Extension and Training Agenda Bayombong Campus: College of Agriculture

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


College of Agriculture
Program Project Activities
Community Engagement via On farm demonstration and Establishment of learning sites
POT Introduction, Technology technology showcase for
Showcase and Promotion flagship commodity Establishment of Farmer Field
Schools for flagship commodity

Establishment of Farmer Business


Establishment of Science and

Technology-based Farms for
Flagship Commodities

Conduct of Field Days

Symposia/Techno forum/trade

Development of IEC materials of

developed products/technologies
in prints and other platforms
Technical Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and College-based technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services advisory/consultancy services on:
1. Crops
2. Livestock and Poultry
3. Soil and Water
4. Nutrient Management
5. Pest and Diseases
6. Biopesticides
7. Livelihood

One Agriculturist/faculty per

Community Extension
Training for adoption of College-based capability building
improved products and activities:
generated technologies 1. Crops
2. Livestock and Poultry
3. Soil and Water
4. Nutrient Management
5. Pest and Diseases
6. Biopesticides
7. Livelihood

Development of training modules

and materials
Product and Technology Intellectual property rights for Literacy training on technology
Commercialization NVSU products and generated commercialization and
technologies Intellectual Property Right

Pilot testing and scale-up Pilot testing and scale-up
production for mature products production for developed food
and technologies and non-food products of flagship

Pilot testing and scale-up

production of biopesticides and
growth stimulants for crops

Pilot testing for soil and water

management technologies
Livelihood and enterprise Crop and animal production and
development product development enterprises

College of Arts and Sciences

Program Project Activities
POT Introduction, Technology Technoforum and product Establishment of showcase room
Showcase, and Promotion exhibit for developed health, ICT, Higher
Education products

Launching of developed health,

ICT, and Higher education

Development of IEC materials of

developed products in prints and
other platforms
Technical Advisory and Community Experts’ Pool and College-based technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services advisory/consultancy services

Literacy Programs


One faculty per Community

Product and Technology Product development, software Pilot testing of information
Commercialization and systems applications, and technology software applications
pilot testing and management systems

Pilot testing of products

developed from health research

College of Business Education

Program Project Activities
Financial Literacy and Social Women Empowerment through Identify partner community
Entrepreneurship Enterprise Development Project through:

1. Needs assessment thru CSIS

Reduce Tarp waste Project project
2. Conduct of rapid rural
appraisal and focused
discussion with government
Project Eco-pot for Rural Urban
local leaders and other
Organic Gardening
institutions officials (DSWD,

LGUs, DOH, DepEd
Building Young Entrepreneurs Conduct capability building
Projects through business advisory and
The Young Savers project in training services (BASIC)
coordination with CBE-ESSC
Educating Micro Entrepreneurs Conduct mentoring through
Project incubation services (BASIC)
Product Development of
Selected Commodities Conduct product acceptability
and test marketing (BASIC)
Development of modules and Develop and write financial
training materials literacy and entrepreneurship

College of Engineering
Program Project Activities
Community engagement via On-farm demonstration and Demonstration of green energy
POT Introduction, Technology technology showcase for technologies (Bioenergy, Ramp
Showcase, and Promotions flagship commodities Pump, Solar energy, and Wind

Demonstration of Low-Cost
Artificial Groundwater Recharge
Structure in Rainfed Areas of
Nueva Vizcaya

Demonstration of Low-Cost
Wastewater Treatment System in
Rainfed Agricultural Areas of
Nueva Vizcaya

Demonstration of Low-Cost
Water harvesting Facility in
Rainfed Agricultural Areas of
Nueva Vizcaya

Symposia/Techno forum/trade

Development of IEC materials of

developed products/technologies
in prints and other platforms
Technical Assistance and Commodity Expert’s Pool for Technical Assistance on the
Advisory Services Consultancy Services Establishment of energy driven
water system

Installation and Monitoring of

AWS in the Province of Nueva
Vizcaya to provide weather data
to farmer and other clients

Technical assistance on farm

machineries and operations

One engineer/faculty per

community extension
Training for adoption of Capability building on:

improved products and 1. Basic Biogas Digester
generated technologies Fabrication, Operation and
2. Biogas Technology by-
product utilization;
3. Operation and Maintenance
of Biogas-Fed ICE as Prime
mover for Pumping Irrigation
4. Water management of High
Valued Crops (Mushroom,
vegetables etc.);
5. Water Management for High
Valued Crops;
6. Weather-based cropping
pattern for improved
7. Weather based energy
requirement of livestock and
poultry production in the
Province of Nueva Vizcaya;
8. Wastewater treatment and
Utilization for Agriculture and
Aquaculture production

College of Forestry
Program Project Activities
Community engagement via On-farm demonstration and Establishment of agroforestry
POT Introduction, Technology technology showcase for project
Showcase, and Promotions flagship commodities
Establishment of
Vermicomposting facilities

Establishment and maintenance

of forest nurseries and

Symposia/Techno forum/trade

Development of IEC materials of

developed products/technologies
in prints and other platforms
Technical Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and College-based technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services advisory/consultancy services

One Agriculturist/faculty per

Community Extension
Training for adoption of College-based capability building
improved products and activities
generated technologies
Development of training modules
and materials
Product and Technology Commodity-based livelihood Mushroom production and
Commercialization and enterprise development processing

Vermicomposting products

Charcoal brisquettes


Clonal propagation of high value

tree species

College of Human Ecology

Program Project Activities
POT Introduction, Technology Awareness campaign and Symposia, Technofora, and trade
Showcase, and Promotion information dissemination fairs

Extensive use of quad-media and

the organization of fora, fairs,
and exhibits
Technical Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and College-based technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services advisory/consultancy:
1. Food processing
2. Nutrient Analysis
3. Shelf life
4. Product packaging and
5. Nutrition and food quality
and safety
6. Food fortification/ Fortified
multi-nutrient growth mix
7. Body composition
assessment through weighing
Nutritional assessment and
8. nutrition intervention
9. food and non-food Livelihood
Training for adoption of College-based capability building
improved products and activities
generated technologies
Development of training modules
and materials
Product and Technology Livelihood enterprise Food and non-food livelihood
Commercialization development programs
Pilot testing and scale-up Community-based production
production for mature products
and technologies
support mechanisms to startups Establishment of new technology
and MSMEs business incubators
College of Teacher Education
Program Project Activities
Technical Advisory and Project HELP (Health Conduct needs assessment
Consultancy and Services Environmental Awareness and
Training Literacy Program) Forging of Memorandum of

Ensure inclusive and equitable
quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities
for all

Conduct tutorial classes

Seminar-workshop on climate
change/solid waste
management and gulayan sa

Take urgent action to combat

climate change and its impacts

Sustainable, inclusive economic

growth, full and productive
employment and decent work
for all
Project KKK Livelihood training for women,
Kitang Kita Kabuhayan out of school indigenous people

Skill enhancement and

capability building for other
school stakeholders

Training for DepEd teachers to

enhance their research

Seminar-workshop on trends
and innovations in teaching and
training on parenting for
mothers (married and single
Product and technology Curriculum Enhancement Orientation on various
Commercialization strategies in teaching using the
PWU model

College of Veterinary Medicine

Program Project Activities
POT Introduction, Technology Awareness campaign and Symposia, Technofora, and
Showcase, and Promotion information dissemination trade fairs

Extensive use of quad-media

and the organization of fora,
fairs, and exhibits

Anti-Rabies Awareness and

Responsible Pet Ownership
(RPO) Education Campaign
Technical Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and College-based technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services advisory/consultancy services:
1. Livestock
2. Poultry
3. Pets

One Veterinarian/faculty per
Community Extension
Training for adoption of College-based capability
improved products and building activities:
generated technologies 1. Animal improvement,
improved reproduction,
feeding and nutrition;
2. Animal handling; and
3. Responsible pet

Development of training
modules and materials

College of Arts and Sciences
Program Project Activities
Technical Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and Provision on technical advisory
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services and consultancy services on:
1. Techno-entrepreneurship
2. Health and Nutrition
3. Good Governance
4. Disaster Risk Reduction and
5. Environmental Protection
and Conservation
6. Literacy and Continuing
7. Information
Communication and
Capability building Livelihood Enterprise Conduct Skills and Livelihood
Development training on:
1. Salted Egg Making
2. Mushroom Production
3. Soap Making
4. Vermiculture
5. Tinapa Making
6. Bread and Pastry
7. Food Processing
Environment, Disaster Risk Conduct seminar-workshops on
Reduction, Climate Changes and Environmental Awareness,
Energy Disaster Risk Reduction and
Climate Changes
Product and Technology Curriculum enhancement and Integration of programs/project
Commercialization implementation in the academic program
offerings and research program
Institutional partnership for Link with LGU, NGO and private
product market and utilization sectors
Food production and security Product Production- Skills Food production based on the
Demonstration availability of raw materials
within the locality

Maximize opportunities that

expand access to existing and
new markets

Encourage entrepreneurship
especially in household
Health System Continuing Education Provide quality nutrition and
health care intervention at all
life stages

Improve health-seeking
behavior of the citizens,
especially the most vulnerable

Strengthen early childhood care

and development

Pursue full implementation of

the K-12 program

College of Engineering
Program Project Activities
POT Introduction, Technology Demonstration and technology Symposia/Techno forum/trade
Showcase, and Promotion showcase fairs

Development of IEC materials of

products/technologies in prints
and other platforms
Technical and Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and Training Program and Technical
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services Advisory Services:

Capability building  Operation of technologies

(solid waste management,
energy resources,
information and
communication technology
 Troubleshooting Domestic
 Troubleshooting Farm
 Pail Making
 Computer Competency
 Web Publishing
 Shielded Metal Arc Welding
 Drafting
 Auto-Electrical
 Troubleshooting Electrical
 Technical trainings to the
community and school
Product and Technology Intellectual property rights for IPR Registration and pilot testing
Commercialization NVSU products, technologies, for the
and services technology/product/service:
Pilot testing and scale-up Electrical; Mechanical
production for mature products Technology; and

and technologies Computer Technology

College of Industrial Technology

Program Project Activities
POT Introduction, Technology Demonstration and technology Symposia/Techno forum/trade
Showcase, and Promotion showcase fairs

Development of IEC materials of

products/technologies in prints
and other platforms
Technical and Advisory and Commodity Experts’ Pool and Livelihood Skills Training
Consultancy Services Consultancy Services Program and Technical Advisory
Capability building
 Auto-Electronic
 Engine Tune-up

 Household Electrical/
Preventive Maintenance
 Electronic Gadgets
Maintenance/ Repair

 Electrical Safety and
 Standard Electrical Works
and Outputs
 Troubleshooting
 Simple Electrical Lay-outing
and wiring
 Electrical Tools Repair and

Mechanical Technology
 Metal Crafting
-Trash Can
-Dusk Pan

Food Technology/Hotel and

Restaurant Management
 Veggie & Pasta Noodles
 Fish Processing
 Food Processing
 Bread and Pastry
 Fruits and Vegetable

Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Technology
 Service and Maintenance
 Domestic RAC
and repair

Welding and Fabrication

 Shielded Metal Arc Welding

 Charcoal Painting
 Silk screen painting

Computer Technology,
Computer Science, Information
 Basic-Advance Computer
Literacy (MSWord, MS
Excel, MS Powerpoint)
 Computer Troubleshooting
 Computer Maintenance
 Installation of Software
 Google Sketch Up and
 Web Publishing (Website

 Eco Bag Making
 Basic and Advance
 Tailoring

 Nail Care
 Hair Care and Make-up
 Hand Spa
 Foot Spa
 Facial Care
 Arts and Crafts

Civil Technology
 Basic Carpentry
 Plumbing
 Masonry

Arts and Crafts

 Candle Making
 Fashion Jewelries
 Flower Arrangement
 Soap Making
Product and Technology Intellectual property rights for IPR registration and pilot testing
Commercialization NVSU products, technologies, for the
and services technology/product/service:
Automotive; Electronics

Pilot testing and scale-up Electrical; Mechanical
production for mature products Technology; Food
and technologies Technology/Hotel and
Restaurant Management;
Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Technology;
Welding and Fabrication;
Drafting; Computer Technology,
Computer Science, Information
Technology; Garments;
Cosmetology; Civil Technology;
and Arts and Crafts

College of Teacher Education

Program Project Activities
Technical Advisory and Delivery of instructional intervention Implementation of remediation
Consultancy Services for across disciplines classes across disciplines on
Education for STEAM specified topic(s) based on
(TULONG, DUNONG administered diagnostic
PAARALAN) Implementation of mentoring
and coaching session with
adopted school on Campus
Enhancement of research action Conduct training-workshop on
skills of DepEd teachers and Senior Action Research for Senior High
High School students School students and DepEd
Development of entrepreneurial and Conduct capability building
livelihood skills of junior and senior activities based on training
high school students and parents needs assessment
Preservation of cultural identity of Conduct seminars regarding the
IPs preservation and awareness of
their rights as an indigenous


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