Assessment: Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

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The document outlines the assessment requirements for an operational planning and resource coordination course including the competency standards and assessment tasks.

To receive a statement of attainment, the candidate must provide evidence of coordinating business resources and implementing operational plans through completing assessment tasks.

The assessment tasks include an on-course assessment questionnaire, tasks related to coordinating business resources and implementing operational plans, and a third party report.

Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

Operational planning and resource

BSBADM409 – Coordinate business resources

BSBMGT402 – Implement operational plan

Version 1.0, May 2019

Assignment introduction and instructions Page 1

Operational planning and resource coordination

This document outlines the assessment requirements for Training Services Australia’s Operational
planning and resource coordination course. The assessment addresses the following competency
standards from the BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management:
 BSBADM409 – Coordinate business resources
 BSBMGT402 – Implement operational plan
You can download these competency standards from the Training Services Australia website (refer to
page 3 for download instructions) or from

Assessment overview
To receive a statement of attainment for the units listed above you must meet the evidence
requirements for each unit. This includes evidence that you:
 Coordinate business resources by:
 Determining resource requirements
 Acquiring and allocating resources
 Monitoring and reporting on resource usage
 Implement operational plan by:
 Identifying resource requirements and key performance indicators
 Acquiring resources required to implement the operational plan
 Monitoring operational performance
The assessment tasks in this document have been designed to help you provide sufficient evidence to
demonstrate competence in the above units. To complete the tasks, you will need to be working in
an organisation where you have responsibility for coordinating business resource and implementing
operational plans.

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Assessment timeframe
It is important that you undertake your assessment as soon as possible after the completion of the
course. As a general rule, the longer you leave your assessment, the less you will recollect of the
knowledge and experience you gained on the course, and consequently the harder it will become to

You are required to present your evidence for assessment within 3 months of attending the course.
If, for any reason, you are unable to complete the assessment within this timeframe, please contact
Training Services Australia to request an extension before the time limit expires.
Phone: (08) 9422 6444 Email: [email protected]
When requesting extension you must:
 Clearly explain why the extension is required
 Propose a date by which you will be able to submit your assessment
A Training Services Australia consultant will advise you whether your request has been approved and
note the revised due date for submission of your evidence on your student record.

If you do not submit your assessment within the specified timeframe, you may be required to:
 resit the course at your own expense; or
 provide additional evidence to demonstrate that you have retained the knowledge covered on
the course and pay an hourly rate to have your evidence assessed

Assessment tasks
The assessment is divided into the six assessment tasks listed below.
In most cases, completion of all assessment tasks, in accordance with the instructions provided,
should be sufficient for you to gain a statement of attainment for the units on which this course is
based. Your assessor will advise you, after reviewing your evidence, if there are any additional
requirements that need to be met.
 Assessment Task 1 – On-course assessment questionnaire
 Assessment Task 2 – Coordinate business resources
 Assessment Task 3 – Implement operational plan
 Assessment Task 4 – Third party report
Detailed instructions for completing each assessment task begin on page 13.

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Negotiating assessment
Where possible, the assessment tasks in this document have been designed to provide you with
flexibility and choice in how you go about your assessment. However, Training Services Australia
recognises that the assessment tasks described herein are not the only way of demonstrating
competence. Should you wish to provide alternative evidence to demonstrate your competence,
please discuss this with your TSA assessor.
To ensure no misunderstandings occur, if you have negotiated any adjustments to the assessment
requirements with your assessor, these must be documented and agreed to in writing by your
assessor before you proceed. A copy of this documentation must be included with your assessment

Electronic copy of assessment document

You will need to download an electronic copy of this document from the TSA website.  Instructions
for accessing the website are provided below.
 Go to the TSA website (
 Select “Downloads” from the menu bar at the top of the screen
 Select “BSB42015 Course Downloads”
 Select “Operational planning and resource coordination”
 Select “Operational planning and resource coordination, Version 1.0”
The password is ‘c4LM15’
If you are having trouble accessing the site, please contact TSA administration for assistance.

Support / assistance
Should you require any support / assistance when undertaking your assessment, you are invited to
contact your facilitator or another Training Services Australia staff member. We will do our best to
provide you with the guidance you need. Our contact details include:
Telephone number: (08) 9422 6444
Email address: [email protected]
You are also encouraged to refer to your Learner’s Guide and to speak with peers who have
experience in the area of management and supervision.

Face-to-face coaching by a Training Services Australia consultant is available if required.

Information regarding the current hourly rate payable for this service can be obtained from TSA
administration on the above telephone number or email address.

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Presentation of evidence for assessment

All assessment tasks should be completed submitted to Training Services Australia in the form of a
written portfolio. It is important that you:
 Carefully review the requirements for each task
 Provide all of the requested information / evidence for each task
 Compile your evidence for each task in sequential order
 Clearly label each task
 Ensure your portfolio is neatly presented

Submitting your assignment

You must submit a hard (paper) copy of your assessment evidence.

All completed assignment documentation should be submitted to:

Training Services Australia
3/799 Beaufort Street

Please retain a copy of your completed assignment and all associated materials for your own
records. Training Services Australia accepts no responsibility for materials which are lost or
damaged. Having a copy of your assignment on hand is also important in case you receive a call from
your assessor wanting to discuss / review certain aspects of your assignment with you.
Please note that Training Services Australia does not retain or return assignments following
assessment and the recording of results on our database.

For administrative purposes, it is requested that after placing the pages of your assignment in order,
you secure them with a bulldog clip and / or use some elastic bands to hold the assignment together.
Please do not:
 bind your assignment
 place each sheet in a separate plastic sleeve
 place your assignment in a file
 
 staple all of the pages together

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Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions
and representing them as your own.
Plagiarism includes activities such as:
 Handing in evidence copied from another student
 Presenting the work of another individual or group as your own work
 Submitting evidence without adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including assessments
taken totally or in part from the internet
Plagiarism is a serious act. Participants found to have plagiarised any part of their evidence will be
assessed as ‘not yet competent’ and all course fees will be forfeited.
Should you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessments, please
consult with your facilitator.

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Assessment of your evidence

After your evidence has been received by Training Services Australia, we will pass it to a qualified
assessor (normally your course facilitator) who will assess it against the requirements of the relevant
competency standards.
The assessor will contact you (probably by telephone or email) if he / she requires you to clarify any
of your evidence or provide additional evidence. In some cases, the assessor may also contact your
supervisor or your organisation’s training co-ordinator to obtain additional information, clarification
or verification.
Candidates who have been assessed as competent are normally provided with feedback via
telephone or email. Should you wish to obtain additional feedback, please contact your TSA

Re-assessment and appeals

Candidates whose first submission does not demonstrate competency are provided with at least one
opportunity to adjust and re-submit their evidence.
If your assessor deems your evidence to be unsatisfactory on your first attempt, they will advise you
of the additional evidence they need you to provide, as well as the timeframe for gathering the
additional evidence and how they wish you to present it. In some cases the assessor may
recommend additional training prior to re-assessment.
If you do not resubmit your evidence within the requested timeframe, or your resubmission does not
meet the requirements for competency, your assessor may deem you not yet competent. You will
be advised of this decision in writing.
Should you be dissatisfied with the assessment decision, you should initially take this up with your
TSA assessor. If you remain dissatisfied, you are invited to discuss the matter with TSA’s Principal.
Should you remain dissatisfied and wish to pursue the matter further, you may lodge a formal
appeal. The assessment appeal form can be downloaded from the TSA website or you can request
TSA administration to provide you with a copy. Appeals must be lodged within one-month of
receiving your assessment decision.

Candidates are entitled to receive a statement of attainment for the units in which they have been
deemed competent. Training Services Australia generally issues a statement of attainment (or, if
appropriate, a qualification) to people when they have completed all assessments for all of the
courses in which they are enrolled.
If you are enrolled on other courses with TSA, but would like a separate statement of attainment for
the units which make up this course, please request TSA administration to provide you with one.

Training Services Australia welcomes your feedback on this assessment. Some options for providing
feedback include:
 Sending an email to your facilitator or to [email protected]
 Telephoning your facilitator or a TSA consultant on 08 9422 6444
 Attaching a note to your assignment at the time of submission

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Assessment Cover Sheet Page 7

Operational planning and resource coordination

Assessment Cover Sheet
BSBADM409 – Coordinate business resources
Competency standards:
BSBMGT402 – Implement operational plan

Training dates: Assessment due date:

Name of TSA facilitator:

Your name:

Date of birth:

Your address:

Phone: (work) (home)

Phone (mobile):

Email address:

Company / organisation

Declaration and confidentiality agreement

By signing below, I declare that:
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been made aware of my rights and responsibilities as
an assessment candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time
 This assessment is my own and contains no material written by another person except where due reference is
made. I am aware that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of a qualification or statement of
 I agree to allow Training Services Australia to discuss the progress / results of my assessment with a
representative from my organisation should this be required.
 I give permission for Training Services Australia to use my assessment for moderation / validation purposes.
 I have kept a copy of all completed assessment activities for my own records and in case the evidence I have
provided to Training Services Australia gets lost or damaged.

Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________

If you have any queries regarding the completion of this assignment, please contact Training Services
Phone: (08) 9422 6444 Fax: (08) 9473 1922 Email: [email protected]

Please ensure that you keep a copy of your assignment for your own records.

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Assessment Checklist Page 9

Operational planning and resource coordination

Assessment Checklist

Candidate name:

Please use this checklist to ensure all parts of your assignment are complete and submit a copy with your assignment.
The checklist will assist your assessor to determine whether you have provided all of the required evidence and to indicate
whether the evidence you have provided is satisfactory.

Evidence summary
TSA assessor use
Candidate use
Provided Description satisfactory
() ()

Assessment Task 1 – On-course assessment questions

All questions and activities completed satisfactorily
Course participation sign-off form to confirm satisfactory demonstration of oral
communication and interpersonal skills during the course.
Assessment Task 2 – Coordinate business resources
2.1 Identify resource requirements for the team
 Resource requirements table completed in full
 Supervisor sign-off
2.2 Provide opportunities for others to contribute to identification of resource
 2 examples of how you have consulted with others to determine resource
2.3 Ensure resource expenditure is realistic
 Description of strategies and specific example
 Supporting evidence
2.4 Prepare a resource proposal
 Copy of resource proposal, using appropriate organisational format, style
and structure
2.5 Purchasing policy, procedure and records
 Requested information about purchasing (Parts A – D)
 Copy of purchasing policy / procedures with relevant information
 Copy of purchasing record(s)
2.6 Acquire and allocate resources
 Information about checking processes and resource allocation
 Example of resource allocation
2.7 Monitor resource use
 Information about 2 resources used by the team
 Documentary evidence of how use of these resources has been monitored
over a period of time (e.g., monitoring spreadsheet)
 Comments on comparison between actual and planned use
2.8 Review of equipment use and maintenance
 Information about an item of plant / equipment that requires regular

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Evidence summary
TSA assessor use
Candidate use
Provided Description satisfactory
() ()

2.9 Improve resource planning

 Information about how resource planning could be improved within the
team or organisation
Assessment Task 3 – Implement operational plan
3.1 Overview of team’s operations and KPIs
 Team overview template completed in full
 Copy of / excerpt from strategic / business plan
 Supervisor sign-off
3.2 Plan / planning tool
 Information about a plan / planning tool used to support the operation of y
our team
 Copy of the plan / planning tool
3.3 Employee recruitment
 Flow chart showing responsibility and timeframes for each step in the
recruitment process in your organisation
 Copy of job description for a position in your team
 Answers to recruitment questions
3.4 Employee induction
 Copy of completed workplace induction
 Recommendations on improving organisation’s induction process
3.5 Performance monitoring
 Information on methods and data used to monitor team’s performance
 Supporting evidence showing how team’s performance has been monitored
3.6 Analysis of financial information
 Example showing how financial performance has been monitored by
comparing actual financial information with budget
 Comments about the analysis findings
3.7 Identifying and rectifying unsatisfactory performance
 2 examples of how unsatisfactory operational performance or resource
wastage has been identified and managed.
3.8 Supervision, coaching and mentoring
 2 examples of supervision, coaching or mentoring to help team members
use resources effectively, economically and safely.
3.9 Managing contingencies
 2 examples of issues / problems that could arise which could threaten the
effective and efficient operations of your team.
3.10 Recommending variations to operations
 Information about recommendation made to vary an aspect of the team’s
 Copy of written recommendation.
3.11 Reporting on operational performance
 Report to management on operational performance of team (e.g., memo,
email, PowerPoint presentation, meeting minutes, etc)
Assessment Task 4 – Third party report
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Evidence summary
TSA assessor use
Candidate use
Provided Description satisfactory
() ()

Third party report has been completed in full and comments have been provided


Assessment Cover Sheet is completed in full (including signature).

All assessment tasks are compiled in sequential order. Supporting evidence is clearly labelled and
included with the relevant assessment task.

I have kept a copy of this assessment for my own records and in case the submitted copy goes missing.

Comments / additional evidence requirements

Sections below this line are for completion by a TSA assessor

TSA assessor’s comments / notes

Assessor’s signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 1 – On-course assessment questions Page 13


Assessment Task 1 – On-course Assessment Questions

For this Assessment Task you are required to complete and submit the ‘On-course Assessment
These are generally printed on yellow paper and are located at the end of your Learner’s Guide.
You will be given time to complete most of the questions and activities during the course. If there is
sufficient time, your facilitator may mark some or all of the questions and activities during the
Note: Even if your questions have been marked during the course, you must still submit them with
the rest of your assessment documentation.

Please ensure all questions are completed in full and that your writing is legible. If your assessor is
unable to read your writing, you will be asked to resubmit your answers as a typed document.

You must also submit the ‘Course participation sign-off’ form located at the start of the on-course
assessment activities. This must be signed by your facilitator to confirm that you have demonstrated
the necessary oral communication and interpersonal skills while attending the course.
If your facilitator has not confirmed that you demonstrated these skills to a satisfactory standard
during the course, you will be required to provide additional evidence. Please contact TSA to discuss
what additional evidence requirements will apply.

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Assessment Task 2 – Coordinate business resources Page 15

Assessment Task 2 – Coordinate business resources

This Assessment Task is designed to address the unit BSBADM409 Coordinate business resources
and part of the unit BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan. Part A of your Learner’s Guide
contains information which will assist you to complete this Task.
There are 9 parts to this task, as described below. Please follow the instructions provided and
complete all parts in full to ensure that all assessment requirements are addressed.

2.1 Identify resource requirements for team

Briefly describe what your team does and then use the following table to describe the resources
needed by your team to meet its operational requirements. Arrange for your supervisor to sign the
table to confirm that the resources you have identified address organisational requirements.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Team Briefly describe what your team does.

Describe the types of staff that are needed to meet operational requirements, the
number of each type of staff, etc

Describe the facilities that are needed to meet the operational requirements for
your team.

Describe the different types of equipment that are needed to meet the operational
requirements for your team and the quantity of each.

List the key supplies (at least 5) that your team needs to meet its operational
requirements and the amount typically used.

Supervisor sign-off

I confirm that the resources described in this table are an accurate reflection of the resource
requirements of the candidate’s work team.

Supervisor name: Date:

Supervisor signature:

Email address:

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2.2 Provide opportunities for others to contribute to identification of resource requirements

Provide two examples of different individuals / groups you have consulted with to determine
resource requirements. For each example, provide the information requested below.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Example 1

Who did you consult with?

When did you consult with


What did you consult with

them about?

Why did you consult with

them? (i.e., what were the

What method did you use to

consult them?

Example 2

Who did you consult with?

When did you consult with


What did you consult with

them about?

Why did you consult with

them? (i.e., what were the

What method did you use to

consult them?

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2.3 Ensure resource expenditure is realistic and efficient

Provide the information requested below to demonstrate how you ensure that resource expenditure
is realistic and makes efficient use of available budget resources.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Describe the strategies you use to

ensure that resource expenditure is
realistic and makes efficient use of
available budget resources.

Provide a specific example of where

you have applied one or more of
these strategies.

☐ Provide documentary evidence to support your example. Please label this Task 2.3.

2.4 Prepare a resource proposal

Provide an example of a written resource proposal you have prepared seeking approval for some
resources needed by your team. Your proposal must:
 Include information justifying what resources are needed
 Meet organisational requirements for format, style and structure
If your organisation does not have a set structure for resource proposals, you may wish to base your
proposal on the example shown in Section 2 of your manual, or download the Resource Proposal
Template from the TSA website.

☐ Attach a copy of the resource proposal. Please label this Task 2.4.

2.5 Purchasing policy, procedure and records

Provide the following information in relation to your organisation’s purchasing policy, procedure and
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

A. Describe the authorisation limits

(dollar value) your organisation
has in place for resource

B. Briefly outline, in your own

words the process that you must
follow to acquire (purchase) a
physical resource or service.

C. What are your organisation’s

requirements for record keeping
in relation to resource

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☐ Attach a copy of your organisation’s purchasing policy / procedures, highlighting where Items A
– C are addressed. If your organisation’s policy / procedures are long, just attach the parts
which address Items A – C.
Please label this Task 2.5.

D. Describe an example of a What was purchased, when was it purchased and why was it needed?
physical resource or service that
you have acquired in accordance
with your organisation’s formal

☐ Attach a copy of the purchasing records associated with the purchase described in D. Please
label these Task 2.5D.

2.6 Acquire and allocate resources

Provide the following information in relation to resource acquisition and allocation.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Describe the checking processes you

use when receiving resources to
ensure that they meet quantity and
quality requirements.

What processes do you use to

ensure that when resources are
received, they are allocated
promptly to those who need them?

Provide an example of when you consulted with someone about the allocation of resources. If
possible, describe a situation where there was contention over the resource allocation.

What was the resource involved?

Who did you consult with and why?

Describe how you managed the

consultation in a professional
manner to minimise the potential
for conflict.

What was the outcome of the


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2.7 Monitor resource use

Select at least 2 different types of resources used by your team and provide the following

Information required Example 1 Example 2

What is the resource?

Who is the supplier?

What is the frequency of


What is the typical volume


How do you monitor the quantity

of the resource in stock?

What is the estimated cost of the

resource per annum?

Describe the method(s) you use to monitor and track the use of these resources.

☐ Attach a copy of evidence which shows how you have monitored the use of these resources over
a period of time (e.g., a spreadsheet which you have used to monitor resource use).
Please label this Task 2.7.

For the resources you have monitored, describe how their actual use compared with what was
planned. Explain the reasons for any discrepancies between what was planned and what was used.

2.8 Review of equipment use and maintenance

Identify an item of plant / equipment used by your team that requires regular maintenance and
provide the following information.
If you cannot identify an example relevant to your team, you may research an example from
elsewhere in your organisation, or from another organisation.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Item of plant / equipment:

Function of plant /
i.e., Description of what it is used for

Common faults with this

plant / equipment:

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What is the maintenance

schedule and how is it

Annual operating costs:

Annual maintenance costs:

How did you determine the

operating and maintenance

2.9 Improve resource planning

Identify a weakness in resource planning within your team or organisation and provide the following
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Describe the weakness in resource

planning that you have identified

How did you identify the weakness?

What improvements can be (or have

been) made to overcome the

Who did you consult with to identify

the weakness and / or the
improvement opportunity?

Why did you consult this person /


What is required to implement the


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Assessment Task 3 – Implement operational plan Page 21

Assessment Task 3 – Implement operational plan

This Assessment Task is designed to address parts of the unit BSBMGT402 Implement operational
plan. Part A of your Learner’s Guide contains information which will assist you to complete this
There are 11 parts to this task, as described below. Please follow the instructions provided and
complete all parts in full to ensure that all assessment requirements are addressed.

3.1 Overview of the team’s operations and KPIs

Using the table below, provide an overview of the operations of your team and how they support
your organisation’s performance / business plan. Obtain confirmation from your supervisor that the
information you have provided is appropriate for your team.


Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

What is the name of your

company and which
department is your team a
part of?

Briefly describe the role of

your team

Describe your team’s outputs

(this may be the things you
produce and / or the services
you provide)

Who are your team’s


How do your team’s

operations support the
achievement of the
organisation’s higher level
plans (e.g., business plan /
strategic plan)?

☐ Source a copy of a higher level plan for your organisation (e.g., business plan or strategic plan)
and attach a copy of the part of this plan which is relevant to your team.
Please label this Task 3.1.

Identify 3 organisational policies / procedures that are essential to the performance of your team
and explain how they are relevant to your team’s operations.



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List the key performance indicators (KPIs) used to monitor the performance of your team and the
target levels and timeframes for each of these indicators.
If your team does not have key performance indicators, provide suggestions of two or three KPIs
that you could use. Refer to Section 1 of your Learner’s Guide for suggestions.

Please type your KPIs into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Supervisor sign-off

I confirm that the information provided in this table (including the KPIs) is appropriate for the
candidate’s work team.

Supervisor name: Date:

Supervisor signature:

Email address:

3.2 Plans / planning tools

Provide an example of a plan you have prepared and used recently (e.g., within the past 12 months)
to support your team in meeting its operational requirements.
Examples of the type of plan you could provide include:

 Staff roster  Training plan

 Production plan  Gantt chart
 Service plan  Network diagram / flow chart
 Action plans  Resource load chart

For the plan you have supplied, please provide the information requested below.

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Information required Example 1

What is the plan you have


How is this plan used to

help your team meet its

Who did you consult with

when developing this plan
and why?

☐ Copy of Example plan attached (please label Task 3.2)

3.3 Employee recruitment

Provide the following information in relation to your organisation’s recruitment processes.

☐ Attach a flow chart showing the process you would need to follow if you had to recruit a new
member for your team. Indicate who is responsible for each step of the process.
Please label this Task 3.3A.

☐ On the flow chart you have developed, indicate an estimated timeframe for each step of the
recruitment process and for the overall recruitment process

☐ Attach a copy of a position description for a position in your team.

Please label this Task 3.3B.

Provide the following information in relation to the position description you have attached.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Identify the five qualities, skills or

attributes that you feel are most
important for the job role.

Develop a list of at least three

questions that you would use if
interviewing a person for the

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3.4 Employee induction

Provide the following information in relation to your organisation’s induction processes.

☐ Attach an example of a completed workplace induction you have recently conducted with a
team member (preferably within the last 12 months). Ensure the paperwork shows the areas
addressed during the induction and is completed as per organisation standards.
Please label this Task 3.4.
If you are unable to provide evidence of a real induction that you have performed, conduct a
simulated induction with a member of your work team and submit a copy of the signed
paperwork showing the areas addressed. You should conduct this exercise as a way of
reviewing and improving the induction process for your team.

Based on your own observations and feedback from the person you inducted what
recommendations would you make for improving your organisation’s induction process?
Please type your response into the box below. The box will expand to fit your answer.

3.5 Performance monitoring

Provide the following information in relation to monitoring your team’s performance.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answer.

Explain the method(s) you use to monitor your team’s performance. To assist in answering this, you
may wish to refer to the examples provided in Section 5 of your manual.

What data do you use to monitor your team’s performance and how do you access and analyse this

☐ Attach evidence demonstrating how you have monitored your team’s performance. Please
label this Task 3.5.

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3.6 Analysis of financial information

Provide the following information to show how you have monitored a budget relevant to your team /
work activities.

Note: Any financial information you supply as part of your evidence for this assessment task will be
treated with the strictest confidence by your TSA assessor.

☐ Attach an example showing how you have monitored the financial performance for your team,
or a work project, by reviewing actual financial information and comparing it with the budget.
It is recommended that you do this by providing a copy of the budget, then comparing actual
amounts against the budgeted amounts to determine variances.
Please label this Task 3.6.
If you do not normally have access to a budget / financial information, speak with your
supervisor about accessing a budget and some actual financial information which you can
analyse and comment on.
Alternatively, you may develop a budget for some aspect of your team’s work activities for a
period of at least two weeks and then monitor actual expenditure against your budget. You
may need to make some assumptions about the cost of equipment and personnel.

What did your analysis indicate about how you were performing against the budget and what
action(s) (if any) did you take as a result?
Please type your response into the box below. The box will expand to fit your answer.

3.7 Identifying and rectifying unsatisfactory performance

Provide two recent examples (e.g., within the past 12 months) of situations where you have
identified and addressed unsatisfactory operational performance or resource wastage in your team.
For each example, provide the information requested below.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Example 1

What was the unsatisfactory


Why the performance was

unsatisfactory / how did it
impact on your operational

How did you identify the

unsatisfactory performance?

What action(s) did you take

to rectify the situation?

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What was the outcome of

your action(s)?

Example 2

What was the unsatisfactory


Why the performance was

unsatisfactory / how did it
impact on your operational

How did you identify the

unsatisfactory performance?

What action(s) did you take

to rectify the situation?

What was the outcome of

your action(s)?

3.8 Supervision, coaching and mentoring

Provide two examples of supervision, coaching or mentoring you have recently provided to team
members, or groups of staff, to help them use resources effectively, economically and safely. If
appropriate, you may base your examples on the situations described in Task 3.7.
For each example, provide the information requested below.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Example 1

Who did you provide support


What was the issue that

needed to be addressed?

How did you identify the

need to provide support?

What support did you

provide and how did you
provide it?

Over what period of time

was the support provided?

What was the outcome?

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Example 2

Who did you provide support


What was the issue that

needed to be addressed?

How did you identify the

need to provide support?

What support did you

provide and how did you
provide it?

Over what period of time

was the support provided?

What was the outcome?

3.9 Managing contingencies

Provide two examples of issues / problems that could arise which could threaten the effective and
efficient operations of your team. For each example, provide the information requested below.
Please type your responses into the boxes below. The boxes will expand to fit your answers.

Example 1

Description of issue /

Potential impact of issue /

problem on team’s

Measures in place for

preventing the issue /
problem from occurring

Actions you would take to

minimise the consequences
of the issue / problem if it
did arise

Example 2

Description of issue /

Potential impact of issue /

problem on team’s

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Measures in place for

preventing the issue /
problem from occurring

Actions you would take to

minimise the consequences
of the issue / problem if it
did arise

3.10 Recommending variations to operations

Provide an example of a recommendation / recommendations you have made to management to
vary an aspect of your team’s operations. If you do not have access to a real example, you may
create a fictional example for the purpose of this assessment task.
Your recommendation must be documented in an appropriate format (e.g., letter, memo, email, and
meeting notes, or using your organisation’s standard forms).
Provide the information requested below.

What was the variation

you were seeking and

How did you / would you

gain approval for your

☐ Attach a copy of your documented recommendation. Label this Task 3.10.

3.11 Reporting on operational performance

Provide evidence of how you have reported to management on the operational performance of your
team or area of operations that you are responsible for. If your organisation has a standard format
for reporting on operational performance, please use this. Otherwise, you could submit a memo,
email, PowerPoint presentation or meeting minutes.

☐ Attach a copy of your evidence. Label this Task 3.11.

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Assessment Task 4 – Third party report Page 29

Assessment Task 4 – Third party report

For this assessment task you are required to obtain a third party report from your supervisor /
The purpose of this report is to help confirm that you understand and apply the competencies
covered by this course in your workplace.
The suggested approach for completing this task is to:
1. Provide your third party with a copy of the attached instructions (page 31) and the third party
report documentation (starting on page 33).
2. Arrange a time to meet with them to discuss the third party report. We estimate that the
meeting would typically take between ten and thirty minutes, depending on how familiar the
third party is with your work. We recommend that you bring a copy of your assessment work to
the meeting in case the third party would like to see some examples of the evidence you have
3. Ask the third party to fill out the report (including signature and date at the bottom of the
second page) and get them to return it to you for inclusion in your assignment.

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Instructions for Third Party Evidence Report

(To be completed by the candidate’s supervisor)
In order to make a judgement about the candidate’s ability to ‘Implement operational plan’,
‘Coordinate business resources’ and ‘Implement customer service standards’ we are required to
collect evidence from a range of contexts and over a period of time.
Some of the main sources of evidence that we use are samples of the candidate’s work products, and
the candidate’s responses to questions about how they undertake certain tasks and activities in the
workplace. While this generally gives us a good indication of the candidate’s overall knowledge and
ability, it is sometimes difficult to judge how well the candidate understands and follows the
organisation’s specific requirements.
Consequently, we request that you assist us in making this judgement by completing this third party
evidence report. We value your contribution and ask that you answer the questions honestly.
We recommend that you have a short discussion with the candidate about each of the points in the
attached checklist as a way of satisfying yourself that the candidate meets the organisation’s
requirements. You may also wish to take a look at some of the evidence the candidate has prepared
for their assignment as a way of double checking that the candidate has the required knowledge and
If you consider that the candidate’s knowledge, understanding and performance is inadequate in
some of the areas covered in this report, we request that you work with the candidate to help
improve their performance in these areas to a satisfactory level. Alternatively, you may wish to
speak with a consultant at Training Services Australia about additional training you believe would be
required to help the candidate reach the required standard of performance.
Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to completing this third party report, or
would like to discuss any aspects of the candidate’s performance in relation to this unit, please
contact Training Services Australia on (08) 9422 6444.
We would appreciate if you could please give the completed report to the candidate to submit with
their assignment.
Please note that a Training Services Australia assessor may contact you should we require additional
information to assist in making our assessment decision.

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Assessment Task 4 – Third party report Page 33

Third Party Report for Operational planning and resource coordination

Name of candidate:


Your name:

Your position:

Your email
Your phone no:

Work relationship to the


Approximate length of time you have worked with

the candidate:

Yes / No /
Are you satisfied with the candidate’s ability to:

Coordinate business resources by:

 Determining resource requirements for their team and providing team members with
opportunities to contribute to this process
 Ensuring resource expenditure is realistic and makes efficient use of budget resources
 Presenting recommendations to management on resource requirements
 Acquiring, checking and allocating resources to enable achievement of team objectives
using a consultative approach and demonstrating appropriate interpersonal skills
 Monitoring and reporting on resource usage
 Identifying and implementing improvements in resource planning

Your comments on the candidate’s ability to coordinate business resources.

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Yes / No /
Are you satisfied with the candidate’s ability to:

Yes / No /
Are you satisfied with the candidate’s ability to:

Implement operational plans in the workplace by:

 Identifying and acquiring the resources the team needs to perform effectively
 Ensuring that operational performance aligns with the organisation’s business plan
 Identifying and using key performance indicators to monitor operational performance
 Producing plans to support achievement of day-to-day operations
 Managing contingencies in consultation with others
 Monitoring operational performance
 Identifying and taking action to address unsatisfactory performance
 Supporting team members to use resources effectively, economically and safely
 Seeking approval to vary operational plans where necessary

Your comments on the candidate’s ability to implement operational plans.

Please comment on whether you believe the training undertaken by the candidate as part of this course
has been beneficial.

Yes / No /
Can you verify that:

(a) The evidence submitted by the candidate as part of their assessment for this course is
the candidate’s own work?

(b) The examples provided by the candidate as part of their assessment for this course
are based on their own performance in the workplace?

Third party signature: Date:

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Assessment Task 4 – Third party report Page 35

Please give the completed third party report to the candidate to submit with their assignment.

Training Services Australia Operational planning and resource coordination

Version 1.0, May 2019

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