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Format of PMO

Name of KVK: Hapur

S.No. Community Radio Stations (CRS) No of programmes Total broadcast Please specify details of the
in a month hrs in a month broadcasts in brief

A Agricultural Broadcasts
i) Talks/interviews/discussions with experts, PG students/
and farmers on Agricultural technologies
ii) Agroclimatic conditions, weather and marketing advisory

iii) Phone –in programme of interface with experts

iv) Phone in programme with interface of
progressive/innovative farmers
v) Success stories of progressive farmers
vi) Success stories in FLD/OFT/ Trainings /Extension activities

vii) Women in agriculture programme

viii) Discussions on current issues in agriculture and allied
ix) KVK happenings
x) Agricultural University professors.
xi) Any other(please specify)
B Community development broadcasts
i) Radio Talk
ii) Kisan Gosthies
iii) Other
S.No. Activity/ Action Plan No. of No. of Thematic Areas/ agri
Programmes Participants enterprises/ proven
technologies/ crops, animals

1 Interventions of KVKs having soil testing facility to

provide technological backstopping on soil health cards
to Agriculture Departments at district level.

a) Training to extension personnel

b) Advisories to farmers
c) Any other intervention
2 Training of Rural Youths/farmers in the areas of soil and
water management at KVKs/SAUs and also in collection of
soil samples and its analysis at each of the identified soil
testing centers/ KVKs.

Number of soil samples collected and analyzed by each of

the KVKs having soil and water labs
3 Number of Demonstrations conducted in farmers’ field
on profitability of proven technologies.
4 Animal Husbandry programmes technologies including
feeding and management of animals
i) Training programmes organized
ii) Demonstration conducted
iii) Demonstrations on water conservation practices
iv) Demonstrations on micro-irrigation
5 Training of farmers
Balanced use of fertilizers
Integrated nutrient management
Liquid fertilizers

Head, KVK

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