MBA Second Semester / First Year Second Sessional Examination 2020-21 Quantitative Techniques For Managers (Kmbn-206) Time: 1:30 Hrs Marks: 50
MBA Second Semester / First Year Second Sessional Examination 2020-21 Quantitative Techniques For Managers (Kmbn-206) Time: 1:30 Hrs Marks: 50
MBA Second Semester / First Year Second Sessional Examination 2020-21 Quantitative Techniques For Managers (Kmbn-206) Time: 1:30 Hrs Marks: 50
(a) corner points of feasible region (b) corner points of the solution region
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) Finite (d) infinite
15. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table, then the solution
is ___________.
(a) Lower right corner of the table (b) Upper right corner of the table
(c) Highest costly cell of the table (d) Upper left-hand corner of the
19. _________ or __________ are used to “balance” an assignment or transportation problem.
(a) adding each entry in a column from the (b) Subtracting each entry in a column from
maximum value in that column the maximum value in that column
(c) Subtracting each entry in a table from (d) Adding each entry in a table from the
the maximum value in that table maximum value in that table
22. An assignment problem is considered as a particular case of a transportation problem because
(a) Minimize total project duration (b) minimize total project cost