Am1100 Engineering Mechanics Tutorial 3: P Required To Cause The Cylinder To Slip
Am1100 Engineering Mechanics Tutorial 3: P Required To Cause The Cylinder To Slip
1. The circular cylinder weighs 50 lb and is held by a cord fixed to its periphery at B and to
the ground at A (See Fig. 1). If the coefficient of static friction is 0.60, calculate the force
P required to cause the cylinder to slip.
(Fig 1)
2. Determine the range of cylinder mass m for which the system is in equilibrium. The
coefficient of friction between the 50 kg block and the incline is 0.15 and that
betweenthe cord and cylindrical support is 0.25, as shown in Fig. 2.
(Fig 2)
3. The 100 kg load is elevated by the cable which slides over the fixed drum, as shown
inFig. 4, with a coefficient of friction of 0.5. The cable is secured to the slider A which is
pulled slowly along its smooth horizontal guide bar by the force P. Determine its
maximum value along with the corresponding angle θ.
(Fig 3)
4. Using principle of virtual work determine the force N exerted on the log by each jaw
of thefireplace tongs shown below.