SCIE1120 Chemistry Term Paper Marking Scheme

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Marking Scheme for SCIE 1120 Chemistry term paper

Content and Scientific Accuracy (20%)

Insight and Depth (20%)
Originality and Creativity (20%)
Organization and Style (20%)
Mechanics and Grammar (20%)

Content and Scientific Accuracy

Content refers to a good description and analysis of the topic. Scientific Accuracy refers to the
proper description, implementation, and elaboration of scientific concepts as appropriate for
the topic.

10 Outstanding
Content well developed, relevant, and thoroughly supported. Includes thorough analysis. No
inaccuracies. Perceptive insights, content interesting.

9 Very good
Very good topic coverage, including analysis. No or very minor scientific inaccuracies.
Interesting discussion. Some insights.

8 Good
Topic coverage mainly complete. Most elements completed well. No or very minor scientific

7 Fair
Topic coverage mostly complete with minor omissions only. Very minor or minor scientific
inaccuracies. Analysis fair.

6 Satisfactory
Topic coverage mostly basic to fair. Minor scientific inaccuracies. Evidence of some analysis.

5 Sufficient
Topic coverage, adequate, minor scientific inaccuracies, elements presented at a basic level,
minor omissions.

4 to 0 Insufficient
Topic coverage inadequate. Fundamental scientific inaccuracies. Analysis lacking. Omissions
in several elements. Off-topic. Text unfocussed and confusing.
Insight and Depth
Development of concepts. Evidence of background reading and research. Presentation of
different theories and viewpoints as appropriate for the topic. Use of appropriate references
where relevant.

10 Outstanding
Concepts produced very well. Nuanced discussion and reflection. Presentation of the topic
from different angles. Theses supported by authoritative references.

9 Very good
Concepts produced well. In-depth discussion and reflection. Different angles are presented.
Theses supported by references.

8 Good
Concepts produced mostly well. Some deeper discussion and reflection. Different angles are
presented. Most theses are supported by references.

7 Fair
Some concepts are produced. Discussion in moderate depth. Different angles are presented.
Most theses are supported by references.

6 Satisfactory
Some depth missing in concepts and discussion in moderate depth. Chances to present
different viewpoints are missed. Most theses are supported by references, although some
references do slightly miss the point of the argument.

5 Sufficient
Concepts are mostly plain and simple. Discussion is basic. Minor logical flaws. Chances to
present different viewpoints are missed. Some theses are supported by references.

4 to 0 Insufficient
Concepts are only partially or not developed. Discussion is basic. Several minor or major
logical flaws. Chances to present different viewpoints are missed. Key references are missing.
Originality and Creativity
Evidence of creativity and ideas. Original solutions to present the topic. Choice of creative or
unique elements to present content and ideas.

10 Outstanding
Unique elements and well-fitted to the flow of arguments leading to insights not easily
reproducible by standard method. No flaws or inaccuracies.

9 Very good
Multiple creative elements in the essay, no flaws, or inaccuracies.

8 Good
Multiple creative elements in the essay, only minor flaws, or inaccuracies.

7 Fair
Creative elements visible in the essay but play a minor role. Only minor flaws, or inaccuracies.

6 Satisfactory
Creative elements used, but only to a minor extent, or some elements used but not fitting very
well to the flow of arguments or with some inaccuracies.

5 Sufficient
Some evidence of creativity used, but only to a very minor extent. Mostly plain discussion of
topic. Or creative elements well visible but with major flaws.

4 to 0 Insufficient
Creative elements poorly or not incorporated. Several minor or major flaws. Creative elements
stolen from other source and not referenced.
Organization and Style
Appropriate and logical structure both within the term paper as a whole and within subsections
and paragraphs. Effective transitions. An introduction, main part and conclusion with
subsections and paragraphs for clear divisions as appropriate for the chosen topic. Evidence
of stylistic control, writing appropriate to content, subject and purpose.

10 Outstanding
Arguments thoroughly and logically developed. Strong links between sentences and
paragraphs. Completely appropriate subsections. Mastery of stylistic elements. Style
perceptive and consistent.

9 Very good
Structure logical and easily discernible. Good links between sections. Very good use of stylistic
elements. Synthesis logical and readily discernible.

8 Good
Structure apparent. Effective transitions. Most elements completed well. Minor omissions only.

7 Fair
Structure mainly discernible. Some minor omissions in several categories so that flow is not
well maintained.

6 Satisfactory
Structure and elements apparent but at a basic level. Omissions in some elements cause flow
problems. Inconsistent application of style.

5 Sufficient
Structure just adequate. Most elements present at a basic level. Problems with some elements
hinder flow. Some inconsistencies and omissions.

4 to 0 Insufficient
Structure inadequate. Lack of logical connection between parts of writing. Omissions in
several elements. Text unstructured and incoherent.
Grammar and Mechanics
Sentence formation, word order and form. Spelling, consistency, punctuation, and

10 Outstanding
Correction of text not required. Evidence of mastery of advanced and complex structures.

9 Very good
Text is almost perfect. All appropriate elements included at a high level of competence.

8 Good
Most elements completed well. Minor errors only, not affecting meaning.

7 Fair
Minor errors. Meaning and comprehension not affected by errors. A variety of structures is

6 Satisfactory
Minor errors in several types of structure. Errors distracting but no interference with

5 Sufficient
A small number of major errors apparent. Errors cause some problems with clarity or cause
minor confusion.

4 to 0 Insufficient
Major errors in more than one element. Inconsistency of usage. Errors cause some or serious
comprehension problems. Complete, or almost complete lack of elements.

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