Utilization of Electrical Energy: CHAPTER 6: Demand Side Management L-6-2

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CHAPTER 6: Demand Side Management

How a question is normally asked?

The power rating(kW) will be given. You will asked to raise the pf from pf1 to pf2
i.e. cos Φ1 and cosΦ2 will be known. And you will be asked to find the rating of
the capacitor used.
Calculate Qc = P(tanΦ1-tanΦ2)
And, Qc = wCV2
Frequency and voltage will be known calculate C.
Note: Phasor diagram must be drawn.
For Three Phase Load


Cd Cd 3-ph,

Cs Cs

Total VAR produced by Y-connected capacitor bank = = 3*2πf*Cs*V2 = 6 πf*Cs*V2

V = Per phase voltage
= 6 πf*Cs*(VL/ 2= 2πfCsVL2

For delta connected capacitor bank, Total VAR = = 3*2πf*Cd*V2 = 6 πf*Cd*V2
V= Vph = VL
PF Correction

• Overly excited synchronous motor running at no load is synchronous condenser

& it behaves like a capacitor, thus aiding in pf correction.
• Fine control can be achieved
• Becomes cost effective only above 5000 kVAR or more i.e. when large quantity
of corrective VAR is required.
Economics of Power Factor Correction
Consider a consumer taking a load of P kW at a pf of cosφ1 & charged at Rs x per kVA of maximum demand per annum. Let the
expenditure per kVAR per annum of the pf correction equipment be Rs y.
For P kW at pf of cosφ1
Maximum Demand is kVA = = Psecφ1
Reactive Power, kVAR1 = Ptanφ1
Let by installing the power factor correction equipment, power factor becomes cosφ2
New maximum demand in kVA = = Psecφ2
New Reactive Power, kVAR2 = Ptanφ2
Reduction in maximum demand = Psecφ1 - Psecφ2
Annual savings in maximum demand charges = Rs x(Psecφ1 - Psecφ2)

Leading kVAR supplied by the pf correction euipment = Ptanφ1 - Ptanφ2

Annual cost of pf correction equipment = Rs y(Ptanφ1 - Ptanφ2 )
Net Annual Savings = x(Psecφ1 - Psecφ2) - y(Ptanφ1 - Ptanφ2 ) = Px(secφ1 - secφ2) - Py(tanφ1 - tanφ2 )
Economics of Power Factor Correction
Net Annual Savings = Px(secφ1 - secφ2) - Py(tanφ1 - tanφ2 )
This savings will be maximum if =0
Or, -Pxsecφ2.tanφ2 + Pysec2φ2 = 0
Or, Pysec2φ2 = Pxsecφ2.tanφ2
Or, = sinφ2

Cosφ2 = 1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜑2 = 1 − 2

From the above expression, value of most economical pf cosφ2 can be determined which is independent of original pf cosφ1 & is
governed by relative costs of supply & pf correction equipments.
Tariff System of NEA in Nepal
• The Tariff Fixation Commission Nepal is the body responsible for setting tariff
based on their minute studies.
• As per Electricity Act 2049(1992), GoN shall constitute a Tariff Fixation
Commission for the purpose of fixing electricity tariff & other charges.
• The commission constituted shall consist of at least five persons from among the
representative of GoN, economists & those involved in generation, transmission &
• As per NEA’s annual report 2019/20, different tariff structures are provided for
different types of consumers.
• For Domestic Consumers, the charge consists of service & energy charge. The
energy charge is of increasing block rate to promote conservation.
• In the same way the tariff is designed for 3-phase LV (230/400) & MV(33/11 kV).


• For other consumers mainly industrial, commercial & non-commercial

consumer, the tariff consists of demand charge Rs/kVA & energy charge
• ToD metering involves dividing time into tariff slots with higher rates at peak
load periods & low tariff at off peak periods.

1. A factory works for 16 hours a day for 300 days in a year. The following two
systems of tariff are available:
I. HV supply at Re 1 per unit plus Rs 50 per month per kVA of maximum
II. LV supply at Rs 60 per month per kVA of maximum demand plus Rs 1.10 per
The factory has an average load of 250 kW at 0.8 pf and a maximum demand of
300 kW at the same power factor.
The HV equipment cost Rs 500 per kVA & losses can be taken as 5%. Interest &
depreciation charges are 12%. Calculate the difference in the annual cost between
two systems.
1. A factory works for 16 hours a day for 300 days in a year. The following two systems of tariff are available:
I. HV supply at Re 1 per unit plus Rs 50 per month per kVA of maximum demand.
II. LV supply at Rs 60 per month per kVA of maximum demand plus Rs 1.10 per unit.
The factory has an average load of 250 kW at 0.8 pf and a maximum demand of 300 kW at the same power factor.
The HV equipment cost Rs 500 per kVA & losses can be taken as 5%. Interest & depreciation charges are 12%. Calculate the difference in the
annual cost between two systems.
Solution: Average Load = 250 kW
Working hours per annum = 16*300 = 4800
Number of units consumed in LV supply = 250*4800 = 12,00,000
Maximum Demand in kVA for LV Supply = 300/0.8 = 375 kVA (S = P/cosφ)
Annual Cost under LV supply tariff = 12*60*375 + 12,00,000*1.1 = Rs 1590000
1. A factory works for 16 hours a day for 300 days in a year. The following two systems of tariff are available:
I. HV supply at Re 1 per unit plus Rs 50 per month per kVA of maximum demand.
II. LV supply at Rs 60 per month per kVA of maximum demand plus Rs 1.10 per unit.
The factory has an average load of 250 kW at 0.8 pf and a maximum demand of 300 kW at the same power factor.
The HV equipment cost Rs 500 per kVA & losses can be taken as 5%. Interest & depreciation charges are 12%. Calculate the difference in the annual cost
between two systems.
Solution: Again,
HV equipment losses = 5%
Hence, active power P actually billed = 𝟎.𝟗𝟓 = 263.158 kW
No of units consumed in HV Supply = 263.158 * 4800 = 1263158
Maximum Demand in kW = 300 kW
Maximum Demand in kVA = = 395 kVA
Annual Cost of HV Equipment = 395*500 = Rs 197500
Annual interest & depreciation cost = 197500*0.12 = Rs 23700
Total Costs = 23700 + 50*12*395 + 1*1263158 = Rs 1523858
After initial installment, HV supply will be cheaper & savings per annum =1590000-1523858
= Rs 66142

A 400 V, 50 Hz 3-ph line delivers 200 kW at 0.8 pf lagging. It is desired to raise

the line power factor for unity by installing shunt capacitor. Calculate the
capacitance of each unit if they are connected in
i. Star
ii. Delta
A 400 V, 50 Hz 3-ph line delivers 200 kW at 0.8 pf lagging. It is desired to raise the line power factor for unity by installing shunt capacitor.
Calculate the capacitance of each unit if they are connected in
i. Star
ii. Delta

Solution: KVAR1 = 150 kVAR ; Get S first (P/cosφ) & Q = S*sinφ ; kVAR2 = 0 (pf2 = 1)
For Star,
Qc = 6 πf*Cs*V2 = 2πfCsVL2
Or, 150*103 = 2πfCsVL2
Or, Cs = 2984 µF
For Delta,
Qc = 6 πf*Cd*V2
Or, 150*103 = 6 πf*Cd*V2
Or, Cd = 994.71 µF
End of L-6-2

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