2.1 Revision Guide Periodicity Aqa
2.1 Revision Guide Periodicity Aqa
2.1 Revision Guide Periodicity Aqa
1 Periodicity
Periodicity is the repeating pattern of physical or
chemical properties going across the periods
increasing number of protons as the electrons are being 1400
added to the same shell. 1200
There is a small drop between Mg + Al. Mg has its outer 800
electrons in the 3s sub shell, whereas Al is starting to fill the
3p subshell. Al’s electron is slightly easier to remove
because the 3p electrons are higher in energy. 0
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
There is a small drop between phosphorous and sulfur.
Sulfur’s outer electron is being paired up with an another Exactly the same trend in period 2 with
electron in the same 3p orbital. drops between Be & B and N to O for
When the second electron is added to an orbital there is a same reasons- make sure change 3s
slight repulsion between the two negatively charged and 3p to 2s and 2p in explanation!
electrons which makes the second electron easier to remove.
are released to the sea of electrons. A smaller sized ion with 2000
points (K)