to
introduce herself/himself.
Ask: What do you call to those words that name a person, a place,
or a thing? (A noun is a word that names a person, a place, or a
Say: In introducing ourselves, we should tell our name first. Then
the place we live and our favorites. Also, it is important that we
show politeness and observe tactfulness when communicating to

2. Motivation
Show with the students a picture of an object in singular and plural
form. What are these?

B. Interaction
1. Presenting the Lesson
Present a list of nouns showing the different ways of forming the
plural form of nouns.

2. Discussion
Discuss with the students the rules in forming the plural form of

3. Performing the Activities

Divide the class into 11 groups. Give the instruction in doing the
activity. Let them do the activity given in three minutes.

Activity- Group 1
Direction: Give at least five examples of nouns that form their
plural by adding –s. (flower – flowers)

Activity- Group 2
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that ends in s, ss, ch,
and x that form their plural by adding –es. (gas – gases),
(grass – grasses), (church – churches), (box – boxes)

Activity- Group 3
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that end in y preceded
by a consonant, that form their plural by changing y to i and add –
es. (sky – skies)
Activity- Group 4
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that end in y preceded
by a vowel, that form their plural by simply adding –s. (joy – joys)

Activity- Group 5
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that end in o, that
form their plural by adding –s. (cameo – cameos)

Activity- Group 6
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that end in o, that
form their plural by adding –es. (hero – heroes)

Activity- Group 7
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns ending in f or fe, that
form their plural by changing f or fe to v and add –es.
(shelf – shelves), (wife – wives)

Activity- Group 8
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns ending in f or fe, that
form their plural by simply adding –s. (belief - beliefs),
(safe – safes)

Activity- Group 9
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that form their plural
irregularly. (ox - oxen), (man – men)

Activity- Group 10
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that have the same
form for singular and plural. (deer - deer)

Activity- Group 11
Direction: Give at least 5 examples of nouns that form their plural
as in the original language. (analysis - analyses)

4. Processing the Activities

Let the representative of each group report their work. Do you
think each group is correct? Why?

5. Reinforcing the Concept

Let students work on the same group.
Direction: Write three (3) sentences using the nouns they have in
the activity.
C. Integration
1. Summarizing the lesson/Generalization
What part of speech that names a person, a place, or a thing? (noun)
What form of nouns that tell of one person, place, or thing?(singular noun)
What form of nouns that tell of more than one person, place or thing?
(plural nouns)
What are the rules in forming the plural of nouns? (Most nouns form their
plural forms by adding –s or –es. Other nouns form their plural
irregularly and there are some nouns that have the same form for the
singular and plural.

2. Applying to New and Other Situations

Direction: Look at the pictures. Write a sentence about the picture using the
correct form of nouns.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Give the plural form of these nouns
1. leaf 6. fungus
2. witch 7. goose
3. echo 8. dish
4. fairy 9. sheep
5. mouse 10. cup

B. Direction: Rewrite the following sentences by using the plural form of the
underlined nouns. In some sentences, changes need to be made on the verb.

1. The girl writes a poem.

2. I like apple.
3. He borrowed a book from the library.
4. A student learns many things every day.
5. I like my toy.

V. Home Activity/Assignment

Direction: Paste three (3) different pictures in a short coupon bond. Name the objects in
the pictures. Encircle the plural nouns.

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