Safety Alert Finger Pinch
Safety Alert Finger Pinch
Safety Alert Finger Pinch
: OG-HSE/SA/03-2021
Pinching of Hand Fingers
Pinch point incidents are common in operating facilities especially rig operations. Pinch points can
cause laceration and amputation. Pinch points are commonly found at machine’s point of operation,
or where the work is performed, and near gears, rollers, weights, drill collars, hinges, hand tools,
and lifting equipment. Hand hazards can cause bruising, cuts, sprains, fractures, breaks, punctures,
lacerations, crushing and even amputation. On May 17, 2021 a similar event was reported on Rig
N1 where a worker had suffered an injury on middle finger of his left hand when he had put his
hand inadvertently between two Drill Collars’ stands on the Mast. First aid was timely administered.
Probable causes:
Pinching fingers and hands between rolling or moving pipe.
Hands caught between static and mobile equipment or between two rotary parts.
Repair, cleaning or working around rotating equipment.
Using wrong hand tool for the job.
Not supporting or removing stored energy on hydraulic/pneumatic equipment.
Struck by counterweight or body of a moving forklift.
Hand can be trapped under load.
Area and field management to strictly ensure that no jobs be carried out even without analyzing hazards
and communicating pertinent risks to the Job Performers.
Workforce members to remain vigilant of pinching potential around the worksite particularly during drilling
Rolling hazards to be always kept in mind when handling drums, rings, pipes and other metal objects.
Materials to be secured so that it cannot fall or roll; and the stacked materials should be strapped, racked
or interlocked.
Good housekeeping be practiced by keeping workplace clean, orderly with adequate lighting level.
Never tamper with machine guards as they protect workers against the pinch points.
Gloves are the most common type of PPE to be used to protect from hand and pinch point injuries.
Proper hand and pinch point safety trainings be provided to all workforce members.
Disclaimer: A Safety Alert provides advisory information and is issued after occurrence of an incident or when there is a current or emerging HSE
issue that needs immediate corrective & preventive action. HSE Department notifies all workforce members and concerned stakeholders regarding
the description of associated dangers so that lessons be timely shared. It is encouraged that the Recipients of Safety Alert to share it further within
their coworkers. Responsibility Toward Safety: It is categorically stated that the Prime Responsibility remains with Location InCharges to ensure
that the existing and potential hazards & risks of the facility/ site/ location are identified and documented; whereas the concerned Sectional InCharges
and Supervisors are responsible to ensure proper communication of the same to their respective teams prior to start of each process, operation or